Merge "rdbms: make connection counting logic in LoadBalancer less stateful"
[lhc/web/wiklou.git] / resources / lib / ooui / wikimedia-ui-base.less
1 /**
2 * WikimediaUI Base v0.14.0
3 * Wikimedia Foundation user interface base variables
4 */
6 // == Breakpoints ==
7 // The following numbers are prone to change with new information.
9 // Minimum available screen width at which a device can be considered a mobile device
10 // Many older feature phones have screens smaller than this value.
11 @width-breakpoint-mobile: 320px;
13 // Minimum available screen width at which a device can be considered a tablet
14 // The number is currently based on the device width of a Samsung Galaxy S5 mini and is low
15 // enough to cover iPad (768px).
16 @width-breakpoint-tablet: 720px;
18 // Minimum available screen width at which a device can be considered a desktop
19 @width-breakpoint-desktop: 1000px;
21 // Wider desktop breakpoint, currently used in Flow.
22 @width-breakpoint-desktop-wide: 1200px;
24 // Extra wide desktop breakpoint
25 @width-breakpoint-desktop-extrawide: 2000px;
28 // == Colors ==
29 // WikimediaUI (WMUI) color palette
30 // Don't use those variables directly, instead define your vars
31 // referring to them as applied further below
33 @wmui-color-base0: #000; // = HSB 0°, 0%, 0%
34 @wmui-color-base10: #222; // = HSB 0°, 0%, 13%
35 @wmui-color-base20: #54595d; // = HSB 207°, 10%, 36%; WCAG 2.0 level AAA 7.09:1 contrast ratio on `#fff`
36 @wmui-color-base30: #72777d; // = HSB 210°, 9%, 49%; WCAG 2.0 level AA at 4.52:1 contrast ratio on `#fff`
37 @wmui-color-base50: #a2a9b1; // = HSB 212°, 8%, 69%
38 @wmui-color-base70: #c8ccd1; // = HSB 213°, 4%, 82%
39 @wmui-color-base80: #eaecf0; // = HSB 220°, 3%, 94%
40 @wmui-color-base90: #f8f9fa; // = HSB 210°, 1%, 98%
41 @wmui-color-base100: #fff; // = HSB 0°, 0%, 100%
43 @wmui-color-accent30: #2a4b8d; // = HSB 220°, 70%, 55%
44 @wmui-color-accent50: #36c; // = HSB 220°, 75%, 80%
45 @wmui-color-accent90: #eaf3ff; // = HSB 214°, 8%, 100%
47 @wmui-color-red30: #b32424; // = HSB 360°, 80%, 70%
48 @wmui-color-red50: #d33; // = HSB 360°, 77%, 87%
49 @wmui-color-red90: #fee7e6; // = HSB 3°, 9%, 100%
51 @wmui-color-yellow30: #ac6600; // = HSB 36°, 100%, 67%
52 @wmui-color-yellow50: #fc3; // = HSB 45°, 80%, 100%
53 @wmui-color-yellow90: #fef6e7; // = HSB 39°, 9%, 100%
55 @wmui-color-green30: #14866d; // = HSB 167°, 85%, 53%
56 @wmui-color-green50: #00af89; // = HSB 167°, 100%, 69%
57 @wmui-color-green90: #d5fdf4; // = HSB 166°, 16%, 99%
59 // Background Colors
60 @background-color-base: @wmui-color-base100;
61 @background-color-base--hover: @wmui-color-base80;
62 @background-color-base--disabled: @wmui-color-base80;
63 @background-color-code: @wmui-color-base90;
64 // 'Framed' UI elements (Framed Buttons, Dropdowns, ToggleSwitches…)
65 @background-color-framed: @wmui-color-base90;
66 @background-color-framed--hover: @wmui-color-base100;
67 @background-color-framed--active: @wmui-color-base70;
68 // 'Filled' UI elements (Checkboxes, Radios, ProgressBars…)
69 @background-color-filled--disabled: @wmui-color-base70;
70 // Toolbar and Tools
71 @background-color-toolbar: @background-color-base;
72 @background-color-tool--hover: @background-color-base--hover;
73 @background-color-tool--active: @background-color-primary;
74 @background-color-tool--active-hover: @background-color-primary--hover;
75 // Tabs Navigation Background Color
