mTables = [ 'en' => new ReplacementArray(), 'en-x-piglatin' => new ReplacementArray(), ]; } /** * Translates text into Pig Latin. This allows developers to test the language variants * functionality and user interface without having to switch wiki language away from default. * * @param $text string * @param $toVariant string * @return string */ function translate( $text, $toVariant ) { if ( $toVariant === 'en-x-piglatin' ) { // Only process words composed of standard English alphabet, leave the rest unchanged. // This skips some English words like 'naïve' or 'résumé', but we can live with that. // Ignore single letters and words which aren't lowercase or uppercase-first. return preg_replace_callback( '/[A-Za-z][a-z]+/', function ( $matches ) { $word = $matches[0]; if ( preg_match( '/^[aeiou]/i', $word ) ) { return $word . 'way'; } else { return preg_replace_callback( '/^(qu|[^aeiou][^aeiouy]*)(.*)$/i', function ( $m ) { $ucfirst = strtoupper( $m[1][0] ) === $m[1][0]; if ( $ucfirst ) { return ucfirst( $m[2] ) . lcfirst( $m[1] ) . 'ay'; } else { return $m[2] . $m[1] . 'ay'; } }, $word ); } }, $text ); } else { return $text; } } } /** * English * * @ingroup Language */ class LanguageEn extends Language { function __construct() { global $wgUsePigLatinVariant, $wgHooks; parent::__construct(); if ( $wgUsePigLatinVariant ) { $this->mConverter = new EnConverter( $this, 'en', [ 'en', 'en-x-piglatin' ] ); $wgHooks['PageContentSaveComplete'][] = $this->mConverter; } } }