'Undermearcian bendas:', 'tog-hideminor' => 'Hȳdan smalla ādihtunga in nīwlicum wendungum', 'tog-rememberpassword' => 'Ġeman mīn inmeldung on þissum ċircolwyrde', 'tog-watchcreations' => 'Ēac trametas þæt scieppe iċ tō mīnre behealdnestale', 'tog-watchdefault' => 'Ēac trametas þæt ādiht iċ tō mīnre behealdnestale', 'tog-watchmoves' => 'Ēac trametas þæt hweorfe iċ tō mīnre behealdnestale', 'tog-watchlisthideown' => 'Hȳd mīn ādihtunga fram þǣre behealdnestale', 'underline-always' => 'Ǣfre', 'underline-never' => 'Nǣfre', 'skinpreview' => '(Forescēawian)', # Dates 'sunday' => 'Sunnandæġ', 'monday' => 'Mōnandæġ', 'tuesday' => 'Tīwesdæġ', 'wednesday' => 'Wēdnesdæġ', 'thursday' => 'Þunresdæġ', 'friday' => 'Frīġedæġ', 'saturday' => 'Sæternesdæġ', 'sun' => 'Sun', 'mon' => 'Mōn', 'tue' => 'Tīw', 'wed' => 'Wēd', 'thu' => 'Þun', 'fri' => 'Frī', 'sat' => 'Sæt', 'january' => 'Se Æfterra Ġēola', 'february' => 'Solmōnaþ', 'march' => 'Hrēþmōnaþ', 'april' => 'Ēastermōnaþ', 'may_long' => 'Þrimilcemōnaþ', 'june' => 'Sēremōnaþ', 'july' => 'Mǣdmōnaþ', 'august' => 'Wēodmōnaþ', 'september' => 'Hāliġmōnaþ', 'october' => 'Winterfylleþ', 'november' => 'Blōtmōnaþ', 'december' => 'Ġēolmōnaþ', 'january-gen' => 'þæs Æfterran Ġēolan', 'february-gen' => 'Solmōnþes', 'march-gen' => 'Hrēþmōnþes', 'april-gen' => 'Ēastermōnþes', 'may-gen' => 'Þrimilcemōnþes', 'june-gen' => 'Sēremōnþes', 'july-gen' => 'Mǣdmōnþes', 'august-gen' => 'Wēodmōnþes', 'september-gen' => 'Hāliġmōnþes', 'october-gen' => 'Winterfylleðes', 'november-gen' => 'Blōtmōnþes', 'december-gen' => 'Ġēolmōnþes', 'jan' => 'ÆĠē', 'feb' => 'Sol', 'mar' => 'Hrē', 'apr' => 'Ēas', 'may' => 'Þri', 'jun' => 'Sēr', 'jul' => 'Mǣd', 'aug' => 'Wēo', 'sep' => 'Hāl', 'oct' => 'Win', 'nov' => 'Blō', 'dec' => 'Ġēo', # Bits of text used by many pages 'categories' => 'Floccas', 'pagecategories' => '{{PLURAL:$1|Flocca|Floccas}}', 'category_header' => 'Ġewritu in flocce "$1"', 'subcategories' => 'Underfloccas', 'category-media-header' => 'Ġemynda in flocce "$1"', 'category-empty' => "''Þes flocc hæfþ nū nān ġewritu oþþe ġemynda in.''", 'about' => 'Ymbe', 'article' => 'Innungtramet', 'newwindow' => '(openaþ in nīwum ēagþyrele)', 'qbfind' => 'Findan', 'qbedit' => 'Ādihtan', 'qbpageoptions' => 'Þes tramet', 'qbpageinfo' => 'Gewef', 'qbmyoptions' => 'Mīne trametas', 'qbspecialpages' => 'Syndrige trametas', 'mypage' => 'Mīn tramet', 'mytalk' => 'Mīn sprǣc', 'anontalk' => 'Mōtung for þissum IP', 'errorpagetitle' => 'Gemearr', 'tagline' => 'Fram {{SITENAME}}n', 'search' => 'Sēcan', 'searchbutton' => 'Sēcan', 'go' => 'Gān', 'searcharticle' => 'Gān', 'history' => 'Trametstǣr', 'history_short' => 'Stǣr', 'printableversion' => 'Gemǣlendlicu fadung', 'permalink' => 'Fæst bend', 'print' => 'Gemǣlan', 'edit' => 'Ādihtan', 'editthispage' => 'Ādihtan þisne tramet', 'delete' => 'āfeorsian', 'deletethispage' => 'Þisne