Merging resourceloader branch into trunk. Full documentation is at http://www.mediawi...
[lhc/web/wiklou.git] / skins / common / prefs.js
1 // generate toc from prefs form, fold sections
2 // XXX: needs testing on IE/Mac and safari
3 // more comments to follow
4 window.tabbedprefs = function() {
5 var prefform = document.getElementById( 'preferences' );
6 if ( !prefform || !document.createElement ) {
7 return;
8 }
9 if ( prefform.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'a' ) {
10 return; // Occasional IE problem
11 }
12 prefform.className = prefform.className + 'jsprefs';
13 var sections = [];
14 var children = prefform.childNodes;
15 var seci = 0;
16 for ( var i = 0; i < children.length; i++ ) {
17 if ( children[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'fieldset' ) {
18 children[i].id = 'prefsection-' + seci;
19 children[i].className = 'prefsection';
20 if ( is_opera ) {
21 children[i].className = 'prefsection operaprefsection';
22 }
23 var legends = children[i].getElementsByTagName('legend');
24 sections[seci] = {};
25 if ( legends[0] ) {
26 legends[0].className = 'mainLegend';
27 }
28 if ( legends[0] && legends[0].firstChild.nodeValue ) {
29 sections[seci].text = legends[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
30 } else {
31 sections[seci].text = '# ' + seci;
32 }
33 sections[seci].secid = children[i].id;
34 seci++;
35 if ( sections.length != 1 ) {
36 children[i].style.display = 'none';
37 } else {
38 var selectedid = children[i].id;
39 }
40 }
41 }
42 var toc = document.createElement( 'ul' );
43 = 'preftoc';
44 toc.selectedid = selectedid;
45 for ( i = 0; i < sections.length; i++ ) {
46 var li = document.createElement( 'li' );
47 if ( i === 0 ) {
48 li.className = 'selected';
49 }
50 var a = document.createElement( 'a' );
51 a.href = '#' + sections[i].secid;
52 a.onmousedown = a.onclick = uncoversection;
53 a.appendChild( document.createTextNode( sections[i].text ) );
54 a.secid = sections[i].secid;
55 li.appendChild( a );
56 toc.appendChild( li );
57 }
58 prefform.parentNode.insertBefore( toc, prefform.parentNode.childNodes[0] );
59 document.getElementById( 'prefsubmit' ).id = 'prefcontrol';
60 }
62 window.uncoversection = function() {
63 var oldsecid = this.parentNode.parentNode.selectedid;
64 var newsec = document.getElementById( this.secid );
65 if ( oldsecid != this.secid ) {
66 var ul = document.getElementById( 'preftoc' );
67 document.getElementById( oldsecid ).style.display = 'none';
68 = 'block';
69 ul.selectedid = this.secid;
70 var lis = ul.getElementsByTagName( 'li' );
71 for ( var i = 0; i< lis.length; i++ ) {
72 lis[i].className = '';
73 }
74 this.parentNode.className = 'selected';
75 }
76 return false;
77 }
79 // Timezone stuff
80 // tz in format [+-]HHMM
81 window.checkTimezone = function( tz, msg ) {
82 var localclock = new Date();
83 // returns negative offset from GMT in minutes
84 var tzRaw = localclock.getTimezoneOffset();
85 var tzHour = Math.floor( Math.abs( tzRaw ) / 60 );
86 var tzMin = Math.abs( tzRaw ) % 60;
87 var tzString = ( ( tzRaw >= 0 ) ? '-' : '+' ) + ( ( tzHour < 10 ) ? '0' : '' ) + tzHour + ( ( tzMin < 10 ) ? '0' : '' ) + tzMin;
88 if ( tz != tzString ) {
89 var junk = msg.split('$1');
90 document.write( junk[0] + 'UTC' + tzString + junk[1] );
91 }
92 }
94 window.timezoneSetup = function() {
95 var tzSelect = document.getElementById( 'mw-input-timecorrection' );
96 var tzTextbox = document.getElementById( 'mw-input-timecorrection-other' );
98 if ( tzSelect && tzTextbox ) {
99 addHandler( tzSelect, 'change', function( e ) { updateTimezoneSelection( false ); } );
100 addHandler( tzTextbox, 'blur', function( e ) { updateTimezoneSelection( true ); } );
101 }
103 updateTimezoneSelection( false );
104 }
106 // in [-]HH:MM format...
