for PHP =head1 SYNOPSIS require 'Test.php'; plan( $num ); # plan $num tests # or plan( 'no_plan' ); # We don't know how many # or plan( 'skip_all' ); # Skip all tests # or plan( 'skip_all', $reason ); # Skip all tests with a reason diag( 'message in test output' ) # Trailing \n not required # $test_name is always optional and should be a short description of # the test, e.g. "some_function() returns an integer" # Various ways to say "ok" ok( $got == $expected, $test_name ); # Compare with == and != is( $got, $expected, $test_name ); isnt( $got, $expected, $test_name ); # Run a preg match on some data like( $got, $regex, $test_name ); unlike( $got, $regex, $test_name ); # Compare something with a given comparison operator cmp_ok( $got, '==', $expected, $test_name ); # Compare something with a comparison function (should return bool) cmp_ok( $got, $func, $expected, $test_name ); # Recursively check datastructures for equalness is_deeply( $got, $expected, $test_name ); # Always pass or fail a test under an optional name pass( $test_name ); fail( $test_name ); =head1 DESCRIPTION F is an implementation of Perl's L and Pugs's B for PHP. Like those two modules it produces TAP output (see L) which can then be gathered, formatted and summarized by a program that understands TAP such as L. =cut */ register_shutdown_function('test_ends'); $Test = array( 'run' => 0, 'failed' => 0, 'badpass' => 0, 'planned' => null ); function plan( $plan, $why = '' ) { global $Test; $Test['planned'] = true; switch ( $plan ) { case 'no_plan': $Test['planned'] = false; break; case 'skip_all'; printf( "1..0%s\n", $why ? " # Skip $why" : '' ); exit; default: printf( "1..%d\n", $plan ); break; } } function pass( $desc = '' ) { return proclaim(true, $desc); } function fail( $desc = '' ) { return proclaim( false, $desc ); } function ok( $cond, $desc = '' ) { return proclaim( $cond, $desc ); } function is( $got, $expected, $desc = '' ) { $pass = $got == $expected; return proclaim( $pass, $desc, /* todo */ false, $got, $expected ); } function isnt( $got, $expected, $desc = '' ) { $pass = $got != $expected; return proclaim( $pass, $desc, /* todo */ false, $got, $expected, /* negated */ true ); } function like( $got, $expected, $desc = '' ) { $pass = preg_match( $expected, $got ); return proclaim( $pass, $desc, /* todo */ false, $got, $expected ); } function unlike( $got, $expected, $desc = '' ) { $pass = ! preg_match( $expected, $got ); return proclaim( $pass, $desc, /* todo */ false, $got, $expected, /* negated */ true ); } function cmp_ok($got, $op, $expected, $desc = '') { $pass = null; /* See */ switch ($op) { case '==': $pass = $got == $expected; break; case '===': $pass = $got === $expected; break; case '!=': case '<>': $pass = $got != $expected; break; case '!==': $pass = $got !== $expected; break; case '<': $pass = $got < $expected; break; case '>': $pass = $got > $expected; break; case '<=': $pass = $got <= $expected; break; case '>=': $pass = $got >= $expected; break; default: if ( function_exists( $op ) ) { $pass = $op( $got, $expected ); } else { die("No such operator or function $op\n"); } } return proclaim( $pass, $desc, /* todo */ false, $got, "$op $expected" ); } function diag($message) { if (is_array($message)) { $message = implode("\n", $message); } $messages = explode("\n", $message); foreach ($messages as $msg) { echo "# $msg\n"; } } function include_ok( $file, $desc = '' ) { $pass = include $file; return proclaim( $pass, $desc == '' ? "include $file" : $desc ); } function require_ok( $file, $desc = '' ) { $pass = require $file; return proclaim( $pass, $desc == '' ? "require $file" : $desc ); } function is_deeply( $got, $expected, $desc = '' ) { // hack $s_got = serialize( $got ); $s_exp = serialize( $expected ); $pass = $s_got == $s_exp; proclaim( $pass, $desc, /* todo */ false, $got, $expected ); } function isa_ok( $obj, $expected, $desc = '' ) { $name = get_class( $obj ); $pass = $name == $expected; proclaim( $pass, $desc, /* todo */ false, $name, $expected ); } function proclaim( $cond, // bool $desc = '', $todo = false, $got = null, $expected = null, $negate = false ) { global $Test; $Test['run'] += 1; # TODO: force_todo # Everything after the first # is special, so escape user-supplied messages $desc = str_replace( '#', '\\#', $desc ); $desc = str_replace( "\n", '\\n', $desc ); $ok = $cond ? "ok" : "not ok"; $directive = $todo === false ? '' : '# TODO aoeu'; printf( "%s %d %s%s\n", $ok, $Test['run'], $desc, $directive ); if ( ! $cond ) { report_failure( $desc, $got, $expected, $negate, $todo ); } return $cond; } function report_failure( $desc, $got, $expected, $negate, $todo ) { # Every public function in this file proclaim which then calls # this function, so our culprit is the third item in the stack $caller = debug_backtrace(); $call = $caller['2']; diag( sprintf( " Failed%stest '%s'\n in %s at line %d\n got: %s\n expected: %s", $todo ? ' TODO ' : ' ', $desc, $call['file'], $call['line'], $got, $expected ) ); } function test_ends () { global $Test; if ( $Test['planned'] === false ) { printf( "1..%d\n", $Test['run'] ); } } /* =head1 TODO =over =item * Fully document this file =item * Add TODO support, maybe via C C 'fix this'))>. =back =head1 SEE ALSO =over =item L - The TAP protocol =item L =item Pugs's =back =head1 AUTHOR Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason =head1 LICENSING This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut */