* msg updates
[lhc/web/wiklou.git] / js2 / mwEmbed / libAddMedia / mvBaseUploadInterface.js
1 /**
2 * the base Upload Interface for uploading.
3 *
4 * this base uploader is optionally extended by firefogg
5 */
6 loadGM({
7 "upload-transcode-in-progress":"Doing Transcode & Upload (do not close this window)",
8 "upload-in-progress": "Upload in Progress (do not close this window)",
9 "upload-transcoded-status": "Transcoded",
10 "uploaded-status": "Uploaded",
12 "wgfogg_wrong_version": "You have firefogg installed but its outdated, <a href=\"http://firefogg.org\">please upgrade</a> ",
13 "upload-stats-fileprogres": "$1 of $2",
15 "mv_upload_completed": "Your upload is complete",
17 "mv_upload_done" : "Your upload <i>should be</i> accessible <a href=\"$1\">here</a>",
18 "upload-unknown-size": "Unknown size",
20 "mv-cancel-confim" : "Are you sure you want to cancel?",
22 "successfulupload" : "Successful Upload",
23 "uploaderror" : "Upload error",
24 "uploadwarning": "Upload warning",
25 "unknown-error": "Unknown Error",
26 "return-to-form": "Return to form",
28 "file-exists-duplicate" : "This file is a duplicate of the following file",
29 "fileexists" : "A file with this name exists already, please check <b><tt>$1</tt></b> if you are not sure if you want to change it.",
30 "fileexists-thumb": "<center><b>Existing file</b></center>",
31 "ignorewarning" : "Ignore warning and save file anyway",
32 "file-thumbnail-no" : "The filename begins with <b><tt>$1</tt></b>",
33 "go-to-resource" : "Go to Resource Page",
34 "upload-misc-error" : "Unknown upload error",
36 "wgfogg_waring_bad_extension" : "You have selected a file with an unsuported extension (<a href=\"http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Firefogg#Supported_File_Types\">more information</a>).",
38 "cancel-button" : "Cancel",
39 "ok-button" : "OK"
41 });
44 var default_bui_options = {
45 'api_url':null,
46 'parent_uploader':null,
47 'edit_from':null,
48 'done_upload_cb': null,
49 'target_edit_from':null,
51 //upload_mode can be 'post', 'api' or 'autodetect'. (autodetect issues an api call)
52 'upload_mode': 'autodetect'
54 }
55 var mvBaseUploadInterface = function( iObj ){
56 return this.init( iObj );
57 }
58 mvBaseUploadInterface.prototype = {
59 parent_uploader:false,
60 formData:{}, //the form to be submitted
61 warnings_sessionkey:null,
62 chunks_supported:false,
63 form_post_override:false,
64 action_done:false,
65 //the edit token:
66 etoken:false,
67 init: function( iObj ){
68 if(!iObj)
69 iObj = {};
70 //inherit iObj properties:
71 for(var i in default_bui_options){
72 if(iObj[i]){
73 this[i] = iObj[i];
74 }else{
75 this[i] = default_bui_options[i];
76 }
77 }
78 },
79 setupForm:function(){
80 var _this = this;
81 //set up the local pointer to the edit form:
82 _this.editForm = _this.getEditForm();
83 $j(_this.editForm).attr('target', 'f_1');
84 if( _this.editForm ){
85 //set up the org_onsubmit if not set:
86 if( typeof( _this.org_onsubmit ) == 'undefined' && _this.editForm.onsubmit )
87 _this.org_onsubmit = _this.editForm.onsubmit;
89 //set up the submit action:
90 $j( _this.editForm ).submit( function(){
91 js_log('j.onSubmit');
92 //run the original onsubmit (if not run yet set flag to avoid excessive chaining )
93 if( typeof( _this.org_onsubmit ) == 'function' ){
94 if( ! _this.org_onsubmit() ){
95 //error in org submit return false;
96 return false;
97 }
98 }
99 //check for post action override:
100 if( _this.form_post_override ){
101 js_log('form_post_override is true do form proccessing:');
102 return true;
103 }
104 //get the input form data in flat json:
105 var tmpAryData = $j( _this.editForm ).serializeArray();
106 for(var i=0; i < tmpAryData.length; i++){
107 if( tmpAryData[i]['name'] )
108 _this.formData[ tmpAryData[i]['name'] ] = tmpAryData[i]['value'];
109 }
