0 ) { # Soon... :D # wfDeprecated( __METHOD__ . " with arguments" ); } $this->setTarget( $address ); if ( $this->target instanceof User && $user ) { $this->forcedTargetID = $user; // needed for foreign users } if ( $by ) { // local user $this->setBlocker( User::newFromID( $by ) ); } else { // foreign user $this->setBlocker( $byText ); } $this->mReason = $reason; $this->mTimestamp = wfTimestamp( TS_MW, $timestamp ); $this->mAuto = $auto; $this->isHardblock( !$anonOnly ); $this->prevents( 'createaccount', $createAccount ); if ( $expiry == 'infinity' || $expiry == wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE )->getInfinity() ) { $this->mExpiry = 'infinity'; } else { $this->mExpiry = wfTimestamp( TS_MW, $expiry ); } $this->isAutoblocking( $enableAutoblock ); $this->mHideName = $hideName; $this->prevents( 'sendemail', $blockEmail ); $this->prevents( 'editownusertalk', !$allowUsertalk ); $this->mFromMaster = false; } /** * Load a block from the database, using either the IP address or * user ID. Tries the user ID first, and if that doesn't work, tries * the address. * * @param string $address IP address of user/anon * @param $user Integer: user id of user * @return Block Object * @deprecated since 1.18 */ public static function newFromDB( $address, $user = 0 ) { wfDeprecated( __METHOD__, '1.18' ); return self::newFromTarget( User::whoIs( $user ), $address ); } /** * Load a blocked user from their block id. * * @param $id Integer: Block id to search for * @return Block object or null */ public static function newFromID( $id ) { $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE ); $res = $dbr->selectRow( 'ipblocks', self::selectFields(), array( 'ipb_id' => $id ), __METHOD__ ); if ( $res ) { return self::newFromRow( $res ); } else { return null; } } /** * Return the list of ipblocks fields that should be selected to create * a new block. * @return array */ public static function selectFields() { return array( 'ipb_id', 'ipb_address', 'ipb_by', 'ipb_by_text', 'ipb_reason', 'ipb_timestamp', 'ipb_auto', 'ipb_anon_only', 'ipb_create_account', 'ipb_enable_autoblock', 'ipb_expiry', 'ipb_deleted', 'ipb_block_email', 'ipb_allow_usertalk', 'ipb_parent_block_id', ); } /** * Check if two blocks are effectively equal. Doesn't check irrelevant things like * the blocking user or the block timestamp, only things which affect the blocked user * * @param $block Block * * @return bool */ public function equals( Block $block ) { return ( (string)$this->target == (string)$block->target && $this->type == $block->type && $this->mAuto == $block->mAuto && $this->isHardblock() == $block->isHardblock() && $this->prevents( 'createaccount' ) == $block->prevents( 'createaccount' ) && $this->mExpiry == $block->mExpiry && $this->isAutoblocking() == $block->isAutoblocking() && $this->mHideName == $block->mHideName && $this->prevents( 'sendemail' ) == $block->prevents( 'sendemail' ) && $this->prevents( 'editownusertalk' ) == $block->prevents( 'editownusertalk' ) && $this->mReason == $block->mReason ); } /** * Clear all member variables in the current object. Does not clear * the block from the DB. * @deprecated since 1.18 */ public function clear() { wfDeprecated( __METHOD__, '1.18' ); # Noop } /** * Get a block from the DB, with either the given address or the given username * * @param string $address The IP address of the user, or blank to skip IP blocks * @param int $user The user ID, or zero for anonymous users * @return Boolean: the user is blocked from editing * @deprecated since 1.18 */ public function load( $address = '', $user = 0 ) { wfDeprecated( __METHOD__, '1.18' ); if ( $user ) { $username = User::whoIs( $user ); $block = self::newFromTarget( $username, $address ); } else { $block = self::newFromTarget( null, $address ); } if ( $block instanceof Block ) { # This is mildly evil, but hey, it's B/C :D foreach ( $block as $variable => $value ) { $this->$variable = $value; } return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Load a block from the database which affects the already-set $this->target: * 1) A block directly on the given user or IP * 2) A rangeblock encompassing the given IP (smallest first) * 3) An autoblock on the given IP * @param $vagueTarget User|String also search for blocks affecting this target. Doesn't * make any sense to use TYPE_AUTO / TYPE_ID here. Leave blank to skip IP lookups. * @throws MWException * @return Bool whether a relevant block was found */ protected function newLoad( $vagueTarget = null ) { $db = wfGetDB( $this->mFromMaster ? DB_MASTER : DB_SLAVE ); if ( $this->type !