User::isAnon() via User::isLoggedIn() has unexpected behavior from an optimization...
[lhc/web/wiklou.git] / includes / User.php
1 <?php
2 /**
3 * See user.txt
4 *
5 */
7 # Number of characters in user_token field
8 define( 'USER_TOKEN_LENGTH', 32 );
10 # Serialized record version
11 define( 'MW_USER_VERSION', 5 );
13 # Some punctuation to prevent editing from broken text-mangling proxies.
14 define( 'EDIT_TOKEN_SUFFIX', '+\\' );
16 /**
17 * Thrown by User::setPassword() on error
18 * @addtogroup Exception
19 */
20 class PasswordError extends MWException {
21 // NOP
22 }
24 /**
25 * The User object encapsulates all of the user-specific settings (user_id,
26 * name, rights, password, email address, options, last login time). Client
27 * classes use the getXXX() functions to access these fields. These functions
28 * do all the work of determining whether the user is logged in,
29 * whether the requested option can be satisfied from cookies or
30 * whether a database query is needed. Most of the settings needed
31 * for rendering normal pages are set in the cookie to minimize use
32 * of the database.
33 */
34 class User {
36 /**
37 * A list of default user toggles, i.e. boolean user preferences that are
38 * displayed by Special:Preferences as checkboxes. This list can be
39 * extended via the UserToggles hook or $wgContLang->getExtraUserToggles().
40 */
41 static public $mToggles = array(
42 'highlightbroken',
43 'justify',
44 'hideminor',
45 'extendwatchlist',
46 'usenewrc',
47 'numberheadings',
48 'showtoolbar',
49 'editondblclick',
50 'editsection',
51 'editsectiononrightclick',
52 'showtoc',
53 'rememberpassword',
54 'editwidth',
55 'watchcreations',
56 'watchdefault',
57 'watchmoves',
58 'watchdeletion',
59 'minordefault',
60 'previewontop',
61 'previewonfirst',
62 'nocache',
63 'enotifwatchlistpages',
64 'enotifusertalkpages',
65 'enotifminoredits',
66 'enotifrevealaddr',
67 'shownumberswatching',
68 'fancysig',
69 'externaleditor',
70 'externaldiff',
71 'showjumplinks',
72 'uselivepreview',
73 'forceeditsummary',
74 'watchlisthideown',
75 'watchlisthidebots',
76 'watchlisthideminor',
77 'ccmeonemails',
78 'diffonly',
79 );
81 /**
82 * List of member variables which are saved to the shared cache (memcached).
83 * Any operation which changes the corresponding database fields must
84 * call a cache-clearing function.
85 */
86 static $mCacheVars = array(
87 # user table
88 'mId',
89 'mName',
90 'mRealName',
91 'mPassword',
92 'mNewpassword',
93 'mNewpassTime',
94 'mEmail',
95 'mOptions',
96 'mTouched',
97 'mToken',
98 'mEmailAuthenticated',
99 'mEmailToken',
100 'mEmailTokenExpires',
101 'mRegistration',
102 'mEditCount',
103 # user_group table
104 'mGroups',
105 );
107 /**
108 * The cache variable declarations
109 */
110 var $mId, $mName, $mRealName, $mPassword, $mNewpassword, $mNewpassTime,
111 $mEmail, $mOptions, $mTouched, $mToken, $mEmailAuthenticated,
112 $mEmailToken, $mEmailTokenExpires, $mRegistration, $mGroups;
114 /**
115 * Whether the cache variables have been loaded
116 */
117 var $mDataLoaded;
119 /**
120 * Initialisation data source if mDataLoaded==false. May be one of:
121 * defaults anonymous user initialised from class defaults
122 * name initialise from mName
123 * id initialise from mId
124 * session log in from cookies or session if possible
125 *
126 * Use the User::newFrom*() family of functions to set this.