110 //put into a try catch so we are sure to return false:
111 try{
112 //get a clean loader:
113 _this.dispProgressOverlay();
115 //for some unknown reason we have to drop down the #p-search z-index:
116 $j('#p-search').css('z-index', 1);
118 //select upload mode:
119 _this.detectUploadMode();
120 }catch(e){
122 }
124 //don't submit the form we will do the post in ajax
125 return false;
126 });
127 }
129 },
130 detectUploadMode:function( callback ){
131 var _this = this;
132 //check the upload mode:
133 if( _this.upload_mode == 'autodetect' ){
134 js_log('detectUploadMode::' + _this.upload_mode + ' api:' + _this.api_url);
135 if( ! _this.api_url )
136 return js_error( 'Error: can\'t autodetect mode without api url' );
137 do_api_req( {
138 'data':{ 'action':'paraminfo','modules':'upload' },
139 'url' :_this.api_url
140 }, function(data){
141 if( typeof data.paraminfo == 'undefined' || typeof data.paraminfo.modules == 'undefined' )
142 return js_error( 'Error: bad api results' );
143 if( typeof data.paraminfo.modules[0].classname == 'undefined'){
144 js_log( 'Autodetect Upload Mode: \'post\' ');
145 _this.upload_mode = 'post';
146 }else{
147 js_log( 'Autodetect Upload Mode: api ' );
148 _this.upload_mode = 'api';
149 //check to see if chunks are supported:
150 for( var i in data.paraminfo.modules[0].parameters ){
151 var pname = data.paraminfo.modules[0].parameters[i].name;
152 if( pname == 'enablechunks' ){
153 js_log( 'this.chunks_supported = true' );
154 _this.chunks_supported = true;
155 break;
156 }
157 }
158 }
159 js_log("do call: doUploadSwitch");
160 _this.doUploadSwitch();
161 });
162 }else{
163 _this.doUploadSwitch();
164 }
165 },
166 doUploadSwitch:function(){
167 var _this = this;
168 js_log('mvUPload:doUploadSwitch():' + _this.upload_mode);
169 //issue a normal post request
170 if( _this.upload_mode == 'post' ) {
171 //we don't support the upload api
172 //trick the browser into thinking the wpUpload button was pressed (there might be a cleaner way to do this)
173 $j(_this.editForm).append(
174 '<input type="hidden" name="wpUpload" value="' + $j('input[name=\'wpUpload\']').val() + '"/>'
175 );
176 //do normal post
177 _this.form_post_override = true;
178 //do the submit :
179 _this.editForm.submit();
180 }else if(
181 _this.upload_mode=='api' &&
182 ( $j('#wpSourceTypeFile').length == 0 || $j('#wpSourceTypeFile').get(0).checked )
183 ){
184 //@@TODO check for sendAsBinnary to support firefox 3.5 progress
185 //else remap to iframe target
186 var id = 'f_' + ($j('iframe').length + 1);
187 $j("body").append('<iframe src="javascript:false;" id="' + id + '" ' +
188 'name="' + id + '" style="display:none;" ></iframe>');
189 //set up the done binding
190 $j('#' + id).load(function(){
191 var iframe = $j(this).get(0);
192 _this.proccessIframeResult( iframe );
193 });
194 //set the editForm iframe target
195 //$j(_this.editForm).attr('target', id);
197 //set the action to the api url:
198 $j(_this.editForm).attr('action', _this.api_url );
199 //add api action:
200 if( $j(_this.editForm).find("[name='action']").length == 0)
201 $j(_this.editForm).append('<input type="hidden" name="action" value="upload">');
203 //add json format
204 if( $j(_this.editForm).find("[name='format']").length == 0)
205 $j(_this.editForm).append('<input type="hidden" name="format" value="jsonfm">');
207 //add text format type request (IE tries to "run"/download the script otherwise)
208 if( $j(_this.editForm).find("[name='ctypetext']").length == 0)
209 $j(_this.editForm).append('<input type="hidden" name="ctypetext" value="true">');
211 //map the form vars to api vars:
212 $j(_this.editForm).find('#wpUploadFile').attr('name', 'file');
213 $j(_this.editForm).find('#wpDestFile').attr('name', 'filename');
214 $j(_this.editForm).find('#wpUploadDescription').attr('name', 'comment');
