selectField( 'revision', 'MAX(rev_id)', false, $fname ); $chunkSize = 1000; $flagStats = array(); $objectStats = array(); $knownFlags = array( 'external', 'gzip', 'object', 'utf-8' ); $dbStore = null; for ( $chunkStart = 1 ; $chunkStart < $maxRevId; $chunkStart += $chunkSize ) { $chunkEnd = $chunkStart + $chunkSize - 1; //print "$chunkStart to $chunkEnd of $maxRevId\n"; // Fetch revision rows $oldIdMap = array(); $res = $dbr->select( 'revision', array( 'rev_id', 'rev_text_id' ), array( "rev_id BETWEEN $chunkStart AND $chunkEnd" ), $fname ); while ( $row = $dbr->fetchObject( $res ) ) { $oldIdMap[$row->rev_id] = $row->rev_text_id; } $dbr->freeResult( $res ); // Fetch old_flags $missingTextRows = array_flip( $oldIdMap ); $externalRevs = array(); $objectRevs = array(); $flagsFields = array(); $res = $dbr->select( 'text', array( 'old_id', 'old_flags' ), 'old_id IN (' . implode( ',', $oldIdMap ) . ')', $fname ); while ( $row = $dbr->fetchObject( $res ) ) { $flags = $row->old_flags; $id = $row->old_id; // Create flagStats row if it doesn't exist $flagStats = $flagStats + array( $flags => 0 ); // Increment counter $flagStats[$flags]++; // Not missing unset( $missingTextRows[$row->old_id] ); // Check for external or object if ( $flags == '' ) { $flagArray = array(); } else { $flagArray = explode( ',', $flags ); } if ( in_array( 'external', $flagArray ) ) { $flagsFields[$id] = $flags; // is this needed? $externalRevs[] = $id; } elseif ( in_array( 'object', $flagArray ) ) { $flagsFields[$id] = $flags; // is this needed? $objectRevs[] = $id; } // Check for unrecognised flags if ( count( array_diff( $flagArray, $knownFlags ) ) ) { print_r( array_diff( $flagArray, $knownFlags ) ); checkError( "Warning: invalid flags field \"$flags\"", $id ); } } $dbr->freeResult( $res ); // Output errors for any missing text rows foreach ( $missingTextRows as $oldId => $revId ) { print "Error: missing text row $oldId for revision $revId\n"; } // Verify external revisions $externalConcatBlobs = array(); $externalNormalBlobs = array(); if ( count( $externalRevs ) ) { $res = $dbr->select( 'text', array( 'old_id', 'old_flags', 'old_text' ), array( 'old_id IN (' . implode( ',', $externalRevs ) . ')' ), $fname ); while ( $row = $dbr->fetchObject( $res ) ) { $urlParts = explode( '://', $row->old_text, 2 ); if ( count( $urlParts ) !== 2 || $urlParts[1] == '' ) { checkError( "Error: invalid URL \"{$row->old_text}\"", $row->old_id ); continue; } list( $proto, $path ) = $urlParts; if ( $proto != 'DB' ) { checkError( "Error: invalid external protocol \"$proto\"", $row->old_id ); continue; } $path = explode( '/', $row->old_text ); $cluster = $path[2]; $id = $path[3]; if ( isset( $path[4] ) ) { $externalConcatBlobs[$cluster][$id][] = $row->old_id; } else { $externalNormalBlobs[$cluster][$id][] = $row->old_id; } } $dbr->freeResult( $res ); } // Check external concat blobs for the right header checkExternalConcatBlobs( $externalConcatBlobs ); // Check external normal blobs for existence if ( count( $externalNormalBlobs ) ) { if ( is_null( $dbStore ) ) { $dbStore = new ExternalStoreDB; } foreach ( $externalConcatBlobs as $cluster => $xBlobIds ) { $blobIds = array_keys( $xBlobIds ); $extDb =& $dbStore->getSlave( $cluster ); $blobsTable = $dbStore->getTable( $extDb ); $res = $extDb->select( $blobsTable, array( 'blob_id' ), array( 'blob_id IN( ' . implode( ',', $blobIds ) . ')' ), $fname ); while ( $row = $extDb->fetchObject( $res ) ) { unset( $xBlobIds[$row->blob_id] ); } $extDb->freeResult( $res ); // Print errors for missing blobs rows foreach ( $xBlobIds as $blobId => $oldId ) { checkError( "Error: missing target $blobId for one-part ES URL", $oldId ); } } } // Check local objects $dbr->ping(); $concatBlobs = array(); $curIds = array(); if ( count( $objectRevs ) ) { $headerLength = 300; $res = $dbr->select( 'text', array( 'old_id', 'old_flags', "LEFT(old_text, $headerLength) AS header" ), array( 'old_id IN (' . implode( ',', $objectRevs ) . ')' ), $fname ); while ( $row = $dbr->fetchObject( $res ) ) { $oldId = $row->old_id; if ( !preg_match( '/^O:(\d+):"(\w+)"/', $row->header, $matches ) ) { checkError( "Error: invalid object header", $oldId ); continue; } $className = $matches[2]; if ( strlen( $className ) != $matches[1] ) { checkError( "Error: invalid object header, wrong class name length", $oldId ); continue; } $objectStats = $objectStats + array( $className => 0 ); $objectStats[$className]++; switch ( $className ) { case 'concatenatedgziphistoryblob': // Good break; case 'historyblobstub': case 'historyblobcurstub': if ( strlen( $row->header ) == $headerLength ) { checkError( "Error: overlong stub header", $oldId ); continue; } $stubObj = unserialize( $row->header ); if ( !is_object( $stubObj ) ) { checkError( "Error: unable to unserialize stub object", $oldId ); continue; } if ( $className == 'historyblobstub' ) { $concatBlobs[$stubObj->mOldId][] = $oldId; } else { $curIds[$stubObj->mCurId][] = $oldId; } break; default: checkError( "Error: unrecognised object class \"$className\"", $oldId ); } } $dbr->freeResult( $res ); } // Check local concat blob validity $externalConcatBlobs = array(); if ( count( $concatBlobs ) ) { $headerLength = 300; $res = $dbr->select( 'text', array( 'old_id', 'old_flags', "LEFT(old_text, $headerLength) AS header" ), array( 'old_id IN (' . implode( ',', array_keys( $concatBlobs ) ) . ')' ), $fname ); while ( $row = $dbr->fetchObject( $res ) ) { $flags = explode( ',', $row->old_flags ); if ( in_array( 'external', $flags ) ) { // Concat blob is in external storage? if ( in_array( 'object', $flags ) ) { $urlParts = explode( '/', $row->header ); if ( $urlParts[0] != 'DB:' ) { checkError( "Error: unrecognised external storage type \"{$urlParts[0]}", $row->old_id ); } else { $cluster = $urlParts[2]; $id = $urlParts[3]; if ( !isset( $externalConcatBlobs[$cluster][$id] ) ) { $externalConcatBlobs[$cluster][$id] = array(); } $externalConcatBlobs[$cluster][$id] = array_merge( $externalConcatBlobs[$cluster][$id], $concatBlobs[$row->old_id] ); } } else { checkError( "Error: invalid flags \"{$row->old_flags}\" on concat bulk row {$row->old_id}", $concatBlobs[$row->old_id] ); } } elseif ( substr( $row->header, 0, strlen( CONCAT_HEADER ) ) != CONCAT_HEADER ) { checkError( "Error: Incorrect object header for concat bulk row {$row->old_id}", $concatBlobs[$row->old_id] ); } # else good unset( $concatBlobs[$row->old_id] ); } $dbr->freeResult( $res ); } // Check targets of unresolved stubs checkExternalConcatBlobs( $externalConcatBlobs ); $dbr->ping(); // next chunk } print "\n\nFlag statistics:\n"; $total = array_sum( $flagStats ); foreach ( $flagStats as $flag => $count ) { printf( "%-30s %10d %5.2f%%\n", $flag, $count, $count / $total * 100 ); } print "\nObject statistics:\n"; $total = array_sum( $objectStats ); foreach ( $objectStats as $className => $count ) { printf( "%-30s %10d %5.2f%%\n", $className, $count, $count / $total * 100 ); } } function checkExternalConcatBlobs( $externalConcatBlobs ) { static $dbStore = null; $fname = 'checkExternalConcatBlobs'; if ( !count( $externalConcatBlobs ) ) { return; } if ( is_null( $dbStore ) ) { $dbStore = new ExternalStoreDB; } foreach ( $externalConcatBlobs as $cluster => $oldIds ) { $blobIds = array_keys( $oldIds ); $extDb =& $dbStore->getSlave( $cluster ); $blobsTable = $dbStore->getTable( $extDb ); $headerLength = strlen( CONCAT_HEADER ); $res = $extDb->select( $blobsTable, array( 'blob_id', "LEFT(blob_text, $headerLength) AS header" ), array( 'blob_id IN( ' . implode( ',', $blobIds ) . ')' ), $fname ); while ( $row = $extDb->fetchObject( $res ) ) { if ( $row->header != CONCAT_HEADER ) { checkError( "Error: invalid header on target of two-part ES URL", $oldIds[$row->blob_id] ); } unset( $oldIds[$row->blob_id] ); } $extDb->freeResult( $res ); // Print errors for missing blobs rows foreach ( $oldIds as $blobId => $oldIds ) { checkError( "Error: missing target $blobId for two-part ES URL", $oldIds ); } } } ?>