127 */
128 var $mFrom;
130 /**
131 * Lazy-initialised variables, invalidated with clearInstanceCache
132 */
133 var $mNewtalk, $mDatePreference, $mBlockedby, $mHash, $mSkin, $mRights,
134 $mBlockreason, $mBlock, $mEffectiveGroups;
136 /**
137 * Lightweight constructor for anonymous user
138 * Use the User::newFrom* factory functions for other kinds of users
139 */
140 function User() {
141 $this->clearInstanceCache( 'defaults' );
142 }
144 /**
145 * Load the user table data for this object from the source given by mFrom
146 */
147 function load() {
148 if ( $this->mDataLoaded ) {
149 return;
150 }
151 wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
153 # Set it now to avoid infinite recursion in accessors
154 $this->mDataLoaded = true;
156 switch ( $this->mFrom ) {
157 case 'defaults':
158 $this->loadDefaults();
159 break;
160 case 'name':
161 $this->mId = self::idFromName( $this->mName );
162 if ( !$this->mId ) {
163 # Nonexistent user placeholder object
164 $this->loadDefaults( $this->mName );
165 } else {
166 $this->loadFromId();
167 }
168 break;
169 case 'id':
170 $this->loadFromId();
171 break;
172 case 'session':
173 $this->loadFromSession();
174 break;
175 default:
176 throw new MWException( "Unrecognised value for User->mFrom: \"{$this->mFrom}\"" );
177 }
178 wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
179 }
181 /**
182 * Load user table data given mId
183 * @return false if the ID does not exist, true otherwise
184 * @private
185 */
186 function loadFromId() {
187 global $wgMemc;
188 if ( $this->mId == 0 ) {
189 $this->loadDefaults();
190 return false;
191 }
193 # Try cache
194 $key = wfMemcKey( 'user', 'id', $this->mId );
195 $data = $wgMemc->get( $key );
196 if ( !is_array( $data ) || $data['mVersion'] < MW_USER_VERSION ) {
197 # Object is expired, load from DB
198 $data = false;
199 }
201 if ( !$data ) {
202 wfDebug( "Cache miss for user {$this->mId}\n" );
203 # Load from DB
204 if ( !$this->loadFromDatabase() ) {
205 # Can't load from ID, user is anonymous
206 return false;
207 }
209 $this->saveToCache();
210 } else {
211 wfDebug( "Got user {$this->mId} from cache\n" );
212 # Restore from cache
213 foreach ( self::$mCacheVars as $name ) {
214 $this->$name = $data[$name];
215 }
216 }
217 return true;
218 }
220 /**
221 * Save user data to the shared cache
222 */
223 function saveToCache() {
224 $this->load();
225 if ( $this->isAnon() ) {
226 // Anonymous users are uncached
227 return;
228 }
229 $data = array();
230 foreach ( self::$mCacheVars as $name ) {
231 $data[$name] = $this->$name;
232 }
233 $data['mVersion'] = MW_USER_VERSION;
234 $key = wfMemcKey( 'user', 'id', $this->mId );
235 global $wgMemc;
236 $wgMemc->set( $key, $data );
237 }
239 /**
240 * Static factory method for creation from username.
241 *
242 * This is slightly less efficient than newFromId(), so use newFromId() if
243 * you have both an ID and a name handy.
244 *
245 * @param string $name Username, validated by Title:newFromText()
246 * @param mixed $validate Validate username. Takes the same parameters as
247 * User::getCanonicalName(), except that true is accepted as an alias
248 * for 'valid', for BC.
249 *
250 * @return User object, or null if the username is invalid. If the username
251 * is not present in the database, the result will be a user object with
252 * a name, zero user ID and default settings.
253 * @static
254 */
255 static function newFromName( $name, $validate = 'valid' ) {
256 if ( $validate === true ) {
257 $validate = 'valid';
258 }
259 $name = self::getCanonicalName( $name, $validate );
260 if ( $name === false ) {
261 return null;
262 } else {
263 # Create unloaded user object
264 $u = new User;
265 $u->mName = $name;
266 $u->mFrom = 'name';
267 return $u;
268 }
269 }
271 static function newFromId( $id ) {
272 $u = new User;
273 $u->mId = $id;
274 $u->mFrom = 'id';
275 return $u;
276 }
278 /**
279 * Factory method to fetch whichever user has a given email confirmation code.
280 * This code is generated when an account is created or its e-mail address
281 * has changed.
282 *
283 * If the code is invalid or has expired, returns NULL.