215 $j(_this.editForm).find('#wpEditToken').attr('name', 'token');
216 $j(_this.editForm).find('#wpIgnoreWarning').attr('name', 'ignorewarnings');
217 $j(_this.editForm).find('#wpWatchthis').attr('name', 'watch');
219 //update the status to 100% progress bar (no status in iframe submit)
220 $j('#up-progressbar' ).progressbar('value', parseInt( 100 ) );
221 $j('#up-status-container').html( gM('upload-in-progress') );
224 js_log('do iframe form submit');
227 //do post override
228 _this.form_post_override = true;
229 //reset the done with action flag:
230 _this.action_done = false;
231 //do the submit :
232 js_log('do the submit');
233 _this.editForm.submit();
235 return false;
236 }else if( _this.upload_mode == 'api' && $j('#wpSourceTypeURL').get(0).checked){
237 js_log('doHttpUpload (no form submit) ');
238 //if the api is supported.. && source type is http do upload with http status updates
239 var httpUpConf ={
240 'url' : $j('#wpUploadFileURL').val(),
241 'filename' : $j('#wpDestFile').val(),
242 'comment' : $j('#wpUploadDescription').val(),
243 'watch' : ($j('#wpWatchthis').is(':checked'))?'true':'false'
244 }
245 //set up ignore warnings and watch arguments:
246 if( $j('#wpIgnoreWarning').is(':checked') ){
247 httpUpConf[ 'ignorewarnings'] = 'true';
248 }
249 if( $j('#wpWatchthis').is(':checked') ){
250 httpUpConf[ 'watch'] = 'true';
251 }
252 //check for editToken
253 _this.etoken = $j("#wpEditToken").val();
254 _this.doHttpUpload( httpUpConf );
255 }else{
256 js_error( 'Error: unrecongized upload mode: ' + _this.upload_mode );
257 }
258 return false;
259 },
260 proccessIframeResult:function(iframe){
261 var _this = this;
262 var doc = iframe.contentDocument ? iframe.contentDocument : frames[iframe.id].document;
263 // fixing Opera 9.26
264 if (doc.readyState && doc.readyState != 'complete'){
265 return;
266 }
267 // fixing Opera 9.64
268 if (doc.body && doc.body.innerHTML == "false"){
269 return;
270 }
271 var response;
272 if (doc.XMLDocument){
273 // response is a xml document IE property
274 response = doc.XMLDocument;
275 } else if (doc.body){
276 // get the json str:
277 json_str = $j(doc.body).find('pre').html();
278 //htmlentties
279 if (json_str) {
280 response = window["eval"]("(" +json_str + ")");
281 } else {
282 response = {};
283 }
284 } else {
285 // response is a xml document
286 var response = doc;
287 }
288 //do proccess the api result
289 _this.processApiResult( response );
290 },
291 doHttpUpload:function( opt ){
292 var _this = this;
293 //set the http box to loading (in case we don't get an update for some time)
294 $j('#dlbox-centered').html( '<h5>' + _this.getProgressTitle() + '</h5>' +
295 mv_get_loading_img( 'left:40%;top:20%')
296 );
297 //setup request:
298 var req = {
299 'action' : 'upload',
300 'asyncdownload' : true //do a s
301 };
302 //set config from options:
303 for(var i in opt){
304 req[i]= opt[i];
305 }
307 //else try and get a token:
308 if(!_this.etoken && _this.api_url){
309 js_log('Error:doHttpUpload: missing token');
310 }else{
311 req['token'] =_this.etoken;
312 }
313 //reset the done with action flag:
314 _this.action_done = false;
315 //do the api req
316 do_api_req({
317 'data': req,
318 'url' : _this.api_url
319 }, function( data ){
320 _this.processApiResult( data );
321 });
322 },
323 doAjaxWarningIgnore:function(){
324 var _this = this;
325 if( !_this.upload_session_key )
326 return js_error('missing upload_session_key (can\'t ignore warnigns');
327 //do the ignore warnings submit to the api:
328 var req = {
329 'ignorewarnings' : 'true',
330 'sessionkey' :!_this.upload_session_key
331 };
332 //add token if present:
333 if(this.etoken)
334 req['token'] = this.etoken;
336 do_api_req({
337 'data':req,
338 'url': _this.api_url
339 },function(data){
340 _this.processApiResult(data);
