execute(); } class WhatLinksHerePage { var $request, $par; var $limit, $from, $dir, $target; var $selfTitle, $skin; function WhatLinksHerePage( &$request, $par = null ) { global $wgUser; $this->request =& $request; $this->skin =& $wgUser->getSkin(); $this->par = $par; } function execute() { global $wgUser, $wgOut; $this->limit = min( $this->request->getInt( 'limit', 50 ), 5000 ); if ( $this->limit <= 0 ) { $this->limit = 50; } $this->from = $this->request->getInt( 'from' ); $this->dir = $this->request->getText( 'dir', 'next' ); if ( $this->dir != 'prev' ) { $this->dir = 'next'; } $targetString = isset($this->par) ? $this->par : $this->request->getVal( 'target' ); if (is_null($targetString)) { $wgOut->errorpage( 'notargettitle', 'notargettext' ); return; } $this->target = Title::newFromURL( $targetString ); if( !$this->target ) { $wgOut->errorpage( 'notargettitle', 'notargettext' ); return; } $this->selfTitle = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_SPECIAL, 'Whatlinkshere/' . $this->target->getPrefixedDBkey() ); $wgOut->setPagetitle( $this->target->getPrefixedText() ); $wgOut->setSubtitle( wfMsg( 'linklistsub' ) ); $isredir = ' (' . wfMsg( 'isredirect' ) . ")\n"; $wgOut->addHTML('< '.$this->skin->makeLinkObj($this->target, '', 'redirect=no' )."
\n"); $this->showIndirectLinks( 0, $this->target, $this->limit, $this->from, $this->dir ); } /** * @param int $level Recursion level * @param Title $target Target title * @param int $limit Number of entries to display * @param Title $from Display from this article ID * @param string $dir 'next' or 'prev', whether $fromTitle is the start or end of the list * @access private */ function showIndirectLinks( $level, $target, $limit, $from = 0, $dir = 'next' ) { global $wgOut, $wgUser; $fname = 'WhatLinksHerePage::showIndirectLinks'; $dbr =& wfGetDB( DB_READ ); extract( $dbr->tableNames( 'pagelinks', 'templatelinks', 'page' ) ); // Some extra validation $from = intval( $from ); if ( !$from && $dir == 'prev' ) { // Before start? No make sense $dir = 'next'; } // Make the query if ( $from ) { if ( 'prev' == $dir ) { $offsetCond = "AND page_id < $from"; $options = 'ORDER BY page_id DESC,is_template DESC'; } else { $offsetCond = "AND page_id >= $from"; $options = 'ORDER BY page_id, is_template DESC'; } } else { $offsetCond = ''; $options = 'ORDER BY page_id,is_template DESC'; } // Read an extra row as an at-end check $queryLimit = $limit + 1; $options .= ' LIMIT ' . $queryLimit; $ns = $dbr->addQuotes( $target->getNamespace() ); $dbk = $dbr->addQuotes( $target->getDBkey() ); $plCond = "page_id=pl_from AND pl_namespace=$ns AND pl_title=$dbk"; $tlCond = "page_id=tl_from AND tl_namespace=$ns AND tl_title=$dbk"; // Make a union query which will read both templatelinks and pagelinks, // with an is_template field in the output indicating which one the link // came from $sql = "(SELECT page_id,page_namespace, page_title, page_is_redirect, 1 as is_template " . "FROM page, templatelinks WHERE $tlCond $offsetCond $options) " . "UNION (SELECT page_id,page_namespace, page_title, page_is_redirect, 0 as is_template " . "FROM page, pagelinks WHERE $plCond $offsetCond $options) $options"; $res = $dbr->query( $sql, $fname ); $numRows = $dbr->numRows( $res ); if ( 0 == $numRows ) { if ( 0 == $level ) { $wgOut->addWikiText( wfMsg( 'nolinkshere' ) ); } return; } // Read the rows into an array $rows = array(); while ( $row = $dbr->fetchObject( $res ) ) { $rows[] = $row; } $lastRow = end( $rows ); // Work out the start and end IDs, for prev/next links if ( $dir == 'prev' ) { // Descending order if ( $numRows == $queryLimit ) { // More rows available before these ones // Get the ID from the last row in the result set $prevId = $lastRow->page_id; // Remove undisplayed row unset( $rows[$queryLimit - 1] ); } else { // No more rows available before $prevId = 0; } // Assume that the ID specified in $from exists, so there must be another page $nextId = $from; // Reverse order $rows = array_reverse( $rows ); } else { // Ascending if ( $numRows == $queryLimit ) { // More rows available after these ones // Get the ID from the last row in the result set $nextId = $lastRow->page_id; // Remove undisplayed row unset( $rows[$queryLimit - 1] ); } else { // No more rows after $nextId = false; } $prevId = $from; } if ( 0 == $level ) { $wgOut->addWikiText( wfMsg( 'linkshere' ) ); } $isredir = wfMsg( 'isredirect' ); $istemplate = wfMsg( 'istemplate' ); if( $level == 0 ) { $prevnext = $this->getPrevNext( $limit, $prevId, $nextId ); $wgOut->addHTML( $prevnext ); } $wgOut->addHTML( '\n" ); if( $level == 0 ) { $wgOut->addHTML( $prevnext ); } } function makeSelfLink( $text, $query ) { return $this->skin->makeKnownLinkObj( $this->selfTitle, $text, $query ); } function getPrevNext( $limit, $prevId, $nextId ) { global $wgLang; $fmtLimit = $wgLang->formatNum( $limit ); $prev = wfMsg( 'prevn', $fmtLimit ); $next = wfMsg( 'nextn', $fmtLimit ); if ( 0 != $prevId ) { $prevLink = $this->makeSelfLink( $prev, "limit={$limit}&from={$prevId}&dir=prev" ); } else { $prevLink = $prev; } if ( 0 != $nextId ) { $nextLink = $this->makeSelfLink( $next, "limit={$limit}&from={$nextId}" ); } else { $nextLink = $next; } $nums = $this->numLink( 20, $prevId ) . ' | ' . $this->numLink( 50, $prevId ) . ' | ' . $this->numLink( 100, $prevId ) . ' | ' . $this->numLink( 250, $prevId ) . ' | ' . $this->numLink( 500, $prevId ); return wfMsg( 'viewprevnext', $prevLink, $nextLink, $nums ); } function numLink( $limit, $from ) { global $wgLang; $query = "limit={$limit}&from={$from}"; $fmtLimit = $wgLang->formatNum( $limit ); return $this->makeSelfLink( $fmtLimit, $query ); } } ?>