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New preference keys can be added, provided they are supported * by the language class's timeanddate(). Only the 5 keys listed below are * supported by the wikitext converter (DateFormatter.php). * * The special key "default" is an alias for either dmy or mdy depending on * $wgAmericanDates */ $datePreferences = array( 'default', 'ISO 8601', ); $defaultDateFormat = 'zh'; /** * These are formats for dates generated by MediaWiki (as opposed to the wikitext * DateFormatter). Documentation for the format string can be found in * Language.php, search for sprintfDate. * * This array is automatically inherited by all subclasses. Individual keys can be * overridden. */ $dateFormats = array( 'zh time' => 'H時i分', 'zh date' => 'Y年n月j日 (l)', 'zh both' => 'Y年n月j日 (D) H時i分', ); $linkTrail = '/^([a-z]+)(.*)$/sD'; $digitTransformTable = array( '0' => '〇', '1' => '一', '2' => '二', '3' => '三', '4' => '四', '5' => '五', '6' => '六', '7' => '七', '8' => '八', '9' => '九', '.' => '點', ',' => '', ); $messages = array( # User preference toggles 'tog-underline' => '鏈墊線:', 'tog-hideminor' => '隱近校', 'tog-hidepatrolled' => '隱近巡', 'tog-newpageshidepatrolled' => '隱新巡', 'tog-extendwatchlist' => '展列見變', 'tog-usenewrc' => '青出近易(JavaScript)', 'tog-numberheadings' => '生章數', 'tog-showtoolbar' => '多寶列見(JavaScript)', 'tog-editondblclick' => '纂頁雙擊(JavaScript)', 'tog-editsectiononrightclick' => '纂段右擊標(JavaScript)', 'tog-rememberpassword' => '符節通越(達至$1日)', 'tog-watchcreations' => '哨己撰', 'tog-watchdefault' => '哨己纂', 'tog-watchmoves' => '派哨予吾遷之頁', 'tog-watchdeletion' => '派哨至吾除之頁', 'tog-minordefault' => '慣為校', 'tog-previewontop' => '頂草覽', 'tog-previewonfirst' => '覽首修', 'tog-enotifwatchlistpages' => '哨新,遣函', 'tog-enotifusertalkpages' => '議新,遣函', 'tog-enotifminoredits' => '校新,遣函', 'tog-enotifrevealaddr' => '列余址於書內', 'tog-shownumberswatching' => '放哨有', 'tog-oldsig' => '覽原署名:', 'tog-fancysig' => '署以本碼待之(免自連)', 'tog-uselivepreview' => '即覽嚐鮮(JavaScript)', 'tog-forceeditsummary' => '漏概醒之', 'tog-watchlisthideown' => '不哨己文', 'tog-watchlisthidebots' => '不哨僕文', 'tog-watchlisthideminor' => '不哨小纂', 'tog-watchlisthideliu' => '不哨有簿', 'tog-watchlisthideanons' => '不哨無簿', 'tog-watchlisthidepatrolled' => '不哨已巡', 'tog-ccmeonemails' => '凡所遺書,請存副本。', 'tog-diffonly' => '異下無示頁', 'tog-showhiddencats' => '示隱類', 'tog-norollbackdiff' => '轉後略異', 'tog-useeditwarning' => '離而未存,示吾', 'underline-always' => '恆', 'underline-never' => '絕', 'underline-default' => '慣', # 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Email sending 'php-mail-error-unknown' => '於 PHP mail() 參數現錯', 'user-mail-no-addy' => '遣函豈能無址?', 'user-mail-no-body' => '試遞一空或過短郵', # Change password dialog 'changepassword' => '易符節', 'resetpass_announce' => '爾乃過郵之臨符登之。要完登,汝乃需設新符節:', 'resetpass_text' => '', 'resetpass_header' => '改簿符', 'oldpassword' => '舊符節:', 'newpassword' => '新符節:', 'retypenew' => '重察新符節:', 'resetpass_submit' => '設符再登', 'changepassword-success' => '爾之符節已改! 