* You may copy this code freely under the conditions of the GPL. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * * @file * @ingroup DifferenceEngine * @defgroup DifferenceEngine DifferenceEngine */ /** * The base class for all other DiffOp classes. * * The classes that extend DiffOp are: DiffOpCopy, DiffOpDelete, DiffOpAdd and * DiffOpChange. FakeDiffOp also extends DiffOp, but it is not located in this file. * * @private * @ingroup DifferenceEngine */ abstract class DiffOp { /** * @var string */ public $type; /** * @var string[] */ public $orig; /** * @var string[] */ public $closing; /** * @return string */ public function getType() { return $this->type; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getOrig() { return $this->orig; } /** * @param int $i * @return string|null */ public function getClosing( $i = null ) { if ( $i === null ) { return $this->closing; } if ( array_key_exists( $i, $this->closing ) ) { return $this->closing[$i]; } return null; } abstract public function reverse(); /** * @return int */ public function norig() { return $this->orig ? count( $this->orig ) : 0; } /** * @return int */ public function nclosing() { return $this->closing ? count( $this->closing ) : 0; } } /** * Extends DiffOp. Used to mark strings that have been * copied from one string array to the other. * * @private * @ingroup DifferenceEngine */ class DiffOpCopy extends DiffOp { public $type = 'copy'; public function __construct( $orig, $closing = false ) { if ( !is_array( $closing ) ) { $closing = $orig; } $this->orig = $orig; $this->closing = $closing; } /** * @return DiffOpCopy */ public function reverse() { return new DiffOpCopy( $this->closing, $this->orig ); } } /** * Extends DiffOp. Used to mark strings that have been * deleted from the first string array. * * @private * @ingroup DifferenceEngine */ class DiffOpDelete extends DiffOp { public $type = 'delete'; public function __construct( $lines ) { $this->orig = $lines; $this->closing = false; } /** * @return DiffOpAdd */ public function reverse() { return new DiffOpAdd( $this->orig ); } } /** * Extends DiffOp. Used to mark strings that have been * added from the first string array. * * @private * @ingroup DifferenceEngine */ class DiffOpAdd extends DiffOp { public $type = 'add'; public function __construct( $lines ) { $this->closing = $lines; $this->orig = false; } /** * @return DiffOpDelete */ public function reverse() { return new DiffOpDelete( $this->closing ); } } /** * Extends DiffOp. Used to mark strings that have been * changed from the first string array (both added and subtracted). * * @private * @ingroup DifferenceEngine */ class DiffOpChange extends DiffOp { public $type = 'change'; public function __construct( $orig, $closing ) { $this->orig = $orig; $this->closing = $closing; } /** * @return DiffOpChange */ public function reverse() { return new DiffOpChange( $this->closing, $this->orig ); } } /** * Class used internally by Diff to actually compute the diffs. * * The algorithm used here is mostly lifted from the perl module * Algorithm::Diff (version 1.06) by Ned Konz, which is available at: * http://www.perl.com/CPAN/authors/id/N/NE/NEDKONZ/Algorithm-Diff-1.06.zip * * More ideas are taken from: * http://www.ics.uci.edu/~eppstein/161/960229.html * * Some ideas (and a bit of code) are from analyze.c, from GNU * diffutils-2.7, which can be found at: * ftp://gnudist.gnu.org/pub/gnu/diffutils/diffutils-2.7.tar.gz * * closingly, some ideas (subdivision by NCHUNKS > 2, and some optimizations) * are my own. * * Line length limits for robustness added by Tim Starling, 2005-08-31 * Alternative implementation added by Guy Van den Broeck, 2008-07-30 * * @author Geoffrey T. Dairiki, Tim Starling, Guy Van den Broeck * @private * @ingroup DifferenceEngine */ class DiffEngine { const MAX_XREF_LENGTH = 10000; protected $xchanged, $ychanged; protected $xv = [], $yv = []; protected $xind = [], $yind = []; protected $seq = [], $in_seq = []; protected $lcs = 0; /** * @param string[] $from_lines * @param string[] $to_lines * * @return DiffOp[] */ public function diff( $from_lines, $to_lines ) { // Diff and store locally $this->diffLocal( $from_lines, $to_lines ); // Merge edits when possible $this->shiftBoundaries( $from_lines, $this->xchanged, $this->ychanged ); $this->shiftBoundaries( $to_lines, $this->ychanged, $this->xchanged ); // Compute the edit operations. $n_from = count( $from_lines ); $n_to = count( $to_lines ); $edits = []; $xi = $yi = 0; while ( $xi < $n_from || $yi < $n_to ) { assert( $yi < $n_to || $this->xchanged[$xi] ); assert( $xi < $n_from || $this->ychanged[$yi] ); // Skip matching "snake". $copy = []; while ( $xi < $n_from && $yi < $n_to && !$this->xchanged[$xi] && !$this->ychanged[$yi] ) { $copy[] = $from_lines[$xi++]; ++$yi; } if ( $copy ) { $edits[] = new DiffOpCopy( $copy ); } // Find deletes & adds. $delete = []; while ( $xi < $n_from && $this->xchanged[$xi] ) { $delete[] = $from_lines[$xi++]; } $add = []; while ( $yi < $n_to && $this->ychanged[$yi] ) { $add[] = $to_lines[$yi++]; } if ( $delete && $add ) { $edits[] = new DiffOpChange( $delete, $add ); } elseif ( $delete ) { $edits[] = new DiffOpDelete( $delete ); } elseif ( $add ) { $edits[] = new DiffOpAdd( $add ); } } return $edits; } /** * @param string[] $from_lines * @param string[] $to_lines */ private function diffLocal( $from_lines, $to_lines ) { $wikidiff3 = new WikiDiff3(); $wikidiff3->diff( $from_lines, $to_lines ); $this->xchanged = $wikidiff3->removed; $this->ychanged = $wikidiff3->added; } /** * Adjust inserts/deletes of identical lines to join changes * as much as possible. * * We do something when a run of changed lines include a * line at one end and has an excluded, identical line at the other. * We are free to choose which identical line is included. * `compareseq' usually chooses the one at the beginning, * but usually it is cleaner to consider the following identical line * to be the "change". * * This is extracted verbatim from analyze.c (GNU diffutils-2.7). */ private function shiftBoundaries( $lines, &$changed, $other_changed ) { $i = 0; $j = 0; assert( count( $lines ) == count( $changed ) ); $len = count( $lines ); $other_len = count( $other_changed ); while ( 1 ) { /* * Scan forwards to find beginning of another run of changes. * Also keep track of the corresponding point in the other file. * * Throughout this code, $i and $j are adjusted together so that * the first $i elements of $changed and the first $j elements * of $other_changed both contain the same number of zeros * (unchanged lines). * Furthermore, $j is always kept so that $j == $other_len or * $other_changed[$j] == false. */ while ( $j < $other_len && $other_changed[$j] ) { $j++; } while ( $i < $len && !$changed[$i] ) { assert( $j < $other_len && ! $other_changed[$j] ); $i++; $j++; while ( $j < $other_len && $other_changed[$j] ) { $j++; } } if ( $i == $len ) { break; } $start = $i; // Find the end of this run of changes. while ( ++$i < $len && $changed[$i] ) { continue; } do { /* * Record the length of this run of changes, so that * we can later determine whether the run has grown. */ $runlength = $i - $start; /* * Move the changed region back, so long as the * previous unchanged line matches the last changed one. * This merges with previous changed regions. */ while ( $start > 0 && $lines[$start - 1] == $lines[$i - 1] ) { $changed[--$start] = 1; $changed[--$i] = false; while ( $start > 0 && $changed[$start - 1] ) { $start--; } assert( $j > 0 ); while ( $other_changed[--$j] ) { continue; } assert( $j >= 0 && !