stubs for select from url for firefogg
[lhc/web/wiklou.git] / js2 / mwEmbed / libAddMedia / mvAdvFirefogg.js
1 /*
2 * Adds advanced firefogg support (let you control and structure advanced controls over many aspects of video encoding)
3 */
5 //@@todo put all msg text into loadGM json
7 loadGM({
8 "help-sticky": "Help (Click to Stick)",
9 "fogg-cg-preset": "Preset: <strong>$1</strong>",
10 "fogg-cg-quality": "Basic Quality and Resolution Control",
11 "fogg-cg-meta": "Meta Data for the Clip",
12 "fogg-cg-range" : "Encoding Range",
13 "fogg-cg-advVideo": "Advanced Video Encoding Controls",
14 "fogg-cg-advAudio": "Advanced Audio Encoding Controls",
15 "fogg-preset-custom": "Custom Settings"
16 });
18 var mvAdvFirefogg = function( iObj ){
19 return this.init( iObj );
20 }
21 var default_mvAdvFirefogg_config = {
22 //which config groups to include
23 'config_groups' : ['preset', 'range', 'quality', 'meta', 'advVideo', 'advAudio'],
25 //if you want to load any custom presets must follow the mvAdvFirefogg.presetConf json outline below
26 'custom_presets' : {},
28 //any firefog config properties that may need to be excluded from options
29 'exclude_settings' : [],
31 //the control container (where we put all the controls)
32 'target_control_container':false
33 }
35 mvAdvFirefogg.prototype = {
36 //the global groupings and titles for for configuration options :
37 config_groups : [ 'preset', 'range', 'quality', 'meta', 'advVideo', 'advAudio'],
38 //list of pre-sets:
39 //local instance encoder config:
40 default_local_settings:{
41 'd' : 'webvideo',
42 'type' : 'select',
43 'selectVal': ['webvideo'],
44 'group' : "preset",
45 'pSet' : {
46 'custom':{
47 'descKey': 'fogg-preset-custom',
48 'conf': {}
49 },
50 'webvideo': {
51 'desc': "Web Video Theora, Vorbis 400kbs & 400px max width",
52 'conf': {
53 'maxSize': 400,
54 'videoBitrate': 400,
55 'noUpscaling':true
56 }
57 }
58 }
59 },
60 local_settings: {},
62 //core firefogg default encoder configuration
63 //see encoder options here:
64 default_encoder_config : {
65 //base quality settings:
66 'videoQuality': {
67 'd' : 5,
68 't' : 'Video Quality',
69 'range' : {'min':0,'max':10},
70 'type' : 'slider',
71 'group' : 'quality',
72 'help' : "Used to set the <i>Visual Quality</i> of the encoded video. (not used if you set bitrate in advanced controls below)"
73 },
74 'twopass':{
75 't' : "Two Pass Encoding",
76 'type' : "boolean",
77 'group' : "quality",
78 'help' : "Two Pass Encoding enables more consitant quality by making two passes over the video file"
79 },
80 'starttime':{
81 't' : "Start Second",
82 'type' : "float",
83 'group' : "range",
84 'help' : "Only encode from time in seconds"
85 },
86 'endtime':{
87 't' : "End Second",
88 'type' : "float",
89 'group' : "range",
90 'help' : "only encode to time in seconds"
91 },
92 'audioQuality': {
93 'd' : 1,
94 't' : 'Audio Quality',
95 'range' : {'min':-1,'max':10},
96 'type' : 'slider',
97 'group' : 'quality',
98 'help' : "Used to set the <i>Acoustic Quality</i> of the encoded audio. (not used if you set bitrate in advanced controls below)"
99 },
100 'videoCodec':{
101 'd' : "theora",
102 't' : 'Video Codec',
103 'selectVal' : ['theora'],
104 'type' : "select",
105 'group' : "quality",
106 'help' : "Used to select the clip video codec. Presently only Theora is supported. More about the <a href=\"\">theora codec</a> "
107 },
108 'audioCodec':{
109 'd' : "vorbis",
110 't' : 'Audio Codec',
111 'selectVal' : ['vorbis'],
112 'type' : "select",
113 'group' : "quality",
114 'help' : "Used to set the clip audio codec. Presently only Vorbis is supported. More about the <a href=\"\">vorbis codec</a> "
115 },
116 'width': {
117 't' : 'Video Width',
118 'range' : {'min':0,'max':1080},
119 'step' : 4,
120 'type' : 'slider',
121 'group' : "quality",
122 'help' : "Resize to given width."