現登簿中...', 'resetpass_forbidden' => '無改符節', 'resetpass-no-info' => '爾須登簿後方進此頁。', 'resetpass-submit-loggedin' => '改符節', 'resetpass-submit-cancel' => '消', 'resetpass-wrong-oldpass' => '無效之臨符或現符。 爾或改符,或求新臨符。', 'resetpass-temp-password' => '臨符節:', 'resetpass-abort-generic' => '符節不可更', # Special:PasswordReset 'passwordreset' => '重設符節', 'passwordreset-text-one' => '慾更符節,填此佇列', 'passwordreset-legend' => '重設符節', 'passwordreset-username' => '簿名:', 'passwordreset-domain' => '域:', 'passwordreset-email' => '電郵址', # Special:ChangeEmail 'changeemail-none' => '(無)', 'changeemail-password' => '汝 {{SITENAME}} 之符節', 'changeemail-cancel' => '棄', # 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Recent changes 'nchanges' => '$1易', 'recentchanges' => '近易', 'recentchanges-legend' => '近易項', 'recentchanges-summary' => '共筆揮新,悉列於此。', 'recentchanges-feed-description' => '跟wiki源之近易。', 'recentchanges-label-newpage' => '此纂開新頁', 'recentchanges-label-minor' => '此乃細纂', 'recentchanges-label-bot' => '此乃機纂', 'recentchanges-label-unpatrolled' => '是纂未巡', 'recentchanges-legend-newpage' => '$1 - 新頁', 'rcnotefrom' => "下為自'''$2'''至'''$1'''之易也。", 'rclistfrom' => '自$1起之易也', 'rcshowhideminor' => '$1校', 'rcshowhidebots' => '$1僕', 'rcshowhideliu' => '$1簿', 'rcshowhideanons' => '$1匿名', 'rcshowhidepatr' => '$1哨', 'rcshowhidemine' => '$1吾纂', 'rclinks' => '$2日內$1近易。
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詳:$1', 'upload-source' => '源檔', 'sourcefilename' => '源名:', 'sourceurl' => '源址:', 'destfilename' => '欲置檔名:', 'upload-maxfilesize' => '檔限:$1', 'upload-description' => '檔述', 'upload-options' => '貢項', 'watchthisupload' => '派哨', 'filename-bad-prefix' => "獻檔以'''「$1」'''首,常由相機瞎造,惠更述之。", 'upload-success-subj' => '檔案安矣', 'upload-success-msg' => '爾自[$2]之貢安矣,見於此:[[:{{ns:file}}:$1]]', 'upload-failure-subj' => '貢問', 'upload-failure-msg' => '爾自[$2]之貢現問也: $1', 'upload-warning-subj' => '貢警', 'upload-warning-msg' => '爾自[$2]之貢出問。爾可回[[Special:Upload/stash/$1|貢表]]修此問。', 'upload-proto-error' => '協訂錯誤', 'upload-too-many-redirects' => '網址含多轉', 'upload-unknown-size' => '未知之積', 'upload-http-error' => '發一HTTP之錯:$1', # File backend 'backend-fail-notexists' => '無檔 $1 。', 'backend-fail-alreadyexists' => '$1 已含。', 'backend-fail-read' => '"$1"不可見。', 'backend-fail-create' => '"$1"不可纂。', # Special:UploadStash 'uploadstash' => '貢貯', 'uploadstash-summary' => '此頁乃已貢物(正貢)但未發wiki之地也。非貢之本人乃無視也。', 'uploadstash-clear' => '清貯', 'uploadstash-nofiles' => '爾無貯貢也。', 'uploadstash-badtoken' => '此動作無行也,或爾之幣已過。再試之。', 'uploadstash-errclear' => '清貢無功也。', 'uploadstash-refresh' => '重載貢表', # img_auth script messages 'img-auth-accessdenied' => '無通', 'img-auth-nopathinfo' => 'PATH_INFO失之。 爾之伺服器無此資料也。 以CGI之本耳,無img_auth矣。 閱。', 'img-auth-notindir' => '求之徑無存貢錄中。', 'img-auth-badtitle' => '於「$1」無建效題也。', 'img-auth-nologinnWL' => '爾未登簿,「$1」無在白名中。', 'img-auth-nofile' => '檔「$1」無存也。', 'img-auth-isdir' => '爾試問錄「$1」。 只問檔也。', 'img-auth-streaming' => '流「$1」中。', 'img-auth-public' => 'img_auth.php之功能乃由共wiki出貢。 此wiki為公共wiki是也。 保強,img_auth.php已停矣。', 'img-auth-noread' => '簿無權讀「$1」也。', # HTTP errors 'http-invalid-url' => '無效之網址:$1', 'http-invalid-scheme' => '有「$1」之網址無持也', 'http-request-error' => '未知之錯令HTTP求時錯之。', 'http-read-error' => 'HTTP讀錯。', 'http-timed-out' => 'HTTP求之過時也。', 'http-curl-error' => '取網址現錯之:$1', 'http-bad-status' => 'HTTP求時現問:$1 $2', # Some likely curl errors. More could be added from 'upload-curl-error6' => '無達網址也', 'upload-curl-error6-text' => '無達所指之網址也。再試其正,乃正常也。', 'upload-curl-error28' => '貢超時也', 'upload-curl-error28-text' => '網站應之長也。再試其而行之。乃以閑以試之。', 'license' => '權:', 'license-header' => '權', 'nolicense' => '無選', 'license-nopreview' => '(謝草覽)', 'upload_source_url' => '(乃一公共可達之網址)', 'upload_source_file' => '(本機之件)', # Special:ListFiles 'listfiles-summary' => '此奇頁示檔之全呈也。 設最後之檔呈示於表頂。 點題改其列之。', 'listfiles_search_for' => '以媒名尋:', 'imgfile' => '檔', 'listfiles' => '見檔', 'listfiles_thumb' => '縮', 'listfiles_date' => '時', 'listfiles_name' => '名', 'listfiles_user' => '簿', 'listfiles_size' => '幅(位元組)', 'listfiles_description' => '述', 'listfiles_count' => '擇', # File description page 'file-anchor-link' => '檔', 'filehist' => '檔史', 'filehist-help' => '揀日尋檔。', 'filehist-deleteall' => '全刪', 'filehist-deleteone' => '刪', 'filehist-revert' => '還', 'filehist-current' => '今', 'filehist-datetime' => '時', 'filehist-thumb' => '縮', 'filehist-thumbtext' => '於$1之縮', 'filehist-nothumb' => '無縮', 'filehist-user' => '薄', 'filehist-dimensions' => '度', 'filehist-filesize' => '檔幅', 'filehist-comment' => '註', 'filehist-missing' => '失檔', 'imagelinks' => '檔所繫者', 'linkstoimage' => '下頁連本檔有$1:', 'linkstoimage-more' => '連檔有多於$1。 下表示連檔之首$1。 [[Special:WhatLinksHere/$2|整表]]可供之閱也。', 'nolinkstoimage' => '無頁連本檔也。', 'morelinkstoimage' => '閱檔[[Special:WhatLinksHere/$1|接]]。', 'duplicatesoffile' => '下檔重此檔有$1([[Special:FileDuplicateSearch/$2|詳]]):', 'sharedupload' => '此檔為$1之共傳,可另項用也。', 'sharedupload-desc-there' => '此檔為$1之共傳,可另項用也。 詳閱[$2 檔述]。', 'sharedupload-desc-here' => '此檔為$1之共傳,可另項用也。 於共庫上[$2 檔述]之示。', 'filepage-nofile' => '查無此檔。', 'filepage-nofile-link' => '查無此檔,爾可[$1 貢焉]。', 'uploadnewversion-linktext' => '更新此檔', 'shared-repo-name-wikimediacommons' => '維基共享', # File reversion 'filerevert' => '還$1', 'filerevert-legend' => '還檔', 'filerevert-intro' => "'''[[Media:$1|$1]]'''欲還回$2$3之版$4。", 'filerevert-comment' => '因:', 'filerevert-defaultcomment' => '還$1$2之版矣', 'filerevert-submit' => '還', 'filerevert-success' => "'''[[Media:$1|$1]]''',$2$3之版$4還矣。", 'filerevert-badversion' => '該日無版也。', # File deletion 'filedelete' => '刪$1', 'filedelete-legend' => '刪檔', 'filedelete-intro' => "欲刪'''[[Media:$1|$1]]'''。", 'filedelete-intro-old' => "欲刪'''[[Media:$1|$1]]'''$2$3之版$4。", 'filedelete-comment' => '因:', 'filedelete-submit' => '刪', 'filedelete-success' => "'''$1'''刪矣。", 'filedelete-success-old' => "'''[[Media:$1|$1]]'''$2$3之版刪矣。", 'filedelete-nofile' => "無'''$1'''也。", 'filedelete-nofile-old' => "無合'''$1'''藏也。", 'filedelete-otherreason' => '另/附之因:', 'filedelete-reason-otherlist' => '另因', 'filedelete-reason-dropdown' => ' *常刪之因 ** 侵版權 ** 重檔', 'filedelete-edit-reasonlist' => '纂刪因', 'filedelete-maintenance' => '護當禁刪復檔也。', # MIME search 'mimesearch' => '篩檔', 'mimesearch-summary' => '此頁可以MIME篩檔.