array( '躍簿' ), 'Allmessages' => array( '官話' ), 'Allpages' => array( '全典' ), 'Ancientpages' => array( '陳年' ), 'Blankpage' => array( '白頁' ), 'Booksources' => array( '書海' ), 'BrokenRedirects' => array( '斷渡' ), 'Categories' => array( '類' ), 'ChangePassword' => array( '易符節' ), 'ComparePages' => array( '較頁' ), 'Confirmemail' => array( '核郵驛' ), 'Contributions' => array( '功績' ), 'CreateAccount' => array( '增簿' ), 'Deadendpages' => array( '此無路也' ), 'DeletedContributions' => array( '已刪之積' ), 'DoubleRedirects' => array( '窮渡' ), 'EditWatchlist' => array( '治哨站' ), 'Emailuser' => array( '遺書' ), 'Export' => array( '出匯' ), 'Fewestrevisions' => array( '鮮察' ), 'FileDuplicateSearch' => array( '擇重檔' ), 'Filepath' => array( '檔路' ), 'Import' => array( '圖入匯' ), 'Invalidateemail' => array( '消核郵驛' ), 'BlockList' => array( '列禁簿、禁址' ), 'LinkSearch' => array( '尋網連' ), 'Listfiles' => array( '見檔' ), 'Listgrouprights' => array( '權任一覽' ), 'Listredirects' => array( '表轉' ), 'Listusers' => array( '點簿' ), 'Lockdb' => array( '閉庫' ), 'Log' => array( '誌' ), 'Lonelypages' => array( '孤寡' ), 'Longpages' => array( '長言' ), 'MergeHistory' => array( '併頁之誌' ), 'MIMEsearch' => array( '篩檔' ), 'Mostcategories' => array( '跨船' ), 'Mostimages' => array( '名檔' ), 'Mostlinked' => array( '好料' ), 'Mostlinkedcategories' => array( '豪門' ), 'Mostlinkedtemplates' => array( '美模' ), 'Mostrevisions' => array( '屢審' ), 'Movepage' => array( '遷' ), 'Mycontributions' => array( '吾績' ), 'Newimages' => array( '新圖之廊' ), 'Newpages' => array( '新灶' ), 'Preferences' => array( '簿註' ), 'Prefixindex' => array( '依名索引' ), 'Protectedpages' => array( '頁錮' ), 'Randompage' => array( '清風翻書' ), 'Randomredirect' => array( '任渡' ), 'Recentchanges' => array( '近易' ), 'Recentchangeslinked' => array( '援引' ), 'Search' => array( '尋' ), 'Shortpages' => array( '短篇' ), 'Specialpages' => array( '特查' ), 'Statistics' => array( '彙統' ), 'Uncategorizedcategories' => array( '問栓' ), 'Uncategorizedimages' => array( '候裱' ), 'Uncategorizedpages' => array( '欲訂' ), 'Uncategorizedtemplates' => array( '待蘸' ), 'Undelete' => array( '覽刪' ), 'Unlockdb' => array( '開庫' ), 'Unusedcategories' => array( '樞鏽' ), 'Unusedimages' => array( '色褪' ), 'Unusedtemplates' => array( '墨乾' ), 'Unwatchedpages' => array( '無哨頁' ), 'Upload' => array( '進獻' ), 'UploadStash' => array( '貢貯' ), 'Userlogin' => array( '登簿' ), 'Userlogout' => array( '去簿' ), 'Userrights' => array( '秉治權任' ), 'Version' => array( '版' ), 'Wantedcategories' => array( '求門' ), 'Wantedfiles' => array( '求檔' ), 'Wantedpages' => array( '徵頁' ), 'Wantedtemplates' => array( '徵模' ), 'Watchlist' => array( '哨站' ), 'Whatlinkshere' => array( '取佐' ), 'Withoutinterwiki' => array( '孤語' ), ); /** * A list of date format preference keys which can be selected in user * preferences. New preference keys can be added, provided they are supported * by the language class's timeanddate(). Only the 5 keys listed below are * supported by the wikitext converter (DateFormatter.php). * * The special key "default" is an alias for either dmy or mdy depending on * $wgAmericanDates */ $datePreferences = array( 'default', 'ISO 8601', ); $defaultDateFormat = 'zh'; /** * These are formats for dates generated by MediaWiki (as opposed to the wikitext * DateFormatter). Documentation for the format string can be found in * Language.php, search for sprintfDate. * * This array is automatically inherited by all subclasses. Individual keys can be * overridden. */ $dateFormats = array( 'zh time' => 'H時i分', 'zh date' => 'Y年n月j日 (l)', 'zh both' => 'Y年n月j日 (D) H時i分', ); $linkTrail = '/^([a-z]+)(.*)$/sD'; $digitTransformTable = array( '0' => '〇', '1' => '一', '2' => '二', '3' => '三', '4' => '四', '5' => '五', '6' => '六', '7' => '七', '8' => '八', '9' => '九', '.' => '點', ',' => '', );