76 @background-color-tabs: @wmui-color-base80;
77 // User system messages (errors, warnings, successes, notices)
78 @background-color-error--framed: @wmui-color-red90;
79 @background-color-warning--framed: @wmui-color-yellow90;
80 @background-color-success--framed: @wmui-color-green90;
81 @background-color-notice--framed: @wmui-color-base80;
82 // Highlight Colors, RGBA Colors include hex fallback on `#fff` for IE 6/7/8
83 @background-color-highlight: rgba( 255, 182, 13, 0.4 );
84 @background-color-highlight--fallback: #ffe29e;
86 // Foreground Colors
87 @color-base: @wmui-color-base10;
88 @color-base--hover: #444;
89 @color-base--active: @wmui-color-base0;
90 @color-base--inverted: @wmui-color-base100;
91 @color-base--emphasized: @wmui-color-base0;
92 @color-base--subtle: @wmui-color-base30;
93 @color-base--disabled: @wmui-color-base30;
94 @color-filled--disabled: @color-base--inverted;
95 @color-placeholder: @wmui-color-base30;
96 // Primary 'Progressive' Color, Background Color and states
97 @background-color-primary: @wmui-color-accent90;
98 @background-color-primary--hover: rgba( 41, 98, 204, 0.1 );
99 @color-primary: @wmui-color-accent50;
100 @color-primary--hover: #447ff5; // = `lighten( @color-primary, 3 )`
101 @color-primary--active: @wmui-color-accent30;
102 @color-primary--focus: @color-primary;
103 // 'Destructive' Color, Background Color and states
104 @background-color-destructive: @wmui-color-red90;
105 @color-destructive: @wmui-color-red50;
106 @color-destructive--hover: #ff4242;
107 @color-destructive--active: @wmui-color-red30;
108 @color-destructive--focus: @color-destructive;
109 // Secondary Color and states (links only)
110 @color-secondary: @wmui-color-green50;
111 @color-secondary--hover: #1c6665;
112 @color-secondary--active: @wmui-color-green30;
113 @color-secondary--focus: @color-secondary;
114 // User system messages (errors, warnings, successes, notices)
115 @color-error: @wmui-color-red50;
116 @color-warning: @wmui-color-base0;
117 @color-success: @wmui-color-green30;
118 @color-success--framed: @wmui-color-base0;
119 @color-notice: @wmui-color-base0;
120 // Toolbar and Tools
121 @color-tool--hover: @color-base--emphasized; // Used here in combination with `:hover` background-color turning light grey
122 @color-tool--active: @color-primary;
125 // Opacity
126 @opacity-base: 1;
127 @opacity-base--disabled: 0.51; // = `#7d7d7d` on `background-color: #fff`; HSB 0°, 0%, 49%
128 @opacity-icon-base: 0.87; // = `#222` on `background-color: #fff`
129 @opacity-icon-base--hover: 0.73; // = `#454545` on `background-color: #fff`, closest to `#444`
130 @opacity-icon-base--selected: 1;
133 // == Positioning ==
134 // Z-Index
135 @z-index-base: 0;
138 // == Box Model properties ==
139 // `@*size` variables are used for `*width` & `*height` properties
140 @size-base: 32px;
142 @min-size-icon: 20px; // values used for `min-*` are defined in `px`, see T130691
143 @min-size-indicator: 12px;
145 @size-icon: 20px;
146 @size-indicator: 12px;
147 @size-tool: 42px;
149 // Max Widths
150 @max-width-base: 50em;
151 @max-width-button: 28.75em; // = `460px` at `16px` base, see T95367
152 @max-width-input: @max-width-base;
153 @max-width-input-inline: 100%;
155 // Border
156 @border-base: @border-width-base @border-style-base @border-color-base;
157 @border-dialog: @border-base;
158 @border-menu: @border-base;
