logger = \MediaWiki\Logger\LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'authentication' ); } public function userExists( $name ) { return AuthManager::singleton()->userExists( $name ); } public function authenticate( $username, $password ) { $data = [ 'username' => $username, 'password' => $password, ]; if ( $this->domain !== null && $this->domain !== '' ) { $data['domain'] = $this->domain; } $reqs = AuthManager::singleton()->getAuthenticationRequests( AuthManager::ACTION_LOGIN ); $reqs = AuthenticationRequest::loadRequestsFromSubmission( $reqs, $data ); $res = AuthManager::singleton()->beginAuthentication( $reqs, 'null:' ); switch ( $res->status ) { case AuthenticationResponse::PASS: return true; case AuthenticationResponse::FAIL: // Hope it's not a PreAuthenticationProvider that failed... $msg = $res->message instanceof \Message ? $res->message : new \Message( $res->message ); $this->logger->info( __METHOD__ . ': Authentication failed: ' . $msg->plain() ); return false; default: throw new \BadMethodCallException( 'AuthManager does not support such simplified authentication' ); } } public function modifyUITemplate( &$template, &$type ) { // AuthManager does not support direct UI screwing-around-with } public function setDomain( $domain ) { $this->domain = $domain; } public function getDomain() { if ( isset( $this->domain ) ) { return $this->domain; } else { return 'invaliddomain'; } } public function validDomain( $domain ) { $domainList = $this->domainList(); return $domainList ? in_array( $domain, $domainList, true ) : $domain === ''; } public function updateUser( &$user ) { \Hooks::run( 'UserLoggedIn', [ $user ] ); return true; } public function autoCreate() { return true; } public function allowPropChange( $prop = '' ) { return AuthManager::singleton()->allowsPropertyChange( $prop ); } public function allowPasswordChange() { $reqs = AuthManager::singleton()->getAuthenticationRequests( AuthManager::ACTION_CHANGE ); foreach ( $reqs as $req ) { if ( $req instanceof PasswordAuthenticationRequest ) { return true; } } return false; } public function allowSetLocalPassword() { // There should be a PrimaryAuthenticationProvider that does this, if necessary return false; } public function setPassword( $user, $password ) { $data = [ 'username' => $user->getName(), 'password' => $password, ]; if ( $this->domain !== null && $this->domain !== '' ) { $data['domain'] = $this->domain; } $reqs = AuthManager::singleton()->getAuthenticationRequests( AuthManager::ACTION_CHANGE ); $reqs = AuthenticationRequest::loadRequestsFromSubmission( $reqs, $data ); foreach ( $reqs as $req ) { $status = AuthManager::singleton()->allowsAuthenticationDataChange( $req ); if ( !$status->isOk() ) { $this->logger->info( __METHOD__ . ': Password change rejected: {reason}', [ 'username' => $data['username'], 'reason' => $status->getWikiText( null, null, 'en' ), ] ); return false; } } foreach ( $reqs as $req ) { AuthManager::singleton()->changeAuthenticationData( $req ); } return true; } public function updateExternalDB( $user ) { // This fires the necessary hook $user->saveSettings(); return true; } public function updateExternalDBGroups( $user, $addgroups, $delgroups = [] ) { \Hooks::run( 'UserGroupsChanged', [ $user, $addgroups, $delgroups ] ); return true; } public function canCreateAccounts() { return AuthManager::singleton()->canCreateAccounts(); } public function addUser( $user, $password, $email = '', $realname = '' ) { global $wgUser; $data = [ 'username' => $user->getName(), 'password' => $password, 'retype' => $password, 'email' => $email, 'realname' => $realname, ]; if ( $this->domain !== null && $this->domain !== '' ) { $data['domain'] = $this->domain; } $reqs = AuthManager::singleton()->getAuthenticationRequests( AuthManager::ACTION_CREATE ); $reqs = AuthenticationRequest::loadRequestsFromSubmission( $reqs, $data ); $res = AuthManager::singleton()->beginAccountCreation( $wgUser, $reqs, 'null:' ); switch ( $res->status ) { case AuthenticationResponse::PASS: return true; case AuthenticationResponse::FAIL: // Hope it's not a PreAuthenticationProvider that failed... $msg = $res->message instanceof \Message ? $res->message : new \Message( $res->message ); $this->logger->info( __METHOD__ . ': Authentication failed: ' . $msg->plain() ); return false; default: throw new \BadMethodCallException( 'AuthManager does not support such simplified account creation' ); } } public function strict() { // There should be a PrimaryAuthenticationProvider that does this, if necessary return true; } public function strictUserAuth( $username ) { // There should be a PrimaryAuthenticationProvider that does this, if necessary return true; } public function initUser( &$user, $autocreate = false ) { \Hooks::run( 'LocalUserCreated', [ $user, $autocreate ] ); } public function getCanonicalName( $username ) { // AuthManager doesn't support restrictions beyond MediaWiki's return $username; } public function getUserInstance( User &$user ) { return new AuthManagerAuthPluginUser( $user ); } public function domainList() { return []; } } /** * @since 1.27 * @deprecated since 1.27 */ class AuthManagerAuthPluginUser extends \AuthPluginUser { /** @var User */ private $user; function __construct( $user ) { $this->user = $user; } public function getId() { return $this->user->getId(); } public function isLocked() { return $this->user->isLocked(); } public function isHidden() { return $this->user->isHidden(); } public function resetAuthToken() { \MediaWiki\Session\SessionManager::singleton()->invalidateSessionsForUser( $this->user ); return true; } }