284 *
285 * @param string $code
286 * @return User
287 * @static
288 */
289 static function newFromConfirmationCode( $code ) {
290 $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
291 $id = $dbr->selectField( 'user', 'user_id', array(
292 'user_email_token' => md5( $code ),
293 'user_email_token_expires > ' . $dbr->addQuotes( $dbr->timestamp() ),
294 ) );
295 if( $id !== false ) {
296 return User::newFromId( $id );
297 } else {
298 return null;
299 }
300 }
302 /**
303 * Create a new user object using data from session or cookies. If the
304 * login credentials are invalid, the result is an anonymous user.
305 *
306 * @return User
307 * @static
308 */
309 static function newFromSession() {
310 $user = new User;
311 $user->mFrom = 'session';
312 return $user;
313 }
315 /**
316 * Get username given an id.
317 * @param integer $id Database user id
318 * @return string Nickname of a user
319 * @static
320 */
321 static function whoIs( $id ) {
322 $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
323 return $dbr->selectField( 'user', 'user_name', array( 'user_id' => $id ), 'User::whoIs' );
324 }
326 /**
327 * Get the real name of a user given their identifier
328 *
329 * @param int $id Database user id
330 * @return string Real name of a user
331 */
332 static function whoIsReal( $id ) {
333 $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
334 return $dbr->selectField( 'user', 'user_real_name', array( 'user_id' => $id ), __METHOD__ );
335 }
337 /**
338 * Get database id given a user name
339 * @param string $name Nickname of a user
340 * @return integer|null Database user id (null: if non existent
341 * @static
342 */
343 static function idFromName( $name ) {
344 $nt = Title::newFromText( $name );
345 if( is_null( $nt ) ) {
346 # Illegal name
347 return null;
348 }
349 $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
350 $s = $dbr->selectRow( 'user', array( 'user_id' ), array( 'user_name' => $nt->getText() ), __METHOD__ );
352 if ( $s === false ) {
353 return 0;
354 } else {
355 return $s->user_id;
356 }
357 }
359 /**
360 * Does the string match an anonymous IPv4 address?
361 *
362 * This function exists for username validation, in order to reject
363 * usernames which are similar in form to IP addresses. Strings such
364 * as 300.300.300.300 will return true because it looks like an IP
365 * address, despite not being strictly valid.
366 *
367 * We match \d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.xxx as an anonymous IP
368 * address because the usemod software would "cloak" anonymous IP
369 * addresses like this, if we allowed accounts like this to be created
370 * new users could get the old edits of these anonymous users.
371 *
372 * @static
373 * @param string $name Nickname of a user
374 * @return bool
375 */
376 static function isIP( $name ) {
377 return preg_match('/^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.(?:xxx|\d{1,3})$/',$name) || User::isIPv6($name);
378 /*return preg_match("/^
379 (?:[01]?\d{1,2}|2(:?[0-4]\d|5[0-5]))\.
380 (?:[01]?\d{1,2}|2(:?[0-4]\d|5[0-5]))\.
381 (?:[01]?\d{1,2}|2(:?[0-4]\d|5[0-5]))\.
382 (?:[01]?\d{1,2}|2(:?[0-4]\d|5[0-5]))
383 $/x", $name);*/
384 }
386 /**
387 * Check if $name is an IPv6 IP.
388 */
389 static function isIPv6($name) {
390 /*
391 * if it has any non-valid characters, it can't be a valid IPv6
392 * address.
393 */
394 if (preg_match("/[^:a-fA-F0-9]/", $name))
395 return false;
397 $parts = explode(":", $name);
398 if (count($parts) < 3)
399 return false;
400 foreach ($parts as $part) {
401 if (!preg_match("/^[0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}$/", $part))
402 return false;
403 }
404 return true;
405 }
407 /**
408 * Is the input a valid username?
409 *
410 * Checks if the input is a valid username, we don't want an empty string,
411 * an IP address, anything that containins slashes (would mess up subpages),
412 * is longer than the maximum allowed username size or doesn't begin with
413 * a capital letter.
414 *
415 * @param string $name
416 * @return bool
417 * @static
418 */
419 static function isValidUserName( $name ) {
420 global $wgContLang, $wgMaxNameChars;
422 if ( $name == ''
423 || User::isIP( $name )
424 || strpos( $name, '/' ) !== false
425 || strlen( $name ) > $wgMaxNameChars
426 || $name != $wgContLang->ucfirst( $name ) )
427 return false;
429 // Ensure that the name can't be misresolved as a different title,
430 // such as with extra namespace keys at the start.