341 });
342 },
343 doAjaxUploadStatus:function() {
344 var _this = this;
346 //set up the progress display for status updates:
347 _this.dispProgressOverlay();
348 var req = {
349 'action' : 'upload',
350 'httpstatus' : 'true',
351 'sessionkey' : _this.upload_session_key
352 };
353 //add token if present:
354 if(this.etoken)
355 req['token'] = this.etoken;
357 var uploadStatus = function(){
358 //do the api request:
359 do_api_req({
360 'data':req,
361 'url' : _this.api_url
362 }, function( data ){
363 //@@check if we are done
364 if( data.upload['apiUploadResult'] ){
365 //update status to 100%
366 _this.updateProgress( 1 );
367 if(typeof JSON == 'undefined'){
368 //we need to load the jQuery json parser: (older browsers don't have JSON.parse
369 mvJsLoader.doLoad([
370 '$j.secureEvalJSON'
371 ],function(){
372 var apiResult = $j.secureEvalJSON( data.upload['apiUploadResult'] );
373 _this.processApiResult( apiResult );
374 });
375 }else{
376 var apiResult = {};
377 try{
378 apiResult = JSON.parse ( data.upload['apiUploadResult'] ) ;
379 }catch (e){
380 //could not parse api result
381 js_log('errro: could not parse apiUploadResult ')
382 }
383 _this.processApiResult( apiResult );
384 }
385 return ;
386 }
388 //@@ else update status:
389 if( data.upload['content_length'] && data.upload['loaded'] ){
390 //we have content length we can show percentage done:
391 var perc = data.upload['loaded'] / data.upload['content_length'];
392 //update the status:
393 _this.updateProgress( perc );
394 //special case update the file progress where we have data size:
395 $j('#up-status-container').html(
396 gM('upload-stats-fileprogres', [
397 formatSize( data.upload['loaded'] ),
398 formatSize( data.upload['content_length'] )
399 ]
400 )
401 );
402 }else if( data.upload['loaded'] ){
403 _this.updateProgress( 1 );
404 js_log('just have loaded (no cotent length: ' + data.upload['loaded']);
405 //for lack of content-length requests:
406 $j('#up-status-container').html(
407 gM('upload-stats-fileprogres', [
408 formatSize( data.upload['loaded'] ),
409 gM('upload-unknown-size')
410 ]
411 )
412 );
413 }
414 //(we got a result) set it to 100ms + your server update interval (in our case 2s)
415 setTimeout(uploadStatus, 2100);
416 });
417 }
418 uploadStatus();
419 },
420 apiUpdateErrorCheck:function( apiRes ){
421 var _this = this;
422 if( apiRes.error || ( apiRes.upload && apiRes.upload.result == "Failure" ) ){
423 //gennerate the error button:
424 var bObj = {};
425 bObj[ gM('return-to-form') ] = function(){
426 _this.form_post_override = false;
427 $j(this).dialog('close');
428 };
430 //@@TODO should be refactored to more specialUpload page type error handling
432 //check a few places for the error code:
433 var error_code=0;
434 var errorReplaceArg='';
435 if( apiRes.error && apiRes.error.code ){
436 error_code = apiRes.error.code;
437 }else if( apiRes.upload.code ){
438 if(typeof apiRes.upload.code == 'object'){
439 if(apiRes.upload.code[0]){
440 error_code = apiRes.upload.code[0];
441 }
442 if(apiRes.upload.code['status']){
443 error_code = apiRes.upload.code['status'];
444 if(apiRes.upload.code['filtered'])
445 errorReplaceArg =apiRes.upload.code['filtered'];
446 }
447 }else{
448 apiRes.upload.code;
449 }
450 }
452 var error_msg = '';
453 if(typeof apiRes.error == 'string')
454 error_msg = apiRes.error;
455 //error space is too large so we don't front load it
456 //this upload error space replicates code in: SpecialUpload.php::processUpload()
457 //would be nice if we refactored that to the upload api.(problem is some need special actions)
458 var error_msg_key = {
459 '2' : 'largefileserver',
460 '3' : 'emptyfile',
461 '4' : 'minlength1',
462 '5' : 'illegalfilename'
463 };
465 //@@todo: need to write conditionals that mirror SpecialUpload for handling these error types:
466 var error_onlykey = {
468 '6': 'PROTECTED_PAGE',
474 '12': 'UPLOAD_WARNING',
475 '13': 'INTERNAL_ERROR',
477 }
479 //do a remote call to get the error msg:
480 if(!error_code || error_code == 'unknown-error'){
481 if(typeof JSON != 'undefined'){
482 js_log('Error: apiRes: ' + JSON.stringify( apiRes) );
483 }
484 if( apiRes.upload.error == 'internal-error'){
485 errorKey = apiRes.upload.details[0];
486 gMsgLoadRemote(errorKey, function(){
487 _this.updateProgressWin( gM( 'uploaderror' ), gM( errorKey ), bObj );
489 });
490 return false;
491 }
493 _this.updateProgressWin( gM('uploaderror'), gM('unknown-error') + '<br>' + error_msg, bObj );
494 return false;
495 }else{
496 if(apiRes.error && apiRes.error.info ){
497 _this.updateProgressWin( gM('uploaderror'), apiRes.error.info ,bObj);
498 return false;
499 }else{
500 if(typeof error_code == 'number' && typeof error_msg_key[error_code] == 'undefined' ){
501 if(apiRes.upload.code.finalExt){
502 _this.updateProgressWin( gM('uploaderror'), gM('wgfogg_waring_bad_extension', apiRes.upload.code.finalExt) , bObj);
503 }else{
504 _this.updateProgressWin( gM('uploaderror'), gM('unknown-error') + ' : ' + error_code, bObj);
505 }
506 }else{
507 js_log('get key: ' + error_msg_key[ error_code ])
508 gMsgLoadRemote( error_msg_key[ error_code ], function(){
509 _this.updateProgressWin( gM('uploaderror'), gM( error_msg_key[ error_code ], errorReplaceArg ), bObj);
510 });
511 js_log("api.erorr");
512 }
513 return false;
514 }
515 }
516 }
517 //check for upload.error type erros.
518 if( apiRes.upload && apiRes.upload.error){
519 js_log(' apiRes.upload.error: ' + apiRes.upload.error );
520 _this.updateProgressWin( gM('uploaderror'), gM('unknown-error') + '<br>', bObj);
521 return false;
522 }
523 //check for known warnings:
524 if(apiRes.upload && apiRes.upload.warnings ){
525 //debugger;
526 var wmsg = '<ul>';
527 for(var wtype in apiRes.upload.warnings){
528 var winfo = apiRes.upload.warnings[wtype]
529 wmsg+='<li>';
530 switch(wtype){
531 case 'duplicate':
532 case 'exists':
533 if(winfo[1] && winfo[1].title && winfo[1].title.mTextform){
534 wmsg += gM('file-exists-duplicate') +' '+
535 '<b>' + winfo[1].title.mTextform + '</b>';
536 }else{
537 //misc error (weird that winfo[1] not present
538 wmsg += gM('upload-misc-error') + ' ' + wtype;
539 }
540 break;
541 case 'file-thumbnail-no':
542 wmsg += gM('file-thumbnail-no', winfo);
543 break;
544 default:
545 wmsg += gM('upload-misc-error') + ' ' + wtype;
546 break;
547 }
548 wmsg+='</li>';
549 }
550 wmsg+='</ul>';
551 if( apiRes.upload.warnings.sessionkey)
552 _this.warnings_sessionkey = apiRes.upload.warnings.sessionkey;
553 var bObj = {};
554 bObj[ gM('ignorewarning') ] = function() {
555 //re-inciate the upload proccess
556 $j('#wpIgnoreWarning').attr('checked', true);
557 $j( '#mw-upload-form' ).submit();
558 };
559 bObj[ gM('return-to-form') ] = function(){
560 $j(this).dialog('close');
561 _this.form_post_override = false;
562 }
563 _this.updateProgressWin( gM('uploadwarning'), '<h3>' + gM('uploadwarning') + '</h3>' +wmsg + '<p>',bObj);
564 return false;
565 }
566 //should be "OK"
567 return true;
568 },
569 processApiResult: function( apiRes ){
570 var _this = this;
571 js_log('processApiResult::');
572 //check for upload api error:
573 // {"upload":{"result":"Failure","error":"unknown-error","code":{"status":5,"filtered":"NGC2207%2BIC2163.jpg"}}}
574 if( _this.apiUpdateErrorCheck(apiRes) === false){
575 //error returned false (updated and
576 return false;
577 }else{
578 //check for upload_session key for async upload:
579 if( apiRes.upload && apiRes.upload.upload_session_key ){
580 //set the session key
581 _this.upload_session_key = apiRes.upload.upload_session_key;
583 //do ajax upload status:
584 _this.doAjaxUploadStatus();