123 },
124 'height': {
125 't' : 'Video Height',
126 'range' : {'min':0,'max':1080},
127 'step' : 4,
128 'type' : "slider",
129 'group' : "quality",
130 'help' : "Resize to given height"
131 },
132 //advanced Video control configs:
133 'videoBitrate':{
134 't' : 'Video Bitrate',
135 'range' : {'min':1, 'max':16778},
136 'type' : "slider",
137 'group' : "advVideo",
138 'help' : "Video Bitrate sets the encoding bitrate for video in (kb/s)"
139 } ,
140 'framerate':{
141 't' : 'Framerate',
142 'd' : '24',
143 'selectVal' : ['12', '16', {'24000:1001':'23.97'}, '24', '25', {'30000:1001':'29.97'}, '30'],
144 'type' : "select",
145 'group' : "advVideo",
146 'help' : "The video Framerate. More about <a target=\"_new\" href=\"\">Framerate</a>"
147 },
148 'aspect':{
149 't' : 'Aspect Ratio',
150 'd' : '4:3',
151 'type' : "select",
152 'selectVal' : ['4:3', '16:9'],
153 'group' : "advVideo",
154 'help' : "The video aspect ratio can be fraction 4:3 or 16:9. More about <a target=\"_new\" href=\"\">aspect ratios</a>"
155 },
156 'keyframeInterval':{
157 'd' : '64',
158 't' : 'Key Frame Interval',
159 'range' : {'min':0,'max':65536},
160 'numberType': 'force keyframe every $1 frames',
161 'type' : 'int',
162 'group' : 'advVideo',
163 'help' : "The keyframe interval in frames. Note: Most codecs force keyframes if the difference between frames is greater than keyframe encode size. More about <a href=\"\">keyframes</a>"
164 },
165 'denoise':{
166 'type' : "boolean",
167 't' : "Denoise Filter",
168 'group' : 'advVideo',
169 'help' : "Denoise input video. More about <a target=\"_new\" href=\"\">denoise</a>"
170 },
171 'novideo':{
172 't' : "No Video",
173 'type' : "boolean",
174 'group' : 'advVideo',
175 'help' : "disable video in the output"
176 },
178 //advanced Audio control Config:
179 'audioBitrate':{
180 't' : "Audio Bitrate",
181 'range' : {'min':32,'max':500},
182 'numberType': '$1 kbs',
183 'type' : 'slider',
184 'group' : 'advAudio'
185 },
186 'samplerate':{
187 't' : "Audio Sample Rate",
188 'type' : 'select',
189 'selectVal' : [{'22050':'22 kHz'}, {'44100':'44 khz'}, {'48000':'48 khz'}],
190 'formatSelect' : function(val){
191 return (Math.round(val/100)*10) + ' Hz';
192 },
193 'help' : "set output samplerate (in Hz)."