== null ) { $conds = array( 'ipb_address' => array( (string)$this->target ), ); } else { $conds = array( 'ipb_address' => array() ); } # Be aware that the != '' check is explicit, since empty values will be # passed by some callers (bug 29116) if ( $vagueTarget != '' ) { list( $target, $type ) = self::parseTarget( $vagueTarget ); switch ( $type ) { case self::TYPE_USER: # Slightly weird, but who are we to argue? $conds['ipb_address'][] = (string)$target; break; case self::TYPE_IP: $conds['ipb_address'][] = (string)$target; $conds[] = self::getRangeCond( IP::toHex( $target ) ); $conds = $db->makeList( $conds, LIST_OR ); break; case self::TYPE_RANGE: list( $start, $end ) = IP::parseRange( $target ); $conds['ipb_address'][] = (string)$target; $conds[] = self::getRangeCond( $start, $end ); $conds = $db->makeList( $conds, LIST_OR ); break; default: throw new MWException( "Tried to load block with invalid type" ); } } $res = $db->select( 'ipblocks', self::selectFields(), $conds, __METHOD__ ); # This result could contain a block on the user, a block on the IP, and a russian-doll # set of rangeblocks. We want to choose the most specific one, so keep a leader board. $bestRow = null; # Lower will be better $bestBlockScore = 100; # This is begging for $this = $bestBlock, but that's not allowed in PHP :( $bestBlockPreventsEdit = null; foreach ( $res as $row ) { $block = self::newFromRow( $row ); # Don't use expired blocks if ( $block->deleteIfExpired() ) { continue; } # Don't use anon only blocks on users if ( $this->type == self::TYPE_USER && !$block->isHardblock() ) { continue; } if ( $block->getType() == self::TYPE_RANGE ) { # This is the number of bits that are allowed to vary in the block, give # or take some floating point errors $end = wfBaseconvert( $block->getRangeEnd(), 16, 10 ); $start = wfBaseconvert( $block->getRangeStart(), 16, 10 ); $size = log( $end - $start + 1, 2 ); # This has the nice property that a /32 block is ranked equally with a # single-IP block, which is exactly what it is... $score = self::TYPE_RANGE - 1 + ( $size / 128 ); } else { $score = $block->getType(); } if ( $score < $bestBlockScore ) { $bestBlockScore = $score; $bestRow = $row; $bestBlockPreventsEdit = $block->prevents( 'edit' ); } } if ( $bestRow !== null ) { $this->initFromRow( $bestRow ); $this->prevents( 'edit', $bestBlockPreventsEdit ); return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Get a set of SQL conditions which will select rangeblocks encompassing a given range * @param string $start Hexadecimal IP representation * @param string $end Hexadecimal IP representation, or null to use $start = $end * @return String */ public static function getRangeCond( $start, $end = null ) { if ( $end === null ) { $end = $start; } # Per bug 14634, we want to include relevant active rangeblocks; for # rangeblocks, we want to include larger ranges which enclose the given # range. We know that all blocks must be smaller than $wgBlockCIDRLimit, # so we can improve performance by filtering on a LIKE clause $chunk = self::getIpFragment( $start ); $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE ); $like = $dbr->buildLike( $chunk, $dbr->anyString() ); # Fairly hard to make a malicious SQL statement out of hex characters, # but stranger things have happened... $safeStart = $dbr->addQuotes( $start ); $safeEnd = $dbr->addQuotes( $end ); return $dbr->makeList( array( "ipb_range_start $like", "ipb_range_start <= $safeStart", "ipb_range_end >= $safeEnd", ), LIST_AND ); } /** * Get the component of an IP address which is certain to be the same between an IP * address and a rangeblock containing that IP address. * @param $hex String Hexadecimal IP representation * @return String */ protected static function getIpFragment( $hex ) { global $wgBlockCIDRLimit; if ( substr( $hex, 0, 3 ) == 'v6-' ) { return 'v6-' . substr( substr( $hex, 3 ), 0, floor( $wgBlockCIDRLimit['IPv6'] / 4 ) ); } else { return substr( $hex, 0, floor( $wgBlockCIDRLimit['IPv4'] / 4 ) ); } } /** * Given a database row from the ipblocks table, initialize * member variables * @param $row ResultWrapper: a row from the ipblocks table */ protected function initFromRow( $row ) { $this->setTarget( $row->ipb_address ); if ( $row->ipb_by ) { // local user $this->setBlocker( User::newFromID( $row->ipb_by ) ); } else { // foreign user $this->setBlocker( $row->ipb_by_text ); } $this->mReason = $row->ipb_reason; $this->mTimestamp = wfTimestamp( TS_MW, $row->ipb_timestamp ); $this->mAuto = $row->ipb_auto; $this->mHideName = $row->ipb_deleted; $this->mId = $row->ipb_id; $this->mParentBlockId = $row->ipb_parent_block_id; // I wish I didn't have to do this $db = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE ); if ( $row->ipb_expiry == $db->getInfinity() ) { $this->mExpiry = 'infinity'; } else { $this->mExpiry = wfTimestamp( TS_MW, $row->ipb_expiry ); } $this->isHardblock( !