格仿「文類/次類」,如image/jpeg。', 'mimetype' => 'MIME類有:', 'download' => '載下', # Unwatched pages 'unwatchedpages' => '無哨頁', # List redirects 'listredirects' => '表轉', # Unused templates 'unusedtemplates' => '墨乾', 'unusedtemplatestext' => '此表閒模,篤刪前惠考支鏈。', 'unusedtemplateswlh' => '支鏈', # Random page 'randompage' => '風掀', 'randompage-nopages' => '下列{{PLURAL:$2|名集}}中無頁也:$1', # Random redirect 'randomredirect' => '任渡', 'randomredirect-nopages' => '「$1」名冊內無渡也。', # Statistics 'statistics' => '彙統', 'statistics-header-pages' => '頁彙統', 'statistics-header-edits' => '纂彙統', 'statistics-header-views' => '閱彙統', 'statistics-header-users' => '有簿彙統', 'statistics-header-hooks' => '他彙統', 'statistics-articles' => '容頁', 'statistics-pages' => '頁', 'statistics-pages-desc' => 'wiki上之全頁,含議、轉等', 'statistics-files' => '已貢', 'statistics-edits' => '自{{SITENAME}}設之頁纂數', 'statistics-edits-average' => '每頁均纂數', 'statistics-views-total' => '閱總', 'statistics-views-total-desc' => '不包無存之頁與奇頁之閱數', 'statistics-views-peredit' => '每纂閱數', 'statistics-users' => '註[[Special:ListUsers|簿]]', 'statistics-users-active' => '活簿', 'statistics-users-active-desc' => '早$1日前更動之簿', 'statistics-mostpopular' => '燴炙', 'doubleredirects' => '窮渡', 'doubleredirectstext' => '頁下窮渡,迭列以示。首尾宿合,宜正渡之。 已解之。', 'double-redirect-fixed-move' => '[[$1]]遷畢,現渡至[[$2]]', 'double-redirect-fixer' => '修渡', 'brokenredirects' => '斷渡', 'brokenredirectstext' => '頁下斷渡。', 'brokenredirects-edit' => '替', 'brokenredirects-delete' => '刪', 'withoutinterwiki' => '孤語', 'withoutinterwiki-summary' => '頁下無鏈他語。', 'withoutinterwiki-legend' => '首', 'withoutinterwiki-submit' => '示', 'fewestrevisions' => '鮮察', # 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援之議:$1', 'linksearch-line' => '$1連$2', 'linksearch-error' => '萬字僅用於機之始也。', # Special:ListUsers 'listusersfrom' => '始簿:', 'listusers-submit' => '見', 'listusers-noresult' => '尋無簿。', 'listusers-blocked' => '(已禁)', # Special:ActiveUsers 'activeusers' => '躍簿', 'activeusers-intro' => '此乃為近$1天內之躍簿也。', 'activeusers-count' => '$3天內之$1易', 'activeusers-from' => '示簿始於:', 'activeusers-hidebots' => '藏僕', 'activeusers-hidesysops' => '藏有秩', 'activeusers-noresult' => '無簿矣。', # Special:ListGroupRights 'listgrouprights' => '權任一覽', 'listgrouprights-summary' => '此所列述,諸職所司也,各有異同。