194 },
195 'noaudio':{
196 't' : "No Audio",
197 'type' : 'boolean',
198 'group' : 'advAudio',
199 'help' : "disable audio in the output"
200 },
202 //meta tags:
203 'title':{
204 't' : "Title",
205 'type' : 'string',
206 'group' : 'meta',
207 'help' : "A title for your clip"
208 },
209 'artist':{
210 't' : "Artist Name",
211 'type' : 'string',
212 'group' : 'meta',
213 'help' : "The artist that created this clip"
214 },
215 'date':{
216 't' : "Date",
217 'group' : 'meta',
218 'type' : 'date',
219 'help' : "The date the footage was created or released"
220 },
221 'location':{
222 't' : "Location",
223 'type' : 'string',
224 'group' : 'meta',
225 'help' : "The location of the footage"
226 },
227 'organization':{
228 't' : "Organization",
229 'type' : 'string',
230 'group' : 'meta',
231 'help' : "Name of organization (studio)"
232 },
233 'copyright':{
234 't' : "Copyright",
235 'type' : 'string',
236 'group' : 'meta',
237 'help' : "The Copyright of the clip"
238 },
239 'license':{
240 't' : "License",
241 'type' : 'string',
242 'group' : 'meta',
243 'help' : "The license of the clip (preferably a creative commons url)"
244 },
245 'contact':{
246 't' : "Contact",
247 'type' : 'string',
248 'group' : 'meta',
249 'help' : "Contact link"
250 }
251 },
252 init:function( iObj ){
253 //setup a "supported" iObj:
254 for(var i in iObj){
255 if( typeof default_mvAdvFirefogg_config [i] != 'undefined' ){
256 this[i] = iObj[i];
257 }
258 }
259 //inherit the base mvFirefogg class:
260 var myFogg = new mvFirefogg( iObj );
261 for(var i in myFogg){
262 if( typeof this[i] != 'undefined'){
263 this[ 'basefogg_' + i ] = myFogg[i];
264 }else{
265 this[ i ] = myFogg[i];
266 }
267 }
268 },
269 setupForm:function(){
270 //call base firefogg form setup
271 basefogg_setupForm();
273 //gennerate the control html
274 this.doControlHTML();
276 //setup control bindings:
277 this.doControlBindings();
279 },
280 doControlHTML: function(){
281 js_log("adv doControlHTML");
282 var _this = this;
283 //load presets from cookie:
284 this.loadEncSettings();
286 //add base control buttons:
287 this.basefogg_doControlHTML();
289 //build the config group outpouts
290 var gdout ='';
291 $j.each(this.config_groups, function(inx, group_key){
292 gdout+= '<div> '+
293 '<h3><a href="#" class="gd_'+group_key+'" >' + gM('fogg-cg-'+group_key) + '</a></h3>'+
294 '<div>';
295 //output that group control options:
296 gdout+='<table width="' + ($j(_this.selector).width()-60) + '" ><tr><td width="35%"></td><td width="65%"></td></tr>';
297 //output the special prset output
298 if(group_key=='preset'){
299 gdout += _this.proccessPresetControl();
300 }
301 for(var cK in _this.default_encoder_config){
302 var cConf = _this.default_encoder_config[cK];
303 if( == group_key){
304 gdout+= _this.proccessCkControlHTML( cK );
305 }
306 }
307 gdout+='</table>';
308 gdout+= '</div>' +
309 '</div>';
311 });
312 //add the control container:
313 if(!this.target_control_container){
314 this.target_control_container = this.selector + ' .control_container';
315 //set the target contorl container to height
316 $j(this.selector).append( '<p><div class="control_container"></div>' );
317 }
318 //hide the container and add the output
319 $j(this.target_control_container).hide();
320 $j(this.target_control_container).html( gdout );
322 },
323 //custom advanced target rewrites:
324 getTargetHtml:function(target){
325 if( target=='target_btn_select_file' ||
326 target=='target_btn_select_new_file'||
327 target=='target_btn_save_local_file'){
328 var icon = (target=='target_btn_save_local_file')?'ui-icon-video':'ui-icon-folder-open';
329 return '<a class="ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-icon_link '+
330 target +'" href="#"><span class="ui-icon ' + icon + '"/>' +
331 gM( 'fogg-' + target.substring(11) ) +
332 '</a>';
333 }else if( target=='target_btn_select_url'){
334 //return the btnHtml:
335 return $j.btnHtml( gM( 'fogg-' + target.substring(11) ), target, 'link');
