# http://www.mediawiki.org/ # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html # Simple generic object store # interface is intended to be more or less compatible with # the PHP memcached client. # # backends for local hash array and SQL table included: # $bag = new HashBagOStuff(); # $bag = new MysqlBagOStuff($tablename); # connect to db first class /* abstract */ BagOStuff { var $debugmode; function BagOStuff() { set_debug( false ); } function set_debug($bool) { $this->debugmode = $bool; } /* *** THE GUTS OF THE OPERATION *** */ /* Override these with functional things in subclasses */ function get($key) { /* stub */ return false; } function set($key, $value, $exptime=0) { /* stub */ return false; } function delete($key, $time=0) { /* stub */ return false; } /* *** Emulated functions *** */ /* Better performance can likely be got with custom written versions */ function get_multi($keys) { $out = array(); foreach($keys as $key) $out[$key] = $this->get($key); return $out; } function set_multi($hash, $exptime=0) { foreach($hash as $key => $value) $this->set($key, $value, $exptime); } function add($key, $value, $exptime=0) { if( $this->get($key) === false ) $this->set($key, $value, $exptime); } function add_multi($hash, $exptime=0) { foreach($hash as $key => $value) $this->add($key, $value, $exptime); } function delete_multi($keys, $time=0) { foreach($keys as $key) $this->delete($key, $time); } function replace($key, $value, $exptime=0) { if( $this->get($key) !== false ) $this->set($key, $value, $exptime); } function incr($key, $value=1) { $value = intval($value); if($value < 0) $value = 0; if( ($n = $this->get($key)) !== false ) { $this->set($key, $n+$value); // exptime? return $n+$value; } else { return false; } } function decr($key, $value=1) { $value = intval($value); if($value < 0) $value = 0; if( ($n = $this->get($key)) !== false ) { $m = $n - $value; if($m < 0) $m = 0; $this->set($key, $m); // exptime? return $m; } else { return false; } } function _debug($text) { if($this->debugmode) echo "\ndebug: $text\n"; } } /* Functional versions! */ class HashBagOStuff extends BagOStuff { /* This is a test of the interface, mainly. It stores things in an associative array, which is not going to persist between program runs. */ var $bag; function HashBagOStuff() { $this->bag = array(); } function _expire($key) { $et = $this->bag[$key][1]; if(($et == 0) || ($et > time())) return false; $this->delete($key); return true; } function get($key) { if(!$this->bag[$key]) return false; if($this->_expire($key)) return false; return $this->bag[$key][0]; } function set($key,$value,$exptime=0) { if(($exptime != 0) && ($exptime < 3600*24*30)) $exptime = time() + $exptime; $this->bag[$key] = array( $value, $exptime ); } function delete($key,$time=0) { if(!$this->bag[$key]) return false; unset($this->bag[$key]); return true; } } /* CREATE TABLE objectcache ( keyname char(255) binary not null default '', value mediumblob, exptime datetime, unique key (keyname), key (exptime) ); */ class /* abstract */ SqlBagOStuff extends BagOStuff { var $table; function SqlBagOStuff($tablename = "objectcache") { $this->table = $tablename; } function get($key) { /* expire old entries if any */ $this->expireall(); $res = $this->_query( "SELECT value,exptime FROM $0 WHERE keyname='$1'", $key); if(!$res) { $this->_debug("get: ** error: " . $this->_dberror($res) . " **"); return false; } if($arr = $this->_fetchrow($res)) { $this->_debug("get: retrieved data; exp time is " . $arr['exptime']); return unserialize($arr['value']); } else { $this->_debug("get: no matching rows"); } return false; } function set($key,$value,$exptime=0) { $exptime = intval($exptime); if($exptime < 0) $exptime = 0; if($exptime == 0) { $exp = $this->_maxdatetime(); } else { if($exptime < 3600*24*30) $exptime += time(); $exp = $this->_fromunixtime($exptime); } $this->delete( $key ); $this->_query( "INSERT INTO $0 (keyname,value,exptime) VALUES('$1','$2',$exp)", $key, serialize(&$value)); return true; /* ? */ } function delete($key,$time=0) { $this->_query( "DELETE FROM $0 WHERE keyname='$1'", $key ); return true; /* ? */ } function _query($sql) { $reps = func_get_args(); $reps[0] = $this->table; // ewwww for($i=0;$i_strencode($reps[$i]), $sql); } $res = $this->_doquery($sql); if($res === false) { $this->_debug("query failed: " . $this->_dberror($res)); } return $res; } function _strencode($str) { /* Protect strings in SQL */ return str_replace( "'", "''", $str ); } function _doquery($sql) { die( "abstract function SqlBagOStuff::_doquery() must be defined" ); } function _fetchrow($res) { die( "abstract function SqlBagOStuff::_fetchrow() must be defined" ); } function _freeresult($result) { /* stub */ return false; } function _dberror($result) { /* stub */ return "unknown error"; } function _maxdatetime() { die( "abstract function SqlBagOStuff::_maxdatetime() must be defined" ); } function _fromunixtime() { die( "abstract function SqlBagOStuff::_fromunixtime() must be defined" ); } function expireall() { /* Remove any items that have expired */ $this->_query( "DELETE FROM $0 WHERE exptime<=NOW()" ); } function deleteall() { /* Clear *all* items from cache table */ $this->_query( "DELETE FROM $0" ); } } class MysqlBagOStuff extends SqlBagOStuff { function _doquery($sql) { return mysql_query($sql); } function _fetchrow($result) { return mysql_fetch_array($result); } function _freeresult($result) { return mysql_free_result($result); } function _dberror($result) { if($result) return mysql_error($result); else return mysql_error(); } function _maxdatetime() { return "'9999-12-31 12:59:59'"; } function _fromunixtime($ts) { return "FROM_UNIXTIME($ts)"; } function _strencode($s) { return mysql_escape_string($s); } } class MediaWikiBagOStuff extends MysqlBagOStuff { function _doquery($sql) { return wfQuery($sql, DB_READ, "MediaWikiBagOStuff:_doquery"); } function _freeresult($result) { return wfFreeResult($result); } } ?>