'jostifai di paragraf-dem', 'tog-hideminor' => 'Haid di lili chenj-dem na di risent chenj list', 'tog-extendwatchlist' => 'Big di wachlist fo sho ol di chenj-dem, pas di risent chenj-dem nomo', # Dates 'sunday' => 'Sonde', 'monday' => 'Monde', 'tuesday' => 'Tyuzde', 'wednesday' => 'Wenzde', 'thursday' => 'Tozde', 'friday' => 'Fraide', 'saturday' => 'Satide', 'sun' => 'Son', 'mon' => 'Mon', 'tue' => 'Tyu', 'wed' => 'Wen', 'thu' => 'Toz', 'fri' => 'Frai', 'sat' => 'Sat', 'january' => 'Janyuari', 'february' => 'Febyuari', 'march' => 'Mach', 'april' => 'Epril', 'may_long' => 'Mey', 'june' => 'Jun', 'july' => 'Julai', 'august' => 'Ogost', 'september' => 'Septemba', 'october' => 'Oktoba', 'november' => 'Novemba', 'december' => 'Disemba', 'january-gen' => 'Janyuari', 'february-gen' => 'Febyuari', 'march-gen' => 'Mach', 'april-gen' => 'Epril', 'may-gen' => 'Mey', 'june-gen' => 'Jun', 'july-gen' => 'Julai', 'august-gen' => 'Ogost', 'september-gen' => 'Septemba', 'october-gen' => 'Oktoba', 'november-gen' => 'Novemba', 'december-gen' => 'Disemba', 'jan' => 'Jan', 'feb' => 'Feb', 'mar' => 'Mach', 'apr' => 'Epr', 'may' => 'Mey', 'jun' => 'Jun', 'jul' => 'Jul', 'aug' => 'Og', 'sep' => 'Sep', 'oct' => 'Okt', 'nov' => 'Nov', 'dec' => 'Dis', # Categories related messages 'pagecategories' => '{{PLURAL:$1|Katigori|Katigori-dem}}', 'category_header' => 'Pej-dehm we de na katigori "$1"', 'subcategories' => 'Sobkatigori-dem', 'category-media-header' => 'Midya we de na katigori "$1"', 'category-empty' => "''Dis katigori-ya no get no pej o midya fo naw.''", 'hidden-categories' => '{{PLURAL:$1|Katigori we dem don haid|Katigori-dem we dehm don haid}}', 'cancel' => 'Kansul', 'mytalk' => 'Mi Tok', 'navigation' => 'Navigeshon', # Cologne Blue skin 'qbedit' => 'Edit', 'faq' => 'Kwestyon we dem de aks boku', 'faqpage' => 'Project:Kwehstyohn-dehm we ohlman de aks', # Vector skin 'vector-action-move' => 'Muf', 'vector-view-edit' => 'Chenj', 'vector-view-history' => 'Luk histri', 'vector-view-view' => 'Rid', 'vector-view-viewsource' => 'Luk di sos', 'actions' => 'Akshon-dem', 'namespaces' => 'Nemspes-dem', 'errorpagetitle' => 'Problem', 'returnto' => 'Go bak tu $1.', 'tagline' => 'Dis komot {{SITENAME}}', 'help' => 'Hep', 'search' => 'Luk fo', 'searchbutton' => 'Luk fo', 'go' => 'Go', 'searcharticle' => 'Go', 'history' => 'Pej-im histri', 'history_short' => 'Histri', 'updatedmarker' => 'wetin dem don opdet from we A las vizit', 'printableversion' => 'Vazhon fo Print', 'permalink' => 'Pamanent link', 'print' => 'Print', 'edit' => 'Edit', 'create' => 'Mek', 'editthispage' => 'Edit dis pej-ya', 'create-this-page' => 'Mek dis pej-ya', 'delete' => 'Dilit', 'deletethispage' => 'Dilit dis pej-ya', 'protect' => 'Protekt', 'protect_change' => 'chenj', 'protectthispage' => 'Protekt dis pej-ya', 'talkpagelinktext' => 'Tok', 'specialpage' => 'Speshal Pej', 'personaltools' => 'Pasonal tul-dèm', 'postcomment' => 'Nyu sekshon', 'articlepage' => 'Luk kontent pej', 'talk' => 'Diskoshon', 'views' => 'Vyu-dem', 'toolbox' => 'Tulboks', 'userpage' => 'Luk dis yuza-im pej', 'otherlanguages' => 'Na oda langwej-dem', 'jumpto' => 'Jomp go:', 'jumptonavigation' => 'navigeshon', 'jumptosearch' => 'Luk fo', # All link text and link target definitions of links into project namespace that get used by other message strings, with the exception of user group pages (see grouppage). 