$row->ipb_anon_only ); $this->isAutoblocking( $row->ipb_enable_autoblock ); $this->prevents( 'createaccount', $row->ipb_create_account ); $this->prevents( 'sendemail', $row->ipb_block_email ); $this->prevents( 'editownusertalk', !$row->ipb_allow_usertalk ); } /** * Create a new Block object from a database row * @param $row ResultWrapper row from the ipblocks table * @return Block */ public static function newFromRow( $row ) { $block = new Block; $block->initFromRow( $row ); return $block; } /** * Delete the row from the IP blocks table. * * @throws MWException * @return Boolean */ public function delete() { if ( wfReadOnly() ) { return false; } if ( !$this->getId() ) { throw new MWException( "Block::delete() requires that the mId member be filled\n" ); } $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ); $dbw->delete( 'ipblocks', array( 'ipb_parent_block_id' => $this->getId() ), __METHOD__ ); $dbw->delete( 'ipblocks', array( 'ipb_id' => $this->getId() ), __METHOD__ ); return $dbw->affectedRows() > 0; } /** * Insert a block into the block table. Will fail if there is a conflicting * block (same name and options) already in the database. * * @param $dbw DatabaseBase if you have one available * @return mixed: false on failure, assoc array on success: * ('id' => block ID, 'autoIds' => array of autoblock IDs) */ public function insert( $dbw = null ) { wfDebug( "Block::insert; timestamp {$this->mTimestamp}\n" ); if ( $dbw === null ) { $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ); } # Don't collide with expired blocks Block::purgeExpired(); $row = $this->getDatabaseArray(); $row['ipb_id'] = $dbw->nextSequenceValue( "ipblocks_ipb_id_seq" ); $dbw->insert( 'ipblocks', $row, __METHOD__, array( 'IGNORE' ) ); $affected = $dbw->affectedRows(); $this->mId = $dbw->insertId(); if ( $affected ) { $auto_ipd_ids = $this->doRetroactiveAutoblock(); return array( 'id' => $this->mId, 'autoIds' => $auto_ipd_ids ); } return false; } /** * Update a block in the DB with new parameters. * The ID field needs to be loaded first. * * @return Int number of affected rows, which should probably be 1 or something has * gone slightly awry */ public function update() { wfDebug( "Block::update; timestamp {$this->mTimestamp}\n" ); $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ); $dbw->update( 'ipblocks', $this->getDatabaseArray( $dbw ), array( 'ipb_id' => $this->getId() ), __METHOD__ ); return $dbw->affectedRows(); } /** * Get an array suitable for passing to $dbw->insert() or $dbw->update() * @param $db DatabaseBase * @return Array */ protected function getDatabaseArray( $db = null ) { if ( !$db ) { $db = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE ); } $expiry = $db->encodeExpiry( $this->mExpiry ); if ( $this->forcedTargetID ) { $uid = $this->forcedTargetID; } else { $uid = $this->target instanceof User ? $this->target->getID() : 0; } $a = array( 'ipb_address' => (string)$this->target, 'ipb_user' => $uid, 'ipb_by' => $this->getBy(), 'ipb_by_text' => $this->getByName(), 'ipb_reason' => $this->mReason, 'ipb_timestamp' => $db->timestamp( $this->mTimestamp ), 'ipb_auto' => $this->mAuto, 'ipb_anon_only' => !$this->isHardblock(), 'ipb_create_account' => $this->prevents( 'createaccount' ), 'ipb_enable_autoblock' => $this->isAutoblocking(), 'ipb_expiry' => $expiry, 'ipb_range_start' => $this->getRangeStart(), 'ipb_range_end' => $this->getRangeEnd(), 'ipb_deleted' => intval( $this->mHideName ), // typecast required for SQLite 'ipb_block_email' => $this->prevents( 'sendemail' ), 'ipb_allow_usertalk' => !$this->prevents( 'editownusertalk' ), 'ipb_parent_block_id' => $this->mParentBlockId ); return $a; } /** * Retroactively autoblocks the last IP used by the user (if it is a user) * blocked by this Block. * * @return Array: block IDs of retroactive autoblocks made */ protected function doRetroactiveAutoblock() { $blockIds = array(); # If autoblock is enabled, autoblock the LAST IP(s) used if ( $this->isAutoblocking() && $this->getType() == self::TYPE_USER ) { wfDebug( "Doing retroactive autoblocks for " . $this->getTarget() . "\n" ); $continue = wfRunHooks( 'PerformRetroactiveAutoblock', array( $this, &$blockIds ) ); if ( $continue ) { self::defaultRetroactiveAutoblock( $this, $blockIds ); } } return $blockIds; } /** * Retroactively autoblocks the last IP used by the user (if it is a user) * blocked by this Block. This will use the recentchanges table. * * @param Block $block * @param array &$blockIds * @return Array: block IDs of retroactive autoblocks made */ protected static function defaultRetroactiveAutoblock( Block $block, array &$blockIds ) { global $wgPutIPinRC; // No IPs are in recentchanges table, so nothing to select if ( !