'Select layers', 'auto_scroll' => 'auto scroll', 'close' => 'close', 'improve_transcript' => 'Improve', /* * js file: /libAddMedia/mvBaseUploadInterface.js */ 'upload-transcode-in-progress' => 'Transcode and upload in progress (do not close this window)', 'upload-in-progress' => 'Upload in progress (do not close this window)', 'upload-transcoded-status' => 'Transcoded', 'uploaded-status' => 'Uploaded', 'wgfogg_wrong_version' => 'You have Firefogg installed but it is outdated. Please upgrade.', 'upload-stats-fileprogres' => '$1 of $2', 'mv_upload_completed' => 'Your upload is complete', 'mv_upload_done' => 'Your upload should be accessible.', 'upload-unknown-size' => 'Unknown size', 'mv-cancel-confim' => 'Are you sure you want to cancel?', 'successfulupload' => 'Upload successful', 'uploaderror' => 'Upload error', 'uploadwarning' => 'Upload warning', 'unknown-error' => 'Unknown error:', 'return-to-form' => 'Return to form', 'file-exists-duplicate' => 'This file is a duplicate of the following file:', 'fileexists' => 'A file with this name exists already. Please check $1 if you are not sure if you want to change it.', 'fileexists-thumb' => '
Existing file
', 'ignorewarning' => 'Ignore warning and save file anyway', 'file-thumbnail-no' => 'The filename begins with $1', 'go-to-resource' => 'Go to resource page', 'upload-misc-error' => 'Unknown upload error', 'wgfogg_waring_bad_extension' => 'You have selected a file with an unsuported extension (more information).', 'cancel-button' => 'Cancel', 'ok-button' => 'OK', /* * js file: /libAddMedia/mvAdvFirefogg.js */ 'help-sticky' => 'Help (click to stick)', 'fogg-cg-preset' => 'Preset: $1', 'fogg-cg-quality' => 'Basic quality and resolution control', 'fogg-cg-meta' => 'Metadata for the clip', 'fogg-cg-range' => 'Encoding range', 'fogg-cg-advVideo' => 'Advanced video encoding controls', 'fogg-cg-advAudio' => 'Advanced audio encoding controls', 'fogg-preset-custom' => 'Custom settings', /* * js file: /libAddMedia/searchLibs/metavidSearch.js */ 'mv_stream_title' => '$1 $2 to $3', /* * js file: /libAddMedia/searchLibs/baseRemoteSearch.js */ 'imported_from' => '$1 imported from [$2 $3]. See the original [$4 resource page] for more information.', /* * js file: /libAddMedia/mvFirefogg.js */ 'fogg-select_file' => 'Select file', 'fogg-select_new_file' => 'Select new file', 'fogg-select_url' => 'Select URL', 'fogg-save_local_file' => 'Save Ogg', 'fogg-check_for_fogg' => 'Checking for Firefogg ...', 'fogg-installed' => 'Firefogg is installed', 'fogg-for_improved_uplods' => 'For improved uploads:', 'fogg-please_install' => 'Install Firefogg. More about Firefogg', 'fogg-use_latest_fox' => 'Please first install Firefox 3.5 (or later). Then revisit this page to install the Firefogg extension.', 'fogg-passthrough_mode' => 'Your selected file is already Ogg or not a video file', 'fogg-transcoding' => 'Encoding video to Ogg', 'fogg-encoding-done' => 'Encoding complete', 'fogg-badtoken' => 'Token is not valid', /* * js file: /libAddMedia/simpleUploadForm.js */ 'select_file' => 'Select file', 'more_licence_options' => 'For more licence options, view the normal upload page', 'select_ownwork' => 'I am uploading entirely my own work, and licencing it under:', 'licence_cc-by-sa' => 'Creative Commons Share Alike (3.0)', 'upload' => 'Upload file', 'destfilename' => 'Destination filename:', 'summary' => 'Summary', 'error_not_loggedin' => 'You do not appear to be logged in or do not have upload privlages.', /* * js file: /libAddMedia/remoteSearchDriver.js */ 'add_media_wizard' => 'Add media wizard', 'mv_media_search' => 'Media search', 'rsd_box_layout' => 'Box layout', 'rsd_list_layout' => 'List layout', 'rsd_results_desc' => 'Results', 'rsd_results_next' => 'next', 'rsd_results_prev' => 'previous', 'rsd_no_results' => 'No search results for $1', 'upload_tab' => 'Upload', 'rsd_layout' => 'Layout:', 'rsd_resource_edit' => 'Edit resource: $1', 'resource_description_page' => 'Resource description page', 'rsd_local_resource_title' => 'Local resource title', 'rsd_do_insert' => 'Do insert', 'cc_title' => 'Creative Commons', 'cc_by_title' => 'Attribution', 'cc_nc_title' => 'Noncommercial', 'cc_nd_title' => 'No Derivative Works', 'cc_sa_title' => 'Share Alike', 'cc_pd_title' => 'Public Domain', 'unknown_license' => 'Unknown license', 'no_import_by_url' => 'This user or wiki can not import assets from remote URLs.

