*/ abstract class ORMTable implements IORMTable { /** * Gets the db field prefix. * * @since 1.20 * * @return string */ protected abstract function getFieldPrefix(); /** * Cache for instances, used by the singleton method. * * @since 1.20 * @var array of DBTable */ protected static $instanceCache = array(); /** * The database connection to use for read operations. * Can be changed via @see setReadDb. * * @since 1.20 * @var integer DB_ enum */ protected $readDb = DB_SLAVE; /** * Returns a list of default field values. * field name => field value * * @since 1.20 * * @return array */ public function getDefaults() { return array(); } /** * Returns a list of the summary fields. * These are fields that cache computed values, such as the amount of linked objects of $type. * This is relevant as one might not want to do actions such as log changes when these get updated. * * @since 1.20 * * @return array */ public function getSummaryFields() { return array(); } /** * Selects the the specified fields of the records matching the provided * conditions and returns them as DBDataObject. Field names get prefixed. * * @since 1.20 * * @param array|string|null $fields * @param array $conditions * @param array $options * @param string|null $functionName * * @return ORMResult */ public function select( $fields = null, array $conditions = array(), array $options = array(), $functionName = null ) { return new ORMResult( $this, $this->rawSelect( $fields, $conditions, $options, $functionName ) ); } /** * Selects the the specified fields of the records matching the provided * conditions and returns them as DBDataObject. Field names get prefixed. * * @since 1.20 * * @param array|string|null $fields * @param array $conditions * @param array $options * @param string|null $functionName * * @return array of self */ public function selectObjects( $fields = null, array $conditions = array(), array $options = array(), $functionName = null ) { $result = $this->selectFields( $fields, $conditions, $options, false, $functionName ); $objects = array(); foreach ( $result as $record ) { $objects[] = $this->newFromArray( $record ); } return $objects; } /** * Do the actual select. * * @since 1.20 * * @param null|string|array $fields * @param array $conditions * @param array $options * @param null|string $functionName * * @return ResultWrapper */ public function rawSelect( $fields = null, array $conditions = array(), array $options = array(), $functionName = null ) { if ( is_null( $fields ) ) { $fields = array_keys( $this->getFields() ); } else { $fields = (array)$fields; } return wfGetDB( $this->getReadDb() )->select( $this->getName(), $this->getPrefixedFields( $fields ), $this->getPrefixedValues( $conditions ), is_null( $functionName ) ? __METHOD__ : $functionName, $options ); } /** * Selects the the specified fields of the records matching the provided * conditions and returns them as associative arrays. * Provided field names get prefixed. * Returned field names will not have a prefix. * * When $collapse is true: * If one field is selected, each item in the result array will be this field. * If two fields are selected, each item in the result array will have as key * the first field and as value the second field. * If more then two fields are selected, each item will be an associative array. * * @since 1.20 * * @param array|string|null $fields * @param array $conditions * @param array $options * @param boolean $collapse Set to false to always return each result row as associative array. * @param string|null $functionName * * @return array of array */ public function selectFields( $fields = null, array $conditions = array(), array $options = array(), $collapse = true, $functionName = null ) { $objects = array(); $result = $this->rawSelect( $fields, $conditions, $options, $functionName ); foreach ( $result as $record ) { $objects[] = $this->getFieldsFromDBResult( $record ); } if ( $collapse ) { if ( count( $fields ) === 1 ) { $objects = array_map( 'array_shift', $objects ); } elseif ( count( $fields ) === 2 ) { $o = array(); foreach ( $objects as $object ) { $o[array_shift( $object )] = array_shift( $object ); } $objects = $o; } } return $objects; } /** * Selects the the specified fields of the first matching record. * Field names get prefixed. * * @since 1.20 * * @param array|string|null $fields * @param array $conditions * @param array $options * @param string|null $functionName * * @return IORMRow|bool False on failure */ public function selectRow( $fields = null, array $conditions = array(), array $options = array(), $functionName = null ) { $options['LIMIT'] = 1; $objects = $this->select( $fields, $conditions, $options, $functionName ); return $objects->isEmpty() ? false : $objects->current(); } /** * Selects the the specified fields of the records matching the provided * conditions. Field names do NOT get prefixed. * * @since 1.20 * * @param array $fields * @param array $conditions * @param array $options * @param string|null $functionName * * @return ResultWrapper */ public function rawSelectRow( array $fields, array $conditions = array(), array $options = array(), $functionName = null ) { $dbr = wfGetDB( $this->getReadDb() ); return $dbr->selectRow( $this->getName(), $fields, $conditions, is_null( $functionName ) ? __METHOD__ : $functionName, $options ); } /** * Selects the the specified fields of the first record matching the provided * conditions and returns it as an associative array, or false when nothing matches. * This method makes use of selectFields and expects the same parameters and * returns the same results (if there are any, if there are none, this method returns false). * @see ORMTable::selectFields * * @since 1.20 * * @param array|string|null $fields * @param array $conditions * @param array $options * @param boolean $collapse Set to false to always return each result row as associative array. * @param string|null $functionName * * @return mixed|array|bool False on failure */ public function selectFieldsRow( $fields = null, array $conditions = array(), array $options = array(), $collapse = true, $functionName = null ) { $options['LIMIT'] = 1; $objects = $this->selectFields( $fields, $conditions, $options, $collapse, $functionName ); return empty( $objects ) ? false : $objects[0]; } /** * Returns if there is at least one record matching the provided conditions. * Condition field names get prefixed. * * @since 1.20 * * @param array $conditions * * @return boolean */ public function has( array $conditions = array() ) { return $this->selectRow( array( 'id' ), $conditions ) !== false; } /** * Returns the amount of matching records. * Condition field names get prefixed. * * Note that this can be expensive on large tables. * In such cases you might want to use DatabaseBase::estimateRowCount instead. * * @since 1.20 * * @param array $conditions * @param array $options * * @return integer */ public function count( array $conditions = array(), array $options = array() ) { $res = $this->rawSelectRow( array( 'COUNT(*) AS rowcount' ), $this->getPrefixedValues( $conditions ), $options ); return $res->rowcount; } /** * Removes the object from the database. * * @since 1.20 * * @param array $conditions * @param string|null $functionName * * @return boolean Success indicator */ public function delete( array $conditions, $functionName = null ) { return wfGetDB( DB_MASTER )->delete( $this->getName(), $this->getPrefixedValues( $conditions ), $functionName ) !== false; // DatabaseBase::delete does not always return true for success as documented... } /** * Get API parameters for the fields supported by this object. * * @since 1.20 * * @param boolean $requireParams * @param boolean $setDefaults * * @return array */ public function getAPIParams( $requireParams = false, $setDefaults = false ) { $typeMap = array( 'id' => 'integer', 'int' => 'integer', 'float' => 'NULL', 'str' => 'string', 'bool' => 'integer', 'array' => 'string', 'blob' => 'string', ); $params = array(); $defaults = $this->getDefaults(); foreach ( $this->getFields() as $field => $type ) { if ( $field == 'id' ) { continue; } $hasDefault = array_key_exists( $field, $defaults ); $params[$field] = array( ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE => $typeMap[$type], ApiBase::PARAM_REQUIRED => $requireParams && !$hasDefault ); if ( $type == 'array' ) { $params[$field][ApiBase::PARAM_ISMULTI] = true; } if ( $setDefaults && $hasDefault ) { $default = is_array( $defaults[$field] ) ? implode( '|', $defaults[$field] ) : $defaults[$field]; $params[$field][ApiBase::PARAM_DFLT] = $default; } } return $params; } /** * Returns an array with the fields and their descriptions. * * field name => field description * * @since 1.20 * * @return array */ public function getFieldDescriptions() { return array(); } /** * Get the database type used for read operations. * * @since 1.20 * * @return integer DB_ enum */ public function getReadDb() { return $this->readDb; } /** * Set the database type to use for read operations. * * @param integer $db * * @since 1.20 */ public function setReadDb( $db ) { $this->readDb = $db; } /** * Update the records matching the provided conditions by * setting the fields that are keys in the $values param to * their corresponding values. * * @since 1.20 * * @param array $values * @param array $conditions * * @return boolean Success indicator */ public function update( array $values, array $conditions = array() ) { $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ); return $dbw->update( $this->getName(), $this->getPrefixedValues( $values ), $this->getPrefixedValues( $conditions ), __METHOD__ ) !