107 // won't yet work with non-even tzs
108 window.fetchTimezone = function() {
109 // FIXME: work around Safari bug
110 var localclock = new Date();
111 // returns negative offset from GMT in minutes
112 var tzRaw = localclock.getTimezoneOffset();
113 var tzHour = Math.floor( Math.abs( tzRaw ) / 60 );
114 var tzMin = Math.abs( tzRaw ) % 60;
115 var tzString = ( ( tzRaw >= 0 ) ? '-' : '' ) + ( ( tzHour < 10 ) ? '0' : '' ) + tzHour +
116 ':' + ( ( tzMin < 10 ) ? '0' : '' ) + tzMin;
117 return tzString;
118 }
120 window.guessTimezone = function() {
121 var textbox = document.getElementById( 'mw-input-timecorrection-other' );
122 var selector = document.getElementById( 'mw-input-timecorrection' );
124 selector.value = 'other';
125 textbox.value = fetchTimezone();
126 textbox.disabled = false; // The changed handler doesn't trip, obviously.
127 updateTimezoneSelection( true );
128 }
130 window.updateTimezoneSelection = function( force_offset ) {
131 var selector = document.getElementById( 'mw-input-timecorrection' );
133 if ( selector.value == 'guess' ) {
134 return guessTimezone();
135 }
137 var textbox = document.getElementById( 'mw-input-timecorrection-other' );
138 var localtimeHolder = document.getElementById( 'wpLocalTime' );
139 var servertime = document.getElementsByName( 'wpServerTime' )[0].value;
140 var minDiff = 0;
142 // Compatibility code.
143 if ( !selector.value ) {
144 selector.value = selector.options[selector.selectedIndex].value;
145 }
147 // Handle force_offset
148 if ( force_offset ) {
149 selector.value = 'other';
150 }
152 // Get min_diff
153 if ( selector.value == 'other' ) {
154 // Grab data from the textbox, parse it.
155 var diffArr = textbox.value.split(':');
156 if ( diffArr.length == 1 ) {
157 // Specification is of the form [-]XX
158 minDiff = parseInt( diffArr[0], 10 ) * 60;
159 } else {
160 // Specification is of the form [-]XX:XX
161 minDiff = Math.abs( parseInt( diffArr[0], 10 ) ) * 60 + parseInt( diffArr[1], 10 );
162 if ( parseInt( diffArr[0], 10 ) < 0 ) {
163 minDiff = -minDiff;
164 }
165 }
166 } else {
167 // Grab data from the selector value
168 var diffArr = selector.value.split('|');
169 minDiff = parseInt( diffArr[1], 10 );
170 }
172 // Gracefully handle non-numbers.
173 if ( isNaN( minDiff ) ) {
174 minDiff = 0;
175 }
177 // Determine local time from server time and minutes difference, for display.
178 var localTime = parseInt( servertime, 10 ) + minDiff;
180 // Bring time within the [0,1440) range.
181 while ( localTime < 0 ) {
182 localTime += 1440;
183 }
184 while ( localTime >= 1440 ) {
185 localTime -= 1440;
186 }
188 // Split to hour and minute
189 var hour = String( Math.floor( localTime / 60 ) );
190 if ( hour.length < 2 ) {
191 hour = '0' + hour;
192 }
193 var min = String(localTime%60);
194 if ( min.length < 2 ) {
195 min = '0' + min;
196 }
197 changeText( localtimeHolder, hour + ':' + min );
199 // If the user selected from the drop-down, fill the offset field.
200 if ( selector.value != 'other' ) {
201 hour = String( Math.abs( Math.floor( minDiff / 60 ) ) );
202 if ( hour.length < 2 ) {
203 hour = '0' + hour;
204 }
205 if ( minDiff < 0 ) {
206 hour = '-' + hour;
207 }
208 min = String(minDiff%60);
209 if ( min.length < 2 ) {
210 min = '0' + min;
211 }
212 textbox.value = hour + ':' + min;
213 }
214 }
216 addOnloadHook( timezoneSetup );
217 addOnloadHook( tabbedprefs );