tramet āfeorsian', 'protect' => 'Weardian', 'protectthispage' => 'Wearda þisne tramet', 'unprotect' => 'Unweardian', 'unprotectthispage' => 'Unwearda þisne tramet', 'newpage' => 'Nīwe tramet', 'talkpage' => 'Þisne tramet mōtian', 'talkpagelinktext' => 'Gesprec', 'specialpage' => 'Syndrig tramet', 'talk' => 'Mōtung', 'toolbox' => 'Tōlbox', 'imagepage' => 'Scēawian biliþtramet', 'otherlanguages' => 'Ōðera sprǣca', 'redirectedfrom' => '(Edlǣded of $1)', 'redirectpagesub' => 'Edlǣdungtramet', 'protectedpage' => 'Geweardod tramet', 'jumptosearch' => 'sēcan', # All link text and link target definitions of links into project namespace that get used by other message strings, with the exception of user group pages (see grouppage) and the disambiguation template definition (see disambiguations). 'aboutsite' => 'Ymbe {{SITENAME}}n', 'aboutpage' => 'Project:Ymbe', 'copyright' => 'Innung biþ gefunden under $1.', 'currentevents' => 'Efenealde belimpas', 'currentevents-url' => 'Project:Efenealde belimpas', 'edithelp' => 'Ādihtunge help', 'edithelppage' => 'Help:Ādihtung', 'helppage' => 'Help:Innung', 'mainpage' => 'Hēafodsīde', 'portal' => 'Gemǣnscipe Ingang', 'portal-url' => 'Project:Gemǣnscipe Ingang', 'sitesupport' => 'Gieldgiefa', 'versionrequired' => 'Fadunge $1 þæs MediaWicis nēodaþ', 'youhavenewmessages' => 'Þu hæfst $1 ($2).', 'newmessageslink' => 'nīwu ǣrendgewritu', 'youhavenewmessagesmulti' => 'Þu hæfst nīwu ǣrendu on $1', 'editsection' => 'ādihtan', 'editold' => 'ādihtan', 'toc' => 'Innungbred', 'showtoc' => 'geswutelian', 'hidetoc' => 'hȳdan', 'feedlinks' => 'Flōd:', # Short words for each namespace, by default used in the namespace tab in monobook 'nstab-main' => 'Gewrit', 'nstab-user' => 'Brūcendtramet', 'nstab-special' => 'Syndrig', 'nstab-image' => 'Mētung', 'nstab-template' => 'Bisen', 'nstab-category' => 'Flocc', # General errors 'error' => 'Gemearr', 'laggedslavemode' => 'Warnung: Tramet ne hæbbe recent updates.', 'internalerror' => 'Inlic gemearr', 'filerenameerror' => 'Ne cúðe ednemnan þrǽd "$1" tó "$2".', 'filenotfound' => 'Ne cūðe findan þrǣd "$1".', 'badarticleerror' => 'Þēos dǣd ne cann bēon gefremed on þissum tramete.', 'badtitle' => 'Unandfenge títul', # Login and logout pages 'logouttitle' => 'Brūcendūtmeldung', 'welcomecreation' => '== Wilcume, $1! == Þín hordcleofa wearþ geseted. Ne forgiet tó hwierfenne þína {{SITENAME}} foreberunga.', 'loginpagetitle' => 'Brūcendinmeldung', 'yourname' => 'Þīn brūcendnama', 'yourpassword' => 'Þīn gelēafnesword', 'yourpasswordagain' => 'Edwrītan gelēafnesword', 'yourdomainname' => 'Þīn geweald', 'loginproblem' => 'Þīn inmeldung wearþ gescremed.
