\n". " If the database extension is installed (eg php-mysql), make sure it is enabled in your php.ini.\n"; if( $wgCommandLineMode ) { print $error; } else { outputFooter($error); } exit; } global $wgCommandLineMode; $wgCommandLineMode = true; umask( 000 ); set_time_limit( 0 ); } function copyfile( $sdir, $name, $ddir, $perms = 0664 ) { copyfileto( $sdir, $name, $ddir, $name, $perms ); } function copyfileto( $sdir, $sname, $ddir, $dname, $perms = 0664 ) { global $wgInstallOwner, $wgInstallGroup; $d = "{$ddir}/{$dname}"; if ( copy( "{$sdir}/{$sname}", $d ) ) { if ( isset( $wgInstallOwner ) ) { chown( $d, $wgInstallOwner ); } if ( isset( $wgInstallGroup ) ) { chgrp( $d, $wgInstallGroup ); } chmod( $d, $perms ); # print "Copied \"{$sname}\" to \"{$d}\".\n"; } else { print "Failed to copy file \"{$sname}\" to \"{$ddir}/{$dname}\".\n"; exit(); } } function copydirectory( $source, $dest ) { $handle = opendir( $source ); while ( false !== ( $f = readdir( $handle ) ) ) { $fullname = "$source/$f"; if ( $f{0} != '.' && is_file( $fullname ) ) { copyfile( $source, $f, $dest ); } } } function readconsole( $prompt = '' ) { static $isatty = null, $fp = null; if ( is_null( $fp ) ) { $fp = fopen( 'php://stdin', 'r' ); } if ( is_null( $isatty ) ) { if ( !function_exists( 'posix_isatty' ) || posix_isatty( $fp ) ) { $isatty = true; } else { $isatty = false; } } if ( $isatty && function_exists( 'readline' ) ) { return readline( $prompt ); } else { if ( $isatty ) { print $prompt; } if ( feof( $fp ) ) { return false; } $st = fgets($fp, 1024); if ($st === false) return false; $resp = trim( $st ); return $resp; } } # # Read and execute SQL commands from a file # function dbsource( $fname, $db = false ) { if ( !$db ) { // Try $wgDatabase, which is used in the install and update scripts global $wgDatabase; if ( isset( $wgDatabase ) ) { $db =& $wgDatabase; } else { // No? Well, we must be outside of those scripts, so use the standard method $db =& wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ); } } $error = $db->sourceFile( $fname ); if ( $error !== true ) { print $error; exit(1); } } # Obsolete, use Database::fieldExists() function field_exists( $table, $field ) { $fname = 'Update script: field_exists'; $db =& wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE ); $res = $db->query( "DESCRIBE $table", $fname ); $found = false; while ( $row = $db->fetchObject( $res ) ) { if ( $row->Field == $field ) { $found = true; break; } } return $found; } # Obsolete Database::tableExists() function table_exists( $db ) { global $wgDBname; $res = mysql_list_tables( $wgDBname ); if( !$res ) { echo "** " . mysql_error() . "\n"; return false; } for( $i = mysql_num_rows( $res ) - 1; $i--; $i > 0 ) { if( mysql_tablename( $res, $i ) == $db ) return true; } return false; } # Obsolete, use Database:fieldInfo() function field_info( $table, $field ) { $res = mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM $table LIMIT 1" ); $n = mysql_num_fields( $res ); for( $i = 0; $i < $n; $i++ ) { $meta = mysql_fetch_field( $res, $i ); if( $field == $meta->name ) { return $meta; } } return false; } /** * Used to end the HTML stream when we die out */ function outputFooter( $text ) { print $text; print <<

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