欲知其詳,請閱[[{{MediaWiki:Listgrouprights-helppage}}|此文]]。', 'listgrouprights-key' => '* 權授矣 * 權撤矣', 'listgrouprights-group' => '組', 'listgrouprights-rights' => '權', 'listgrouprights-helppage' => 'Help:組權', 'listgrouprights-members' => '(社員表)', 'listgrouprights-addgroup' => '加{{PLURAL:$2|一|多}}組:$1', 'listgrouprights-removegroup' => '除{{PLURAL:$2|一|多}}組:$1', 'listgrouprights-addgroup-all' => '加全組', 'listgrouprights-removegroup-all' => '除全組', 'listgrouprights-addgroup-self' => '加自之{{PLURAL:$2|一|多}}組:$1', 'listgrouprights-removegroup-self' => '除自之{{PLURAL:$2|一|多}}組:$1', 'listgrouprights-addgroup-self-all' => '加自之全組', 'listgrouprights-removegroup-self-all' => '除自之全組', # 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嘗以本法。', 'livepreview-error' => '莫之連也:$1 "$2"。 嘗以本法。', # Friendlier slave lag warnings 'lag-warn-normal' => '近$1秒新易者疑喪也。', 'lag-warn-high' => '遣藏遲焉。近$1秒新易者疑喪也。', # Watchlist editor 'watchlistedit-numitems' => '不計議論,哨有題$1。', 'watchlistedit-noitems' => '哨無題也。', 'watchlistedit-normal-title' => '治哨站', 'watchlistedit-normal-legend' => '撤之', 'watchlistedit-normal-explain' => '盡列有哨。欲撤題,揀之再擊『{{int:Watchlistedit-normal-submit}}』。亦[[Special:EditWatchlist/raw|治源哨]]也。', 'watchlistedit-normal-submit' => '撤題', 'watchlistedit-normal-done' => '$1題之哨已撤:', 'watchlistedit-raw-title' => '治源哨', 'watchlistedit-raw-legend' => '治源哨', 'watchlistedit-raw-explain' => '盡列有哨。治此表以加減題;一行一題之。善,擊{{int:Watchlistedit-raw-submit}}。亦[[Special:EditWatchlist|標準治哨]]也。', 'watchlistedit-raw-titles' => '題:', 'watchlistedit-raw-submit' => '更哨', 'watchlistedit-raw-done' => '哨更矣。', 'watchlistedit-raw-added' => '已添$1題:', 'watchlistedit-raw-removed' => '已撤$1題:', # Watchlist editing tools 'watchlisttools-view' => '察易', 'watchlisttools-edit' => '治哨站', 'watchlisttools-raw' => '治源哨', # Core parser functions 'unknown_extension_tag' => '未明之擴標「$1」', 'duplicate-defaultsort' => '警:預之排鍵「$2」蓋前之排鍵「$1」。', # Special:Version 'version' => '版', 'version-extensions' => '裝展', 'version-specialpages' => '奇頁', 'version-parserhooks' => '語鈎', 'version-variables' => '變數', 'version-antispam' => '垃圾之防', 'version-skins' => '皮', 'version-other' => '他', 'version-mediahandlers' => '媒處', 'version-hooks' => '鈎', 'version-parser-extensiontags' => '語展標', 'version-parser-function-hooks' => '語函鈎', 'version-hook-name' => '鈎名', 'version-hook-subscribedby' => '用於', 'version-version' => '(版 $1)', 'version-license' => '牌', 'version-poweredby-credits' => "此 Wiki 以 '''[ MediaWiki]''' 之驅,權 © 2001-$1 $2。", 'version-poweredby-others' => '其他', 'version-license-info' => 'MediaWiki乃自由軟件;爾依自由軟件基金會之GNU通用公共授權之款,就此本程序再發佈及/或修;依之二版(自選之)或後之。 MediaWiki乃為用之發,無擔之責也;亦無售目之默擔也。參GNU通用公共授權之詳。 爾乃收附本程序之[{{SERVER}}{{SCRIPTPATH}}/COPYING GNU通用公共授權副本];如無者,致函至自由軟件基金會:51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA,或[// 閱之]。', 'version-software' => '裝件', 'version-software-product' => '品', 'version-software-version' => '版', # Special:FileDuplicateSearch 'fileduplicatesearch' => '擇重檔', 'fileduplicatesearch-summary' => '以重檔之切去查重也。', 'fileduplicatesearch-legend' => '尋重', 'fileduplicatesearch-filename' => '名:', 'fileduplicatesearch-submit' => '尋', 'fileduplicatesearch-info' => '像素$1矩$2
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#有 # 之為注

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