585 js_log("set upload_session_key: " + _this.upload_session_key);
586 return ;
587 }
589 if( apiRes.upload.imageinfo && apiRes.upload.imageinfo.descriptionurl ){
590 var url = apiRes.upload.imageinfo.descriptionurl;
591 //check done action:
592 if( _this.done_upload_cb && typeof _this.done_upload_cb == 'function'){
593 //close up shop:
594 $j('#upProgressDialog').dialog('close');
595 //call the callback:
596 _this.done_upload_cb( url );
597 }else{
598 var bObj = {};
599 bObj[ gM('return-to-form')] = function(){
600 $j(this).dialog('close');
601 _this.form_post_override = false;
602 }
603 bObj[ gM('go-to-resource') ] = function(){
604 window.location = url;
605 };
606 _this.action_done = true;
607 _this.updateProgressWin( gM('successfulupload'), gM( 'mv_upload_done', url), bObj);
608 js_log('apiRes.upload.imageinfo::'+url);
609 }
610 return ;
611 }
612 }
613 },
614 updateProgressWin:function(title_txt, msg, buttons){
615 var _this = this;
616 if(!title_txt)
617 title_txt = _this.getProgressTitle();
618 if(!msg)
619 msg = mv_get_loading_img( 'left:40%;top:40px;');
620 $j( '#upProgressDialog' ).dialog('option', 'title', title_txt );
621 $j( '#upProgressDialog' ).html( msg );
622 if(buttons){
623 $j('#upProgressDialog').dialog('option','buttons', buttons);
624 }else{
625 //@@todo should convice the jquery ui people to not use object keys as user msg's
626 var bObj = {};
627 bObj[ gM('ok-button') ] = function(){
628 $j(this).dialog('close');
629 };
630 $j('#upProgressDialog').dialog('option','buttons', bObj);
631 }
632 },
633 getProgressTitle:function(){
634 return gM('upload-in-progress');
635 },
636 getEditForm:function(){
637 if( this.target_edit_from && $j( this.target_edit_from ).length != 0){
638 return $j( this.target_edit_from ).get(0);
639 }
640 //just return the first form fond on the page.
641 return $j('form :first').get(0);
642 },
643 updateProgress:function( perc ){
644 //js_log('update progress: ' + perc);
645 $j( '#up-progressbar' ).progressbar('value', parseInt( perc * 100 ) );
646 $j( '#up-pstatus' ).html( parseInt( perc * 100 ) + '% - ' );
647 },
648 /*update to jQuery.ui progress display type */
649 dispProgressOverlay:function(){
650 var _this = this;
651 //remove old instance:
652 if($j('#upProgressDialog').length!=0){
653 $j('#upProgressDialog').dialog( 'destroy' ).remove();
654 }
655 //re add it:
656 $j('body').append('<div id="upProgressDialog" ></div>');
658 $j('#upProgressDialog').dialog({
659 title:_this.getProgressTitle(),
660 bgiframe: true,
661 modal: true,
662 width:400,
663 heigh:200,
664 beforeclose: function(event, ui) {
665 if( event.button==0 && _this.action_done === false){
666 return _this.cancel_action();
667 }else{
668 //click on button (dont do close action);
669 return true;
670 }
671 },
672 buttons: _this.cancel_button()
673 });
674 $j('#upProgressDialog').html(
675 //set initial content:
676 '<div id="up-pbar-container" style="width:90%;height:15px;" >' +
677 '<div id="up-progressbar" style="height:15px;"></div>' +
678 '<div id="up-status-container">'+
679 '<span id="up-pstatus">0% - </span> ' +
680 '<span id="up-status-state">' + gM('uploaded-status') + '</span> ' +
681 '</div>'+
682 '</div>'
683 )
684 //setup progress bar:
685 $j('#up-progressbar').progressbar({
686 value:0
687 });
688 //just display an empty progress window
689 $j('#upProgressDialog').dialog('open');
691 },
692 cancel_button:function(){
693 var _this = this;
694 var cancelBtn = new Array();
695 cancelBtn[ gM('cancel-button') ] = function(){
696 return _this.cancel_action(this)
697 };
698 return cancelBtn;
699 },
700 cancel_action : function( dlElm ){
701 //confirm:
702 if( confirm( gM('mv-cancel-confim') )){
703 //@@todo (cancel the encode / upload)
704 $j(this).dialog('close');
705 return false;
706 }else{
707 return true;
708 }
709 }
710 };