$msg ) { ++$total; if ( ! array_key_exists( $code, $$msgarray ) ) { if (!$arraynameprinted) { print("\nIn array '$msgarray':\n"); $arraynameprinted = 1; } print "{$code}\n"; ++$count; } } } if ( ! is_readable( "../LocalSettings.php" ) ) { print "A copy of your installation's LocalSettings.php\n" . "must exist in the source directory.\n"; exit(); } $DP = "../includes"; include_once( "../LocalSettings.php" ); if ( "en" == $wgLanguageCode ) { print "Current selected language is English. Cannot check translations.\n"; exit(); } $include = "Language" . ucfirst( $wgLanguageCode ) . ".php"; if ( ! is_readable( "{$IP}/{$include}" ) ) { print "Translation file \"{$include}\" not found in installation directory.\n" . "You must have the software installed to run this script.\n"; exit(); } umask( 000 ); set_time_limit( 0 ); include_once( "{$IP}/Setup.php" ); $wgTitle = Title::newFromText( "Translation checking script" ); $wgCommandLineMode = true; $count = $total = 0; check("wgLanguageNames"); check("wgNamespaceNames"); check("wgDefaultUserOptions"); check("wgQuickbarSettings"); check("wgSkinNames"); check("wgMathNames"); check("wgUserToggles"); check("wgWeekdayNames"); check("wgMonthNames"); check("wgMonthAbbreviations"); check("wgValidSpecialPages"); check("wgSysopSpecialPages"); check("wgDeveloperSpecialPages"); check("wgAllMessages"); print "{$count} messages of {$total} not translated.\n";