mModelName = $modelName; $this->mTitle = $title; $this->mRevId = $revId; } public function getModelName() { return $this->mModelName; } public function getTitle() { return $this->mTitle; } public function getRevId() { return $this->mRevId; } public abstract function getSearchText( $obj ); public abstract function getWikitextForTransclusion( $obj ); public abstract function getParserOutput( ParserOptions $options = NULL ); public abstract function getRawData( ); public function getHtml( ParserOptions $options ) { $po = $this->getParserOutput( $options ); return $po->getText(); } public function getIndexUpdateJobs( ParserOptions $options , $recursive = true ) { $po = $this->getParserOutput( $options ); $update = new LinksUpdate( $this->mTitle, $po, $recursive ); return $update; } #XXX: is the native model for wikitext a string or the parser output? parse early or parse late? } class TextContent extends Content { public function __construct( $text, Title $title, $revId, $modelName ) { parent::__construct($title, $revId, $modelName); $this->mText = $text; } public function getSearchText( $obj ) { return $this->getRawData(); } public function getWikitextForTransclusion( $obj ) { return $this->getRawData(); } public function getParserOutput( ParserOptions $options = null ) { # generic implementation, relying on $this->getHtml() $html = $this->getHtml( $options ); $po = new ParserOutput( $html ); if ( $this->mTitle ) $po->setTitleText( $this->mTitle->getText() ); #TODO: cache settings, etc? return $po; } public function getHtml( ParserOptions $options ) { $html = ""; $html .= "
        $html .= htmlspecialchars( $this->getRawData() );
        $html .= "\n
\n"; return $html; } public function getRawData( ) { $text = $this->mText; return $text; } } class WikitextContent extends TextContent { public function __construct( $text, Title $title, $revId = null) { parent::__construct($text, $title, $revId, CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT); $this->mDefaultParserOptions = null; } public function getDefaultParserOptions() { global $wgUser, $wgContLang; if ( !$this->mDefaultParserOptions ) { #TODO: use static member?! $this->mDefaultParserOptions = ParserOptions::newFromUserAndLang( $wgUser, $wgContLang ); } return $this->mDefaultParserOptions; } public function getParserOutput( ParserOptions $options = null ) { global $wgParser; #TODO: quick local cache: if $options is NULL, use ->mParserOutput! #FIXME: need setParserOutput, so we can use stuff from the parser cache?? #FIXME: ...or we somehow need to know the parser cache key?? if ( !$options ) { $options = $this->getDefaultParserOptions(); } $po = $wgParser->parse( $this->mText, $this->getTitle(), $options ); return $po; } } class MessageContent extends TextContent { public function __construct( $msg_key, $params = null, $options = null ) { parent::__construct(null, null, null, CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT); $this->mMessageKey = $msg_key; $this->mParameters = $params; if ( !$options ) $options = array(); $this->mOptions = $options; $this->mHtmlOptions = null; } public function getHtml( ParserOptions $options ) { $opt = array_merge( $this->mOptions, array('parse') ); return wfMsgExt( $this->mMessageKey, $this->mParameters, $opt ); } public function getRawData( ) { $opt = array_diff( $this->mOptions, array('parse', 'parseinline') ); return wfMsgExt( $this->mMessageKey, $this->mParameters, $opt ); } } class JavaScriptContent extends TextContent { public function __construct( $text, Title $title, $revId = null ) { parent::__construct($text, $title, $revId, CONTENT_MODEL_JAVASCRIPT); } public function getHtml( ParserOptions $options ) { $html = ""; $html .= "
        $html .= htmlspecialchars( $this->getRawData() );
        $html .= "\n
\n"; return $html; } } class CssContent extends TextContent { public function __construct( $text, Title $title, $revId = null ) { parent::__construct($text, $title, $revId, CONTENT_MODEL_CSS); } public function getHtml( ParserOptions $options ) { $html = ""; $html .= "
        $html .= htmlspecialchars( $this->getRawData() );
        $html .= "\n
\n"; return $html; } } #FIXME: special type for redirects?! #FIXME: special type for message-based pseudo-content? with raw html? #TODO: MultipartMultipart < WikipageContent (Main + Links + X) #TODO: LinksContent < LanguageLinksContent, CategoriesContent #EXAMPLE: CoordinatesContent #EXAMPLE: WikidataContent