Eftrōmie!', 'login' => 'Inmeldian', 'userlogin' => 'Settan nīwne hordcleofan oþþe inmeldian', 'logout' => 'Ūtmeldian', 'userlogout' => 'Ūtmeldian', 'notloggedin' => 'Ne ingemeldod', 'createaccount' => 'Nīwne hordcleofan settan', 'gotaccountlink' => 'Inmeldian', 'badretype' => 'Þá geléafnesword, þe þu write, ne efenlǽcaþ.', 'youremail' => 'E-ǣrende *', 'username' => 'Brūcendnama:', 'yourrealname' => 'Þīn rihtnama*', 'yourlanguage' => 'Brūcendofermearces sprǣc', 'yourvariant' => 'Sprǣce wendung', 'loginerror' => 'Inmeldunggemearr', 'loginsuccesstitle' => 'Inmeldung gesǣlde', 'loginsuccess' => "'''Þu eart nū inmeldod tō {{SITENAME}} swā \"\$1\".'''", 'nosuchuser' => 'Þǣr is nān brūcere be þǣm naman "$1". Edscēawa þīne wrītunge, oþþe brūc þone form under tō settene nīwne brūcendhordcleofan.', 'nosuchusershort' => 'Þǣr is nān brūcend mid þǣm naman "$1". Edscēawa on þīne wrītunge.', 'acct_creation_throttle_hit' => 'Hwæt, þu hæfst gēo geseted $1 hordcleofan. Þu ne canst settan ǣnige māran.', 'accountcreated' => 'Hordcleofan gescapen', 'loginlanguagelabel' => 'Sprǣc: $1', # Edit page toolbar 'italic_sample' => 'Flōwende traht', 'italic_tip' => 'Flōwende traht', 'link_sample' => 'Bendtítul', 'link_tip' => 'Inlic bend', 'extlink_sample' => 'http://www.example.com bendtītul', 'extlink_tip' => 'Ūtanweard bend (gemune http:// foredǣl)', 'headline_sample' => 'Hēafodlīnan traht', 'image_sample' => 'Bisen.jpg', 'image_tip' => 'Impod biliþ', 'media_sample' => 'Bisen.mp3', 'sig_tip' => 'Þín namansegn mid tídstempunge', # Edit pages 'summary' => 'Scortnes', 'minoredit' => 'Þēos is lȳtlu ādihtung', 'savearticle' => 'Sparian tramet', 'showpreview' => 'Forescēawian', 'whitelistedittitle' => 'Inmeldunge behófod tó ádihtenne', 'whitelistedittext' => 'Þu scealt $1 tó ádihtenne trametas.', 'whitelistreadtitle' => 'Inmeldunge behōfod tō rǣdenne', 'whitelistacctitle' => 'Þē nis ālīefed tō settenne hordcleofan', 'whitelistacctext' => 'Tō bēonne gelīefed tō settenne hordcleofan in þissum Wici, þu scealt [[Special:Userlogin|inmeldian]] and habban þā gerādlican geþafunga.', 'loginreqlink' => 'inmeldian', 'loginreqpagetext' => 'Þū scealt $1 tō scēawienne view ōðre trametas.', 'accmailtitle' => 'Gelēafnesword gesended.', 'accmailtext' => "Þæt Gelēafnesword for '$1' wearþ gesend tō $2.", 'newarticle' => '(Nīwe)', 'usercssjsyoucanpreview' => "Rǣd: Brūc þone 'Forescēawian' cnæpp tō āfandienne þīne nīwe css/js beforan sparunge.", 'editingcomment' => 'Ādihtung $1 (ymbsprǣc)', 'yourtext' => 'Þīn traht', 'editingold' => 'WARNUNG: Þu ādihtest ealde fadunge þisses trametes. Gif þu hine sparie, ǣniga onwendunga gemacod siþþan þisse fadunge bēoþ sōðes forloren.', 'yourdiff' => 'Tōdǣlednessa', 'copyrightwarning2' => 'Bidde macie nōt þæt ealla forðunga tō {{SITENAME}} mæg bēon ādihted, gewended, oþþe āfyrðed fram ōðrum forðerum. Gif þu nelt þīne wrītunge tō bēonne ādihtod unmildheortlīce, þonne ne þafie hīe hēr.
