[lhc/web/wiklou.git] / includes / libs / rdbms / lbfactory / ILBFactory.php
1 <?php
2 /**
3 * Generator and manager of database load balancing objects
4 *
5 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 * (at your option) any later version.
9 *
10 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 * GNU General Public License for more details.
14 *
15 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
16 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
17 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
18 *
19 *
20 * @file
21 * @ingroup Database
22 */
24 namespace Wikimedia\Rdbms;
26 use InvalidArgumentException;
28 /**
29 * An interface for generating database load balancers
30 * @ingroup Database
31 * @since 1.28
32 */
33 interface ILBFactory {
34 /** @var int Don't save DB positions at all */
35 const SHUTDOWN_NO_CHRONPROT = 0; // don't save DB positions at all
36 /** @var int Save DB positions, but don't wait on remote DCs */
38 /** @var int Save DB positions, waiting on all DCs */
41 /** @var string Default main LB cluster name (do not change this) */
44 /**
45 * Construct a manager of ILoadBalancer objects
46 *
47 * Sub-classes will extend the required keys in $conf with additional parameters
48 *
49 * @param array $conf Array with keys:
50 * - localDomain: A DatabaseDomain or domain ID string.
51 * - readOnlyReason: Reason the master DB is read-only if so [optional]
52 * - srvCache: BagOStuff object for server cache [optional]
53 * - memStash: BagOStuff object for cross-datacenter memory storage [optional]
54 * - wanCache: WANObjectCache object [optional]
55 * - hostname: The name of the current server [optional]
56 * - cliMode: Whether the execution context is a CLI script. [optional]
57 * - maxLag: Try to avoid DB replicas with lag above this many seconds [optional]
58 * - profiler: Class name or instance with profileIn()/profileOut() methods. [optional]
59 * - trxProfiler: TransactionProfiler instance. [optional]
60 * - replLogger: PSR-3 logger instance. [optional]
61 * - connLogger: PSR-3 logger instance. [optional]
62 * - queryLogger: PSR-3 logger instance. [optional]
63 * - perfLogger: PSR-3 logger instance. [optional]
64 * - errorLogger: Callback that takes an Exception and logs it. [optional]
65 * - deprecationLogger: Callback to log a deprecation warning. [optional]
66 * - secret: Secret string to use for HMAC hashing [optional]
67 * @throws InvalidArgumentException
68 */
69 public function __construct( array $conf );
71 /**
72 * Disables all load balancers. All connections are closed, and any attempt to
73 * open a new connection will result in a DBAccessError.
74 * @see ILoadBalancer::disable()
75 */
76 public function destroy();
78 /**
79 * Get the local (and default) database domain ID of connection handles
80 *
81 * @see DatabaseDomain
82 * @return string Database domain ID; this specifies DB name, schema, and table prefix
83 * @since 1.32
84 */
85 public function getLocalDomainID();
87 /**
88 * @param DatabaseDomain|string|bool $domain Database domain
89 * @return string Value of $domain if provided or the local domain otherwise
90 * @since 1.32
91 */
92 public function resolveDomainID( $domain );
94 /**
95 * Close all connection and redefine the local domain for testing or schema creation
96 *
97 * @param DatabaseDomain|string $domain
98 * @since 1.33
99 */
100 public function redefineLocalDomain( $domain );
102 /**
103 * Create a new load balancer object. The resulting object will be untracked,
104 * not chronology-protected, and the caller is responsible for cleaning it up.
105 *
106 * This method is for only advanced usage and callers should almost always use
107 * getMainLB() instead. This method can be useful when a table is used as a key/value
108 * store. In that cases, one might want to query it in autocommit mode (DBO_TRX off)
109 * but still use DBO_TRX transaction rounds on other tables.
110 *
111 * @param bool|string $domain Domain ID, or false for the current domain
112 * @param int|null $owner Owner ID of the new instance (e.g. this LBFactory ID)
113 * @return ILoadBalancer
114 */
115 public function newMainLB( $domain = false, $owner = null );
117 /**
118 * Get a cached (tracked) load balancer object.
119 *
120 * @param bool|string $domain Domain ID, or false for the current domain
121 * @return ILoadBalancer
122 */
123 public function getMainLB( $domain = false );
125 /**
126 * Create a new load balancer for external storage. The resulting object will be
127 * untracked, not chronology-protected, and the caller is responsible for cleaning it up.
128 *
129 * This method is for only advanced usage and callers should almost always use
130 * getExternalLB() instead. This method can be useful when a table is used as a
131 * key/value store. In that cases, one might want to query it in autocommit mode
132 * (DBO_TRX off) but still use DBO_TRX transaction rounds on other tables.
