'Media', NS_SPECIAL => 'Special', NS_MAIN => '', NS_TALK => 'Talk', NS_USER => 'User', NS_USER_TALK => 'User_talk', NS_PROJECT => $wgMetaNamespace, NS_PROJECT_TALK => $wgMetaNamespace . '_talk', NS_IMAGE => 'Image', NS_IMAGE_TALK => 'Image_talk', NS_MEDIAWIKI => 'MediaWiki', NS_MEDIAWIKI_TALK => 'MediaWiki_talk', NS_TEMPLATE => 'Template', NS_TEMPLATE_TALK => 'Template_talk', NS_HELP => 'Help', NS_HELP_TALK => 'Help_talk', NS_CATEGORY => 'Category', NS_CATEGORY_TALK => 'Category_talk', ); if(isset($wgExtraNamespaces)) { $wgNamespaceNamesEn=$wgNamespaceNamesEn+$wgExtraNamespaces; } /* private */ $wgDefaultUserOptionsEn = array( 'quickbar' => 1, 'underline' => 2, 'cols' => 80, 'rows' => 25, 'searchlimit' => 20, 'contextlines' => 5, 'contextchars' => 50, 'skin' => $wgDefaultSkin, 'math' => 1, 'rcdays' => 7, 'rclimit' => 50, 'wllimit' => 250, 'highlightbroken' => 1, 'stubthreshold' => 0, 'previewontop' => 1, 'editsection' => 1, 'editsectiononrightclick'=> 0, 'showtoc' => 1, 'showtoolbar' => 1, 'date' => 0, 'imagesize' => 2, 'thumbsize' => 2, 'rememberpassword' => 0, 'enotifwatchlistpages' => 0, 'enotifusertalkpages' => 1, 'enotifminoredits' => 0, 'enotifrevealaddr' => 0, 'shownumberswatching' => 1, 'fancysig' => 0, 'externaleditor' => 0, 'externaldiff' => 0, 'showjumplinks' => 1, 'numberheadings' => 0, 'uselivepreview' => 0, 'watchlistdays' => 3.0, ); /* private */ $wgQuickbarSettingsEn = array( 'None', 'Fixed left', 'Fixed right', 'Floating left', 'Floating right' ); /* private */ $wgSkinNamesEn = array( 'standard' => 'Classic', 'nostalgia' => 'Nostalgia', 'cologneblue' => 'Cologne Blue', 'davinci' => 'DaVinci', 'mono' => 'Mono', 'monobook' => 'MonoBook', 'myskin' => 'MySkin', 'chick' => 'Chick' ); /* private */ $wgMathNamesEn = array( MW_MATH_PNG => 'mw_math_png', MW_MATH_SIMPLE => 'mw_math_simple', MW_MATH_HTML => 'mw_math_html', MW_MATH_SOURCE => 'mw_math_source', MW_MATH_MODERN => 'mw_math_modern', MW_MATH_MATHML => 'mw_math_mathml' ); /** * Whether to use user or default setting in Language::date() * * NOTE: the array string values are no longer important! * The actual date format functions are now called for the selection in * Special:Preferences, and the 'datedefault' message for MW_DATE_DEFAULT. * * The array keys make up the set of formats which this language allows * the user to select. It's exposed via Language::getDateFormats(). * * @private */ $wgDateFormatsEn = array( MW_DATE_DEFAULT => 'No preference', MW_DATE_DMY => '16:12, 15 January 2001', MW_DATE_MDY => '16:12, January 15, 2001', MW_DATE_YMD => '16:12, 2001 January 15', MW_DATE_ISO => '2001-01-15 16:12:34' ); /* private */ $wgUserTogglesEn = array( 'highlightbroken', 'justify', 'hideminor', 'extendwatchlist', 'usenewrc', 'numberheadings', 'showtoolbar', 'editondblclick', 'editsection', 'editsectiononrightclick', 'showtoc', 'rememberpassword', 'editwidth', 'watchcreations', 'watchdefault', 'minordefault', 'previewontop', 'previewonfirst', 'nocache', 'enotifwatchlistpages', 'enotifusertalkpages', 'enotifminoredits', 'enotifrevealaddr', 'shownumberswatching', 'fancysig', 'externaleditor', 'externaldiff', 'showjumplinks', 'uselivepreview', 'autopatrol', 'forceeditsummary', 'watchlisthideown', 'watchlisthidebots', ); /* private */ $wgBookstoreListEn = array( 'AddALL' => 