Merge "EtcdConfig: Fix infinite timeout bug, and reduce timeout"
[lhc/web/wiklou.git] / resources / src / mediawiki.less / mediawiki.mixins.less
1 // Common Less mixin library for MediaWiki
2 //
3 // By default the folder containing this file is included in $wgResourceLoaderLESSImportPaths,
4 // which makes this file importable by all less files via `@import 'mediawiki.mixins';`.
5 //
6 // The mixins included below are considered a public interface for MediaWiki extensions.
7 // The signatures of parametrized mixins should be kept as stable as possible.
8 //
9 // See <> for more information about how to write mixins.
11 .background-image( @url ) {
12 background-image: e( '/* @embed */' ) url( @url );
13 }
15 // Deprecated in MW 1.27
16 .background-size( @width, @height ) {
17 // Vendor prefix is added to support Android 2
18 -webkit-background-size: @width @height;
19 background-size: @width @height;
20 }
22 .vertical-gradient( @startColor: gray, @endColor: white, @startPos: 0, @endPos: 100% ) {
23 background-color: @endColor;
24 background-image: -webkit-gradient( linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop( @startPos, @startColor ), color-stop( @endPos, @endColor ) ); // Safari 4+, Chrome 2+
25 background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient( top, @startColor @startPos, @endColor @endPos ); // Safari 5.1+, Chrome 10+
26 background-image: -moz-linear-gradient( top, @startColor @startPos, @endColor @endPos ); // Firefox 3.6+
27 background-image: linear-gradient( @startColor @startPos, @endColor @endPos ); // Standard
28 }
30 // SVG support using a transparent gradient to guarantee cross-browser
31 // compatibility (browsers able to understand gradient syntax support also SVG).
32 //
33 //
34 // We use gzip compression, which means that it is okay to embed twice.
35 //
36 // We do not embed the fallback image on the assumption that the gain for old browsers
37 // is not worth the harm done to modern ones.
38 .background-image-svg( @svg, @fallback ) {
39 background-image: url( @fallback );
40 background-image: linear-gradient( transparent, transparent ), e( '/* @embed */' ) url( @svg );
41 // Do not serve SVG to Opera 12, bad rendering with border-radius or background-size (T87504)
42 background-image: -o-linear-gradient( transparent, transparent ), url( @fallback );
43 }
45 // Shorthand for background-image-svg. Use if your PNG and SVG have the same name
46 // and only if you cannot use ResourceLoaderImage module for some particular reason.
47 .background-image-svg-quick( @url ) {
48 .background-image-svg( ~'@{url}.svg', ~'@{url}.png' );
49 }
51 .list-style-image( @url ) {
52 list-style-image: e( '/* @embed */' ) url( @url );
53 }
55 .list-style-image-svg( @svg, @fallback ) {
56 list-style-image: e( '/* @embed */' ) url( @svg );
57 /* Fallback to PNG bullet for IE 8 and below using CSS hack */
58 list-style-image: e( '/* @embed */' ) url( @fallback ) e( '\9' );
59 }
61 .transition( @value ) {
62 -webkit-transition: @value; // Safari 3.1-6.0, iOS 3.2-6.1, Android 2.1-4.3
63 -moz-transition: @value; // Firefox 4-15
64 transition: @value; // Chrome 26+, Firefox 16+, IE 10+, Safari 6.1+, Opera 12.1+, iOS 7+, Android 4.4+
65 }
67 // Provide a hardware accelerated transform transition
68 // We can't use `.transition()` because WebKit requires `-webkit-` prefix before `transform`
69 // Example usage: `.transition-transform( 1s, opacity 2s );`
70 // First parameter is additional options for `transform` transition commencing with
71 // duration property @see
72 // and remaining parameters are additional transitions."