Þu behǣtst ēac þæt þu selfa write þis, oþþe efenlǣhtest of sumre gemǣnscipes āgnunge oþþe gelīcum frēom horde (sēo $1 for āscungum). NE ÞAFIE EFENLǢHTSCIELDED WEORC BŪTAN GELĪEFNESSE!', 'longpagewarning' => 'WARNUNG: Þes tramet is $1 kilobyta lang; sume webbscēaweras hæbben earfoðu mid þȳ þe hīe ādihtaþ trametas nēa oþþe lengran þonne 32kb. Bidde behycge þæt þu bricst þone tramet intō smalrum dǣlum.', 'templatesused' => 'Ongelīcnessa gebrȳcda on þissum tramete:', 'nocreatetitle' => 'Gewrit nā gefunden', 'recreate-deleted-warn' => "'''Warnung: Þu edsciepst tramet þe wæs ǣr āfeorsod.''' Þu sceoldest smēagan, hwæðer hit gerādlic sīe, forþ tō gānne mid ādihtunge þisses trametes. Þæt āfeorsungbred þisses trametes is hēr geīeht for behēfnesse:", # History pages 'nohistory' => 'Nis nān ādihtungstǣr for þissum tramete.', 'next' => 'nīehst', 'histfirst' => 'Ǣrest', 'histlast' => 'Endenīehst', # Revision deletion 'rev-delundel' => 'scēawian/hȳdan', # Diffs 'difference' => '(Scēadung betwēonan hweorfungum)', 'lineno' => 'Līne $1:', 'compareselectedversions' => 'Geefnettan gecorena fadunga', 'editundo' => 'undōn', # Search results 'searchresults' => 'Sōcnfintan', 'searchsubtitle' => "Þu sōhtest '''[[:$1]]'''", 'searchsubtitleinvalid' => "Þu sōhtest '''$1'''", 'notextmatches' => 'Nāne trametrahtes mæccan', 'nextn' => 'nīehst $1', 'showingresults' => 'Īewan under oþ $1 tōhīgunga onginnenda mid #$2.', 'showingresultsnum' => 'Under sind $3 tóhígunga onginnende mid #$2.', 'powersearch' => 'Sēcan', # Preferences page 'preferences' => 'Foreberunga', 'mypreferences' => 'Mīna foreberunga', 'prefsnologin' => 'Ne ingemeldod', 'skin' => 'Scynn', 'dateformat' => 'Tælmearcwīse', 'datetime' => 'Tælmearc and tīd', 'math_unknown_error' => 'ungewiss gemearr', 'prefs-rc' => 'Nīwlica hweorfunga', 'prefs-watchlist' => 'Behealdnestalu', 'saveprefs' => 'Sparian', 'oldpassword' => 'Eald gelēafnesword:', 'newpassword' => 'Nīwe gelēafnesword', 'retypenew' => 'Nīwe gelēafnesword edwrītan', 'rows' => 'Rǣwa', 'columns' => 'Sȳla:', 'searchresultshead' => 'Sōcnfintan', 'resultsperpage' => 'Tōhīgunga tō īewenne for tramete', 'contextlines' => 'Līnan tō īewenne in tōhīgunge', 'recentchangescount' => 'Tītula getæl in nīwlicum hweorfungum', 'savedprefs' => 'Þīna foreberunga wurdon gesparod.', 'timezonelegend' => 'Tīdgyrtel', 'servertime' => 'Bryttantīma is nū', 'defaultns' => 'Sēcan in þissum namstedum be frambyge:', 'default' => 'gewunelic', # User rights 'editusergroup' => 'Ādihtan Brūcendsamþrēatas', 'saveusergroups' => 'Sparian Brūcendsamþrēatas', 'userrights-groupsmember' => 'Geglida þæs:', # Recent changes 'nchanges' => '$1 hwierfunga', 'recentchanges' => 'Nīwlica hweorfunga', 'rcnote' => 'Under sind þā æftemestan $1 hweorfunga in þǣm æftemestum $2 dagum.', 'rcnotefrom' => 'Under sind þā hweorfunga siþþan $2 (oþ $1 geīewed).', 'rclistfrom' => 'Īewan nīwa hweorfunga, onginnenda of $1', 'rcshowhideminor' => '$1 lȳtla ādihtunga', 'rcshowhideliu' => '$1 inmeldode brūcend', 'rcshowhideanons' => '$1 unnemnode brūcend', 'rcshowhidemine' => '$1 mīna ādihtunga', 'rclinks' => 'Īewan æftemestan $1 hweorfunga in æftemestum $2 dagum
