elements. */ class Html { # List of void elements from HTML 5, section 9.1.2 as of 2009-08-10 private static $voidElements = array( 'area', 'base', 'br', 'col', 'command', 'embed', 'hr', 'img', 'input', 'keygen', 'link', 'meta', 'param', 'source' ); /** * Returns an HTML element in a string. The major advantage here over * manually typing out the HTML is that it will escape all attribute * values. If you're hardcoding all the attributes, or there are none, you * should probably type out the string yourself. * * This is quite similar to Xml::element(), but it implements some useful * HTML-specific logic. For instance, there is no $allowShortTag * parameter: the closing tag is magically omitted if $element has an empty * content model. If $wgWellFormedXml is false, then a few bytes will be * shaved off the HTML output as well. In the future, other HTML-specific * features might be added, like allowing arrays for the values of * attributes like class= and media=. * * One notable difference to Xml::element() is that $contents is *not* * escaped. This means that Html::element() can be usefully nested, rather * than using the rather clumsy Xml::openElement() and Xml::closeElement(). * * @param $element string The element's name, e.g., 'a' * @param $attribs array Associative array of attributes, e.g., array( * 'href' => 'http://www.mediawiki.org/' ). Values will be HTML-escaped. * @param $contents string The raw HTML contents of the element: *not* * escaped! * @return string Raw HTML */ public static function element( $element, $attribs = array(), $contents = '' ) { global $wgWellFormedXml; $element = strtolower( $element ); $start = "<$element" . self::expandAttributes( $attribs ); if ( in_array( $element, self::$voidElements ) ) { if ( $wgWellFormedXml ) { return "$start />"; } return "$start>"; } else { return "$start>$contents"; } } /** * Given an associative array of element attributes, generate a string * to stick after the element name in HTML output. Like array( 'href' => * 'http://www.mediawiki.org/' ) becomes something like * ' href="http://www.mediawiki.org"'. Again, this is like * Xml::expandAttributes(), but it implements some HTML-specific logic. * For instance, it will omit quotation marks if $wgWellFormedXml is false. * * @param $attribs array Associative array of attributes, e.g., array( * 'href' => 'http://www.mediawiki.org/' ). Values will be HTML-escaped. * @return string HTML fragment that goes between element name and '>' * (starting with a space if at least one attribute is output) */ public static function expandAttributes( $attribs ) { global $wgWellFormedXml; $ret = ''; foreach ( $attribs as $key => $value ) { # See the "Attributes" section in the HTML syntax part of HTML 5, # as of 2009-08-10. Most attributes can have quotation # marks omitted, but not all. (Although a literal " is not # permitted, we don't check for that, since it will be escaped # anyway.) if ( $wgWellFormedXml || $value == '' || preg_match( "/[ '=<>]/", $value ) ) { $quote = '"'; } else { $quote = ''; } # Apparently we need to entity-encode \n, \r, \t, although the spec # doesn't mention that. Since we're doing strtr() anyway, and we # don't need <> escaped here, we may as well not call # htmlspecialchars(). FIXME: verify that we actually need to # escape \n\r\t here, and explain why, exactly. $ret .= " $key=$quote" . strtr( $value, array( '&' => '&', '"' => '"', "\n" => ' ', "\r" => ' ', "\t" => ' ' ) ) . $quote; } return $ret; } /** * Output a ' or (for * XML) literal "]]>". * * @param $contents string JavaScript * @return string Raw HTML */ public static function inlineScript( $contents ) { global $wgHtml5, $wgJsMimeType; $attrs = array(); if ( !$wgHtml5 ) { $attrs['type'] = $wgJsMimeType; $contents = "/**/"; } return self::element( 'script', $attrs, $contents ); } /** * Output a . * * @param $url string * @return string Raw HTML */ public static function linkedScript( $url ) { global $wgHtml5, $wgJsMimeType; $attrs = array( 'src' => $url ); if ( !$wgHtml5 ) { $attrs['type'] = $wgJsMimeType; } return self::element( 'script', $attrs ); } /** * Output a ' (admittedly unlikely). * * @param $contents string CSS * @param $media mixed A media type string, like 'screen', or null for all * media * @return string Raw HTML */ public static function inlineStyle( $contents, $media = null ) { global $wgHtml5; $attrs = array(); if ( !$wgHtml5 ) { # Technically we should probably add CDATA stuff here like with # scripts, but in practice, stylesheets tend not to have # problematic characters anyway. $attrs['type'] = 'text/css'; } if ( $media !== null ) { $attrs['media'] = $media; } return self::element( 'style', $attrs, $contents ); } /** * Output a linking to the given URL for the given * media type (if any). * * @param $url string * @param $media mixed A media type string, like 'screen', or null for all * media * @return string Raw HTML */ public static function linkedStyle( $url, $media = null ) { global $wgHtml5; $attrs = array( 'rel' => 'stylesheet', 'href' => $url ); if ( !$wgHtml5 ) { $attrs['type'] = 'text/css'; } if ( $media !== null ) { $attrs['media'] = $media; } return self::element( 'link', $attrs ); } }