'aboutsite' => 'Na bot {{SITENAME}}', 'aboutpage' => 'Project:Na bot', 'copyright' => 'Dis kontent de onda $1 .', 'currentevents' => 'Korent ivent-dem', 'currentevents-url' => 'Project:Korent ivent-dem', 'disclaimers' => 'Disklema-dem', 'disclaimerpage' => 'Project:Jeneral disklema', 'edithelp' => 'Advais foh we yu wan fo edit', 'helppage' => 'Help:Kontent-dem', 'mainpage' => 'Men Pej', 'mainpage-description' => 'Men Pej', 'policy-url' => 'Project:Polisi', 'portal' => 'Mitin-ples fo yuza-dem', 'portal-url' => 'Project:Mitin-ples fo yuza-dem', 'privacy' => 'Polisi fo Praivesi', 'privacypage' => 'Project:Polisi fo praivesi', 'badaccess' => 'Pamishon problem', 'badaccess-group0' => 'Yu no get pamishon foh du wetin yu jos chuz', 'badaccess-groups' => 'Na di yuza-dem we don join {{PLURAL:$2|di grup|wan pa di grup-dem}}: $1 nomo ebul du wetin yu jos chuz.', 'versionrequired' => 'Yu nid MediaWiki Vazhon $1', 'versionrequiredtext' => 'Yu nid MediaWiki Vazhon $1 foh yuz dis pej-ya. Luk [[Special:Version|version page]].', 'ok' => 'OK', 'pagetitle-view-mainpage' => ' {{SAITNEM}}', 'retrievedfrom' => 'Dem ritriv am na"$1"', 'youhavenewmessages' => 'Yu get $1 ($2).', 'editsection' => 'edit', 'editold' => 'chenj', 'viewsourceold' => 'Luk di sos', 'editlink' => 'edit', 'viewsourcelink' => 'luk di sos', 'editsectionhint' => 'edit sekshon: $1', 'toc' => 'Kontent-dem', 'showtoc' => 'sho', 'hidetoc' => 'haid', 'thisisdeleted' => 'Luk wetin i bi naw o tohn am bak tu wetin i bin bi bifo $1?', 'viewdeleted' => 'Luk am $1?', 'restorelink' => '{{PLURAL:$1|wan chenj we dehm dohn ires|$1 chenj-dehm we dehm dohn ires}}', 'feedlinks' => 'Feed:', 'site-rss-feed' => '$1 RSS Fid', 'site-atom-feed' => '$1 Atom Fid', 'red-link-title' => '$1 (pej no de)', # Short words for each namespace, by default used in the namespace tab in monobook 'nstab-main' => 'Pej', 'nstab-user' => 'Yuza-im Pej', 'nstab-media' => 'Midya Pej', 'nstab-special' => 'Speshal Pej', 'nstab-project' => 'Projekt Pej', 'nstab-image' => 'Fail', 'nstab-mediawiki' => 'Mesej', 'nstab-template' => 'Templet', 'nstab-help' => 'Advais pej', 'nstab-category' => 'Katigori', # Main script and global functions 'nosuchaction' => 'Da kain akshon no de', 'nosuchactiontext' => 'Di wiki no de ondastan di akshon we di URL tel am fo du', 'nosuchspecialpage' => 'Da kain spehshal pej noh de', # General errors 'viewsource' => 'Luk di sos', # Login and logout pages 'yourname' => 'Yuzanem:', 'login' => 'Login', 'nav-login-createaccount' => 'Login / Mek yu-yon akaunt', 'loginprompt' => 'Yu get fo de yuz kuki-dem foh ebul fo login {{SITENAME}}.', 'userlogin' => 'Login / Mek yu-yon akaunt', 'logout' => 'Komot na di sait', 'userlogout' => 'Komot na di sait', 'notloggedin' => 'Yu no login yet', 'nologin' => "Yu don mek yu akaunt? '''$1'''.", 'nologinlink' => 'Mek yu-yon akaunt', 'createaccount' => 'Mek yu-yon akaunt', 'gotaccount' => "Yu dohn mek yu yuza