$wgPutIPinRC ) { return; } $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE ); $options = array( 'ORDER BY' => 'rc_timestamp DESC' ); $conds = array( 'rc_user_text' => (string)$block->getTarget() ); // Just the last IP used. $options['LIMIT'] = 1; $res = $dbr->select( 'recentchanges', array( 'rc_ip' ), $conds, __METHOD__, $options ); if ( !$res->numRows() ) { # No results, don't autoblock anything wfDebug( "No IP found to retroactively autoblock\n" ); } else { foreach ( $res as $row ) { if ( $row->rc_ip ) { $id = $block->doAutoblock( $row->rc_ip ); if ( $id ) { $blockIds[] = $id; } } } } } /** * Checks whether a given IP is on the autoblock whitelist. * TODO: this probably belongs somewhere else, but not sure where... * * @param string $ip The IP to check * @return Boolean */ public static function isWhitelistedFromAutoblocks( $ip ) { global $wgMemc; // Try to get the autoblock_whitelist from the cache, as it's faster // than getting the msg raw and explode()'ing it. $key = wfMemcKey( 'ipb', 'autoblock', 'whitelist' ); $lines = $wgMemc->get( $key ); if ( !$lines ) { $lines = explode( "\n", wfMessage( 'autoblock_whitelist' )->inContentLanguage()->plain() ); $wgMemc->set( $key, $lines, 3600 * 24 ); } wfDebug( "Checking the autoblock whitelist..\n" ); foreach ( $lines as $line ) { # List items only if ( substr( $line, 0, 1 ) !== '*' ) { continue; } $wlEntry = substr( $line, 1 ); $wlEntry = trim( $wlEntry ); wfDebug( "Checking $ip against $wlEntry..." ); # Is the IP in this range? if ( IP::isInRange( $ip, $wlEntry ) ) { wfDebug( " IP $ip matches $wlEntry, not autoblocking\n" ); return true; } else { wfDebug( " No match\n" ); } } return false; } /** * Autoblocks the given IP, referring to this Block. * * @param string $autoblockIP the IP to autoblock. * @return mixed: block ID if an autoblock was inserted, false if not. */ public function doAutoblock( $autoblockIP ) { # If autoblocks are disabled, go away. if ( !$this->isAutoblocking() ) { return false; } # Check for presence on the autoblock whitelist. if ( self::isWhitelistedFromAutoblocks( $autoblockIP ) ) { return false; } # Allow hooks to cancel the autoblock. if ( !wfRunHooks( 'AbortAutoblock', array( $autoblockIP, &$this ) ) ) { wfDebug( "Autoblock aborted by hook.\n" ); return false; } # It's okay to autoblock. Go ahead and insert/update the block... # Do not add a *new* block if the IP is already blocked. $ipblock = Block::newFromTarget( $autoblockIP ); if ( $ipblock ) { # Check if the block is an autoblock and would exceed the user block # if renewed. If so, do nothing, otherwise prolong the block time... if ( $ipblock->mAuto && // @todo Why not compare $ipblock->mExpiry? $this->mExpiry > Block::getAutoblockExpiry( $ipblock->mTimestamp ) ) { # Reset block timestamp to now and its expiry to # $wgAutoblockExpiry in the future $ipblock->updateTimestamp(); } return false; } # Make a new block object with the desired properties. $autoblock = new Block; wfDebug( "Autoblocking {$this->getTarget()}@" . $autoblockIP . "\n" ); $autoblock->setTarget( $autoblockIP ); $autoblock->setBlocker( $this->getBlocker() ); $autoblock->mReason = wfMessage( 'autoblocker', $this->getTarget(), $this->mReason )->inContentLanguage()->plain(); $timestamp = wfTimestampNow(); $autoblock->mTimestamp = $timestamp; $autoblock->mAuto = 1; $autoblock->prevents( 'createaccount', $this->prevents( 'createaccount' ) ); # Continue suppressing the name if needed $autoblock->mHideName = $this->mHideName; $autoblock->prevents( 'editownusertalk', $this->prevents( 'editownusertalk' ) ); $autoblock->mParentBlockId = $this->mId; if ( $this->mExpiry == 'infinity' ) { # Original block was indefinite, start an autoblock now $autoblock->mExpiry = Block::getAutoblockExpiry( $timestamp ); } else { # If the user is already blocked with an expiry date, we don't # want to pile on top of that. $autoblock->mExpiry = min( $this->mExpiry, Block::getAutoblockExpiry( $timestamp ) ); } # Insert the block... $status = $autoblock->insert(); return $status ? $status['id'] : false; } /** * Check if a block has expired. Delete it if it is. * @return Boolean */ public function deleteIfExpired() { wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ ); if ( $this->isExpired() ) { wfDebug( "Block::deleteIfExpired() -- deleting\n" ); $this->delete(); $retVal = true; } else { wfDebug( "Block::deleteIfExpired() -- not expired\n" ); $retVal = false; } wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ ); return $retVal; } /** * Has the block expired? * @return Boolean */ public function isExpired() { $timestamp = wfTimestampNow(); wfDebug( "Block::isExpired() checking current " . $timestamp . " vs $this->mExpiry\n" ); if ( !