Do you need to login?

If permissions are set, you may have to enable $wgAllowCopyUploads (more information).

', 'results_from' => 'Results from $2', 'missing_desc_see_soruce' => 'This asset is missing a description. Please see the [$1 orginal source] and help describe it.', 'rsd_config_error' => 'Add media wizard configuration error: $1', /* * js file: /libSequencer/mvSequencer.js */ 'menu_clipedit' => 'Edit media', 'menu_transition' => 'Transitions and effects', 'menu_cliplib' => 'Add media', 'menu_resource_overview' => 'Resource overview', 'menu_options' => 'Options', 'loading_timeline' => 'Loading timeline ...', 'loading_user_rights' => 'Loading user rights ...', 'no_edit_permissions' => 'You do not have permissions to save changes to this sequence', 'edit_clip' => 'Edit clip', 'edit_save' => 'Save sequence changes', 'saving_wait' => 'Save in progress (please wait)', 'save_done' => 'Save complete', 'edit_cancel' => 'Cancel sequence edit', 'edit_cancel_confirm' => 'Are you sure you want to cancel your edit? Changes will be lost.', 'zoom_in' => 'Zoom in', 'zoom_out' => 'Zoom out', 'cut_clip' => 'Cut clips', 'expand_track' => 'Expand track', 'colapse_track' => 'Collapse track', 'play_from_position' => 'Play from playline position', 'pixle2sec' => 'pixles to seconds', 'rmclip' => 'Remove clip', 'clip_in' => 'clip in', 'clip_out' => 'clip out', 'mv_welcome_to_sequencer' => '

Welcome to the sequencer demo

Very limited functionality right now. Not much documentation yet either.', 'no_selected_resource' => '

No resource selected

Select a clip to enable editing.', 'error_edit_multiple' => '

