* http://www.mediawiki.org/ * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * * @file * @ingroup Cache */ /** * @defgroup Cache Cache */ /** * interface is intended to be more or less compatible with * the PHP memcached client. * * backends for local hash array and SQL table included: * * $bag = new HashBagOStuff(); * $bag = new SqlBagOStuff(); # connect to db first * * * @ingroup Cache */ abstract class BagOStuff { private $debugMode = false; /** * @param $bool bool */ public function setDebug( $bool ) { $this->debugMode = $bool; } /* *** THE GUTS OF THE OPERATION *** */ /* Override these with functional things in subclasses */ /** * Get an item with the given key. Returns false if it does not exist. * @param $key string * @param $casToken[optional] mixed * @return mixed Returns false on failure */ abstract public function get( $key, &$casToken = null ); /** * Set an item. * @param $key string * @param $value mixed * @param $exptime int Either an interval in seconds or a unix timestamp for expiry * @return bool success */ abstract public function set( $key, $value, $exptime = 0 ); /** * Check and set an item. * @param $casToken mixed * @param $key string * @param $value mixed * @param $exptime int Either an interval in seconds or a unix timestamp for expiry * @return bool success */ abstract public function cas( $casToken, $key, $value, $exptime = 0 ); /** * Delete an item. * @param $key string * @param $time int Amount of time to delay the operation (mostly memcached-specific) * @return bool True if the item was deleted or not found, false on failure */ abstract public function delete( $key, $time = 0 ); /** * Merge changes into the existing cache value (possibly creating a new one). * The callback function returns the new value given the current value (possibly false), * and takes the arguments: (this BagOStuff object, cache key, current value). * * @param $key string * @param $callback closure Callback method to be executed * @param $exptime int Either an interval in seconds or a unix timestamp for expiry * @param $attempts int The amount of times to attempt a merge in case of failure * @return bool success */ public function merge( $key, closure $callback, $exptime = 0, $attempts = 10 ) { return $this->mergeViaCas( $key, $callback, $exptime, $attempts ); } /** * @see BagOStuff::merge() * * @param $key string * @param $callback closure Callback method to be executed * @param $exptime int Either an interval in seconds or a unix timestamp for expiry * @param $attempts int The amount of times to attempt a merge in case of failure * @return bool success */ protected function mergeViaCas( $key, closure $callback, $exptime = 0, $attempts = 10 ) { do { $casToken = null; // passed by reference $currentValue = $this->get( $key, $casToken ); // get the old value $value = $callback( $this, $key, $currentValue ); // derive the new value if ( $value === false ) { $success = true; // do nothing } elseif ( $currentValue === false ) { // Try to create the key, failing if it gets created in the meantime $success = $this->add( $key, $value, $exptime ); } else { // Try to update the key, failing if it gets changed in the meantime $success = $this->cas( $casToken, $key, $value, $exptime ); } } while ( !$success && --$attempts ); return $success; } /** * @see BagOStuff::merge() * * @param $key string * @param $callback closure Callback method to be executed * @param $exptime int Either an interval in seconds or a unix timestamp for expiry * @param $attempts int The amount of times to attempt a merge in case of failure * @return bool success */ protected function mergeViaLock( $key, closure $callback, $exptime = 0, $attempts = 10 ) { if ( !$this->lock( $key, 60 ) ) { return false; } $currentValue = $this->get( $key ); // get the old value $value = $callback( $this, $key, $currentValue ); // derive the new value if ( $value === false ) { $success = true; // do nothing } else { $success = $this->set( $key, $value, $exptime ); // set the new value } if ( !$this->unlock( $key ) ) { // this should never happen trigger_error( "Could not release lock for key '$key'." ); } return $success; } /** * @param $key string * @param $timeout integer [optional] * @return bool success */ public function lock( $key, $timeout = 60 ) { $timestamp = microtime( true ); // starting UNIX timestamp if ( $this->add( "{$key}:lock", $timeout ) ) { return true; } $uRTT = ceil( 1e6 * ( microtime( true ) - $timestamp ) ); // estimate RTT (us) $sleep = 2*$uRTT; // rough time to do get()+set() $locked = false; // lock acquired $attempts = 0; // failed attempts do { if ( ++$attempts >= 3 && $sleep <= 1e6 ) { // Exponentially back off after failed attempts to avoid network spam. // About 2*$uRTT*(2^n-1) us of "sleep" happen for the next n attempts. $sleep *= 2; } usleep( $sleep ); // back off $locked = $this->add( "{$key}:lock", $timeout ); } while( !$locked ); return $locked; } /** * @param $key string * @return bool success */ public function unlock( $key ) { return $this->delete( "{$key}:lock" ); } /** * Delete all objects expiring before a certain date. * @param $date string The reference date in MW format * @param $progressCallback callback|bool Optional, a function which will be called * regularly during long-running operations with the percentage progress * as the first parameter. * * @return bool on success, false if unimplemented */ public function deleteObjectsExpiringBefore( $date, $progressCallback = false ) { // stub return false; } /* *** Emulated functions *** */ /** * Get an associative array containing the item for each of the keys that have items. * @param $keys Array List of strings * @return Array */ public function getMulti( array $keys ) { $res = array(); foreach ( $keys as $key ) { $val = $this->get( $key ); if ( $val !== false ) { $res[$key] = $val; } } return $res; } /** * @param $key string * @param $value mixed * @param $exptime integer * @return bool success */ public function add( $key, $value, $exptime = 0 ) { if ( $this->get( $key ) === false ) { return $this->set( $key, $value, $exptime ); } return false; // key already set } /** * @param $key string * @param $value mixed * @param $exptime int * @return bool success */ public function replace( $key, $value, $exptime = 0 ) { if ( $this->get( $key ) !== false ) { return $this->set( $key, $value, $exptime ); } return false; // key not already set } /** * Increase stored value of $key by $value while preserving its TTL * @param $key String: Key to increase * @param $value Integer: Value to add to $key (Default 1) * @return integer|bool New value or false on failure */ public function incr( $key, $value = 1 ) { if ( !$this->lock( $key ) ) { return false; } $n = $this->get( $key ); if ( $this->isInteger( $n ) ) { // key exists? $n += intval( $value ); $this->set( $key, max( 0, $n ) ); // exptime? } else { $n = false; } $this->unlock( $key ); return $n; } /** * Decrease stored value of $key by $value while preserving its TTL * @param $key String * @param $value Integer * @return integer */ public function decr( $key, $value = 1 ) { return $this->incr( $key, - $value ); } /** * @param $text string */ public function debug( $text ) { if ( $this->debugMode ) { $class = get_class( $this ); wfDebug( "$class debug: $text\n" ); } } /** * Convert an optionally relative time to an absolute time * @param $exptime integer * @return int */ protected function convertExpiry( $exptime ) { if ( ( $exptime != 0 ) && ( $exptime < 86400 * 3650 /* 10 years */ ) ) { return time() + $exptime; } else { return $exptime; } } /** * Convert an optionally absolute expiry time to a relative time. If an * absolute time is specified which is in the past, use a short expiry time. * * @param $exptime integer * @return integer */ protected function convertToRelative( $exptime ) { if ( $exptime >= 86400 * 3650 /* 10 years */ ) { $exptime -= time(); if ( $exptime <= 0 ) { $exptime = 1; } return $exptime; } else { return $exptime; } } /** * Check if a value is an integer * * @param $value mixed * @return bool */ protected function isInteger( $value ) { return ( is_int( $value ) || ctype_digit( $value ) ); } }