setHeaders(); $this->outputHeader(); // Purge expired entries on one in every 10 queries if( !mt_rand( 0, 10 ) ) { Title::purgeExpiredRestrictions(); } $request = $this->getRequest(); $type = $request->getVal( $this->IdType ); $level = $request->getVal( $this->IdLevel ); $sizetype = $request->getVal( 'sizetype' ); $size = $request->getIntOrNull( 'size' ); $NS = $request->getIntOrNull( 'namespace' ); $indefOnly = $request->getBool( 'indefonly' ) ? 1 : 0; $cascadeOnly = $request->getBool('cascadeonly') ? 1 : 0; $pager = new ProtectedPagesPager( $this, array(), $type, $level, $NS, $sizetype, $size, $indefOnly, $cascadeOnly ); $this->getOutput()->addHTML( $this->showOptions( $NS, $type, $level, $sizetype, $size, $indefOnly, $cascadeOnly ) ); if( $pager->getNumRows() ) { $this->getOutput()->addHTML( $pager->getNavigationBar() . '' . $pager->getNavigationBar() ); } else { $this->getOutput()->addWikiMsg( 'protectedpagesempty' ); } } /** * Callback function to output a restriction * @param Title $row Protected title * @return string Formatted "
  • " element */ public function formatRow( $row ) { wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ ); static $infinity = null; if( is_null( $infinity ) ) { $infinity = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE )->getInfinity(); } $title = Title::makeTitleSafe( $row->page_namespace, $row->page_title ); $link = Linker::link( $title ); $description_items = array (); $protType = $this->msg( 'restriction-level-' . $row->pr_level )->escaped(); $description_items[] = $protType; if( $row->pr_cascade ) { $description_items[] = $this->msg( 'protect-summary-cascade' )->text(); } $stxt = ''; $lang = $this->getLanguage(); $expiry = $lang->formatExpiry( $row->pr_expiry, TS_MW ); if( $expiry != $infinity ) { $user = $this->getUser(); $description_items[] = $this->msg( 'protect-expiring-local', $lang->userTimeAndDate( $expiry, $user ), $lang->userDate( $expiry, $user ), $lang->userTime( $expiry, $user ) )->escaped(); } if(!is_null($size = $row->page_len)) { $stxt = $lang->getDirMark() . ' ' . Linker::formatRevisionSize( $size ); } # Show a link to the change protection form for allowed users otherwise a link to the protection log if( $this->getUser()->isAllowed( 'protect' ) ) { $changeProtection = Linker::linkKnown( $title, $this->msg( 'protect_change' )->escaped(), array(), array( 'action' => 'unprotect' ) ); } else { $ltitle = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Log' ); $changeProtection = Linker::linkKnown( $ltitle, $this->msg( 'protectlogpage' )->escaped(), array(), array( 'type' => 'protect', 'page' => $title->getPrefixedText() ) ); } $changeProtection = ' ' . $this->msg( 'parentheses' )->rawParams( $changeProtection )->escaped(); wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ ); return Html::rawElement( 'li', array(), $lang->specialList( $link . $stxt, $lang->commaList( $description_items ), false ) . $changeProtection ) . "\n"; } /** * @param $namespace Integer * @param $type String: restriction type * @param $level String: restriction level * @param $sizetype String: "min" or "max" * @param $size Integer * @param $indefOnly Boolean: only indefinie protection * @param $cascadeOnly Boolean: only cascading protection * @return String: input form */ protected function showOptions( $namespace, $type='edit', $level, $sizetype, $size, $indefOnly, $cascadeOnly ) { global $wgScript; $title = $this->getTitle(); return Xml::openElement( 'form', array( 'method' => 'get', 'action' => $wgScript ) ) . Xml::openElement( 'fieldset' ) . Xml::element( 'legend', array(), $this->msg( 'protectedpages' )->text() ) . Html::hidden( 'title', $title->getPrefixedDBkey() ) . "\n" . $this->getNamespaceMenu( $namespace ) . " \n" . $this->getTypeMenu( $type ) . " \n" . $this->getLevelMenu( $level ) . " \n" . "
    " . $this->getExpiryCheck( $indefOnly ) . " \n" . $this->getCascadeCheck( $cascadeOnly ) . " \n" . "