337 }else if( target=='target_use_latest_fox' ||
338 target=='target_please_install' ||
339 target == 'target_passthrough_mode'){
340 return '<div style="margin-top:1em;padding: 0pt 0.7em;" class="ui-state-error ui-corner-all ' +
341 target + '">' +
342 '<p><span style="float: left; margin-right: 0.3em;" class="ui-icon ui-icon-alert"/>'+
343 gM( 'fogg-' + target.substring(7)) +'</p>'+
344 '</div>';
345 }else if( target == 'target_input_file_name'){
346 return '<br><br><input style="" class="text ui-widget-content ui-corner-all ' + target + '" '+
347 'type="text" value="' + gM( 'fogg-' + target.substring(11)) + '" size="60" /> ';
348 }else{
349 js_log('call : basefogg_getTargetHtml');
350 return this.basefogg_getTargetHtml(target);
351 }
352 },
353 proccessPresetControl:function(){
354 var out='';
355 var _this = this;
356 js_log('proccessPresetControl::');
357 if(typeof this.local_settings.pSet!= 'undefined' ){
358 out+= '<select class="_preset_select">';
359 $j.each(this.local_settings.pSet, function(pKey, pSet){
360 var pDesc = (pSet.descKey) ? gM(pSet.descKey) : pSet.desc;
361 var sel = (_this.local_settings.d == pKey)?' selected':'';
362 out+='<option value="'+pKey+'" '+sel+'>'+ pDesc+'</option>';
363 });
364 out+='</select>';
365 }
366 return out;
367 },
368 proccessCkControlHTML:function( cK ){
369 var cConf = this.default_encoder_config[cK];
370 var out ='';
371 out+='<tr><td valign="top">'+
372 '<label for="_' + cK + '">' +
373 cConf.t + ':' +
374 '<span title="' + gM('help-sticky') + '" class="help_'+ cK + ' ui-icon ui-icon-info" style="float:left"></span>'+
375 '</label></td><td valign="top">';
376 //if we don't value for this:
377 var dv = ( this.default_encoder_config[cK].d ) ? this.default_encoder_config[cK].d : '';
378 //switch on the config type
379 switch( cConf.type ){
380 case 'string':
381 case 'date':
382 case 'int':
383 case 'float':
384 var size = ( cConf.type =='string' ||cConf.type == 'date' )?'14':'4';
385 out+= '<input size="' + size + '" type="text" class="_' + cK + ' text ui-widget-content ui-corner-all" value="' + dv + '" >' ;
386 break;
387 case 'boolean':
388 var checked_attr = (dv===true)?' checked="true"':'';
389 out+='<input type="checkbox" class="_'+cK+ ' ui-widget-content ui-corner-all" ' + checked_attr + '>';
390 break;
391 case 'slider':
392 var strMax = this.default_encoder_config[ cK ].range.max + '';
393 maxdigits = strMax.length +1;
394 out+= '<input type="text" maxlength="'+maxdigits+'" size="' +maxdigits + '" '+
395 'class="_'+cK+ ' text ui-widget-content ui-corner-all" style="display:inline;border:0; color:#f6931f; font-weight:bold;" ' +
396 'value="' + dv + '" >' +
397 '<div class="slider_' + cK + '"></div>';
398 break;
399 case 'select':
400 out+= '<select class="_' + cK + '">'+
401 '<option value=""> </option>';
402 for(var i in cConf.selectVal){
403 var val = cConf.selectVal[i];
404 if(typeof val == 'string'){
405 var sel = ( cConf.selectVal[i] == val)?' selected':'';
406 out+= '<option value="'+val+'"'+sel+'>'+val+'</option>';
407 }else if(typeof val == 'object'){
408 for(var key in val){
409 hr_val = val[key];
410 }
411 var sel = ( cConf.selectVal[i] == key )?' selected':'';
413 out+= '<option value="'+key+'"'+sel+'>'+hr_val+'</option>';
414 }
415 }
416 out+='</select>';
417 break;
418 }
419 //output the help row:
420 if({
421 out+='<div class="helpRow_' + cK + '">'+
422 '<span class="helpClose_' + cK + ' ui-icon ui-icon-circle-close" '+
423 'title="Close Help"'+
424 'style="float:left"/>'+
425 +
426 '</div>';
427 }
428 out+='</td></tr><tr><td colspan="2" height="10"></td></tr>';
429 return out;
430 },
431 selectByUrl:function(){
432 var urlValue = prompt("Please enter the source media url you would like to transcode from.","http://");
433 if( urlValue ){
434 //update the mode:
435 this.sourceMode = 'url';
436 this.sourceUrl = urlValue;
437 this.selectFoggActions();
438 this.autoEncoderSettings();
439 //update the input target
440 $j(this.target_input_file_name).unbind().val( urlValue ).removeAttr('readonly');