$this->mExpiry ) { return false; } else { return $timestamp > $this->mExpiry; } } /** * Is the block address valid (i.e. not a null string?) * @return Boolean */ public function isValid() { return $this->getTarget() != null; } /** * Update the timestamp on autoblocks. */ public function updateTimestamp() { if ( $this->mAuto ) { $this->mTimestamp = wfTimestamp(); $this->mExpiry = Block::getAutoblockExpiry( $this->mTimestamp ); $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ); $dbw->update( 'ipblocks', array( /* SET */ 'ipb_timestamp' => $dbw->timestamp( $this->mTimestamp ), 'ipb_expiry' => $dbw->timestamp( $this->mExpiry ), ), array( /* WHERE */ 'ipb_address' => (string)$this->getTarget() ), __METHOD__ ); } } /** * Get the IP address at the start of the range in Hex form * @throws MWException * @return String IP in Hex form */ public function getRangeStart() { switch ( $this->type ) { case self::TYPE_USER: return ''; case self::TYPE_IP: return IP::toHex( $this->target ); case self::TYPE_RANGE: list( $start, /*...*/ ) = IP::parseRange( $this->target ); return $start; default: throw new MWException( "Block with invalid type" ); } } /** * Get the IP address at the end of the range in Hex form * @throws MWException * @return String IP in Hex form */ public function getRangeEnd() { switch ( $this->type ) { case self::TYPE_USER: return ''; case self::TYPE_IP: return IP::toHex( $this->target ); case self::TYPE_RANGE: list( /*...*/, $end ) = IP::parseRange( $this->target ); return $end; default: throw new MWException( "Block with invalid type" ); } } /** * Get the user id of the blocking sysop * * @return Integer (0 for foreign users) */ public function getBy() { $blocker = $this->getBlocker(); return ( $blocker instanceof User ) ? $blocker->getId() : 0; } /** * Get the username of the blocking sysop * * @return String */ public function getByName() { $blocker = $this->getBlocker(); return ( $blocker instanceof User ) ? $blocker->getName() : (string)$blocker; // username } /** * Get the block ID * @return int */ public function getId() { return $this->mId; } /** * Get/set the SELECT ... FOR UPDATE flag * @deprecated since 1.18 * * @param $x Bool */ public function forUpdate( $x = null ) { wfDeprecated( __METHOD__, '1.18' ); # noop } /** * Get/set a flag determining whether the master is used for reads * * @param $x Bool * @return Bool */ public function fromMaster( $x = null ) { return wfSetVar( $this->mFromMaster, $x ); } /** * Get/set whether the Block is a hardblock (affects logged-in users on a given IP/range * @param $x Bool * @return Bool */ public function isHardblock( $x = null ) { wfSetVar( $this->isHardblock, $x ); # You can't *not* hardblock a user return $this->getType() == self::TYPE_USER ? true : $this->isHardblock; } public function isAutoblocking( $x = null ) { wfSetVar( $this->isAutoblocking, $x ); # You can't put an autoblock on an IP or range as we don't have any history to # look over to get more IPs from return $this->getType() == self::TYPE_USER ? $this->isAutoblocking : false; } /** * Get/set whether the Block prevents a given action * @param $action String * @param $x Bool * @return Bool */ public function prevents( $action, $x = null ) { switch ( $action ) { case 'edit': # For now... return true; case 'createaccount': return wfSetVar( $this->mCreateAccount, $x ); case 'sendemail': return wfSetVar( $this->mBlockEmail, $x ); case 'editownusertalk': return wfSetVar( $this->mDisableUsertalk, $x ); default: return null; } } /** * Get the block name, but with autoblocked IPs hidden as per standard privacy policy * @return String, text is escaped */ public function getRedactedName() { if ( $this->mAuto ) { return Html::rawElement( 'span', array( 'class' => 'mw-autoblockid' ), wfMessage( 'autoblockid', $this->mId ) ); } else { return htmlspecialchars( $this->getTarget() ); } } /** * Encode expiry for DB * * @param string $expiry timestamp for expiry, or * @param $db DatabaseBase object * @return String * @deprecated since 1.18; use $dbw->encodeExpiry() instead */ public static function encodeExpiry( $expiry, $db ) { wfDeprecated( __METHOD__, '1.18' ); return $db->encodeExpiry( $expiry ); } /** * Decode expiry which has come from the DB * * @param string $expiry Database expiry format * @param int $timestampType Requested timestamp format * @return String * @deprecated since 1.18; use $wgLang->formatExpiry() instead */ public static function decodeExpiry( $expiry, $timestampType = TS_MW ) { wfDeprecated( __METHOD__, '1.18' ); global $wgContLang; return $wgContLang->formatExpiry( $expiry, $timestampType ); } /** * Get a timestamp of the expiry for autoblocks * * @param $timestamp String|Int * @return String */ public static function getAutoblockExpiry( $timestamp ) { global $wgAutoblockExpiry; return