\n"; exit; } $lang = $argv[1]; $source = $argv[2]; $dest = $argv[3]; # Initialisation $wgCommandLineMode = true; $DP = "../includes"; $sep = strchr( $include_path = ini_get( "include_path" ), ";" ) ? ";" : ":"; ini_set( "include_path", "$IP$sep$include_path" ); include_once( "/apache/htdocs/$lang/w/LocalSettings.php" ); include_once( "Setup.php" ); $wgTitle = Title::newFromText( "Changing attribution script" ); set_time_limit(0); $wgCommandLineMode = true; $eSource = wfStrencode( $source ); $eDest = wfStrencode( $dest ); # Get user id $res = wfQuery( "SELECT user_id FROM user WHERE user_name='$eDest'", DB_READ ); $row = wfFetchObject( $res ); if ( !$row ) { print "Warning: the target name \"$dest\" does not exist"; $uid = 0; } else { $uid = $row->user_id; } # Initialise files $logfile = fopen( "attribute.log", "w" ); $sqlfile = fopen( "attribute.sql", "w" ); fwrite( $logfile, "* $source → $dest\n" ); fwrite( $sqlfile, "-- Changing attribution SQL file -- Generated with attribute.php -- $source -> $dest ($uid) "); # Get old entries print "Getting old entries"; $res = wfQuery( "SELECT old_namespace, old_title, old_id, old_timestamp FROM old WHERE old_user_text='$eSource'", DB_READ ); $row = wfFetchObject( $res ); if ( $row ) { /* if ( $row->old_title=='Votes_for_deletion' && $row->old_namespace == 4 ) { # We don't have that long break; } */ fwrite( $logfile, "**Old IDs: " ); fwrite( $sqlfile, "UPDATE old SET old_user=$uid, old_user_text='$eDest' WHERE old_id IN (\n" ); for ( $first=true; $row; $row = wfFetchObject( $res ) ) { $ns = $wgLang->getNsText( $row->old_namespace ); if ( $ns ) { $fullTitle = "$ns:{$row->old_title}"; } else { $fullTitle = $row->old_title; } $url = "http://$lang.wikipedia.org/w/wiki.phtml?title=" . urlencode( $fullTitle ); $eTitle = wfStrencode( $row->old_title ); /* # Find previous entry $lastres = wfQuery( "SELECT old_id FROM old WHERE old_title='$eTitle' AND old_namespace={$row->old_namespace} AND old_timestamp<'{$row->old_timestamp}' ORDER BY inverse_timestamp LIMIT 1", DB_READ ); $lastrow = wfFetchObject( $lastres ); if ( $lastrow ) { $last = $lastrow->old_id; $url .= "&diff={$row->old_id}&oldid=$last"; } else {*/ $url .= "&oldid={$row->old_id}"; # } # Output fwrite( $sqlfile, " " ); if ( $first ) { $first = false; } else { fwrite( $sqlfile, ", " ); fwrite( $logfile, ", " ); } fwrite( $sqlfile, "{$row->old_id} -- $url\n" ); fwrite( $logfile, "[$url {$row->old_id}]" ); print "."; } fwrite( $sqlfile, ");\n" ); fwrite( $logfile, "\n" ); } print "\n"; # Get cur entries print "Getting cur entries"; $res = wfQuery( "SELECT cur_title, cur_namespace, cur_timestamp, cur_id FROM cur WHERE cur_user_text='$eSource'", DB_READ ); $row = wfFetchObject( $res ); if ( $row ) { fwrite( $sqlfile, "\n\nUPDATE cur SET cur_user=$uid, cur_user_text='$eDest' WHERE cur_id IN(\n" ); fwrite( $logfile, "**Cur entries:\n" ); for ( $first=true; $row; $row = wfFetchObject( $res ) ) { $ns = $wgLang->getNsText( $row->cur_namespace ); if ( $ns ) { $fullTitle = "$ns:{$row->cur_title}"; } else { $fullTitle = $row->cur_title; } $url = "http://$lang.wikipedia.org/wiki/" . urlencode($fullTitle); if ( $first ) { fwrite( $sqlfile, " " ); $first = false; } else { fwrite( $sqlfile, " , " ); } fwrite( $sqlfile, "{$row->cur_id} -- $url\n" ); fwrite( $logfile, "***[[$fullTitle]] {$row->cur_timestamp}\n" ); print "."; } fwrite( $sqlfile, ");\n" ); } print "\n"; fclose( $sqlfile ); fclose( $logfile ); ?>