159 // User system messages (errors, warnings, successes, notices)
160 @border-error: @border-width-base @border-style-base @color-error;
161 @border-warning: @border-width-base @border-style-base @wmui-color-yellow50;
162 @border-success: @border-width-base @border-style-base @color-success;
163 @border-notice: @border-base;
164 // Border Colors
165 @border-color-base: @wmui-color-base50;
166 @border-color-base--hover: @wmui-color-base50;
167 @border-color-base--active: @wmui-color-base30;
168 @border-color-base--disabled: @wmui-color-base70;
169 @border-color-filled--disabled: @color-filled--disabled;
170 @border-color-primary--active: #859dcc;
171 @border-color-destructive--active: #b77c79;
172 @border-color-inset--focus: @color-base--inverted;
173 @border-color-heading: @wmui-color-base70;
174 @border-color-wikitable: rgba( 84, 89, 93, 0.3 ); // See T168029
175 // Border Styles
176 @border-style-base: solid;
177 // Border Widths
178 @border-width-base: 1px;
179 // Border Radius
180 @border-radius-base: 2px;
182 // Box Shadows
183 @box-shadow-base--focus: inset 0 0 0 1px @wmui-color-accent50;
184 @box-shadow-primary--focus: inset 0 0 0 1px @color-primary, inset 0 0 0 2px @color-base--inverted;
185 @box-shadow-inset--inverted: inset 0 0 0 1px @color-base--inverted;
186 @box-shadow-filled--disabled: inset 0 0 0 1px @color-filled--disabled;
187 @box-shadow-card: 0 1px 1px rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.15 );
188 @box-shadow-dialog: 0 2px 2px 0 rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.25 );
189 @box-shadow-menu: @box-shadow-dialog;
192 // == Typography incl. print properties ==
193 // Font Families
194 @font-family-base: @font-family-sans;
195 @font-family-heading-main: @font-family-serif;
196 // To be deprecated
197 @font-family-sans: 'Helvetica Neue', 'Helvetica', 'Nimbus Sans L', 'Arial', 'Liberation Sans', sans-serif;
198 @font-family-sans--fallback: sans-serif;
199 // Provide better operating system-specific readability, see T175877
200 // `system-ui` is currently not an option due to OS/language combination issues, see T175877#4776576
201 @font-family-system-sans: -apple-system, 'BlinkMacSystemFont', 'Segoe UI', 'Roboto', 'Lato', 'Helvetica', 'Arial', sans-serif;
202 @font-family-serif: 'Linux Libertine', 'Georgia', 'Times', serif;
203 @font-family-serif--fallback: serif;
204 // Provide better operating system-specific monospace stack, see T209915.
205 @font-family-monospace: 'Menlo', 'Consolas', 'Liberation Mono', 'Courier New', monospace;
206 @font-family-monospace--fallback: monospace, monospace; // See T176636
207 // Line Heights
208 @line-height-base: 1.6;
209 @line-height-heading: 1.25;
210 @text-decoration-link--hover: none;
211 // Text Shadows
212 @text-shadow-base: 0 1px 1px @color-base--inverted; // 'coined' effect
213 @text-shadow-base--disabled: @text-shadow-base;
216 // == Other Properties ==
217 // Cursors
218 @cursor-base--disabled: default;
221 // == Animation & Transition ==
222 // Transitions
223 @transition-base: @transition-duration-base; // `ease` is the initial value
224 @transition-ease-medium: @transition-duration-medium;
225 // `ease-out` is preferably used on human initiated transitions, for example dialogs
226 @transition-ease-out-medium: ease-out @transition-duration-medium;
227 // Transitions > Durations
228 @transition-duration-base: 100ms;
229 @transition-duration-medium: 250ms;