431 $parsed = Title::newFromText( $name );
432 if( is_null( $parsed )
433 || $parsed->getNamespace()
434 || strcmp( $name, $parsed->getPrefixedText() ) )
435 return false;
437 // Check an additional blacklist of troublemaker characters.
438 // Should these be merged into the title char list?
439 $unicodeBlacklist = '/[' .
440 '\x{0080}-\x{009f}' . # iso-8859-1 control chars
441 '\x{00a0}' . # non-breaking space
442 '\x{2000}-\x{200f}' . # various whitespace
443 '\x{2028}-\x{202f}' . # breaks and control chars
444 '\x{3000}' . # ideographic space
445 '\x{e000}-\x{f8ff}' . # private use
446 ']/u';
447 if( preg_match( $unicodeBlacklist, $name ) ) {
448 return false;
449 }
451 return true;
452 }
454 /**
455 * Usernames which fail to pass this function will be blocked
456 * from user login and new account registrations, but may be used
457 * internally by batch processes.
458 *
459 * If an account already exists in this form, login will be blocked
460 * by a failure to pass this function.
461 *
462 * @param string $name
463 * @return bool
464 */
465 static function isUsableName( $name ) {
466 global $wgReservedUsernames;
467 return
468 // Must be a valid username, obviously ;)
469 self::isValidUserName( $name ) &&
471 // Certain names may be reserved for batch processes.
472 !in_array( $name, $wgReservedUsernames );
473 }
475 /**
476 * Usernames which fail to pass this function will be blocked
477 * from new account registrations, but may be used internally
478 * either by batch processes or by user accounts which have
479 * already been created.
480 *
481 * Additional character blacklisting may be added here
482 * rather than in isValidUserName() to avoid disrupting
483 * existing accounts.
484 *
485 * @param string $name
486 * @return bool
487 */
488 static function isCreatableName( $name ) {
489 return
490 self::isUsableName( $name ) &&
492 // Registration-time character blacklisting...
493 strpos( $name, '@' ) === false;
494 }
496 /**
497 * Is the input a valid password for this user?
498 *
499 * @param string $password Desired password
500 * @return bool
501 */
502 function isValidPassword( $password ) {
503 global $wgMinimalPasswordLength, $wgContLang;
505 $result = null;
506 if( !wfRunHooks( 'isValidPassword', array( $password, &$result, $this ) ) )
507 return $result;
508 if( $result === false )
509 return false;
511 // Password needs to be long enough, and can't be the same as the username
512 return strlen( $password ) >= $wgMinimalPasswordLength
513 && $wgContLang->lc( $password ) !== $wgContLang->lc( $this->mName );
514 }
516 /**
517 * Does a string look like an email address?
518 *
519 * There used to be a regular expression here, it got removed because it
520 * rejected valid addresses. Actually just check if there is '@' somewhere
521 * in the given address.
522 *
523 * @todo Check for RFC 2822 compilance (bug 959)
524 *
525 * @param string $addr email address
526 * @return bool
527 */
528 public static function isValidEmailAddr( $addr ) {
529 $result = null;
530 if( !wfRunHooks( 'isValidEmailAddr', array( $addr, &$result ) ) ) {
531 return $result;
532 }
534 return strpos( $addr, '@' ) !== false;
535 }
537 /**
538 * Given unvalidated user input, return a canonical username, or false if
539 * the username is invalid.