wfTimestamp( TS_MW, wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, $timestamp ) + $wgAutoblockExpiry ); } /** * Gets rid of unneeded numbers in quad-dotted/octet IP strings * For example, -> * @param string $range IP address to normalize * @return string * @deprecated since 1.18, call IP::sanitizeRange() directly */ public static function normaliseRange( $range ) { wfDeprecated( __METHOD__, '1.18' ); return IP::sanitizeRange( $range ); } /** * Purge expired blocks from the ipblocks table */ public static function purgeExpired() { if ( wfReadOnly() ) { return; } $method = __METHOD__; $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ); $dbw->onTransactionIdle( function() use ( $dbw, $method ) { $dbw->delete( 'ipblocks', array( 'ipb_expiry < ' . $dbw->addQuotes( $dbw->timestamp() ) ), $method ); } ); } /** * Get a value to insert into expiry field of the database when infinite expiry * is desired * @deprecated since 1.18, call $dbr->getInfinity() directly * @return String */ public static function infinity() { wfDeprecated( __METHOD__, '1.18' ); return wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE )->getInfinity(); } /** * Convert a submitted expiry time, which may be relative ("2 weeks", etc) or absolute * ("24 May 2034"), into an absolute timestamp we can put into the database. * @param string $expiry whatever was typed into the form * @return String: timestamp or "infinity" string for th DB implementation * @deprecated since 1.18 moved to SpecialBlock::parseExpiryInput() */ public static function parseExpiryInput( $expiry ) { wfDeprecated( __METHOD__, '1.18' ); return SpecialBlock::parseExpiryInput( $expiry ); } /** * Given a target and the target's type, get an existing Block object if possible. * @param $specificTarget String|User|Int a block target, which may be one of several types: * * A user to block, in which case $target will be a User * * An IP to block, in which case $target will be a User generated by using * User::newFromName( $ip, false ) to turn off name validation * * An IP range, in which case $target will be a String "" etc * * The ID of an existing block, in the format "#12345" (since pure numbers are valid * usernames * Calling this with a user, IP address or range will not select autoblocks, and will * only select a block where the targets match exactly (so looking for blocks on * will not select or even * @param $vagueTarget String|User|Int as above, but we will search for *any* block which * affects that target (so for an IP address, get ranges containing that IP; and also * get any relevant autoblocks). Leave empty or blank to skip IP-based lookups. * @param bool $fromMaster whether to use the DB_MASTER database * @return Block|null (null if no relevant block could be found). The target and type * of the returned Block will refer to the actual block which was found, which might * not be the same as the target you gave if you used $vagueTarget! */ public static function newFromTarget( $specificTarget, $vagueTarget = null, $fromMaster = false ) { list( $target, $type ) = self::parseTarget( $specificTarget ); if ( $type == Block::TYPE_ID || $type == Block::TYPE_AUTO ) { return Block::newFromID( $target ); } elseif ( $target === null && $vagueTarget == '' ) { # We're not going to find anything useful here # Be aware that the == '' check is explicit, since empty values will be # passed by some callers (bug 29116) return null; } elseif ( in_array( $type, array( Block::TYPE_USER, Block::TYPE_IP, Block::TYPE_RANGE, null ) ) ) { $block = new Block(); $block->fromMaster( $fromMaster ); if ( $type !== null ) { $block->setTarget( $target ); } if ( $block->newLoad( $vagueTarget ) ) { return $block; } } return null; } /** * Get all blocks that match any IP from an array of IP addresses * * @param Array $ipChain list of IPs (strings), usually retrieved from the * X-Forwarded-For header of the request * @param Bool $isAnon Exclude anonymous-only blocks if false * @param Bool $fromMaster Whether to query the master or slave database * @return Array of Blocks * @since 1.21 */ public static function getBlocksForIPList( array $ipChain, $isAnon, $fromMaster = false ) { if ( !count( $ipChain ) ) { return array(); } wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ ); $conds = array(); foreach ( array_unique( $ipChain ) as $ipaddr ) { # Discard invalid IP addresses. Since XFF can be spoofed and we do not # necessarily trust the header given to us, make sure that we are only # checking for blocks on well-formatted IP addresses (IPv4 and IPv6). # Do not treat private IP spaces as special as it may be desirable for wikis # to block those IP ranges in order to stop misbehaving proxies that spoof XFF. if ( !IP::isValid( $ipaddr ) ) { continue; } # Don't check trusted IPs (includes local squids which will be in every request) if ( wfIsTrustedProxy( $ipaddr ) ) { continue; } # Check both the original IP (to check against single blocks), as well as build # the clause to check for rangeblocks for the given IP. $conds['ipb_address'][] = $ipaddr; $conds[] = self::getRangeCond( IP::toHex( $ipaddr ) ); } if ( !count( $conds ) ) { wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ ); return array(); } if ( $fromMaster ) { $db = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ); } else { $db = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE ); } $conds = $db->makeList( $conds, LIST_OR ); if ( !