$3', 'diff' => 'scēa', 'hist' => 'Stǣr', 'hide' => 'hȳdan', 'show' => 'īewan', # Recent changes linked 'recentchangeslinked' => 'Sibba hweorfunga', # Upload 'uploadnologin' => 'Ne inmeldod', 'filename' => 'Þrǣdnama', 'filedesc' => 'Scortnes', 'filesource' => 'Fruma', 'badfilename' => 'Onlīcnesnama wearþ gewend tō "$1(e/an)".', 'savefile' => 'Sparian þrǣd', 'nolicense' => 'Nǣnne gecorenne', # Image list 'imagelist' => 'Biliþgetalu', 'imagelisttext' => 'Under is getalu $1 biliða gedæfted $2.', 'getimagelist' => 'fecce nū onlīcnesgetale', 'ilsubmit' => 'Sēcan', 'showlast' => 'Īewan þā æftemestan $1 onlīcnessa gedæfted $2.', 'byname' => 'be naman', 'bydate' => 'be tælmearce', 'bysize' => 'be micelnesse', 'filehist-user' => 'Brūcend', 'imagelinks' => 'Biliþbendas', 'linkstoimage' => 'Þā folgendan trametas bindaþ tō þissum biliðe:', 'nolinkstoimage' => 'Þǣr sind nāne trametas þe bindaþ tō þissum biliðe.', 'noimage' => 'Nān þrǣd mid þissum naman stendeþ nū oþþe nā mā, ac þu canst þēah hine $1.', 'imagelist_date' => 'Tælmearc', 'imagelist_name' => 'Nama', 'imagelist_user' => 'Brūcend', 'imagelist_description' => 'Tōwritennes', 'imagelist_search_for' => 'Sēcan biliþnaman:', # File deletion 'filedelete-submit' => 'āfeorsian', # Unused templates 'unusedtemplateswlh' => 'ōðere bendas', # Random page 'randompage' => 'Hlīetlic tramet', # Statistics 'userstatstext' => "Þǣr sind '''$1''' genemnode brūcend, þāra þe '''$2''' (oþþe '''$4%''') sind bewitend (sēo $3).", 'doubleredirects' => 'Twifealdlice Ymblǣderas', 'brokenredirects' => 'Gebrocene Ymblǣderas', 'brokenredirectstext' => 'Þā folgendan edlǣdunga bendaþ tō unedwistlicum trametum.', 'brokenredirects-edit' => '(ādihtan)', 'brokenredirects-delete' => '(āfeorsian)', # Miscellaneous special pages 'ncategories' => '$1 {{PLURAL:$1|flocca|floccas}}', 'nlinks' => '$1 bendas', 'specialpage-empty' => 'Þis tramet is ǣmtig.', 'lonelypages' => 'Ealdorlēase trametas', 'unusedimages' => 'Ungebrȳcodu biliðu', 'popularpages' => 'Dēore trametas', 'wantedcategories' => 'Gewilnode floccas', 'wantedpages' => 'Gewilnode trametas', 'allpages' => 'Trametas', 'shortpages' => 'Scorte trametas', 'longpages' => 'Lange trametas', 'specialpages' => 'Syndrige trametas', 'spheading' => 'Syndrige trametas eallum brýcerum', 'newpages' => 'Nīwe trametas', 'newpages-username' => 'Brūcendnama:', 'ancientpages' => 'Ieldestan Trametas', 'intl' => 'Betwuxsprǣclice bendas', 'move' => 'Gān', # Book sources 'booksources' => 'Bōcfruman', 'booksources-search-legend' => 'Sēcan bōcfruman', 'booksources-go' => 'Gān', 'booksources-text' => 'Under is getalu benda tō ōðrum webstedum þe bebycgaþ nīwa and gebrocena bēc, and hæbben ēac mā āscunga ymbe bēc þe þu sēcst:', 'categoriespagetext' => 