133 *
134 * @param string $cluster External storage cluster name
135 * @param int|null $owner Owner ID of the new instance (e.g. this LBFactory ID)
136 * @return ILoadBalancer
137 */
138 public function newExternalLB( $cluster, $owner = null );
140 /**
141 * Get a cached (tracked) load balancer for external storage
142 *
143 * @param string $cluster External storage cluster name
144 * @return ILoadBalancer
145 */
146 public function getExternalLB( $cluster );
148 /**
149 * Get cached (tracked) load balancers for all main database clusters
150 *
151 * The default cluster name is ILoadBalancer::CLUSTER_MAIN_DEFAULT
152 *
153 * @return ILoadBalancer[] Map of (cluster name => ILoadBalancer)
154 * @since 1.29
155 */
156 public function getAllMainLBs();
158 /**
159 * Get cached (tracked) load balancers for all external database clusters
160 *
161 * @return ILoadBalancer[] Map of (cluster name => ILoadBalancer)
162 * @since 1.29
163 */
164 public function getAllExternalLBs();
166 /**
167 * Execute a function for each currently tracked (instantiated) load balancer
168 *
169 * The callback is called with the load balancer as the first parameter,
170 * and $params passed as the subsequent parameters.
171 *
172 * @param callable $callback
173 * @param array $params
174 */
175 public function forEachLB( $callback, array $params = [] );
177 /**
178 * Prepare all currently tracked (instantiated) load balancers for shutdown
179 *
180 * @param int $mode One of the class SHUTDOWN_* constants
181 * @param callable|null $workCallback Work to mask ChronologyProtector writes
182 * @param int|null &$cpIndex Position key write counter for ChronologyProtector
183 * @param string|null &$cpClientId Client ID hash for ChronologyProtector
184 */
185 public function shutdown(
186 $mode = self::SHUTDOWN_CHRONPROT_SYNC,
187 callable $workCallback = null,
188 &$cpIndex = null,
189 &$cpClientId = null
190 );
192 /**
193 * Commit all replica DB transactions so as to flush any REPEATABLE-READ or SSI snapshot
194 *
195 * This is useful for getting rid of stale data from an implicit transaction round
196 *
197 * @param string $fname Caller name
198 */
199 public function flushReplicaSnapshots( $fname = __METHOD__ );
201 /**
202 * Commit open transactions on all connections. This is useful for two main cases:
203 * - a) To commit changes to the masters.
204 * - b) To release the snapshot on all connections, master and replica DBs.
205 * @param string $fname Caller name
206 * @param array $options Options map:
207 * - maxWriteDuration: abort if more than this much time was spent in write queries
208 */
209 public function commitAll( $fname = __METHOD__, array $options = [] );
211 /**
212 * Flush any master transaction snapshots and set DBO_TRX (if DBO_DEFAULT is set)
213 *
214 * The DBO_TRX setting will be reverted to the default in each of these methods:
215 * - commitMasterChanges()
216 * - rollbackMasterChanges()
217 * - commitAll()
218 *
219 * This allows for custom transaction rounds from any outer transaction scope.
220 *
221 * @param string $fname
222 * @throws DBTransactionError
223 */
224 public function beginMasterChanges( $fname = __METHOD__ );
226 /**
227 * Commit changes and clear view snapshots on all master connections
228 * @param string $fname Caller name
229 * @param array $options Options map:
230 * - maxWriteDuration: abort if more than this much time was spent in write queries
231 * @throws DBTransactionError
232 */
233 public function commitMasterChanges( $fname = __METHOD__, array $options = [] );
235 /**
236 * Rollback changes on all master connections
237 * @param string $fname Caller name
238 */
239 public function rollbackMasterChanges( $fname = __METHOD__ );
241 /**
242 * Check if an explicit transaction round is active
243 * @return bool
244 * @since 1.29
245 */
246 public function hasTransactionRound();
248 /**
249 * Check if transaction rounds can be started, committed, or rolled back right now
250 *
251 * This can be used as a recusion guard to avoid exceptions in transaction callbacks
252 *
253 * @return bool
254 * @since 1.32
255 */
256 public function isReadyForRoundOperations();
258 /**
259 * Determine if any master connection has pending changes
260 * @return bool
261 */
262 public function hasMasterChanges();
264 /**
265 * Detemine if any lagged replica DB connection was used
266 * @return bool
267 */
268 public function laggedReplicaUsed();
270 /**
271 * Determine if any master connection has pending/written changes from this request
272 * @param float|null $age How many seconds ago is "recent" [defaults to LB lag wait timeout]
273 * @return bool
274 */
275 public function hasOrMadeRecentMasterChanges( $age = null );
277 /**
278 * Waits for the replica DBs to catch up to the current master position
279 *
280 * Use this when updating very large numbers of rows, as in maintenance scripts,
281 * to avoid causing too much lag. Of course, this is a no-op if there are no replica DBs.
282 *
283 * By default this waits on all DB clusters actually used in this request.
284 * This makes sense when lag being waiting on is caused by the code that does this check.