$isAnon ) { $conds = array( $conds, 'ipb_anon_only' => 0 ); } $selectFields = array_merge( array( 'ipb_range_start', 'ipb_range_end' ), Block::selectFields() ); $rows = $db->select( 'ipblocks', $selectFields, $conds, __METHOD__ ); $blocks = array(); foreach ( $rows as $row ) { $block = self::newFromRow( $row ); if ( !$block->deleteIfExpired() ) { $blocks[] = $block; } } wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ ); return $blocks; } /** * From a list of multiple blocks, find the most exact and strongest Block. * The logic for finding the "best" block is: * - Blocks that match the block's target IP are preferred over ones in a range * - Hardblocks are chosen over softblocks that prevent account creation * - Softblocks that prevent account creation are chosen over other softblocks * - Other softblocks are chosen over autoblocks * - If there are multiple exact or range blocks at the same level, the one chosen * is random * @param Array $ipChain list of IPs (strings). This is used to determine how "close" * a block is to the server, and if a block matches exactly, or is in a range. * The order is furthest from the server to nearest e.g., (Browser, proxy1, proxy2, * local-squid, ...) * @param Array $block Array of blocks * @return Block|null the "best" block from the list */ public static function chooseBlock( array $blocks, array $ipChain ) { if ( !count( $blocks ) ) { return null; } elseif ( count( $blocks ) == 1 ) { return $blocks[0]; } wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ ); // Sort hard blocks before soft ones and secondarily sort blocks // that disable account creation before those that don't. usort( $blocks, function( Block $a, Block $b ) { $aWeight = (int)$a->isHardblock() . (int)$a->prevents( 'createaccount' ); $bWeight = (int)$b->isHardblock() . (int)$b->prevents( 'createaccount' ); return strcmp( $bWeight, $aWeight ); // highest weight first } ); $blocksListExact = array( 'hard' => false, 'disable_create' => false, 'other' => false, 'auto' => false ); $blocksListRange = array( 'hard' => false, 'disable_create' => false, 'other' => false, 'auto' => false ); $ipChain = array_reverse( $ipChain ); foreach ( $blocks as $block ) { // Stop searching if we have already have a "better" block. This // is why the order of the blocks matters if ( !$block->isHardblock() && $blocksListExact['hard'] ) { break; } elseif ( !$block->prevents( 'createaccount' ) && $blocksListExact['disable_create'] ) { break; } foreach ( $ipChain as $checkip ) { $checkipHex = IP::toHex( $checkip ); if ( (string)$block->getTarget() === $checkip ) { if ( $block->isHardblock() ) { $blocksListExact['hard'] = $blocksListExact['hard'] ?: $block; } elseif ( $block->prevents( 'createaccount' ) ) { $blocksListExact['disable_create'] = $blocksListExact['disable_create'] ?: $block; } elseif ( $block->mAuto ) { $blocksListExact['auto'] = $blocksListExact['auto'] ?: $block; } else { $blocksListExact['other'] = $blocksListExact['other'] ?: $block; } // We found closest exact match in the ip list, so go to the next Block break; } elseif ( array_filter( $blocksListExact ) == array() && $block->getRangeStart() <= $checkipHex && $block->getRangeEnd() >= $checkipHex ) { if ( $block->isHardblock() ) { $blocksListRange['hard'] = $blocksListRange['hard'] ?: $block; } elseif ( $block->prevents( 'createaccount' ) ) { $blocksListRange['disable_create'] = $blocksListRange['disable_create'] ?: $block; } elseif ( $block->mAuto ) { $blocksListRange['auto'] = $blocksListRange['auto'] ?: $block; } else { $blocksListRange['other'] = $blocksListRange['other'] ?: $block; } break; } } } if ( array_filter( $blocksListExact ) == array() ) { $blocksList = &$blocksListRange; } else { $blocksList = &$blocksListExact; } $chosenBlock = null; if ( $blocksList['hard'] ) { $chosenBlock = $blocksList['hard']; } elseif ( $blocksList['disable_create'] ) { $chosenBlock = $blocksList['disable_create']; } elseif ( $blocksList['other'] ) { $chosenBlock = $blocksList['other']; } elseif ( $blocksList['auto'] ) { $chosenBlock = $blocksList['auto']; } else { wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ ); throw new MWException( "Proxy block found, but couldn't be classified." ); } wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ ); return $chosenBlock; } /** * From an existing Block, get the target and the type of target. * Note that, except for null, it is always safe to treat the target * as a string; for User objects this will return User::__toString() * which in turn gives User::getName(). * * @param $target String|Int|User|null * @return array( User|String|null, Block::TYPE_ constant|null ) */ public static function parseTarget( $target ) { # We may have been through this before if ( $target instanceof User ) { if ( IP::isValid( $target->getName() ) ) { return array( $target, self::TYPE_IP ); } else { return array( $target, self::TYPE_USER ); } } elseif ( $target === null ) { return array( null, null ); } $target = trim( $target ); if ( IP::isValid( $target ) ) { # We can still create a User if it's an IP address, but we need to turn # off validation checking (which would exclude IP addresses) return array( User::newFromName( IP::sanitizeIP( $target ), false ), Block::TYPE_IP ); } elseif ( IP::isValidBlock( $target ) ) { # Can't create a User from an IP range return array( IP::sanitizeRange( $target ), Block::TYPE_RANGE ); } # Consider the possibility that this is not a username at all # but actually an old subpage (bug #29797) if ( strpos( $target, '/' ) !== false ) { # An old subpage, drill down to the user behind it $parts = explode( '/', $target ); $target = $parts[0]; } $userObj = User::newFromName( $target ); if ( $userObj instanceof User ) { # Note that since numbers are valid usernames, a $target of "12345" will be # considered a User. If you want to pass a block ID, prepend a hash "#12345", # since hash characters are not valid in usernames or titles generally. return array( $userObj, Block::TYPE_USER ); } elseif ( preg_match( '/^#\d+$/', $target ) ) { # Autoblock reference in the form "#12345" return array( substr( $target, 1 ), Block::TYPE_AUTO ); } else { # WTF? return array( null, null ); } } /** * Get the type of target for this particular block * @return Block::TYPE_ constant, will never be TYPE_ID */ public function getType() { return $this->mAuto ? self::TYPE_AUTO : $this->type; } /** * Get the target and target type for this particular Block. Note that for autoblocks, * this returns the unredacted name; frontend functions need to call $block->getRedactedName() * in this situation. * @return array( User|String, Block::TYPE_ constant ) * @todo FIXME: This should be an integral part of the Block member variables */ public function getTargetAndType() { return array( $this->getTarget(), $this->getType() ); } /** * Get the target for this particular Block. Note that for autoblocks, * this returns the unredacted name; frontend functions need to call $block->getRedactedName() * in this situation. * @return User|String */ public function getTarget() { return $this->target; } /** * @since 1.19 * * @return Mixed|string */ public function getExpiry() { return $this->mExpiry; } /** * Set the target for this block, and update $this->type accordingly * @param $target Mixed */ public function setTarget( $target ) { list( $this->target, $this->type ) = self::parseTarget( $target ); } /** * Get the user who implemented this block * @return User|string Local User object or string for a foreign user */ public function getBlocker() { return $this->blocker; } /** * Set the user who implemented (or will implement) this block * @param $user User|string Local User object or username string for foreign users */ public function setBlocker( $user ) { $this->blocker = $user; } /** * Get the key and parameters for the corresponding error message. * * @since 1.22 * @param IContextSource $context * @return array */ public function getPermissionsError( IContextSource $context ) { $blocker = $this->getBlocker(); if ( $blocker instanceof User ) { // local user $blockerUserpage = $blocker->getUserPage(); $link = "[[{$blockerUserpage->getPrefixedText()}|{$blockerUserpage->getText()}]]"; } else { // foreign user $link = $blocker; } $reason = $this->mReason; if ( $reason == '' ) { $reason = $context->msg( 'blockednoreason' )->text(); } /* $ip returns who *is* being blocked, $intended contains who was meant to be blocked. * This could be a username, an IP range, or a single IP. */ $intended = $this->getTarget(); $lang = $context->getLanguage(); return array( $this->mAuto ? 'autoblockedtext' : 'blockedtext', $link, $reason, $context->getRequest()->getIP(), $this->getByName(), $this->getId(), $lang->formatExpiry( $this->mExpiry ), (string)$intended, $lang->timeanddate( wfTimestamp( TS_MW, $this->mTimestamp ), true ), ); } }