'Þā folgendan floccas standaþ in þǣm wici.', 'alphaindexline' => '$1 tō $2', 'version' => 'Fadung', # Special:Log 'specialloguserlabel' => 'Brūcend:', 'speciallogtitlelabel' => 'Titul:', 'log' => 'Cranicas', 'log-search-submit' => 'Gān', # Special:Allpages 'nextpage' => 'Nīehsta tramet ($1)', 'allarticles' => 'Eall gewritu', 'allinnamespace' => 'Ealle trametas ($1 namanstede)', 'allpagesprev' => 'Beforan', 'allpagesnext' => 'Nīehst', 'allpagessubmit' => 'Gān', # Special:Listusers 'listusers-noresult' => 'Nǣnne brūcend gefundenne.', # E-mail user 'emailfrom' => 'Fram', 'emailto' => 'Tó', 'emailsubject' => 'Forþsetennes', 'emailmessage' => 'Ǣrendgewrit', 'emailsend' => 'Ǣrendian', 'emailsent' => 'E-mail gesend', 'emailsenttext' => 'Þīn e-mail ǣrendgewrit wearþ gesend.', # Watchlist 'watchlist' => 'Mīn behealdnestalu', 'mywatchlist' => 'Mīn behealdnestalu', 'addedwatch' => 'Geīeht tō wæcctale', 'watch' => 'Behealdan', 'unwatch' => 'Unbehealdan', 'watchlistcontains' => 'Þīn behealdnestalu hæfþ $1 {{PLURAL:$1|trameta|trametas}} inn.', 'wlnote' => 'Under sind þā æftemestan $1 hweorfunga in þǣm æftemestum $2 stundum.', 'wlshowlast' => 'Īewan æftemestan $1 stunda $2 daga $3', 'watchlist-hide-minor' => 'Hȳdan smala ādihtunga', 'enotif_newpagetext' => 'Þēs is nīwe tramet.', # Delete/protect/revert 'deletepage' => 'Āfeorsian tramet', 'excontent' => "innung wæs: '$1'", 'excontentauthor' => "innung wæs: '$1' (and se āna forðiend wæs '[[Special:Contributions/$2|$2]]')", 'exblank' => 'tramet wæs ǣmtig', 'historywarning' => 'Warnung: Se tramet, þone þu āfeorsian teohhast, hæfþ stǣre:', 'actioncomplete' => 'Weorcdǣd geendod', 'deletedarticle' => 'āfeorsod "[[$1]]"', 'dellogpage' => 'Āfeorsunge_wisbōc', 'deletionlog' => 'āfeorsunge wisbōc', 'deletecomment' => 'Racu for āfeorsunge', 'rollback_short' => 'Edhwierfan', 'rollbacklink' => 'Edhwierfan', 'rollbackfailed' => 'Edhwierft misfangen', 'editcomment' => 'Sēo ādihtungymbsprǣc wæs: "$1".', # only shown if there is an edit comment 'revertpage' => 'Ācierde ādihtunga fram [[Special:Contributions/$2|$2]] ([[User talk:$2|Gesprec]]); wendede on bæc tō ǣrran fadunge fram [[User:$1|$1]]', # Additional available: $3: revid of the revision reverted to, $4: timestamp of the revision reverted to, $5: revid of the revision reverted from, $6: timestamp of the revision reverted from 'unprotectedarticle' => 'unweardod "[[$1]]"', 'protectsub' => '(Weardiende "$1")', 'unprotectsub' => '(Unweardiende "$1")', 'restriction-type' => 'Gelēafnes:', # Restrictions (nouns) 'restriction-edit' => 'Ādihtan', 'restriction-move' => 'Gān', # Undelete 'undeletebtn' => 'Edstaðola!', 'undeletedarticle' => 'edstaðolod "[[$1]]"', 'undelete-search-submit' => 'Sēcan', # Namespace form on various pages 'namespace' => 'Namanstede:', # Contributions 'contributions' => 'Brūcendforðunga', 'mycontris' => 'Mīna forðunga', 