options[$name] = $option; } public static function guessType( $data ) { if ( is_bool($data) ) { return self::BOOL; } elseif( is_int($data) ) { return self::INT; } elseif( is_string($data) ) { return self::STRING; } else { throw new MWException( 'Unsupported datatype' ); } } # Handling values public function validateName( $name, $strict = false ) { if ( !isset($this->options[$name]) ) { if ( $strict ) { throw new MWException( "Invalid option $name" ); } else { return false; } } return true; } public function setValue( $name, $value, $force = false ) { $this->validateName( $name, true ); if ( !$force && $value === $this->options[$name]['default'] ) { // null default values as unchanged $this->options[$name]['value'] = null; } else { $this->options[$name]['value'] = $value; } } public function getValue( $name ) { $this->validateName( $name, true ); return $this->getValueReal( $this->options[$name] ); } protected function getValueReal( $option ) { if ( $option['value'] !== null ) { return $option['value']; } else { return $option['default']; } } public function consumeValue( $name ) { $this->validateName( $name, true ); $this->options[$name]['consumed'] = true; return $this->getValueReal( $this->options[$name] ); } public function consumeValues( /*Array*/ $names ) { $out = array(); foreach ( $names as $name ) { $this->validateName( $name, true ); $this->options[$name]['consumed'] = true; $out[] = $this->getValueReal( $this->options[$name] ); } return $out; } # Validating values public function validateIntBounds( $name, $min, $max ) { $this->validateName( $name, true ); if ( $this->options[$name]['type'] !== self::INT ) throw new MWException( "Option $name is not of type int" ); $value = $this->getValueReal( $this->options[$name] ); $value = max( $min, min( $max, $value ) ); $this->setValue( $name, $value ); } # Getting the data out for use public function getUnconsumedValues( $all = false ) { $values = array(); foreach ( $this->options as $name => $data ) { if ( !$data['consumed'] ) { if ( $all || $data['value'] !== null ) { $values[$name] = $this->getValueReal( $data ); } } } return $values; } public function getChangedValues() { $values = array(); foreach ( $this->options as $name => $data ) { if ( $data['value'] !== null ) { $values[$name] = $data['value']; } } return $values; } # Reading values public function fetchValuesFromRequest( WebRequest $r ) { foreach ( array_keys($this->options) as $name ) { $default = $this->options[$name]['default']; $type = $this->options[$name]['type']; switch( $type ) { case self::BOOL: $value = $r->getBool( $name, $default ); break; case self::INT: $value = $r->getInt( $name, $default ); break; case self::STRING: $value = $r->getText( $name, $default ); break; case self::INTNULL: $value = $r->getIntOrNull( $name ); break; default: throw new MWException( 'Unsupported datatype' ); } if ( $value !== $default && $value != null ) { $this->options[$name]['value'] = $value; } } } }