285 * In that case, setting "ifWritesSince" can avoid the overhead of waiting for clusters
286 * that were not changed since the last wait check. To forcefully wait on a specific cluster
287 * for a given domain, use the 'domain' parameter. To forcefully wait on an "external" cluster,
288 * use the "cluster" parameter.
289 *
290 * Never call this function after a large DB write that is *still* in a transaction.
291 * It only makes sense to call this after the possible lag inducing changes were committed.
292 *
293 * @param array $opts Optional fields that include:
294 * - domain : wait on the load balancer DBs that handles the given domain ID
295 * - cluster : wait on the given external load balancer DBs
296 * - timeout : Max wait time. Default: 60 seconds for CLI, 1 second for web.
297 * - ifWritesSince: Only wait if writes were done since this UNIX timestamp
298 * @return bool True on success, false if a timeout or error occurred while waiting
299 */
300 public function waitForReplication( array $opts = [] );
302 /**
303 * Add a callback to be run in every call to waitForReplication() before waiting
304 *
305 * Callbacks must clear any transactions that they start
306 *
307 * @param string $name Callback name
308 * @param callable|null $callback Use null to unset a callback
309 */
310 public function setWaitForReplicationListener( $name, callable $callback = null );
312 /**
313 * Get a token asserting that no transaction writes are active
314 *
315 * @param string $fname Caller name (e.g. __METHOD__)
316 * @return mixed A value to pass to commitAndWaitForReplication()
317 */
318 public function getEmptyTransactionTicket( $fname );
320 /**
321 * Convenience method for safely running commitMasterChanges()/waitForReplication()
322 *
323 * This will commit and wait unless $ticket indicates it is unsafe to do so
324 *
325 * @param string $fname Caller name (e.g. __METHOD__)
326 * @param mixed $ticket Result of getEmptyTransactionTicket()
327 * @param array $opts Options to waitForReplication()
328 * @return bool True if the wait was successful, false on timeout
329 */
330 public function commitAndWaitForReplication( $fname, $ticket, array $opts = [] );
332 /**
333 * @param string $dbName DB master name (e.g. "db1052")
334 * @return float|bool UNIX timestamp when client last touched the DB or false if not recent
335 */
336 public function getChronologyProtectorTouched( $dbName );
338 /**
339 * Disable the ChronologyProtector for all load balancers
340 *
341 * This can be called at the start of special API entry points
342 */
343 public function disableChronologyProtection();
345 /**
346 * Set a new table prefix for the existing local domain ID for testing
347 *
348 * @param string $prefix
349 * @since 1.33
350 */
351 public function setLocalDomainPrefix( $prefix );
353 /**
354 * Close all open database connections on all open load balancers.
355 */
356 public function closeAll();
358 /**
359 * @param string $agent Agent name for query profiling
360 */
361 public function setAgentName( $agent );
363 /**
364 * Append ?cpPosIndex parameter to a URL for ChronologyProtector purposes if needed
365 *
366 * Note that unlike cookies, this works across domains
367 *
368 * @param string $url
369 * @param int $index Write counter index
370 * @return string
371 */
372 public function appendShutdownCPIndexAsQuery( $url, $index );
374 /**
375 * Get the client ID of the ChronologyProtector instance
376 *
377 * @return string Client ID
378 * @since 1.34
379 */
380 public function getChronologyProtectorClientId();
382 /**
383 * @param array $info Map of fields, including:
384 * - IPAddress : IP address
385 * - UserAgent : User-Agent HTTP header
386 * - ChronologyProtection : cookie/header value specifying ChronologyProtector usage
387 * - ChronologyPositionIndex: timestamp used to get up-to-date DB positions for the agent
388 */
389 public function setRequestInfo( array $info );
391 /**
392 * Make certain table names use their own database, schema, and table prefix
393 * when passed into SQL queries pre-escaped and without a qualified database name
394 *
395 * For example, "user" can be converted to "myschema.mydbname.user" for convenience.
396 * Appearances like `user`, somedb.user, somedb.someschema.user will used literally.
397 *
398 * Calling this twice will completely clear any old table aliases. Also, note that
399 * callers are responsible for making sure the schemas and databases actually exist.
400 *
401 * @param array[] $aliases Map of (table => (dbname, schema, prefix) map)
402 * @since 1.31
403 */
404 public function setTableAliases( array $aliases );
406 /**
407 * Convert certain index names to alternative names before querying the DB
408 *
409 * Note that this applies to indexes regardless of the table they belong to.
410 *
411 * This can be employed when an index was renamed X => Y in code, but the new Y-named
412 * indexes were not yet built on all DBs. After all the Y-named ones are added by the DBA,
413 * the aliases can be removed, and then the old X-named indexes dropped.
414 *
415 * @param string[] $aliases
416 * @since 1.31
417 */
418 public function setIndexAliases( array $aliases );
419 }