* http://www.mediawiki.org/ * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * * @file * @ingroup Dump Maintenance */ /** * @ingroup Dump Maintenance */ class DumpDBZip2Output extends DumpPipeOutput { function DumpDBZip2Output( $file ) { parent::DumpPipeOutput( "dbzip2", $file ); } } /** * @ingroup Dump Maintenance */ class BackupDumper { var $reportingInterval = 100; var $reporting = true; var $pageCount = 0; var $revCount = 0; var $server = null; // use default var $pages = null; // all pages var $skipHeader = false; // don't output and var $skipFooter = false; // don't output var $startId = 0; var $endId = 0; var $sink = null; // Output filters var $stubText = false; // include rev_text_id instead of text; for 2-pass dump var $dumpUploads = false; function BackupDumper( $args ) { $this->stderr = fopen( "php://stderr", "wt" ); // Built-in output and filter plugins $this->registerOutput( 'file', 'DumpFileOutput' ); $this->registerOutput( 'gzip', 'DumpGZipOutput' ); $this->registerOutput( 'bzip2', 'DumpBZip2Output' ); $this->registerOutput( 'dbzip2', 'DumpDBZip2Output' ); $this->registerOutput( '7zip', 'Dump7ZipOutput' ); $this->registerFilter( 'latest', 'DumpLatestFilter' ); $this->registerFilter( 'notalk', 'DumpNotalkFilter' ); $this->registerFilter( 'namespace', 'DumpNamespaceFilter' ); $this->sink = $this->processArgs( $args ); } /** * @param $name String * @param $class String: name of output filter plugin class */ function registerOutput( $name, $class ) { $this->outputTypes[$name] = $class; } /** * @param $name String * @param $class String: name of filter plugin class */ function registerFilter( $name, $class ) { $this->filterTypes[$name] = $class; } /** * Load a plugin and register it * * @param $class String: name of plugin class; must have a static 'register' * method that takes a BackupDumper as a parameter. * @param $file String: full or relative path to the PHP file to load, or empty */ function loadPlugin( $class, $file ) { if ( $file != '' ) { require_once( $file ); } $register = array( $class, 'register' ); call_user_func_array( $register, array( &$this ) ); } /** * @param $args Array * @return Array */ function processArgs( $args ) { $sink = null; $sinks = array(); foreach ( $args as $arg ) { $matches = array(); if ( preg_match( '/^--(.+?)(?:=(.+?)(?::(.+?))?)?$/', $arg, $matches ) ) { @list( /* $full */ , $opt, $val, $param ) = $matches; switch( $opt ) { case "plugin": $this->loadPlugin( $val, $param ); break; case "output": if ( !is_null( $sink ) ) { $sinks[] = $sink; } if ( !isset( $this->outputTypes[$val] ) ) { wfDie( "Unrecognized output sink type '$val'\n" ); } $type = $this->outputTypes[$val]; $sink = new $type( $param ); break; case "filter": if ( is_null( $sink ) ) { $this->progress( "Warning: assuming stdout for filter output\n" ); $sink = new DumpOutput(); } if ( !isset( $this->filterTypes[$val] ) ) { wfDie( "Unrecognized filter type '$val'\n" ); } $type = $this->filterTypes[$val]; $filter = new $type( $sink, $param ); // references are lame in php... unset( $sink ); $sink = $filter; break; case "report": $this->reportingInterval = intval( $val ); break; case "server": $this->server = $val; break; case "force-normal": if ( !function_exists( 'utf8_normalize' ) ) { dl( "php_utfnormal.so" ); if ( !function_exists( 'utf8_normalize' ) ) { wfDie( "Failed to load UTF-8 normalization extension. " . "Install or remove --force-normal parameter to use slower code.