73 .transition-transform( ... ) {
74 -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; // Older Webkit browsers: Promote element to a composite layer & involve the GPU
76 -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform @arguments; // Safari 3.1-8, iOS 3.2-8.4, Android 2.1-4.4.4
77 -moz-transition: -moz-transform @arguments; // Firefox 4-15 for `-moz-transition`
78 transition: transform @arguments; // Chrome 36+, Firefox 16+, IE 10+, Safari 9+, Opera 12.1+, iOS 9.2+, Android 36+
79 }
81 .box-sizing( @value ) {
82 -webkit-box-sizing: @value; // Safari 3.1-5.0, iOS 3.2-4.3, Android 2.1-3.0
83 -moz-box-sizing: @value; // Firefox 4-28,
84 box-sizing: @value; // Chrome 10+, Firefox 29+, IE 8+, Safari 5.1+, Opera 10+, iOS 5+, Android 4+
85 }
87 .box-shadow( @value ) {
88 -webkit-box-shadow: @value; // Safari 3.1-5.0, iOS 3.2-4.3, Android 2.1-3.0
89 box-shadow: @value; // Chrome 10+, Firefox 4+, IE 9+, Safari 5.1+, Opera 11+, iOS 5+, Android 4+
90 }
92 .column-count( @value ) {
93 -webkit-column-count: @value;
94 -moz-column-count: @value;
95 column-count: @value;
96 }
98 .column-width( @value ) {
99 -webkit-column-width: @value; // Chrome Any, Safari 3+, Opera 15+
100 -moz-column-width: @value; // Firefox 1.5+
101 column-width: @value; // IE 10+, Opera 11.1-12.1
102 }
104 .column-break-inside-avoid() {
105 -webkit-column-break-inside: avoid; // Chrome Any, Safari 3+, Opera 15+
106 page-break-inside: avoid; // Firefox 1.5+
107 break-inside: avoid-column; // IE 10+, Opera 11.1-12.1
108 }
110 .flex-display( @display: flex ) {
111 display: ~'-webkit-@{display}'; // iOS 6-, Safari 3.1-6
112 display: ~'-moz-@{display}'; // Firefox 21-
113 display: ~'-ms-@{display}box'; // IE 10
114 display: @display;
115 }
117 .flex-wrap( @wrap: wrap ) {
118 -webkit-flex-wrap: @wrap; // iOS 6-, Safari 3.1-6
119 -moz-flex-wrap: @wrap; // Firefox 21-
120 -ms-flex-wrap: @wrap; // IE 10
121 flex-wrap: @wrap;
122 }
124 .flex( @grow: 1, @shrink: 1, @width: auto, @order: 1 ) {
125 // For 2009/2012 spec alignment consistency with current default
126 -webkit-box-pack: justify; // iOS 6-, Safari 3.1-6
127 -moz-box-pack: justify; // Firefox 21-
128 -ms-flex-pack: justify; // IE 10 (2012 spec)
129 justify-content: space-between; // Current default
131 // 2009 spec only supports 'flexible' as opposed to grow (flexPositive)
132 // and shrink (flexNegative); default to grow value
133 -webkit-box-flex: @grow; // iOS 6-, Safari 3.1-6
134 -moz-box-flex: @grow; // Firefox 21-
135 width: @width; // Fallback for flex-basis
137 -ms-flex: @grow @shrink @width; // IE 10
138 flex: @grow @shrink @width;
140 -webkit-box-ordinal-group: @order; // iOS 6-, Safari 3.1-6
141 -moz-box-ordinal-group: @order; // Firefox 21-
142 -ms-flex-order: @order; // IE 10
143 order: @order;
144 }
146 /* stylelint-disable selector-no-vendor-prefix, at-rule-no-unknown */
147 .mixin-placeholder( @rules ) {
148 // WebKit, Blink, Edge
149 &::-webkit-input-placeholder {
150 @rules();
151 }
152 // Internet Explorer 10-11
153 &:-ms-input-placeholder {
154 @rules();
155 }
156 // Firefox 19-
157 &::-moz-placeholder {
158 @rules();
159 }
160 // Firefox 4-18
161 &:-moz-placeholder {
162 @rules();
163 }
164 // W3C Standard Selectors Level 4
165 &::placeholder {
166 @rules();
167 }
168 // For inputs that use jquery.placeholder.js e.g. IE9
169 &.placeholder {
170 @rules();
171 }
172 }
173 /* stylelint-enable selector-no-vendor-prefix, at-rule-no-unknown */
175 // Screen Reader Helper Mixin
176 .mixin-screen-reader-text() {
177 display: block;
178 position: absolute !important; /* stylelint-disable-line declaration-no-important */
179 clip: rect( 1px, 1px, 1px, 1px );
180 width: 1px;
181 height: 1px;
182 margin: -1px;
183 border: 0;
184 padding: 0;
185 overflow: hidden;
186 }