441 }
442 },
443 doControlBindings:function(){
444 var _this = this;
445 _this.basefogg_doControlBindings();
446 //show the select by url if present:
447 /*$j( this.target_btn_select_url ).unbind(
448 ).attr('disabled', false
449 ).css({'display':'inline'}
450 ).click(function(){
451 _this.selectByUrl();
452 });
453 */
456 //hide the base advanced controls untill a file is selected:
457 $j(this.target_control_container).hide();
459 var helpState = {};
460 //do some display tweeks:
461 js_log('tw:' + $j(this.selector).width() +
462 'ssf:' + $j(this.target_btn_select_new_file).width() +
463 'sf:' + $j(this.target_btn_save_local_file).width() );
465 //set width to 250
466 $j(this.target_input_file_name).width( 250 );
468 //special preset action:
469 $j(this.selector + ' ._preset_select').change(function(){
470 _this.updatePresetSelection( $j(this).val() );
471 });
473 //bind control actions
474 for(var cK in this.default_encoder_config){
475 var cConf = this.default_encoder_config[cK];
476 //set up the help for all types:
477 if({
478 //initial state is hidden:
479 $j( this.selector + ' .helpRow_' + cK).hide();
480 $j(this.selector + ' .help_' + cK).click(function(){
481 //get the ckId (assume its the last class)
482 var cK = _this.getClassId(this, 'help_');
484 if(helpState[cK]){
485 $j(_this.selector + ' .helpRow_' + cK).hide('slow');
486 helpState[cK] = false;
487 }else{
488 $j(_this.selector + ' .helpRow_' + cK).show('slow');
489 helpState[cK] = true;
490 }
491 return false;
492 }).hover(
493 function(){
494 //get the ckId (assume its the last class)
495 var cK = _this.getClassId(this, 'help_');
496 $j( _this.selector + ' .helpRow_' + cK).show('slow');
497 },function(){
498 var cK = _this.getClassId(this, 'help_');
499 if(!helpState[cK])
500 $j( _this.selector + ' .helpRow_' + cK).hide('slow')
501 }
502 );
503 $j( _this.selector + ' .helpClose_' + cK).click(function(){
504 js_log("close help: " +cK);
505 //get the ckId (assume its the last class)
506 var cK = _this.getClassId(this, 'helpClose_');
507 $j(_this.selector + ' .helpRow_' + cK).hide('slow');
508 helpState[cK] = false;
509 return false;
510 }).css('cursor', 'pointer');
511 }else{
512 $j(this.selector + ' .help_' + cK).hide();
513 }
515 //setup bindings for change values: (validate input)
517 switch( cConf.type ){
518 case 'boolean':
519 $j(_this.selector + ' ._'+cK).click(function(){
520 _this.updateLocalValue( _this.getClassId(this), $j(this).is(":checked") );
521 _this.updatePresetSelection('custom');
522 })
523 break;
524 case 'select':
525 case 'string':
526 case 'int':
527 case 'float':
528 //@@check if we have a validate function on the string
529 $j(_this.selector + ' ._'+cK).change(function(){
530 $j(this).val( _this.updateLocalValue(
531 _this.getClassId(this),
532 $j(this).val() ));
533 _this.updatePresetSelection('custom');
534 })
535 break;
536 case 'date':
537 $j(_this.selector + ' ._'+cK).datepicker({
538 changeMonth: true,
539 changeYear: true,
540 dateFormat: 'd MM, yy',
541 onSelect: function(dateText) {
542 _this.updateInterfaceValue(_this.getClassId(this), dateText);
543 }
544 });
545 break;
546 case 'slider':
547 $j(this.selector + ' .slider_' + cK ).slider({
548 range: "min",
549 animate: true,
550 step: (cConf.step)?cConf.step:1,
551 value: $j( this.selector +' ._' + cK ).val(),
552 min: this.default_encoder_config[ cK ].range.min,
553 max: this.default_encoder_config[ cK ].range.max,
554 slide: function(event, ui) {
555 $j( _this.selector + ' ._' + _this.getClassId(this, 'slider_') ).val( ui.value );
557 //maintain source video aspect ratio:
558 if(_this.getClassId(this, 'slider_') == 'width'){
559 var hv = parseInt(([0]['height']/[0]['width'])* ui.value );
560 //update the height value: the new hight value is > that orginal the slider:
561 if(hv > _this.updateInterfaceValue('height', hv))
562 return false;
563 }
564 if(_this.getClassId(this, 'slider_') == 'height'){
565 var wv = parseInt(([0]['width']/[0]['height'])* ui.value );
