* @copyright © 2013 Bryan Davis and Wikimedia Foundation. */ class MWLoggerMonologHandler extends \Monolog\Handler\AbstractProcessingHandler { /** * Log sink descriptor * @var string $uri */ protected $uri; /** * Log sink * @var resource $sink */ protected $sink; /** * @var string $error */ protected $error; /** * @var string $host */ protected $host; /** * @var int $port */ protected $port; /** * @var string $prefix */ protected $prefix; /** * @param string $stream Stream URI * @param int $level Minimum logging level that will trigger handler * @param bool $bubble Can handled meesages bubble up the handler stack? */ public function __construct( $stream, $level = \Monolog\Logger::DEBUG, $bubble = true ) { parent::__construct( $level, $bubble ); $this->uri = $stream; } /** * Open the log sink described by our stream URI. */ protected function openSink() { if ( !$this->uri ) { throw new LogicException( 'Missing stream uri, the stream can not be opened.' ); } $this->error = null; set_error_handler( array( $this, 'errorTrap' ) ); if ( substr( $this->uri, 0, 4 ) == 'udp:' ) { $parsed = parse_url( $this->uri ); if ( !isset( $parsed['host'] ) ) { throw new UnexpectedValueException( sprintf( 'Udp transport "%s" must specify a host', $this->uri ) ); } if ( !isset( $parsed['port'] ) ) { throw new UnexpectedValueException( sprintf( 'Udp transport "%s" must specify a port', $this->uri ) ); } $this->host = $parsed['host']; $this->port = $parsed['port']; $this->prefix = ''; if ( isset( $parsed['path'] ) ) { $this->prefix = ltrim( $parsed['path'], '/' ); } if ( filter_var( $this->host, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6 ) ) { $domain = AF_INET6; } else { $domain = AF_INET; } $this->sink = socket_create( $domain, SOCK_DGRAM, SOL_UDP ); } else { $this->sink = fopen( $this->uri, 'a' ); } restore_error_handler(); if ( !is_resource( $this->sink ) ) { $this->sink = null; throw new UnexpectedValueException( sprintf( 'The stream or file "%s" could not be opened: %s', $this->uri, $this->error ) ); } } /** * Custom error handler. * @param int $code Error number * @param string $msg Error message */ protected function errorTrap( $code, $msg ) { $this->error = $msg; } /** * Should we use UDP to send messages to the sink? * @return bool */ protected function useUdp() { return $this->host !== null; } protected function write( array $record ) { if ( $this->sink === null ) { $this->openSink(); } $text = (string)$record['formatted']; if ( $this->useUdp() ) { // Clean it up for the multiplexer if ( $this->prefix !== '' ) { $text = preg_replace( '/^/m', "{$this->prefix} ", $text ); // Limit to 64KB if ( strlen( $text ) > 65506 ) { $text = substr( $text, 0, 65506 ); } if ( substr( $text, -1 ) != "\n" ) { $text .= "\n"; } } elseif ( strlen( $text ) > 65507 ) { $text = substr( $text, 0, 65507 ); } socket_sendto( $this->sink, $text, strlen( $text ), 0, $this->host, $this->port ); } else { fwrite( $this->sink, $text ); } } public function close() { if ( is_resource( $this->sink ) ) { if ( $this->useUdp() ) { socket_close( $this->sink ); } else { fclose( $this->sink ); } } $this->sink = null; } }