addCachedHTML( array( $this, 'displayCachedContent' ) ); * * After adding the last HTML that should be cached, call $this->saveCache(); * * @since 1.20 * * @file SpecialCachedPage.php * @ingroup SpecialPage * * @licence GNU GPL v2 or later * @author Jeroen De Dauw < > */ abstract class SpecialCachedPage extends SpecialPage { /** * The time to live for the cache, in seconds or a unix timestamp indicating the point of expiry. * * @since 1.20 * @var integer|null */ protected $cacheExpiry = null; /** * List of HTML chunks to be cached (if !hasCached) or that where cashed (of hasCached). * If no cached already, then the newly computed chunks are added here, * if it as cached already, chunks are removed from this list as they are needed. * * @since 1.20 * @var array */ protected $cachedChunks; /** * Indicates if the to be cached content was already cached. * Null if this information is not available yet. * * @since 1.20 * @var boolean|null */ protected $hasCached = null; /** * Main method. * * @since 1.20 * * @param string|null $subPage */ public function execute( $subPage ) { if ( $this->getRequest()->getText( 'action' ) === 'purge' ) { $this->hasCached = false; } if ( !is_null( $this->cacheExpiry ) ) { $this->initCaching(); if ( $this->hasCached === true ) { $this->getOutput()->setSubtitle( $this->getCachedNotice( $subPage ) ); } } } /** * Returns a message that notifies the user he/she is looking at * a cached version of the page, including a refresh link. * * @since 1.20 * * @param string|null $subPage * * @return string */ protected function getCachedNotice( $subPage ) { $refreshArgs = $this->getRequest()->getQueryValues(); unset( $refreshArgs['title'] ); $refreshArgs['action'] = 'purge'; $refreshLink = Linker::link( $this->getTitle( $subPage ), $this->msg( 'cachedspecial-refresh-now' )->escaped(), array(), $refreshArgs ); if ( $this->cacheExpiry < 86400 * 3650 ) { $message = $this->msg( 'cachedspecial-viewing-cached-ttl', $this->getLanguage()->formatDuration( $this->cacheExpiry ) )->escaped(); } else { $message = $this->msg( 'cachedspecial-viewing-cached-ts' )->escaped(); } return $message . ' ' . $refreshLink; } /** * Initializes the caching if not already done so. * Should be called before any of the caching functionality is used. * * @since 1.20 */ protected function initCaching() { if ( is_null( $this->hasCached ) ) { $cachedChunks = wfGetCache( CACHE_ANYTHING )->get( $this->getCacheKey() ); $this->hasCached = is_array( $cachedChunks ); $this->cachedChunks = $this->hasCached ? $cachedChunks : array(); } } /** * Add some HTML to be cached. * This is done by providing a callback function that should * return the HTML to be added. It will only be called if the * item is not in the cache yet or when the cache has been invalidated. * * @since 1.20 * * @param {function} $callback * @param array $args * @param string|null $key */ public function addCachedHTML( $callback, $args = array(), $key = null ) { $this->initCaching(); if ( $this->hasCached ) { $html = ''; if ( is_null( $key ) ) { $itemKey = array_keys( array_slice( $this->cachedChunks, 0, 1 ) ); $itemKey = array_shift( $itemKey ); if ( !is_integer( $itemKey ) ) { wfWarn( "Attempted to get item with non-numeric key while the next item in the queue has a key ($itemKey) in " . __METHOD__ ); } elseif ( is_null( $itemKey ) ) { wfWarn( "Attempted to get an item while the queue is empty in " . __METHOD__ ); } else { $html = array_shift( $this->cachedChunks ); } } else { if ( array_key_exists( $key, $this->cachedChunks ) ) { $html = $this->cachedChunks[$key]; unset( $this->cachedChunks[$key] ); } else { wfWarn( "There is no item with key '$key' in this->cachedChunks in " . __METHOD__ ); } } } else { $html = call_user_func_array( $callback, $args ); if ( is_null( $key ) ) { $this->cachedChunks[] = $html; } else { $this->cachedChunks[$key] = $html; } } $this->getOutput()->addHTML( $html ); } /** * Saves the HTML to the cache in case it got recomputed. * Should be called after the last time anything is added via addCachedHTML. * * @since 1.20 */ public function saveCache() { if ( $this->hasCached === false && !empty( $this->cachedChunks ) ) { wfGetCache( CACHE_ANYTHING )->set( $this->getCacheKey(), $this->cachedChunks, $this->cacheExpiry ); } } /** * Sets the time to live for the cache, in seconds or a unix timestamp indicating the point of expiry.. * * @since 1.20 * * @param integer $cacheExpiry */ protected function setExpirey( $cacheExpiry ) { $this->cacheExpiry = $cacheExpiry; } /** * Returns the cache key to use to cache this page's HTML output. * Is constructed from the special page name and language code. * * @since 1.20 * * @return string */ protected function getCacheKey() { return wfMemcKey( $this->mName, $this->getLanguage()->getCode() ); } }