    " . $this->getSizeLimit( $sizetype, $size ) . " \n" . "" . " " . Xml::submitButton( $this->msg( 'allpagessubmit' )->text() ) . "\n" . Xml::closeElement( 'fieldset' ) . Xml::closeElement( 'form' ); } /** * Prepare the namespace filter drop-down; standard namespace * selector, sans the MediaWiki namespace * * @param $namespace Mixed: pre-select namespace * @return String */ protected function getNamespaceMenu( $namespace = null ) { return Html::rawElement( 'span', array( 'style' => 'white-space: nowrap;' ), Html::namespaceSelector( array( 'selected' => $namespace, 'all' => '', 'label' => $this->msg( 'namespace' )->text() ), array( 'name' => 'namespace', 'id' => 'namespace', 'class' => 'namespaceselector', ) ) ); } /** * @return string Formatted HTML */ protected function getExpiryCheck( $indefOnly ) { return Xml::checkLabel( $this->msg( 'protectedpages-indef' )->text(), 'indefonly', 'indefonly', $indefOnly ) . "\n"; } /** * @return string Formatted HTML */ protected function getCascadeCheck( $cascadeOnly ) { return Xml::checkLabel( $this->msg( 'protectedpages-cascade' )->text(), 'cascadeonly', 'cascadeonly', $cascadeOnly ) . "\n"; } /** * @return string Formatted HTML */ protected function getSizeLimit( $sizetype, $size ) { $max = $sizetype === 'max'; return Xml::radioLabel( $this->msg( 'minimum-size' )->text(), 'sizetype', 'min', 'wpmin', !$max ) . ' ' . Xml::radioLabel( $this->msg( 'maximum-size' )->text(), 'sizetype', 'max', 'wpmax', $max ) . ' ' . Xml::input( 'size', 9, $size, array( 'id' => 'wpsize' ) ) . ' ' . Xml::label( $this->msg( 'pagesize' )->text(), 'wpsize' ); } /** * Creates the input label of the restriction type * @param $pr_type string Protection type * @return string Formatted HTML */ protected function getTypeMenu( $pr_type ) { $m = array(); // Temporary array $options = array(); // First pass to load the log names foreach( Title::getFilteredRestrictionTypes( true ) as $type ) { $text = $this->msg( "restriction-$type" )->text(); $m[$text] = $type; } // Third pass generates sorted XHTML content foreach( $m as $text => $type ) { $selected = ($type == $pr_type ); $options[] = Xml::option( $text, $type, $selected ) . "\n"; } return "" . Xml::label( $this->msg( 'restriction-type' )->text(), $this->IdType ) . ' ' . Xml::tags( 'select', array( 'id' => $this->IdType, 'name' => $this->IdType ), implode( "\n", $options ) ) . ""; } /** * Creates the input label of the restriction level * @param $pr_level string Protection level * @return string Formatted HTML */ protected function getLevelMenu( $pr_level ) { global $wgRestrictionLevels; $m = array( $this->msg( 'restriction-level-all' )->text() => 0 ); // Temporary array $options = array(); // First pass to load the log names foreach( $wgRestrictionLevels as $type ) { // Messages used can be 'restriction-level-sysop' and 'restriction-level-autoconfirmed' if( $type !='' && $type !='*') { $text = $this->msg( "restriction-level-$type" )->text(); $m[$text] = $type; } } // Third pass generates sorted XHTML content foreach( $m as $text => $type ) { $selected = ($type == $pr_level ); $options[] = Xml::option( $text, $type, $selected ); } return "" . Xml::label( $this->msg( 'restriction-level' )->text(), $this->IdLevel ) . ' ' . Xml::tags( 'select', array( 'id' => $this->IdLevel, 'name' => $this->IdLevel ), implode( "\n", $options ) ) . ""; } } /** * @todo document * @ingroup Pager */ class ProtectedPagesPager extends AlphabeticPager { public $mForm, $mConds; private $type, $level, $namespace, $sizetype, $size, $indefonly; function __construct( $form, $conds = array(), $type, $level, $namespace, $sizetype='', $size=0, $indefonly = false, $cascadeonly = false ) { $this->mForm = $form; $this->mConds = $conds; $this->type = ( $type ) ? $type : 'edit'; $this->level = $level; $this->namespace = $namespace; $this->sizetype = $sizetype; $this->size = intval($size); $this->indefonly = (bool)$indefonly; $this->cascadeonly = (bool)$cascadeonly; parent::__construct( $form->getContext() ); } function getStartBody() { # Do a link batch query $lb = new LinkBatch; foreach ( $this->mResult as $row ) { $lb->add( $row->page_namespace, $row->page_title ); } $lb->execute(); return ''; } function formatRow( $row ) { return $this->mForm->formatRow( $row ); } function getQueryInfo() { $conds = $this->mConds; $conds[] = '(pr_expiry>' . $this->mDb->addQuotes( $this->mDb->timestamp() ) . 'OR pr_expiry IS NULL)'; $conds[] = 'page_id=pr_page'; $conds[] = 'pr_type=' . $this->mDb->addQuotes( $this->type ); if( $this->sizetype=='min' ) { $conds[] = 'page_len>=' . $this->size; } elseif( $this->sizetype=='max' ) { $conds[] = 'page_len<=' . $this->size; } if( $this->indefonly ) { $conds[] = "pr_expiry = {$this->mDb->addQuotes( $this->mDb->getInfinity() )} OR pr_expiry IS NULL"; } if( $this->cascadeonly ) { $conds[] = 'pr_cascade = 1'; } if( $this->level ) $conds[] = 'pr_level=' . $this->mDb->addQuotes( $this->level ); if( !is_null($this->namespace) ) $conds[] = 'page_namespace=' . $this->mDb->addQuotes( $this->namespace ); return array( 'tables' => array( 'page_restrictions', 'page' ), 'fields' => array( 'pr_id', 'page_namespace', 'page_title', 'page_len', 'pr_type', 'pr_level', 'pr_expiry', 'pr_cascade' ), 'conds' => $conds ); } function getIndexField() { return 'pr_id'; } }