weight) */ protected $sourceMap = array(); /** @var Array (location => (start, end)) */ protected $ring = array(); /** @var Array (location => (start, end)) */ protected $liveRing; /** @var Array (location => UNIX timestamp) */ protected $ejectionExpiries = array(); /** @var integer UNIX timestamp */ protected $ejectionNextExpiry = INF; const RING_SIZE = 268435456; // 2^28 /** * @param array $map (location => weight) */ public function __construct( array $map ) { $map = array_filter( $map, function ( $w ) { return $w > 0; } ); if ( !count( $map ) ) { throw new UnexpectedValueException( "Ring is empty or all weights are zero." ); } $this->sourceMap = $map; // Sort the locations based on the hash of their names $hashes = array(); foreach ( $map as $location => $weight ) { $hashes[$location] = sha1( $location ); } uksort( $map, function ( $a, $b ) use ( $hashes ) { return strcmp( $hashes[$a], $hashes[$b] ); } ); // Fit the map to weight-proportionate one with a space of size RING_SIZE $sum = array_sum( $map ); $standardMap = array(); foreach ( $map as $location => $weight ) { $standardMap[$location] = (int)floor( $weight / $sum * self::RING_SIZE ); } // Build a ring of RING_SIZE spots, with each location at a spot in location hash order $index = 0; foreach ( $standardMap as $location => $weight ) { // Location covers half-closed interval [$index,$index + $weight) $this->ring[$location] = array( $index, $index + $weight ); $index += $weight; } // Make sure the last location covers what is left end( $this->ring ); $this->ring[key( $this->ring )][1] = self::RING_SIZE; } /** * Get the location of an item on the ring * * @param string $item * @return string Location */ public function getLocation( $item ) { $locations = $this->getLocations( $item, 1 ); return $locations[0]; } /** * Get the location of an item on the ring, as well as the next locations * * @param string $item * @param integer $limit Maximum number of locations to return * @return array List of locations */ public function getLocations( $item, $limit ) { $locations = array(); $primaryLocation = null; $spot = hexdec( substr( sha1( $item ), 0, 7 ) ); // first 28 bits foreach ( $this->ring as $location => $range ) { if ( count( $locations ) >= $limit ) { break; } // The $primaryLocation is the location the item spot is in. // After that is reached, keep appending the next locations. if ( ( $range[0] <= $spot && $spot < $range[1] ) || $primaryLocation !== null ) { if ( $primaryLocation === null ) { $primaryLocation = $location; } $locations[] = $location; } } // If more locations are requested, wrap-around and keep adding them reset( $this->ring ); while ( count( $locations ) < $limit ) { list( $location, ) = each( $this->ring ); if ( $location === $primaryLocation ) { break; // don't go in circles } $locations[] = $location; } return $locations; } /** * Get the map of locations to weight (ignores 0-weight items) * * @return array */ public function getLocationWeights() { return $this->sourceMap; } /** * Get a new hash ring with a location removed from the ring * * @param string $location * @return HashRing|bool Returns false if no non-zero weighted spots are left */ public function newWithoutLocation( $location ) { $map = $this->sourceMap; unset( $map[$location] ); return count( $map ) ? new self( $map ) : false; } /** * Remove a location from the "live" hash ring * * @param string $location * @param integer $ttl Seconds * @return bool Whether some non-ejected locations are left */ public function ejectFromLiveRing( $location, $ttl ) { if ( !isset( $this->sourceMap[$location] ) ) { throw new UnexpectedValueException( "No location '$location' in the ring." ); } $expiry = time() + $ttl; $this->liveRing = null; // stale $this->ejectionExpiries[$location] = $expiry; $this->ejectionNextExpiry = min( $expiry, $this->ejectionNextExpiry ); return ( count( $this->ejectionExpiries ) < count( $this->sourceMap ) ); } /** * Get the "live" hash ring (which does not include ejected locations) * * @return HashRing * @throws UnexpectedValueException */ public function getLiveRing() { $now = time(); if ( $this->liveRing === null || $this->ejectionNextExpiry <= $now ) { $this->ejectionExpiries = array_filter( $this->ejectionExpiries, function( $expiry ) use ( $now ) { return ( $expiry > $now ); } ); if ( count( $this->ejectionExpiries ) ) { $map = array_diff_key( $this->sourceMap, $this->ejectionExpiries ); $this->liveRing = count( $map ) ? new self( $map ) : false; $this->ejectionNextExpiry = min( $this->ejectionExpiries ); } else { // common case; avoid recalculating ring $this->liveRing = clone $this; $this->liveRing->ejectionExpiries = array(); $this->liveRing->ejectionNextExpiry = INF; $this->liveRing->liveRing = null; $this->ejectionNextExpiry = INF; } } if ( !$this->liveRing ) { throw UnexpectedValueException( "The live ring is currently empty." ); } return $this->liveRing; } /** * Get the location of an item on the "live" ring * * @param string $item * @return string Location * @throws UnexpectedValueException */ public function getLiveLocation( $item ) { return $this->getLiveRing()->getLocation( $item ); } /** * Get the location of an item on the "live" ring, as well as the next locations * * @param string $item * @param integer $limit Maximum number of locations to return * @return array List of locations * @throws UnexpectedValueException */ public function getLiveLocations( $item ) { return $this->getLiveRing()->getLocations( $item ); } /** * Get the map of "live" locations to weight (ignores 0-weight items) * * @return array * @throws UnexpectedValueException */ public function getLiveLocationWeights() { return $this->getLiveRing()->getLocationWeights(); } }