Multiple resources selected

Select a single clip to edit it.', 'mv_editor_options' => 'Editor options', 'mv_editor_mode' => 'Editor mode', 'mv_simple_editor_desc' => 'simple editor (iMovie style)', 'mv_advanced_editor_desc' => 'advanced editor (Final Cut style)', 'mv_other_options' => 'Other options', 'mv_contextmenu_opt' => 'Enable context menus', 'mv_sequencer_credit_line' => 'Developed by Kaltura, Inc. in partnership with the Wikimedia Foundation (more information).', /* * js file: /libSequencer/mvTimedEffectsEdit.js */ 'transition_in' => 'Transition in', 'transition_out' => 'Transition out', 'effects' => 'Effects stack', 'remove_transition' => 'Remove transition', 'edit_transin' => 'Edit transition into clip', 'edit_transout' => 'Edit transition out of clip', /* * js file: /libEmbedVideo/embedVideo.js */ 'loading_plugin' => 'loading plugin ...', 'select_playback' => 'Set playback preference', 'link_back' => 'Link back', 'error_load_lib' => 'Error: mv_embed was unable to load required JavaScript libraries. Insert script via DOM has failed. Please try reloading this page.', 'error_swap_vid' => 'Error: mv_embed was unable to swap the video tag for the mv_embed interface', 'add_to_end_of_sequence' => 'Add to end of sequence', 'missing_video_stream' => 'The video file for this stream is missing', 'play_clip' => 'Play clip', 'pause_clip' => 'Pause clip', 'volume_control' => 'Volume control', 'player_options' => 'Player options', 'closed_captions' => 'Close captions', 'player_fullscreen' => 'Fullscreen', 'next_clip_msg' => 'Play next clip', 'prev_clip_msg' => 'Play previous clip', 'current_clip_msg' => 'Continue playing this clip', 'seek_to' => 'Seek to', 'download_segment' => 'Download selection:', 'download_full' => 'Download full video file:', 'download_right_click' => 'To download, right click and select Save target as...', 'download_clip' => 'Download video', 'download_text' => 'Download text (CMML xml):', 'download' => 'Download', 'share' => 'Share', 'credits' => 'Credits', 'clip_linkback' => 'Clip source page', 'chose_player' => 'Choose video player', 'share_this_video' => 'Share this video', 'video_credits' => 'Video credits', 'menu_btn' => 'Menu', 'close_btn' => 'Close', 'mv_ogg-player-vlc-mozilla' => 'VLC plugin', 'mv_ogg-player-videoElement' => 'Native Ogg video support', 'mv_ogg-player-vlc-activex' => 'VLC ActiveX', 'mv_ogg-player-oggPlugin' => 'Generic Ogg plugin', 'mv_ogg-player-quicktime-mozilla' => 'Quicktime plugin', 'mv_ogg-player-quicktime-activex' => 'Quicktime ActiveX', 'mv_ogg-player-cortado' => 'Java Cortado', 'mv_ogg-player-flowplayer' => 'Flowplayer', 'mv_ogg-player-selected' => ' (selected)', 'mv_ogg-player-omtkplayer' => 'OMTK Flash Vorbis', 'mv_generic_missing_plugin' => 'You browser does not appear to support the following playback type: $1
Visit the Playback Methods page to download a player.
', 'mv_for_best_experience' => 'For a better video playback experience we recommend:
Firefox 3.5.', 'mv_do_not_warn_again' => 'Dissmiss for now.', 'players' => 'Players', /* * js file: /libClipEdit/mvClipEdit.js */ 'mv_crop' => 'Crop image', 'mv_apply_crop' => 'Apply crop to image', 'mv_reset_crop' => 'Reset crop', 'mv_insert_image_page' => 'Insert into page', 'mv_insert_into_sequence' => 'Insert into sequence', 'mv_preview_insert' => 'Preview insert', 'mv_cancel_image_insert' => 'Cancel insert', 'sc_fileopts' => 'Clip detail edit', 'sc_inoutpoints' => 'Set in-out points', 'sc_overlays' => 'Overlays', 'sc_audio' => 'Audio control', 'sc_duration' => 'Duration', 'mv_template_properties' => 'Template properties', 'mv_custom_title' => 'Custom title', 'mv_edit_properties' => 'Edit properties', 'mv_other_properties' => 'Other properties', 'mv_resource_page' => 'Resource page:', 'mv_set_in_out_points' => 'Set in-out points', 'mv_start_time' => 'Start time', 'mv_end_time' => 'End time', 'mv_preview_inout' => 'Preview/play in-out points', /* * js file: /mv_embed.js */ 'loading_txt' => 'loading ...', 'loading_title' => 'Loading...', 'size-gigabytes' => '$1 GB', 'size-megabytes' => '$1 MB', 'size-kilobytes' => '$1 K', 'size-bytes' => '$1 B', );