'http://www.addall.com/New/Partner.cgi?query=$1&type=ISBN', 'PriceSCAN' => 'http://www.pricescan.com/books/bookDetail.asp?isbn=$1', 'Barnes & Noble' => 'http://search.barnesandnoble.com/bookSearch/isbnInquiry.asp?isbn=$1', 'Amazon.com' => 'http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN=$1' ); # Read language names global $wgLanguageNames; /** */ require_once( 'Names.php' ); $wgLanguageNamesEn =& $wgLanguageNames; /* private */ $wgWeekdayNamesEn = array( 'sunday', 'monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday', 'saturday' ); /* private */ $wgMonthNamesEn = array( 'january', 'february', 'march', 'april', 'may_long', 'june', 'july', 'august', 'september', 'october', 'november', 'december' ); /* private */ $wgMonthNamesGenEn = array( 'january-gen', 'february-gen', 'march-gen', 'april-gen', 'may-gen', 'june-gen', 'july-gen', 'august-gen', 'september-gen', 'october-gen', 'november-gen', 'december-gen' ); /* private */ $wgMonthAbbreviationsEn = array( 'jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'may', 'jun', 'jul', 'aug', 'sep', 'oct', 'nov', 'dec' ); # Note to translators: # Please include the English words as synonyms. This allows people # from other wikis to contribute more easily. # /* private */ $wgMagicWordsEn = array( # ID CASE SYNONYMS 'redirect' => array( 0, '#REDIRECT' ), 'notoc' => array( 0, '__NOTOC__' ), 'nogallery' => array( 0, '__NOGALLERY__' ), 'forcetoc' => array( 0, '__FORCETOC__' ), 'toc' => array( 0, '__TOC__' ), 'noeditsection' => array( 0, '__NOEDITSECTION__' ), 'start' => array( 0, '__START__' ), 'currentmonth' => array( 1, 'CURRENTMONTH' ), 'currentmonthname' => array( 1, 'CURRENTMONTHNAME' ), 'currentmonthnamegen' => array( 1, 'CURRENTMONTHNAMEGEN' ), 'currentmonthabbrev' => array( 1, 'CURRENTMONTHABBREV' ), 'currentday' => array( 1, 'CURRENTDAY' ), 'currentday2' => array( 1, 'CURRENTDAY2' ), 'currentdayname' => array( 1, 'CURRENTDAYNAME' ), 'currentyear' => array( 1, 'CURRENTYEAR' ), 'currenttime' => array( 1, 'CURRENTTIME' ), 'numberofpages' => array( 1, 'NUMBEROFPAGES' ), 'numberofarticles' => array( 1, 'NUMBEROFARTICLES' ), 'numberoffiles' => array( 1, 'NUMBEROFFILES' ), 'numberofusers' => array( 1, 'NUMBEROFUSERS' ), 'pagename' => array( 1, 'PAGENAME' ), 'pagenamee' => array( 1, 'PAGENAMEE' ), 'namespace' => array( 1, 'NAMESPACE' ), 'namespacee' => array( 1, 'NAMESPACEE' ), 'talkspace' => array( 1, 'TALKSPACE' ), 'talkspacee' => array( 1, 'TALKSPACEE' ), 'subjectspace' => array( 1, 'SUBJECTSPACE', 'ARTICLESPACE' ), 'subjectspacee' => array( 1, 'SUBJECTSPACEE', 'ARTICLESPACEE' ), 'fullpagename' => array( 1, 'FULLPAGENAME' ), 'fullpagenamee' => array( 1, 'FULLPAGENAMEE' ), 'subpagename' => array( 1, 'SUBPAGENAME' ), 'subpagenamee' => array( 1, 'SUBPAGENAMEE' ), 'basepagename' => array( 1, 'BASEPAGENAME' ), 'basepagenamee' => array( 1, 'BASEPAGENAMEE' ), 'talkpagename' => array( 1, 'TALKPAGENAME' ), 'talkpagenamee' => array( 1, 'TALKPAGENAMEE' ), 'subjectpagename' => array( 1, 'SUBJECTPAGENAME', 'ARTICLEPAGENAME' ), 'subjectpagenamee' => array( 1, 'SUBJECTPAGENAMEE', 'ARTICLEPAGENAMEE' ), 'msg' => array( 0, 'MSG:' ), 'subst' => array( 0, 'SUBST:' ), 'msgnw' => array( 0, 'MSGNW:' ), 'end' => array( 0, '__END__' ), 'img_thumbnail' => array( 1, 'thumbnail', 'thumb' ), 'img_manualthumb' => array( 1, 'thumbnail=$1', 'thumb=$1'), 