'sp-contributions-submit' => 'Sēcan', # What links here 'whatlinkshere' => 'Hwæt bindaþ hider', 'whatlinkshere-page' => 'Tramet:', 'linklistsub' => '(Getalu benda)', 'linkshere' => 'Þā folgendan trametas bindaþ hider:', 'nolinkshere' => 'Nāne trametas bindaþ hider.', 'isredirect' => 'edlǣdungtramet', # Block/unblock 'ipbreason' => 'Racu', 'ipbreasonotherlist' => 'Ōðeru racu', 'ipbreason-dropdown' => '*Gemǣna gǣlungraca ** Inserting false information ** Removing content from pages ** Spamming links to external sites ** Inserting nonsense/gibberish into pages ** Intimidating behaviour/harassment ** Abusing multiple accounts ** Unacceptable username', 'ipbsubmit' => 'Gǣlan þisne brūcend', 'ipbother' => 'Ōðeru tīd', 'ipboptions' => '1 stund:1 hour, 2 stunda:2 hours,1 dæg:1 day,3 dagas:3 days,1 wucu:1 week,2 wucu:2 wuca,1 mōnaþ:1 month,3 mōnþas:3 months,6 mōnþas:6 months,1 gēar:1 year,unendiendlic:infinite', # display1:time1,display2:time2,... 'ipbotheroption' => 'ōðer', 'ipbotherreason' => 'Ōðeru/geīecendlicu racu:', 'ipblocklist-submit' => 'Sēcan', 'infiniteblock' => 'unendiendlic', 'expiringblock' => 'forealdaþ $1', 'contribslink' => 'forðunga', 'proxyblocksuccess' => 'Gedōn.', # Move page 'movearticle' => 'Geferan tramet', 'newtitle' => 'Tō nīwum tītule', 'articleexists' => 'Tramet on þǣm naman ǣr stendeþ, oþþe þone naman þu cēas nis andfenge. Bidde cēos ōðerne naman.', 'movedto' => 'gefered tō', '1movedto2' => '[[$1]] gefered tō [[$2]]', '1movedto2_redir' => '[[$1]] gefered tō [[$2]] ofer edlǣdunge', 'movereason' => 'Racu:', # Namespace 8 related 'allmessagesname' => 'Nama', 'allmessagesdefault' => 'Fūslic traht', 'allmessagescurrent' => 'Genge traht', # Thumbnails 'thumbnail-more' => 'Gebrǣdan', # Special:Import 'import' => 'Trametas inbringan', 'importfailed' => 'Inbringung tōsǣlede: $1', 'importnotext' => 'Ǣmtig oþþe nān traht', 'importsuccess' => 'Geinnung gesǣled!', # Tooltip help for the actions 'tooltip-pt-userpage' => 'Mīn brūcendtramet', 'tooltip-pt-preferences' => 'Mīna foreberunga', 'tooltip-pt-mycontris' => 'Getalu mīnra forðunga', 'tooltip-pt-logout' => 'Ūtmeldian', 'tooltip-ca-history' => 'Forþgewitena fadunga þisses trametes.', 'tooltip-search' => 'Sēċan {{SITENAME}}', 'tooltip-p-logo' => 'Hēafodsīde', 'tooltip-minoredit' => 'Mearcian þis swā lȳtle ādihtunge', 'tooltip-save' => 'Sparian þīna onwendunga', 'tooltip-preview' => 'Forescēawa þīne āwendednessa, bidde brūc þis ǣr þǣm þe þu sparast! [alt-p]', # Attribution 'anonymous' => 'Namcúþléas(e) brúcend {{SITENAME}}n', 'siteuser' => '{{SITENAME}}n brūcere $1', 'others' => 'ōðru', # Spam protection 'subcategorycount' => 'Þǣr {{PLURAL:$1|is ān underflocc|sind $1 undergecynd(a)}} tō þissum flocce.', 'categoryarticlecount' => 'Þǣr sind $1 gewrita in þissum flocce.', # Info page 'numedits' => 'Ádihtunga tæl (gewrit): $1', 'numtalkedits' => 'Rīm