\n" ); } } break; default: $this->processOption( $opt, $val, $param ); } } } if ( is_null( $sink ) ) { $sink = new DumpOutput(); } $sinks[] = $sink; if ( count( $sinks ) > 1 ) { return new DumpMultiWriter( $sinks ); } else { return $sink; } } function processOption( $opt, $val, $param ) { // extension point for subclasses to add options } function dump( $history, $text = WikiExporter::TEXT ) { # Notice messages will foul up your XML output even if they're # relatively harmless. if ( ini_get( 'display_errors' ) ) ini_set( 'display_errors', 'stderr' ); $this->initProgress( $history ); $db = $this->backupDb(); $exporter = new WikiExporter( $db, $history, WikiExporter::STREAM, $text ); $exporter->dumpUploads = $this->dumpUploads; $wrapper = new ExportProgressFilter( $this->sink, $this ); $exporter->setOutputSink( $wrapper ); if ( !$this->skipHeader ) $exporter->openStream(); # Log item dumps: all or by range if ( $history & WikiExporter::LOGS ) { if ( $this->startId || $this->endId ) { $exporter->logsByRange( $this->startId, $this->endId ); } else { $exporter->allLogs(); } # Page dumps: all or by page ID range } else if ( is_null( $this->pages ) ) { if ( $this->startId || $this->endId ) { $exporter->pagesByRange( $this->startId, $this->endId ); } else { $exporter->allPages(); } # Dump of specific pages } else { $exporter->pagesByName( $this->pages ); } if ( !$this->skipFooter ) $exporter->closeStream(); $this->report( true ); } /** * Initialise starting time and maximum revision count. * We'll make ETA calculations based an progress, assuming relatively * constant per-revision rate. * @param $history Integer: WikiExporter::CURRENT or WikiExporter::FULL */ function initProgress( $history = WikiExporter::FULL ) { $table = ( $history == WikiExporter::CURRENT ) ? 'page' : 'revision'; $field = ( $history == WikiExporter::CURRENT ) ? 'page_id' : 'rev_id'; $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE ); $this->maxCount = $dbr->selectField( $table, "MAX($field)", '', 'BackupDumper::dump' ); $this->startTime = wfTime(); } /** * @todo Fixme: the --server parameter is currently not respected, as it * doesn't seem terribly easy to ask the load balancer for a particular * connection by name. */ function backupDb() { $this->lb = wfGetLBFactory()->newMainLB(); $db = $this->lb->getConnection( DB_SLAVE, 'backup' ); // Discourage the server from disconnecting us if it takes a long time // to read out the big ol' batch query. $db->setTimeout( 3600 * 24 ); return $db; } function __destruct() { if ( isset( $this->lb ) ) { $this->lb->closeAll(); } } function backupServer() { global $wgDBserver; return $this->server ? $this->server : $wgDBserver; } function reportPage() { $this->pageCount++; } function revCount() { $this->revCount++; $this->report(); } function report( $final = false ) { if ( $final xor ( $this->revCount % $this->reportingInterval == 0 ) ) { $this->showReport(); } } function showReport() { if ( $this->reporting ) { $delta = wfTime() - $this->startTime; $now = wfTimestamp( TS_DB ); if ( $delta ) { $rate = $this->pageCount / $delta; $revrate = $this->revCount / $delta; $portion = $this->revCount / $this->maxCount; $eta = $this->startTime + $delta / $portion; $etats = wfTimestamp( TS_DB, intval( $eta ) ); } else { $rate = '-'; $revrate = '-'; $etats = '-'; } $this->progress( sprintf( "%s: %s %d pages (%0.3f/sec), %d revs (%0.3f/sec), ETA %s [max %d]", $now, wfWikiID(), $this->pageCount, $rate, $this->revCount, $revrate, $etats, $this->maxCount ) ); } } function progress( $string ) { fwrite( $this->stderr, $string . "\n" ); } } class ExportProgressFilter extends DumpFilter { function ExportProgressFilter( &$sink, &$progress ) { parent::DumpFilter( $sink ); $this->progress = $progress; } function writeClosePage( $string ) { parent::writeClosePage( $string ); $this->progress->reportPage(); } function writeRevision( $rev, $string ) { parent::writeRevision( $rev, $string ); $this->progress->revCount(); } }