'img_right' => array( 1, 'right' ), 'img_left' => array( 1, 'left' ), 'img_none' => array( 1, 'none' ), 'img_width' => array( 1, '$1px' ), 'img_center' => array( 1, 'center', 'centre' ), 'img_framed' => array( 1, 'framed', 'enframed', 'frame' ), 'int' => array( 0, 'INT:' ), 'sitename' => array( 1, 'SITENAME' ), 'ns' => array( 0, 'NS:' ), 'localurl' => array( 0, 'LOCALURL:' ), 'localurle' => array( 0, 'LOCALURLE:' ), 'server' => array( 0, 'SERVER' ), 'servername' => array( 0, 'SERVERNAME' ), 'scriptpath' => array( 0, 'SCRIPTPATH' ), 'grammar' => array( 0, 'GRAMMAR:' ), 'notitleconvert' => array( 0, '__NOTITLECONVERT__', '__NOTC__'), 'nocontentconvert' => array( 0, '__NOCONTENTCONVERT__', '__NOCC__'), 'currentweek' => array( 1, 'CURRENTWEEK' ), 'currentdow' => array( 1, 'CURRENTDOW' ), 'revisionid' => array( 1, 'REVISIONID' ), 'plural' => array( 0, 'PLURAL:' ), 'fullurl' => array( 0, 'FULLURL:' ), 'fullurle' => array( 0, 'FULLURLE:' ), 'lcfirst' => array( 0, 'LCFIRST:' ), 'ucfirst' => array( 0, 'UCFIRST:' ), 'lc' => array( 0, 'LC:' ), 'uc' => array( 0, 'UC:' ), 'raw' => array( 0, 'RAW:' ), 'displaytitle' => array( 1, 'DISPLAYTITLE' ), 'rawsuffix' => array( 1, 'R' ), 'newsectionlink' => array( 1, '__NEWSECTIONLINK__' ), 'currentversion' => array( 1, 'CURRENTVERSION' ), 'urlencode' => array( 0, 'URLENCODE:' ), 'currenttimestamp' => array( 1, 'CURRENTTIMESTAMP' ), 'directionmark' => array( 1, 'DIRECTIONMARK', 'DIRMARK' ), 'language' => array( 0, '#LANGUAGE:' ), 'contentlanguage' => array( 1, 'CONTENTLANGUAGE', 'CONTENTLANG' ), 'pagesinnamespace' => array( 1, 'PAGESINNAMESPACE:', 'PAGESINNS:' ), 'numberofadmins' => array( 1, 'NUMBEROFADMINS' ), 'formatnum' => array( 0, 'FORMATNUM' ), ); if (!$wgCachedMessageArrays) { require_once('Messages.php'); } /* a fake language converter */ class fakeConverter { var $mLang; function fakeConverter($langobj) {$this->mLang = $langobj;} function convert($t, $i) {return $t;} function parserConvert($t, $p) {return $t;} function getVariants() { return array( $this->mLang->getCode() ); } function getPreferredVariant() {return $this->mLang->getCode(); } function findVariantLink(&$l, &$n) {} function getExtraHashOptions() {return '';} function getParsedTitle() {return '';} function markNoConversion($text) {return $text;} function convertCategoryKey( $key ) {return $key; } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Internationalisation code #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Language { var $mConverter; function __construct() { $this->mConverter = new fakeConverter($this); } /** * Exports the default user options as defined in * $wgDefaultUserOptionsEn, user preferences can override some of these * depending on what's in (Local|Default)Settings.php and some defines. * * @return array */ function getDefaultUserOptions() { global $wgDefaultUserOptionsEn; return $wgDefaultUserOptionsEn; } /** * Exports $wgBookstoreListEn * @return array */ function getBookstoreList() { global $wgBookstoreListEn; return $wgBookstoreListEn; } /** * @return array */ function getNamespaces() { global $wgNamespaceNamesEn; return $wgNamespaceNamesEn; } /** * A convenience function that returns the same thing as * getNamespaces() except with the array values changed to ' ' * where it found '_', useful for producing output to be displayed * e.g. in