$other_changed[$j] ); } /* * Set CORRESPONDING to the end of the changed run, at the last * point where it corresponds to a changed run in the other file. * CORRESPONDING == LEN means no such point has been found. */ $corresponding = $j < $other_len ? $i : $len; /* * Move the changed region forward, so long as the * first changed line matches the following unchanged one. * This merges with following changed regions. * Do this second, so that if there are no merges, * the changed region is moved forward as far as possible. */ while ( $i < $len && $lines[$start] == $lines[$i] ) { $changed[$start++] = false; $changed[$i++] = 1; while ( $i < $len && $changed[$i] ) { $i++; } assert( $j < $other_len && ! $other_changed[$j] ); $j++; if ( $j < $other_len && $other_changed[$j] ) { $corresponding = $i; while ( $j < $other_len && $other_changed[$j] ) { $j++; } } } } while ( $runlength != $i - $start ); /* * If possible, move the fully-merged run of changes * back to a corresponding run in the other file. */ while ( $corresponding < $i ) { $changed[--$start] = 1; $changed[--$i] = 0; assert( $j > 0 ); while ( $other_changed[--$j] ) { continue; } assert( $j >= 0 && !$other_changed[$j] ); } } } } /** * Class representing a 'diff' between two sequences of strings. * @todo document * @private * @ingroup DifferenceEngine */ class Diff { /** * @var DiffOp[] */ public $edits; /** * Constructor. * Computes diff between sequences of strings. * * @param string[] $from_lines An array of strings. * Typically these are lines from a file. * @param string[] $to_lines An array of strings. */ public function __construct( $from_lines, $to_lines ) { $eng = new DiffEngine; $this->edits = $eng->diff( $from_lines, $to_lines ); } /** * @return DiffOp[] */ public function getEdits() { return $this->edits; } /** * Compute reversed Diff. * * SYNOPSIS: * * $diff = new Diff($lines1, $lines2); * $rev = $diff->reverse(); * * @return Object A Diff object representing the inverse of the * original diff. */ public function reverse() { $rev = $this; $rev->edits = []; /** @var DiffOp $edit */ foreach ( $this->edits as $edit ) { $rev->edits[] = $edit->reverse(); } return $rev; } /** * Check for empty diff. * * @return bool True if two sequences were identical. */ public function isEmpty() { foreach ( $this->edits as $edit ) { if ( $edit->type != 'copy' ) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Compute the length of the Longest Common Subsequence (LCS). * * This is mostly for diagnostic purposed. * * @return int The length of the LCS. */ public function lcs() { $lcs = 0; foreach ( $this->edits as $edit ) { if ( $edit->type == 'copy' ) { $lcs += count( $edit->orig ); } } return $lcs; } /** * Get the original set of lines. * * This reconstructs the $from_lines parameter passed to the * constructor. * * @return string[] The original sequence of strings. */ public function orig() { $lines = []; foreach ( $this->edits as $edit ) { if ( $edit->orig ) { array_splice( $lines, count( $lines ), 0, $edit->orig ); } } return $lines; } /** * Get the closing set of lines. * * This reconstructs the $to_lines parameter passed to the * constructor. * * @return string[] The sequence of strings. */ public function closing() { $lines = []; foreach ( $this->edits as $edit ) { if ( $edit->closing ) { array_splice( $lines, count( $lines ), 0, $edit->closing ); } } return $lines; } } /** * @todo document, bad name. * @private * @ingroup DifferenceEngine */ class MappedDiff extends Diff { /** * Constructor. * * Computes diff between sequences of strings. * * This can be used to compute things like * case-insensitve diffs, or diffs which ignore * changes in white-space. * * @param string[] $from_lines An array of strings. * Typically these are lines from a file. * @param string[] $to_lines An array of strings. * @param string[] $mapped_from_lines This array should * have the same size number of elements as $from_lines. * The elements in $mapped_from_lines and * $mapped_to_lines are what is actually compared * when computing the diff. * @param string[] $mapped_to_lines This array should * have the same number of elements as $to_lines. */ public function __construct( $from_lines, $to_lines, $mapped_from_lines, $mapped_to_lines ) { assert( count( $from_lines ) == count( $mapped_from_lines ) ); assert( count( $to_lines ) == count( $mapped_to_lines ) ); parent::__construct( $mapped_from_lines, $mapped_to_lines ); $xi = $yi = 0; $editCount = count( $this->edits ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $editCount; $i++ ) { $orig = &$this->edits[$i]->orig; if ( is_array( $orig ) ) { $orig = array_slice( $from_lines, $xi, count( $orig ) ); $xi += count( $orig ); } $closing = &$this->edits[$i]->closing; if ( is_array( $closing ) ) { $closing = array_slice( $to_lines, $yi, count( $closing ) ); $yi += count( $closing ); } } } } /** * Additions by Axel Boldt follow, partly taken from diff.php, phpwiki-1.3.3 */ /** * @todo document * @private * @ingroup DifferenceEngine */ class HWLDFWordAccumulator { public $insClass = ' class="diffchange diffchange-inline"'; public $delClass = ' class="diffchange diffchange-inline"'; private $lines = []; private $line = ''; private $group = ''; private $tag = ''; /** * @param string $new_tag */ private function flushGroup( $new_tag ) { if ( $this->group !== '' ) { if ( $this->tag == 'ins' ) { $this->line .= "insClass}>" . htmlspecialchars( $this->group ) . ''; } elseif ( $this->tag == 'del' ) { $this->line .= "delClass}>" . htmlspecialchars( $this->group ) . ''; } else { $this->line .= htmlspecialchars( $this->group ); } } $this->group = ''; $this->tag = $new_tag; } /** * @param string $new_tag */ private function flushLine( $new_tag ) { $this->flushGroup( $new_tag ); if ( $this->line != '' ) { array_push( $this->lines, $this->line ); } else { # make empty lines visible by inserting an NBSP array_push( $this->lines, ' ' ); } $this->line = ''; } /** * @param string[] $words * @param string $tag */ public function addWords( $words, $tag = '' ) { if ( $tag != $this->tag ) { $this->flushGroup( $tag ); } foreach ( $words as $word ) { // new-line should only come as first char of word. if ( $word == '' ) { continue; } if ( $word[0] == "\n" ) { $this->flushLine( $tag ); $word = substr( $word, 1 ); } assert( !strstr( $word, "\n" ) ); $this->group .= $word; } } /** * @return string[] */ public function getLines() { $this->flushLine( '~done' ); return $this->lines; } } /** * @todo document * @private * @ingroup DifferenceEngine */ class WordLevelDiff extends MappedDiff { const MAX_LINE_LENGTH = 10000; /** * @param string[] $orig_lines * @param string[] $closing_lines */ public function __construct( $orig_lines, $closing_lines ) { list( $orig_words, $orig_stripped ) = $this->split( $orig_lines ); list( $closing_words, $closing_stripped ) = $this->split( $closing_lines ); parent::__construct( $orig_words, $closing_words, $orig_stripped, $closing_stripped ); } /** * @param string[] $lines * * @return array[] */ private function split( $lines ) { $words = []; $stripped = []; $first = true; foreach ( $lines as $line ) { # If the line is too long, just pretend the entire line is one big word # This prevents resource exhaustion problems if ( $first ) { $first = false; } else { $words[] = "\n"; $stripped[] = "\n"; } if ( strlen( $line ) > self::MAX_LINE_LENGTH ) { $words[] = $line; $stripped[] = $line; } else { $m = []; if ( preg_match_all( '/ ( [^\S\n]+ | [0-9_A-Za-z\x80-\xff]+ | . ) (?: (?!< \n) [^\S\n])? /xs', $line, $m ) ) { foreach ( $m[0] as $word ) { $words[] = $word; } foreach ( $m[1] as $stripped_word ) { $stripped[] = $stripped_word; } } } } return [ $words, $stripped ]; } /** * @return string[] */ public function orig() { $orig = new HWLDFWordAccumulator; foreach ( $this->edits as $edit ) { if ( $edit->type == 'copy' ) { $orig->addWords( $edit->orig ); } elseif ( $edit->orig ) { $orig->addWords( $edit->orig, 'del' ); } } $lines = $orig->getLines(); return $lines; } /** * @return string[] */ public function closing() { $closing = new HWLDFWordAccumulator; foreach ( $this->edits as $edit ) { if ( $edit->type == 'copy' ) { $closing->addWords( $edit->closing ); } elseif ( $edit->closing ) { $closing->addWords( $edit->closing, 'ins' ); } } $lines = $closing->getLines(); return $lines; } }