540 * @param string $name
541 * @param mixed $validate Type of validation to use:
542 * false No validation
543 * 'valid' Valid for batch processes
544 * 'usable' Valid for batch processes and login
545 * 'creatable' Valid for batch processes, login and account creation
546 */
547 static function getCanonicalName( $name, $validate = 'valid' ) {
548 # Force usernames to capital
549 global $wgContLang;
550 $name = $wgContLang->ucfirst( $name );
552 # Reject names containing '#'; these will be cleaned up
553 # with title normalisation, but then it's too late to
554 # check elsewhere
555 if( strpos( $name, '#' ) !== false )
556 return false;
558 # Clean up name according to title rules
559 $t = Title::newFromText( $name );
560 if( is_null( $t ) ) {
561 return false;
562 }
564 # Reject various classes of invalid names
565 $name = $t->getText();
566 global $wgAuth;
567 $name = $wgAuth->getCanonicalName( $t->getText() );
569 switch ( $validate ) {
570 case false:
571 break;
572 case 'valid':
573 if ( !User::isValidUserName( $name ) ) {
574 $name = false;
575 }
576 break;
577 case 'usable':
578 if ( !User::isUsableName( $name ) ) {
579 $name = false;
580 }
581 break;
582 case 'creatable':
583 if ( !User::isCreatableName( $name ) ) {
584 $name = false;
585 }
586 break;
587 default:
588 throw new MWException( 'Invalid parameter value for $validate in '.__METHOD__ );
589 }
590 return $name;
591 }
593 /**
594 * Count the number of edits of a user
595 *
596 * It should not be static and some day should be merged as proper member function / deprecated -- domas
597 *
598 * @param int $uid The user ID to check
599 * @return int
600 * @static
601 */
602 static function edits( $uid ) {
603 wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
604 $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
605 // check if the user_editcount field has been initialized
606 $field = $dbr->selectField(
607 'user', 'user_editcount',
608 array( 'user_id' => $uid ),
609 __METHOD__
610 );
612 if( $field === null ) { // it has not been initialized. do so.
613 $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
614 $count = $dbr->selectField(
615 'revision', 'count(*)',
616 array( 'rev_user' => $uid ),
617 __METHOD__
618 );
619 $dbw->update(
620 'user',
621 array( 'user_editcount' => $count ),
622 array( 'user_id' => $uid ),
623 __METHOD__
624 );
625 } else {
626 $count = $field;
627 }
628 wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
629 return $count;
630 }
632 /**
633 * Return a random password. Sourced from mt_rand, so it's not particularly secure.
634 * @todo hash random numbers to improve security, like generateToken()
635 *
636 * @return string
637 * @static
638 */
639 static function randomPassword() {
640 global $wgMinimalPasswordLength;
641 $pwchars = 'ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz';
642 $l = strlen( $pwchars ) - 1;
644 $pwlength = max( 7, $wgMinimalPasswordLength );
645 $digit = mt_rand(0, $pwlength - 1);
646 $np = '';
647 for ( $i = 0; $i < $pwlength; $i++ ) {
648 $np .= $i == $digit ? chr( mt_rand(48, 57) ) : $pwchars{ mt_rand(0, $l)};
649 }
650 return $np;
651 }
653 /**
654 * Set cached properties to default. Note: this no longer clears
655 * uncached lazy-initialised properties. The constructor does that instead.
656 *
657 * @private
658 */
659 function loadDefaults( $name = false ) {
660 wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
662 global $wgCookiePrefix;
664 $this->mId = 0;
665 $this->mName = $name;
666 $this->mRealName = '';
667 $this->mPassword = $this->mNewpassword = '';
668 $this->mNewpassTime = null;
669 $this->mEmail = '';
670 $this->mOptions = null; # Defer init
672 if ( isset( $_COOKIE[$wgCookiePrefix.'LoggedOut'] ) ) {
673 $this->mTouched = wfTimestamp( TS_MW, $_COOKIE[$wgCookiePrefix.'LoggedOut'] );
674 } else {
675 $this->mTouched = '0'; # Allow any pages to be cached
676 }
678 $this->setToken(); # Random
679 $this->mEmailAuthenticated = null;
680 $this->mEmailToken = '';
681 $this->mEmailTokenExpires = null;
682 $this->mRegistration = wfTimestamp( TS_MW );
683 $this->mGroups = array();
685 wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
686 }
688 /**
689 * Initialise php session
690 * @deprecated use wfSetupSession()
691 */
692 function SetupSession() {
693 wfSetupSession();
694 }
696 /**
697 * Load user data from the session or login cookie. If there are no valid
698 * credentials, initialises the user as an anon.