== false; // DatabaseBase::update does not always return true for success as documented... } /** * Computes the values of the summary fields of the objects matching the provided conditions. * * @since 1.20 * * @param array|string|null $summaryFields * @param array $conditions */ public function updateSummaryFields( $summaryFields = null, array $conditions = array() ) { $this->setReadDb( DB_MASTER ); foreach ( $this->select( null, $conditions ) as /* IORMRow */ $item ) { $item->loadSummaryFields( $summaryFields ); $item->setSummaryMode( true ); $item->save(); } $this->setReadDb( DB_SLAVE ); } /** * Takes in an associative array with field names as keys and * their values as value. The field names are prefixed with the * db field prefix. * * @since 1.20 * * @param array $values * * @return array */ public function getPrefixedValues( array $values ) { $prefixedValues = array(); foreach ( $values as $field => $value ) { if ( is_integer( $field ) ) { if ( is_array( $value ) ) { $field = $value[0]; $value = $value[1]; } else { $value = explode( ' ', $value, 2 ); $value[0] = $this->getPrefixedField( $value[0] ); $prefixedValues[] = implode( ' ', $value ); continue; } } $prefixedValues[$this->getPrefixedField( $field )] = $value; } return $prefixedValues; } /** * Takes in a field or array of fields and returns an * array with their prefixed versions, ready for db usage. * * @since 1.20 * * @param array|string $fields * * @return array */ public function getPrefixedFields( array $fields ) { foreach ( $fields as &$field ) { $field = $this->getPrefixedField( $field ); } return $fields; } /** * Takes in a field and returns an it's prefixed version, ready for db usage. * * @since 1.20 * * @param string|array $field * * @return string */ public function getPrefixedField( $field ) { return $this->getFieldPrefix() . $field; } /** * Takes an array of field names with prefix and returns the unprefixed equivalent. * * @since 1.20 * * @param array $fieldNames * * @return array */ public function unprefixFieldNames( array $fieldNames ) { return array_map( array( $this, 'unprefixFieldName' ), $fieldNames ); } /** * Takes a field name with prefix and returns the unprefixed equivalent. * * @since 1.20 * * @param string $fieldName * * @return string */ public function unprefixFieldName( $fieldName ) { return substr( $fieldName, strlen( $this->getFieldPrefix() ) ); } /** * Get an instance of this class. * * @since 1.20 * * @return IORMTable */ public static function singleton() { $class = function_exists( 'get_called_class' ) ? get_called_class() : self::get_called_class(); if ( !array_key_exists( $class, self::$instanceCache ) ) { self::$instanceCache[$class] = new $class; } return self::$instanceCache[$class]; } /** * Compatibility fallback function so the singleton method works on PHP < 5.3. * Code borrowed from http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.get-called-class.php#107445 * * @since 1.20 * * @return string */ protected static function get_called_class() { $bt = debug_backtrace(); $l = count($bt) - 1; $matches = array(); while(empty($matches) && $l > -1){ $lines = file($bt[$l]['file']); $callerLine = $lines[$bt[$l]['line']-1]; preg_match('/([a-zA-Z0-9\_]+)::'.$bt[$l--]['function'].'/', $callerLine, $matches); } if (!isset($matches[1])) $matches[1]=NULL; //for notices if ($matches[1] == 'self') { $line = $bt[$l]['line']-1; while ($line > 0 && strpos($lines[$line], 'class') === false) { $line--; } preg_match('/class[\s]+(.+?)[\s]+/si', $lines[$line], $matches); } return $matches[1]; } /** * Get an array with fields from a database result, * that can be fed directly to the constructor or * to setFields. * * @since 1.20 * * @param stdClass $result * * @return array */ public function getFieldsFromDBResult( stdClass $result ) { $result = (array)$result; return array_combine( $this->unprefixFieldNames( array_keys( $result ) ), array_values( $result ) ); } /** * Get a new instance of the class from a database result. * * @since 1.20 * * @param stdClass $result * * @return IORMRow */ public function newFromDBResult( stdClass $result ) { return $this->newFromArray( $this->getFieldsFromDBResult( $result ) ); } /** * Get a new instance of the class from an array. * * @since 1.20 * * @param array $data * @param boolean $loadDefaults * * @return IORMRow */ public function newFromArray( array $data, $loadDefaults = false ) { $class = $this->getRowClass(); return new $class( $this, $data, $loadDefaults ); } /** * Return the names of the fields. * * @since 1.20 * * @return array */ public function getFieldNames() { return array_keys( $this->getFields() ); } /** * Gets if the object can take a certain field. * * @since 1.20 * * @param string $name * * @return boolean */ public function canHaveField( $name ) { return array_key_exists( $name, $this->getFields() ); } }