login? '''$1'''.", 'gotaccountlink' => 'Login', 'createaccountmail' => 'wit imel', 'badretype' => 'Di paswohd-dehm we yu taip mach.', 'userexists' => 'Oda pohsin de yuz da yuzanem de. Yu go geht fo pik difren wan.', # Edit pages 'summary' => 'Somari:', 'minoredit' => 'Dis na lili edit', 'watchthis' => 'Wach dis pej-ya', 'savearticle' => 'Sev dis pej-ya', 'preview' => 'Privyu', 'showpreview' => 'Luk di privyu', 'showlivepreview' => 'Luk di laiv privyu', 'showdiff' => 'Sho wetin don chenj', 'anoneditwarning' => "'''Tek tem:''' Yu noh login yet. So dem go sev yu IP address na di pej-im editin histri", 'missingsummary' => "'''Mehmba se:''' yu noh mek editin somari. If yu pres Sev bak, dem go sev yu edit nomo.", 'missingcommenttext' => 'Rait yu koment onda ya', 'permissionserrorstext-withaction' => 'Yu no get pamishon fo $2, bikoz {{PLURAL:$1|rizin|rizin-dem}}:', 'recreate-moveddeleted-warn' => "'''Tek tem!!: Yu de mek bak wan pej we dehm bin dohn ires.''' Yu sabi if yu foh wok pan dis pej-ya. Di log we dem kip foh dis pej-in dilishon de ya:", 'moveddeleted-notice' => 'Dehm dohn ires dis pej-ya. Di log we dehm kip foh dis pej-in dilishohn de ya:', 'edit-hook-aborted' => 'Wan Hook don blok yu Edit. I no eksplen wetin-mek.', 'edit-gone-missing' => 'Wi noh ebul updet dis pej-ya. Somtem dem don dilit am.', 'edit-conflict' => 'Edit konflikt', 'edit-no-change' => 'Wi no luk wetin yu chenj, bicoh yu no chenj wetin rait de.', # History pages 'last' => 'prev', 'page_first' => 'fohs', 'page_last' => 'las', 'history-fieldset-title' => 'Brawz histri', # Revision deletion 'rev-delundel' => 'sho/haid', # Merge log 'revertmerge' => 'Sepret', # Diffs 'editundo' => 'rivas wetin yu jos do', 'diff-multi' => '({{PLURAL:$1|Wan intamidyet vazhon|$1 intamidyet vazhon-dem}} no de sho)', # Search results 'searchresults' => 'Sach rizolt-dem', 'prevn' => 'privios wan {{PLURAL:$1|$1}}', 'nextn' => 'neks wan {{PLURAL:$1|$1}}', 'searchprofile-articles' => 'Kontent pej-dem', 'searchprofile-everything' => 'Oltin', 'searchprofile-advanced' => 'Advans', 'searchprofile-articles-tooltip' => 'Luk na $1', 'searchprofile-images-tooltip' => 'Sach fo fail-dem', 'search-result-size' => '$1 ({{PLURAL:$2|1 wod|$2 wod-dem}})', 'search-suggest' => 'Yu bin min?: $1', 'searchall' => 'ol', 'powersearch-legend' => 'Advans sach', 'powersearch-ns' => 'Sach na nemspes-dem:', 'powersearch-redir' => 'List de sen yu kam ya', 'search-external' => 'Ekstanal sach', 'searchdisabled' => '{{websait-im nem}} Di sach no de wok. Na mintem yuz Google fo sach. Memba se somtem dem indeks-dem noh op tu det {{SITENAME}}.', # Preferences page 'searchresultshead' => 'Sach', 'youremail' => 'Imel:', 'username' => 'Yuzanem:', # Recent changes 'recentchanges' => 'Risent chenj-dem', 'rcshowhideliu' => '$1 yuza-dem we don login', 'rcshowhideanons' => '$1 anonimos yuza-dem', 'diff' => 'dif', 'hist' => 'hist', 'hide' => 'Haid', 'show' => 'Sho', # Recent changes linked 'recentchangeslinked-page' => 'pej nem', # Upload 'upload' => 'Oplod fail', 'uploadbtn' => 'Oplod fail', 'uploadnologin' => 'Yu no login yet', 'filedesc' => 'Somari:', 'watchthisupload' => 'Wach dis