699 * @return true if the user is logged in, false otherwise
700 */
701 private function loadFromSession() {
702 global $wgMemc, $wgCookiePrefix;
704 if ( isset( $_SESSION['wsUserID'] ) ) {
705 if ( 0 != $_SESSION['wsUserID'] ) {
706 $sId = $_SESSION['wsUserID'];
707 } else {
708 $this->loadDefaults();
709 return false;
710 }
711 } else if ( isset( $_COOKIE["{$wgCookiePrefix}UserID"] ) ) {
712 $sId = intval( $_COOKIE["{$wgCookiePrefix}UserID"] );
713 $_SESSION['wsUserID'] = $sId;
714 } else {
715 $this->loadDefaults();
716 return false;
717 }
718 if ( isset( $_SESSION['wsUserName'] ) ) {
719 $sName = $_SESSION['wsUserName'];
720 } else if ( isset( $_COOKIE["{$wgCookiePrefix}UserName"] ) ) {
721 $sName = $_COOKIE["{$wgCookiePrefix}UserName"];
722 $_SESSION['wsUserName'] = $sName;
723 } else {
724 $this->loadDefaults();
725 return false;
726 }
728 $passwordCorrect = FALSE;
729 $this->mId = $sId;
730 if ( !$this->loadFromId() ) {
731 # Not a valid ID, loadFromId has switched the object to anon for us
732 return false;
733 }
735 if ( isset( $_SESSION['wsToken'] ) ) {
736 $passwordCorrect = $_SESSION['wsToken'] == $this->mToken;
737 $from = 'session';
738 } else if ( isset( $_COOKIE["{$wgCookiePrefix}Token"] ) ) {
739 $passwordCorrect = $this->mToken == $_COOKIE["{$wgCookiePrefix}Token"];
740 $from = 'cookie';
741 } else {
742 # No session or persistent login cookie
743 $this->loadDefaults();
744 return false;
745 }
747 if ( ( $sName == $this->mName ) && $passwordCorrect ) {
748 $_SESSION['wsToken'] = $this->mToken;
749 wfDebug( "Logged in from $from\n" );
750 return true;
751 } else {
752 # Invalid credentials
753 wfDebug( "Can't log in from $from, invalid credentials\n" );
754 $this->loadDefaults();
755 return false;
756 }
757 }
759 /**
760 * Load user and user_group data from the database
761 * $this->mId must be set, this is how the user is identified.
762 *
763 * @return true if the user exists, false if the user is anonymous
764 * @private
765 */
766 function loadFromDatabase() {
767 # Paranoia
768 $this->mId = intval( $this->mId );
770 /** Anonymous user */
771 if( !$this->mId ) {
772 $this->loadDefaults();
773 return false;
774 }
776 $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
777 $s = $dbr->selectRow( 'user', '*', array( 'user_id' => $this->mId ), __METHOD__ );
779 if ( $s !== false ) {
780 # Initialise user table data
781 $this->mName = $s->user_name;
782 $this->mRealName = $s->user_real_name;
783 $this->mPassword = $s->user_password;
784 $this->mNewpassword = $s->user_newpassword;
785 $this->mNewpassTime = wfTimestampOrNull( TS_MW, $s->user_newpass_time );
786 $this->mEmail = $s->user_email;
787 $this->decodeOptions( $s->user_options );
788 $this->mTouched = wfTimestamp(TS_MW,$s->user_touched);
789 $this->mToken = $s->user_token;
790 $this->mEmailAuthenticated = wfTimestampOrNull( TS_MW, $s->user_email_authenticated );
791 $this->mEmailToken = $s->user_email_token;
792 $this->mEmailTokenExpires = wfTimestampOrNull( TS_MW, $s->user_email_token_expires );
793 $this->mRegistration = wfTimestampOrNull( TS_MW, $s->user_registration );
794 $this->mEditCount = $s->user_editcount;
795 $this->getEditCount(); // revalidation for nulls
797 # Load group data
798 $res = $dbr->select( 'user_groups',
799 array( 'ug_group' ),
800 array( 'ug_user' => $this->mId ),
801 __METHOD__ );
802 $this->mGroups = array();
803 while( $row = $dbr->fetchObject( $res ) ) {
804 $this->mGroups[] = $row->ug_group;
805 }
806 return true;
807 } else {
808 # Invalid user_id
809 $this->mId = 0;
810 $this->loadDefaults();
811 return false;
812 }
813 }
815 /**
816 * Clear various cached data stored in this object.
817 * @param string $reloadFrom Reload user and user_groups table data from a
818 * given source. May be "name", "id", "defaults", "session" or false for
819 * no reload.
