setHeaders(); $this->outputHeader(); $out = $this->getOutput(); $this->addHelpLink( 'Help:New images' ); $pager = new NewFilesPager( $this->getContext(), $par ); if ( !$this->including() ) { $this->setTopText(); $form = $pager->getForm(); $form->prepareForm(); $form->displayForm( '' ); } $out->addHTML( $pager->getBody() ); if ( !$this->including() ) { $out->addHTML( $pager->getNavigationBar() ); } } protected function getGroupName() { return 'changes'; } /** * Send the text to be displayed above the options */ function setTopText() { global $wgContLang; $message = $this->msg( 'newimagestext' )->inContentLanguage(); if ( !$message->isDisabled() ) { $this->getOutput()->addWikiText( Html::rawElement( 'p', [ 'lang' => $wgContLang->getHtmlCode(), 'dir' => $wgContLang->getDir() ], "\n" . $message->plain() . "\n" ), /* $lineStart */ false, /* $interface */ false ); } } } /** * @ingroup SpecialPage Pager */ class NewFilesPager extends ReverseChronologicalPager { /** * @var ImageGallery */ protected $gallery; /** * @var bool */ protected $showBots; /** * @var bool */ protected $hidePatrolled; function __construct( IContextSource $context, $par = null ) { $this->like = $context->getRequest()->getText( 'like' ); $this->showBots = $context->getRequest()->getBool( 'showbots', 0 ); $this->hidePatrolled = $context->getRequest()->getBool( 'hidepatrolled', 0 ); if ( is_numeric( $par ) ) { $this->setLimit( $par ); } parent::__construct( $context ); } function getQueryInfo() { $conds = $jconds = []; $tables = [ 'image' ]; $fields = [ 'img_name', 'img_user', 'img_timestamp' ]; $options = []; if ( !$this->showBots ) { $groupsWithBotPermission = User::getGroupsWithPermission( 'bot' ); if ( count( $groupsWithBotPermission ) ) { $tables[] = 'user_groups'; $conds[] = 'ug_group IS NULL'; $jconds['user_groups'] = [ 'LEFT JOIN', [ 'ug_group' => $groupsWithBotPermission, 'ug_user = img_user' ] ]; } } if ( $this->hidePatrolled ) { $tables[] = 'recentchanges'; $conds['rc_type'] = RC_LOG; $conds['rc_log_type'] = 'upload'; $conds['rc_patrolled'] = 0; $conds['rc_namespace'] = NS_FILE; $jconds['recentchanges'] = [ 'INNER JOIN', [ 'rc_title = img_name', 'rc_user = img_user', 'rc_timestamp = img_timestamp' ] ]; // We're ordering by img_timestamp, so we have to make sure MariaDB queries `image` first. // It sometimes decides to query `recentchanges` first and filesort the result set later // to get the right ordering. T124205 / $options[] = 'STRAIGHT_JOIN'; } if ( !$this->getConfig()->get( 'MiserMode' ) && $this->like !== null ) { $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE ); $likeObj = Title::newFromText( $this->like ); if ( $likeObj instanceof Title ) { $like = $dbr->buildLike( $dbr->anyString(), strtolower( $likeObj->getDBkey() ), $dbr->anyString() ); $conds[] = "LOWER(img_name) $like"; } } $query = [ 'tables' => $tables, 'fields' => $fields, 'join_conds' => $jconds, 'conds' => $conds, 'options' => $options, ]; return $query; } function getIndexField() { return 'img_timestamp'; } function getStartBody() { if ( !$this->gallery ) { // Note that null for mode is taken to mean use default. $mode = $this->getRequest()->getVal( 'gallerymode', null ); try { $this->gallery = ImageGalleryBase::factory( $mode, $this->getContext() ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { // User specified something invalid, fallback to default. $this->gallery = ImageGalleryBase::factory( false, $this->getContext() ); } } return ''; } function getEndBody() { return $this->gallery->toHTML(); } function formatRow( $row ) { $name = $row->img_name; $user = User::newFromId( $row->img_user ); $title = Title::makeTitle( NS_FILE, $name ); $ul = Linker::link( $user->getUserPage(), $user->getName() ); $time = $this->getLanguage()->userTimeAndDate( $row->img_timestamp, $this->getUser() ); $this->gallery->add( $title, "$ul
\n" . htmlspecialchars( $time ) . "
\n" ); } function getForm() { $fields = [ 'like' => [ 'type' => 'text', 'label-message' => 'newimages-label', 'name' => 'like', ], 'showbots' => [ 'type' => 'check', 'label-message' => 'newimages-showbots', 'name' => 'showbots', ], 'hidepatrolled' => [ 'type' => 'check', 'label-message' => 'newimages-hidepatrolled', 'name' => 'hidepatrolled', ], 'limit' => [ 'type' => 'hidden', 'default' => $this->mLimit, 'name' => 'limit', ], 'offset' => [ 'type' => 'hidden', 'default' => $this->getRequest()->getText( 'offset' ), 'name' => 'offset', ], ]; if ( $this->getConfig()->get( 'MiserMode' ) ) { unset( $fields['like'] ); } if ( !$this->getUser()->useFilePatrol() ) { unset( $fields['hidepatrolled'] ); } $context = new DerivativeContext( $this->getContext() ); $context->setTitle( $this->getTitle() ); // Remove subpage $form = new HTMLForm( $fields, $context ); $form->setSubmitTextMsg( 'ilsubmit' ); $form->setSubmitProgressive(); $form->setMethod( 'get' ); $form->setWrapperLegendMsg( 'newimages-legend' ); return $form; } }