566 //update the height value: the new hight value is > that orginal the slider:
567 if(wv > _this.updateInterfaceValue('width', wv))
568 return false;
569 }
570 },
571 change: function(event, ui){
572 //update the local settings
573 _this.updateLocalValue( _this.getClassId(this, 'slider_'), ui.value);
574 _this.updatePresetSelection('custom');
575 }
576 })
577 $j( this.selector +' ._' + cK).change(function(){
578 var scid = _this.getClassId(this);
579 var valdVal = _this.updateLocalValue(scid.substr(1),$j(this).val() );
580 _this.updatePresetSelection('custom');
581 //(validate user form input)
582 $j(this).val(valdVal);
583 //update the slider
584 js_log("update: " + _this.selector + ' .slider' + scid);
585 $j(_this.selector + ' .slider'+ scid).slider('option', 'value', valdVal );
586 });
587 break
588 }
589 }
590 $j(this.target_control_container).accordion({
591 header: "h3",
592 collapsible: true,
593 active: false,
594 fillSpace: true
595 });
597 //do config value updates if any
598 this.updateValuesInHtml();
599 },
600 updatePresetSelection:function( pKey ){
601 //update the local key:
602 this.local_settings.d = pKey;
603 //js_log('update preset desc: '+ pKey);
604 var pset_desc = '';
605 if(this.local_settings.pSet[ pKey ].desc){
606 pset_desc = this.local_settings.pSet[ pKey ].desc;
607 }else{
608 pset_desc = gM('fogg-preset-'+ pKey);
609 }
610 //update the preset title:
611 $j( this.selector + ' .gd_preset' ).html(
612 gM('fogg-cg-preset', pset_desc)
613 );
614 //update the selector
615 $j(this.selector + ' ._preset_select').val(pKey);
616 },
617 /*
618 * updates the interface
619 */
620 updateInterfaceValue:function(confKey, val){
621 var _this = this;
622 if(!val){
623 return ;
624 }
625 //js_log('updateInterfaceValue:: ' + confKey + ' v:' + val + ' cv:'+ _this.selector + '._'+ confKey+' len:' + $j(_this.selector + ' ._'+confKey).length );
626 //lookup the type
627 if(typeof this.default_encoder_config[confKey] == 'undefined'){
628 js_error('error: missing default key: '+ confKey);
629 return false;
630 }
632 //update the local value (if not already up-to-date
633 if( this.local_settings.pSet['custom']['conf'][confKey] != val ){
634 val = this.updateLocalValue(confKey, val);
635 }
636 //update the text filed:
637 $j(_this.selector + ' ._'+confKey).val( val );
638 //update the interaface widget:
639 switch(this.default_encoder_config[confKey].type){
640 case 'slider':
641 $j(_this.selector + ' .slider_' + confKey).slider('option',
642 'value', $j(_this.selector + ' ._'+ confKey).val() );
643 break;
644 }
645 return val;
646 },
647 updateLocalValue:function(confKey, value){
648 //update the local value (return the value we acutally set)
649 if(typeof this.default_encoder_config[confKey] == 'undefined'){
650 js_log("Error:could not update conf key:" + confKey)
651 return value;
652 }
653 dec = this.default_encoder_config[confKey];
654 if(dec.range){
655 value = parseInt(value);
656 var min = ( dec.range.local_min) ? dec.range.local_min :dec.range.min;
657 if(value < min)
658 value = min;
659 var max = ( dec.range.local_max) ? dec.range.local_max : dec.range.max
660 if(value > max)
661 value = max;
662 }
663 if(dec.type=='int')
664 value = parseInt(value);
666 //step value:
667 /*if(dec.step){
668 if((value % dec.step)!=0){
669 value = value - (value % dec.step);
670 }
671 }*/
673 js_log('update:local_settings:custom:conf:'+ confKey + ' = ' + value);
674 this.local_settings.pSet['custom']['conf'][confKey] = value;
676 return value;
677 },
678 getLocalValue:function(confKey){
679 return this.local_settings.pSet['custom']['conf'][confKey];
680 },
681 getClassId:function(elm, rmstr){
682 var elmclass = $j(elm).attr("class").split(' ').slice(0,1).toString();
683 if(rmstr){
684 return elmclass.replace( rmstr, '' );
685 }else{
686 //strip leading underscore:
687 return (elmclass[0]=='_')?elmclass.substr(1):elmclass;
688 }
689 },
690 /*
691 * sets up the autoEncoder settings
692 */
693 autoEncoderSettings:function(){