820 */
821 function clearInstanceCache( $reloadFrom = false ) {
822 $this->mNewtalk = -1;
823 $this->mDatePreference = null;
824 $this->mBlockedby = -1; # Unset
825 $this->mHash = false;
826 $this->mSkin = null;
827 $this->mRights = null;
828 $this->mEffectiveGroups = null;
830 if ( $reloadFrom ) {
831 $this->mDataLoaded = false;
832 $this->mFrom = $reloadFrom;
833 }
834 }
836 /**
837 * Combine the language default options with any site-specific options
838 * and add the default language variants.
839 * Not really private cause it's called by Language class
840 * @return array
841 * @static
842 * @private
843 */
844 static function getDefaultOptions() {
845 global $wgNamespacesToBeSearchedDefault;
846 /**
847 * Site defaults will override the global/language defaults
848 */
849 global $wgDefaultUserOptions, $wgContLang;
850 $defOpt = $wgDefaultUserOptions + $wgContLang->getDefaultUserOptionOverrides();
852 /**
853 * default language setting
854 */
855 $variant = $wgContLang->getPreferredVariant( false );
856 $defOpt['variant'] = $variant;
857 $defOpt['language'] = $variant;
859 foreach( $wgNamespacesToBeSearchedDefault as $nsnum => $val ) {
860 $defOpt['searchNs'.$nsnum] = $val;
861 }
862 return $defOpt;
863 }
865 /**
866 * Get a given default option value.
867 *
868 * @param string $opt
869 * @return string
870 * @static
871 * @public
872 */
873 function getDefaultOption( $opt ) {
874 $defOpts = User::getDefaultOptions();
875 if( isset( $defOpts[$opt] ) ) {
876 return $defOpts[$opt];
877 } else {
878 return '';
879 }
880 }
882 /**
883 * Get a list of user toggle names
884 * @return array
885 */
886 static function getToggles() {
887 global $wgContLang;
888 $extraToggles = array();
889 wfRunHooks( 'UserToggles', array( &$extraToggles ) );
890 return array_merge( self::$mToggles, $extraToggles, $wgContLang->getExtraUserToggles() );
891 }
894 /**
895 * Get blocking information
896 * @private
897 * @param bool $bFromSlave Specify whether to check slave or master. To improve performance,
898 * non-critical checks are done against slaves. Check when actually saving should be done against
899 * master.
900 */
901 function getBlockedStatus( $bFromSlave = true ) {
902 global $wgEnableSorbs, $wgProxyWhitelist;
904 if ( -1 != $this->mBlockedby ) {
905 wfDebug( "User::getBlockedStatus: already loaded.\n" );
906 return;
907 }
909 wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
910 wfDebug( __METHOD__.": checking...\n" );
912 $this->mBlockedby = 0;
913 $this->mHideName = 0;
914 $ip = wfGetIP();
916 if ($this->isAllowed( 'ipblock-exempt' ) ) {
917 # Exempt from all types of IP-block
918 $ip = '';
919 }
921 # User/IP blocking
922 $this->mBlock = new Block();
923 $this->mBlock->fromMaster( !$bFromSlave );
924 if ( $this->mBlock->load( $ip , $this->mId ) ) {
925 wfDebug( __METHOD__.": Found block.\n" );
926 $this->mBlockedby = $this->mBlock->mBy;
927 $this->mBlockreason = $this->mBlock->mReason;
928 $this->mHideName = $this->mBlock->mHideName;
929 if ( $this->isLoggedIn() ) {
930 $this->spreadBlock();
931 }
932 } else {
933 $this->mBlock = null;
934 wfDebug( __METHOD__.": No block.\n" );
935 }
937 # Proxy blocking
938 if ( !$this->isAllowed('proxyunbannable') && !in_array( $ip, $wgProxyWhitelist ) ) {
940 # Local list
941 if ( wfIsLocallyBlockedProxy( $ip ) ) {
942 $this->mBlockedby = wfMsg( 'proxyblocker' );
943 $this->mBlockreason = wfMsg( 'proxyblockreason' );
944 }
946 # DNSBL
947 if ( !$this->mBlockedby && $wgEnableSorbs && !$this->getID() ) {
948 if ( $this->inSorbsBlacklist( $ip ) ) {
