false, ]; parent::__construct( $params ); if ( array_key_exists( 'autocomplete-messages', $this->mParams ) ) { foreach ( $this->mParams['autocomplete-messages'] as $key => $value ) { $key = $this->msg( $key )->plain(); $this->autocomplete[$key] = strval( $value ); } } elseif ( array_key_exists( 'autocomplete', $this->mParams ) ) { foreach ( $this->mParams['autocomplete'] as $key => $value ) { $this->autocomplete[$key] = strval( $value ); } } if ( !is_array( $this->autocomplete ) || !$this->autocomplete ) { throw new MWException( 'HTMLAutoCompleteSelectField called without any autocompletions' ); } $this->getOptions(); if ( $this->mOptions && !in_array( 'other', $this->mOptions, true ) ) { if ( isset( $params['other-message'] ) ) { $msg = $this->getMessage( $params['other-message'] )->text(); } elseif ( isset( $params['other'] ) ) { $msg = $params['other']; } else { $msg = wfMessage( 'htmlform-selectorother-other' )->text(); } $this->mOptions[$msg] = 'other'; } } function loadDataFromRequest( $request ) { if ( $request->getCheck( $this->mName ) ) { $val = $request->getText( $this->mName . '-select', 'other' ); if ( $val === 'other' ) { $val = $request->getText( $this->mName ); if ( isset( $this->autocomplete[$val] ) ) { $val = $this->autocomplete[$val]; } } return $val; } else { return $this->getDefault(); } } function validate( $value, $alldata ) { $p = parent::validate( $value, $alldata ); if ( $p !== true ) { return $p; } $validOptions = HTMLFormField::flattenOptions( $this->getOptions() ); if ( in_array( strval( $value ), $validOptions, true ) ) { return true; } elseif ( in_array( strval( $value ), $this->autocomplete, true ) ) { return true; } elseif ( $this->mParams['require-match'] ) { return $this->msg( 'htmlform-select-badoption' )->parse(); } return true; } // FIXME Ewww, this shouldn't be adding any attributes not requested in $list :( public function getAttributes( array $list ) { $attribs = [ 'type' => 'text', 'data-autocomplete' => FormatJson::encode( array_keys( $this->autocomplete ) ), ] + parent::getAttributes( $list ); if ( $this->getOptions() ) { $attribs['data-hide-if'] = FormatJson::encode( [ '!==', $this->mName . '-select', 'other' ] ); } return $attribs; } function getInputHTML( $value ) { $oldClass = $this->mClass; $this->mClass = (array)$this->mClass; $valInSelect = false; $ret = ''; if ( $this->getOptions() ) { if ( $value !== false ) { $value = strval( $value ); $valInSelect = in_array( $value, HTMLFormField::flattenOptions( $this->getOptions() ), true ); } $selected = $valInSelect ? $value : 'other'; $select = new XmlSelect( $this->mName . '-select', $this->mID . '-select', $selected ); $select->addOptions( $this->getOptions() ); $select->setAttribute( 'class', 'mw-htmlform-select-or-other' ); if ( !empty( $this->mParams['disabled'] ) ) { $select->setAttribute( 'disabled', 'disabled' ); } if ( isset( $this->mParams['tabindex'] ) ) { $select->setAttribute( 'tabindex', $this->mParams['tabindex'] ); } $ret = $select->getHTML() . "
\n"; $this->mClass[] = 'mw-htmlform-hide-if'; } if ( $valInSelect ) { $value = ''; } else { $key = array_search( strval( $value ), $this->autocomplete, true ); if ( $key !== false ) { $value = $key; } } $this->mClass[] = 'mw-htmlform-autocomplete'; $ret .= parent::getInputHTML( $valInSelect ? '' : $value ); $this->mClass = $oldClass; return $ret; } /** * Get the OOUI version of this input. * @param string $value * @return false */ function getInputOOUI( $value ) { // To be implemented, for now override the function from HTMLTextField return false; } }