fail-ya', # File description page 'file-anchor-link' => 'Fail', 'filehist' => 'fail histri', 'filehist-deleteone' => 'dilit', 'filehist-current' => 'Korent', 'filehist-datetime' => 'Det/Tem', 'filehist-thumb' => 'Tomnel', 'filehist-user' => 'Yuza', 'filehist-comment' => 'Koment', 'imagelinks' => 'Fail yusej', 'linkstoimage' => 'Di {{PLURAL:$1|pej de link|pej-dem de link}} go dis fail:', 'linkstoimage-more' => 'Pas wan $1 {{PLURAL:$1|pej de link|pej-dem de link}} go dis fail-ya. Dis list get di{{PLURAL:$1|fohs pej link|fohs $1 pej link-dem}} fohdis fail nomo. Di [[Special:WhatLinksHere/$2|ful list]] de yah.', 'nolinkstoimage' => 'No pej no de we de link kam dis fail-ya.', # File deletion 'filedelete-submit' => 'Dilit', # Random page 'randompage' => 'Random pej', 'brokenredirects-edit' => 'edit', 'brokenredirects-delete' => 'dilit', # Miscellaneous special pages 'nbytes' => '$1 {{PLURAL:$1|bait|bait-dem}}', 'nmembers' => '$1 {{PLURAL:$1|memba|memba-dem}}', 'newpages' => 'Nyu pej-dem', 'move' => 'Muf', 'movethispage' => 'Muf dis pej-ya', # Book sources 'booksources-go' => 'Go', # Special:Log 'log' => 'Log-dem', # Special:AllPages 'alphaindexline' => '$1 go $2', 'allarticles' => 'Ol pej-dem', 'allpagessubmit' => 'Go', # Special:Categories 'categories' => 'Katigori-dem', # Special:LinkSearch 'linksearch-ok' => 'Sach', # Watchlist 'watchlist' => 'Mi wachlist', 'mywatchlist' => 'Mi wachlist', 'nowatchlist' => 'Yu no get natin na yu wachlist.', 'watchlistanontext' => '$1 Foh luk o chenj wetin de na yu wachlist', 'watchnologin' => 'Yu no login yet', 'watch' => 'Wach', 'watchthispage' => 'Wach dis pej-ya', 'unwatch' => 'Lef fo wach dis pej-ya', 'unwatchthispage' => 'Lef fo wach', 'notanarticle' => 'Dis pej-ya noto kontent pej', 'notvisiblerev' => 'Dem don dilit di last rivizhon we difren yuza rait', # Displayed when you click the "watch" button and it is in the process of watching 'watching' => 'Ah de wach...', 'unwatching' => 'Ah de lef fo wach...', # Delete 'deletepage' => 'Dilit dis pej-ya', 'confirm' => 'Konfam', 'excontent' => "Nah dis i bin geht/ de tohk boht: '$1'", 'delete-legend' => 'Dilit', 'dellogpage' => 'Dilishon Log', # Restrictions (nouns) 'restriction-edit' => 'Edit', 'restriction-create' => 'Mek sohmtin', # Undelete 'undeleteviewlink' => 'luk', 'undelete-search-submit' => 'Sach', 'sp-contributions-logs' => 'Log-dem', 'sp-contributions-talk' => 'tok', 'sp-contributions-submit' => 'Sach', # What links here 'whatlinkshere' => 'Wetin de link kam ya', 'whatlinkshere-page' => 'Pej', 'isimage' => 'Fail link', # Block/unblock 'ipblocklist-submit' => 'Luk foh am', 'blocklink' => 'blok', 'unblocklink' => 'lef fo blok', 'contribslink' => 'kontribyushon-dem', 'blocklogpage' => 'Blok log', # Move page 'move-watch' => 'Wach dis pej-ya', 'movelogpage' => 'Muf log', # Namespace 8 related 'allmessagesname' => 'Nem', # Thumbnails 'thumbnail-more' => 'Big-am', 'filemissing' => 'Di fail noh de', 'thumbnail_error' => 'Problem foh mek dis tombnel: $1', # Tooltip help for the actions 'tooltip-pt-userpage' => 'Yu yuza pej', 'tooltip-pt-mytalk' => 'Yu tok pej', 'tooltip-pt-preferences' => 'Yu prefrens-dem', 