ādihtunga (mōtungtramet): $1', 'numwatchers' => 'Scēawera tæl: $1', # Media information 'imagemaxsize' => 'Settan biliðu on biliþgemearcungtrametum tō:', 'thumbsize' => 'Þumannæglmicelnes:', # Special:Newimages 'noimages' => 'Nāht tō sēonne.', # EXIF tags 'exif-imagewidth' => 'Wīdu', 'exif-compression' => 'Geþryccungwīse', 'exif-ycbcrpositioning' => 'Y and C gesetednes', 'exif-imagedescription' => 'Biliðes tītul', 'exif-artist' => 'Fruma', 'exif-usercomment' => 'Brūcendes trahtnunga', 'exif-exposuretime' => 'Blicestīd', 'exif-brightnessvalue' => 'Beorhtnes', 'exif-lightsource' => 'Lēohtfruma', 'exif-whitebalance' => 'Hwītefnetta', 'exif-sharpness' => 'Scearpnes', 'exif-gpslatituderef' => 'Norþ oþþe Sūþ Brǣdu', 'exif-gpslatitude' => 'Brǣdu', 'exif-gpslongituderef' => 'Ēast oþþe West Lengu', 'exif-gpslongitude' => 'Lengu', 'exif-gpsmeasuremode' => 'Metungwīse', 'exif-gpsimgdirection' => 'Rihtung þæs biliðes', # EXIF attributes 'exif-compression-1' => 'Ungeþrycced', 'exif-lightsource-1' => 'Dægeslēoht', 'exif-focalplaneresolutionunit-2' => 'yncas', 'exif-exposuremode-1' => 'Handlic blice', 'exif-whitebalance-0' => 'Selfgedōn hwītefnetta', 'exif-contrast-1' => 'Sōfte', 'exif-contrast-2' => 'Heard', 'exif-sharpness-1' => 'Sōfte', 'exif-sharpness-2' => 'Heard', 'exif-subjectdistancerange-2' => 'Nēa hāwung', 'exif-subjectdistancerange-3' => 'Feorr hāwung', # Pseudotags used for GPSLatitudeRef and GPSDestLatitudeRef 'exif-gpslatitude-n' => 'Norþ brǣdu', 'exif-gpslatitude-s' => 'Sūþ brǣdu', # Pseudotags used for GPSLongitudeRef and GPSDestLongitudeRef 'exif-gpslongitude-e' => 'Ēast lengu', 'exif-gpslongitude-w' => 'West lengu', # Pseudotags used for GPSTrackRef, GPSImgDirectionRef and GPSDestBearingRef 'exif-gpsdirection-t' => 'Sōþ rihtung', # 'all' in various places, this might be different for inflected languages 'recentchangesall' => 'eall', 'imagelistall' => 'eall', 'watchlistall2' => 'eall', 'namespacesall' => 'eall', # E-mail address confirmation 'confirmemail_body' => 'Hwilchwega, gewēne þu of IP stōwe $1, hæfþ in namanbēc gestt ǣnne hordcleofan "$2" mid þissum e-ǣrendes naman on {{SITENAME}}n. Tō āsēðenne þæt þes hordcleofa tō þē gebyraþ and tō openienne e-ǣrenda hwilcnessa on {{SITENAME}}n, opena þisne bend in þīnum webbscēawere: $3 Gif þis is *nā* þū, ne folga þisne bend. Þēos āsēðungrūn forealdaþ æt $4.', # Scary transclusion 'scarytranscludefailed' => '[Bisenfeccung getrucod for $1; sarig]', 'scarytranscludetoolong' => '[URL is tō lang; sarig]', # HTML dump 'redirectingto' => 'Edlǣdeþ tō [[$1]]...', # AJAX search 'searchnamed' => "Sēcan gewritu genemnodu ''$1''.", # Multipage image navigation 'imgmultigo' => 'Gān!', # Table pager 'table_pager_first' => 'Forma tramet', 'table_pager_last' => 'Hindemesta tramet', 'table_pager_limit_submit' => 'Gān', # Auto-summaries 'autosumm-new' => 'Nīwe tramet: $1', );