mMemc = $memCached; } function getKey( $article, $popts ) { global $wgRequest; if( $popts instanceof User ) // It used to be getKey( &$article, &$user ) $popts = ParserOptions::newFromUser( $popts ); $user = $popts->mUser; $printable = ( $popts->getIsPrintable() ) ? '!printable=1' : ''; $hash = $user->getPageRenderingHash(); if( !$article->mTitle->quickUserCan( 'edit' ) ) { // section edit links are suppressed even if the user has them on $edit = '!edit=0'; } else { $edit = ''; } $pageid = $article->getID(); $renderkey = (int)($wgRequest->getVal('action') == 'render'); $key = wfMemcKey( 'pcache', 'idhash', "{$pageid}-{$renderkey}!{$hash}{$edit}{$printable}" ); return $key; } function getETag( $article, $popts ) { return 'W/"' . $this->getKey($article, $popts) . "--" . $article->mTouched. '"'; } function getDirty( $article, $popts ) { $key = $this->getKey( $article, $popts ); wfDebug( "Trying parser cache $key\n" ); $value = $this->mMemc->get( $key ); return is_object( $value ) ? $value : false; } function get( $article, $popts ) { global $wgCacheEpoch; wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ ); $value = $this->getDirty( $article, $popts ); if ( !$value ) { wfDebug( "Parser cache miss.\n" ); wfIncrStats( "pcache_miss_absent" ); wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ ); return false; } wfDebug( "Found.\n" ); # Invalid if article has changed since the cache was made $canCache = $article->checkTouched(); $cacheTime = $value->getCacheTime(); $touched = $article->mTouched; if ( !$canCache || $value->expired( $touched ) ) { if ( !$canCache ) { wfIncrStats( "pcache_miss_invalid" ); wfDebug( "Invalid cached redirect, touched $touched, epoch $wgCacheEpoch, cached $cacheTime\n" ); } else { wfIncrStats( "pcache_miss_expired" ); wfDebug( "Key expired, touched $touched, epoch $wgCacheEpoch, cached $cacheTime\n" ); } $value = false; } else { if ( isset( $value->mTimestamp ) ) { $article->mTimestamp = $value->mTimestamp; } wfIncrStats( "pcache_hit" ); } wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ ); return $value; } function save( $parserOutput, $article, $popts ){ $key = $this->getKey( $article, $popts ); $expire = $parserOutput->getCacheExpiry(); if( $expire > 0 ) { $now = wfTimestampNow(); $parserOutput->setCacheTime( $now ); // Save the timestamp so that we don't have to load the revision row on view $parserOutput->mTimestamp = $article->getTimestamp(); $parserOutput->mText .= "\n\n"; wfDebug( "Saved in parser cache with key $key and timestamp $now\n" ); $this->mMemc->set( $key, $parserOutput, $expire ); } else { wfDebug( "Parser output was marked as uncacheable and has not been saved.\n" ); } } }