'tooltip-pt-mycontris' => 'List ov yu kontribyushon-dem', 'tooltip-pt-login' => 'I go bete if yu login, bot noto obligeshon', 'tooltip-pt-anonlogin' => 'I go bete if yu login, bot noto obligeshon', 'tooltip-pt-logout' => 'Log komot', 'tooltip-ca-talk' => 'Diskoshon bot kontent pej', 'tooltip-ca-edit' => 'Yu ebul fo edit dis pej-ya Bot yuz di privyu botin bifo yu sev', 'tooltip-ca-addsection' => 'Bigin nyu sekshon.', 'tooltip-ca-viewsource' => 'Dem don protekt dis pej-ya. Yu go ebul luk im sos.', 'tooltip-ca-history' => 'Dis pej-im ol vazhon-dèm.', 'tooltip-ca-protect' => 'Protekt dis pej-ya', 'tooltip-ca-delete' => 'Ires dis pej-ya', 'tooltip-ca-undelete' => 'Bring bak di chenj-dehm we dehm bin mek na dis pej-ya bifo dehm ires am.', 'tooltip-ca-move' => 'Muf dis pej-ya', 'tooltip-ca-watch' => 'Put dis pej na yu wachlist', 'tooltip-ca-unwatch' => 'Pul dis pej komoh nah yu wachlist', 'tooltip-search' => 'Luk nah dis websait {{SITENAME}}', 'tooltip-search-fulltext' => 'Sach na di pej fo dis teks', 'tooltip-p-logo' => 'Visit di men pej', 'tooltip-n-mainpage' => 'Visit Men Pej', 'tooltip-n-portal' => 'Infomeshon bot di projek, wetin yu ebul du, usai fo fen oltin', 'tooltip-n-currentevents' => 'Fen infomashon bot wetin de hapin naw-naw', 'tooltip-n-recentchanges' => 'List ov wetin dem don chenj trade na di wiki.', 'tooltip-n-randompage' => 'Lod eni random pej', 'tooltip-n-help' => 'Di ples fo lan.', 'tooltip-t-whatlinkshere' => 'List ov ol di wiki pej-dèm we de link kam ya', 'tooltip-t-recentchangeslinked' => 'Resent chenj-dèm na di pej-dem we de link komot na dis pej-ya', 'tooltip-feed-rss' => 'RSS feed foh dis pej-ya', 'tooltip-feed-atom' => 'Atom fid foh dis pej-ya', 'tooltip-t-contributions' => 'dis yuza-im kontribyushon list', 'tooltip-t-emailuser' => 'Sen imel go dis yuza', 'tooltip-t-upload' => 'Oplod fail-dem', 'tooltip-t-specialpages' => 'List we get ol di speshal pej-dem', 'tooltip-t-print' => 'Vazhon fo print', 'tooltip-t-permalink' => 'Pamanent link fo go dis vazhon', 'tooltip-ca-nstab-main' => 'Luk kontent pej', 'tooltip-ca-nstab-project' => 'Luk di projekt pej', 'tooltip-ca-nstab-image' => 'Luk di fail pej', 'tooltip-save' => 'Sev wetin yu don chenj', 'tooltip-preview' => 'Luk wetin you dohn chenj, Luk am bifo yu sev!', 'tooltip-diff' => 'Luk us chenj-dem yu mek nah di teks.', 'tooltip-compareselectedversions' => 'Luk wetin difren pan di tu vazhon-dem we yu don silekt', 'tooltip-watch' => 'Put dis pej na yu wachlist', # Special:NewFiles 'ilsubmit' => 'Luk foh am', # 'all' in various places, this might be different for inflected languages 'namespacesall' => 'ol', 'monthsall' => 'ol', # Email address confirmation 'confirmemail' => 'Konfam yu e-mail adrehs', 'confirmemail_noemail' => 'Di email adrehs we yu pu na [[Special:Preferences|user preferences]] noh de.', # Multipage image navigation 'imgmultigo' => 'Go to am!', # Table pager 'table_pager_limit_submit' => 'Go to am', # Watchlist editing tools 'watchlisttools-edit' => 'Luk en edit wachlist', # Special:FileDuplicateSearch 'fileduplicatesearch-submit' => 'Luk foh am', # Special:SpecialPages 'specialpages' => 'Speshal pej-dem', );