694 var _this = this;
695 //do the base encoder settings setup:
696 this.basefogg_autoEncoderSettings();
697 //make sure we are "encoding" if not display not a video file eror:
698 if( this.encoder_settings['passthrough'] ){
699 js_log("in passthrough mode (hide control)");
700 //hide all controls
701 //dispaly not encodable video
702 $j(this.target_control_container).hide('slow');
703 $j(this.target_passthrough_mode).show('slow');
704 return ;
705 }
706 //restore display:
707 $j(this.target_control_container).show('slow');
708 $j(this.target_passthrough_mode).hide('slow');
710 //do setup settings based on local_settings /default_encoder_config with sourceFileInfo
711 //see:
712 var setValues = function(k, val, maxVal) {
713 if( k !== false){
714 //update the value if unset:
715 _this.updateLocalValue(k, val);
716 }
717 if( maxVal ){
718 //update the local range:
719 if(_this.default_encoder_config[k].range){
720 _this.default_encoder_config[k].range.local_max = maxVal;
721 }
722 }
723 }
724 //container level settings
725 for(var i in this.sourceFileInfo){
726 var val = this.sourceFileInfo[i];
727 var k = false;
728 var maxVal= false;
729 switch(i){
730 //do nothing with these:
731 case 'bitrate':
732 k = 'videoBitrate';
733 maxVal = (val*2 > this.default_encoder_config[k])?this.default_encoder_config[k]:val*2;
734 break;
735 }
736 setValues(k, val, maxVal);
737 }
738 //video stream settings
739 for(var i in[0]){
740 var val =[0][i];
741 var k = false;
742 var maxVal= false;
743 switch(i){
744 case 'width':
745 case 'height':
746 k = i;
747 maxVal = val;
748 break;
749 }
750 setValues(k, val, maxVal);
751 }
752 //audio stream settings, assumes for now thare is only one stream
753 for(var i in[0]){
754 var val =[0][i];
755 var k = false;
756 var maxVal= false;
757 switch(i){
758 case 'bitrate':
759 k = 'audioBitrate';
760 maxVal = (val*2 > this.default_encoder_config[k])?this.default_encoder_config[k]:val*2;
761 break;
762 }
763 setValues(k, val, maxVal);
764 }
766 //set all values to new default ranges & update slider:
767 $j.each(this.default_encoder_config, function(inx, val){
768 if($j(_this.selector + ' ._'+inx).length!=0){
769 if(typeof val.range != 'undefined'){
770 //udate slider range
771 var new_max = (val.range.local_max)?val.range.local_max: val.range.max
772 $j( _this.selector + ' .slider_'+inx).slider('option', 'max', new_max);
774 //update slider/input value:
775 _this.updateInterfaceValue(inx, _this.local_settings.pSet['custom']['conf'][inx]);
776 }
777 }
778 });
779 //update values
780 this.updateValuesInHtml();
781 },
782 doEncode:function(){
783 //update the encoder settings (from local settings)
784 pKey = this.local_settings.d;
785 this.encoder_settings = this.local_settings.pSet[ pKey ].conf;
786 this.basefogg_doEncode();
787 },
788 updateValuesInHtml:function(){
789 js_log('updateValuesInHtml::');
790 var _this = this;
791 var pKey = this.local_settings.d;
792 this.updatePresetSelection( pKey );
794 //set the actual HTML & widgets based on any local settings values:
795 $j.each(_this.local_settings.pSet['custom']['conf'], function(inx, val){
796 if($j(_this.selector + ' ._'+inx).length !=0){
797 $j(_this.selector + ' ._'+inx).val( val );
798 }
799 });
800 },
801 //restors settings from a cookie if you have them)
802 loadEncSettings:function( force ){
803 if($j.cookie('fogg_encoder_config')){
804 js_log("load:fogg_encoder_config from cookie ");
805 this.local_settings = JSON.parse( $j.cookie('fogg_settings') );
806 }
807 //set to default if not loaded yet:
808 if( this.local_settings && this.local_settings.pSet && this.local_settings.pSet['custom']['conf']){
809 js_log('local settings already populated');
810 }else{
811 this.local_settings = this.default_local_settings;
812 }
814 },
815 //clear preset settings:
816 clearSettings:function(force){
818 },
819 //save settings to the cookie
820 saveEncSettings:function(){
821 $j.cookie('fogg_settings', JSON.stringify( this.local_settings ) );
822 }
823 };