path = $path; } /** * Returns the file system path * * @return string */ public function getPath() { return $this->path; } /** * Checks if the file exists * * @return bool */ public function exists() { return is_file( $this->path ); } /** * Get the file size in bytes * * @return int|bool */ public function getSize() { AtEase::suppressWarnings(); $size = filesize( $this->path ); AtEase::restoreWarnings(); return $size; } /** * Get the file's last-modified timestamp * * @return string|bool TS_MW timestamp or false on failure */ public function getTimestamp() { AtEase::suppressWarnings(); $timestamp = filemtime( $this->path ); AtEase::restoreWarnings(); if ( $timestamp !== false ) { $timestamp = ConvertibleTimestamp::convert( TS_MW, $timestamp ); } return $timestamp; } /** * Get an associative array containing information about * a file with the given storage path. * * Resulting array fields include: * - fileExists * - size (filesize in bytes) * - mime (as major/minor) * - file-mime (as major/minor) * - sha1 (in base 36) * - major_mime * - minor_mime * * @param string|bool $ext The file extension, or true to extract it from the filename. * Set it to false to ignore the extension. Currently unused. * @return array */ public function getProps( $ext = true ) { $info = self::placeholderProps(); $info['fileExists'] = $this->exists(); if ( $info['fileExists'] ) { $info['size'] = $this->getSize(); // bytes $info['sha1'] = $this->getSha1Base36(); $mime = mime_content_type( $this->path ); # MIME type according to file contents $info['file-mime'] = ( $mime === false ) ? 'unknown/unknown' : $mime; # logical MIME type $info['mime'] = $mime; if ( strpos( $mime, '/' ) !== false ) { list( $info['major_mime'], $info['minor_mime'] ) = explode( '/', $mime, 2 ); } else { list( $info['major_mime'], $info['minor_mime'] ) = [ $mime, 'unknown' ]; } } return $info; } /** * Placeholder file properties to use for files that don't exist * * Resulting array fields include: * - fileExists * - size (filesize in bytes) * - mime (as major/minor) * - file-mime (as major/minor) * - sha1 (in base 36) * - major_mime * - minor_mime * * @return array */ public static function placeholderProps() { $info = []; $info['fileExists'] = false; $info['size'] = 0; $info['file-mime'] = null; $info['major_mime'] = null; $info['minor_mime'] = null; $info['mime'] = null; $info['sha1'] = ''; return $info; } /** * Get a SHA-1 hash of a file in the local filesystem, in base-36 lower case * encoding, zero padded to 31 digits. * * 160 log 2 / log 36 = 30.95, so the 160-bit hash fills 31 digits in base 36 * fairly neatly. * * @param bool $recache * @return bool|string False on failure */ public function getSha1Base36( $recache = false ) { if ( $this->sha1Base36 !== null && !$recache ) { return $this->sha1Base36; } AtEase::suppressWarnings(); $this->sha1Base36 = sha1_file( $this->path ); AtEase::restoreWarnings(); if ( $this->sha1Base36 !== false ) { $this->sha1Base36 = Wikimedia\base_convert( $this->sha1Base36, 16, 36, 31 ); } return $this->sha1Base36; } /** * Get the final file extension from a file system path * * @param string $path * @return string */ public static function extensionFromPath( $path ) { $i = strrpos( $path, '.' ); return strtolower( $i ? substr( $path, $i + 1 ) : '' ); } /** * Get an associative array containing information about a file in the local filesystem. * * @param string $path Absolute local filesystem path * @param string|bool $ext The file extension, or true to extract it from the filename. * Set it to false to ignore the extension. * @return array */ public static function getPropsFromPath( $path, $ext = true ) { $fsFile = new self( $path ); return $fsFile->getProps( $ext ); } /** * Get a SHA-1 hash of a file in the local filesystem, in base-36 lower case * encoding, zero padded to 31 digits. * * 160 log 2 / log 36 = 30.95, so the 160-bit hash fills 31 digits in base 36 * fairly neatly. * * @param string $path * @return bool|string False on failure */ public static function getSha1Base36FromPath( $path ) { $fsFile = new self( $path ); return $fsFile->getSha1Base36(); } }