949 $this->mBlockedby = wfMsg( 'sorbs' );
950 $this->mBlockreason = wfMsg( 'sorbsreason' );
951 }
952 }
953 }
955 # Extensions
956 wfRunHooks( 'GetBlockedStatus', array( &$this ) );
958 wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
959 }
961 function inSorbsBlacklist( $ip ) {
962 global $wgEnableSorbs, $wgSorbsUrl;
964 return $wgEnableSorbs &&
965 $this->inDnsBlacklist( $ip, $wgSorbsUrl );
966 }
968 function inDnsBlacklist( $ip, $base ) {
969 wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
971 $found = false;
972 $host = '';
974 $m = array();
975 if ( preg_match( '/^(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})$/', $ip, $m ) ) {
976 # Make hostname
977 for ( $i=4; $i>=1; $i-- ) {
978 $host .= $m[$i] . '.';
979 }
980 $host .= $base;
982 # Send query
983 $ipList = gethostbynamel( $host );
985 if ( $ipList ) {
986 wfDebug( "Hostname $host is {$ipList[0]}, it's a proxy says $base!\n" );
987 $found = true;
988 } else {
989 wfDebug( "Requested $host, not found in $base.\n" );
990 }
991 }
993 wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
994 return $found;
995 }
997 /**
998 * Is this user subject to rate limiting?
999 *
1000 * @return bool
1001 */
1002 public function isPingLimitable() {
1003 global $wgRateLimitsExcludedGroups;
1004 return array_intersect($this->getEffectiveGroups(), $wgRateLimitsExcludedGroups) == array();
1005 }
1007 /**
1008 * Primitive rate limits: enforce maximum actions per time period
1009 * to put a brake on flooding.
1010 *
1011 * Note: when using a shared cache like memcached, IP-address
1012 * last-hit counters will be shared across wikis.
1013 *
1014 * @return bool true if a rate limiter was tripped
1015 * @public
1016 */
1017 function pingLimiter( $action='edit' ) {
1019 # Call the 'PingLimiter' hook
1020 $result = false;
1021 if( !wfRunHooks( 'PingLimiter', array( &$this, $action, $result ) ) ) {
1022 return $result;
1023 }
1025 global $wgRateLimits, $wgRateLimitsExcludedGroups;
1026 if( !isset( $wgRateLimits[$action] ) ) {
1027 return false;
1028 }
1030 # Some groups shouldn't trigger the ping limiter, ever
1031 if( !$this->isPingLimitable() )
1032 return false;
1034 global $wgMemc, $wgRateLimitLog;
1035 wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
1037 $limits = $wgRateLimits[$action];
1038 $keys = array();
1039 $id = $this->getId();
1040 $ip = wfGetIP();
1042 if( isset( $limits['anon'] ) && $id == 0 ) {
1043 $keys[wfMemcKey( 'limiter', $action, 'anon' )] = $limits['anon'];
1044 }
1046 if( isset( $limits['user'] ) && $id != 0 ) {
1047 $keys[wfMemcKey( 'limiter', $action, 'user', $id )] = $limits['user'];
1048 }
1049 if( $this->isNewbie() ) {
1050 if( isset( $limits['newbie'] ) && $id != 0 ) {
1051 $keys[wfMemcKey( 'limiter', $action, 'user', $id )] = $limits['newbie'];
1052 }
1053 if( isset( $limits['ip'] ) ) {
1054 $keys["mediawiki:limiter:$action:ip:$ip"] = $limits['ip'];
1055 }
1056 $matches = array();
1057 if( isset( $limits['subnet'] ) && preg_match( '/^(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\.\d+$/', $ip, $matches ) ) {
1058 $subnet = $matches[1];
1059 $keys["mediawiki:limiter:$action:subnet:$subnet"] = $limits['subnet'];
1060 }
1061 }
1063 $triggered = false;
1064 foreach( $keys as $key => $limit ) {
1065 list( $max, $period ) = $limit;
1066 $summary = "(limit $max in {$period}s)";
1067 $count = $wgMemc->get( $key );
1068 if( $count ) {
1069 if( $count > $max ) {
1070 wfDebug( __METHOD__.": tripped! $key at $count $summary\n" );
1071 if( $wgRateLimitLog ) {
1072 @error_log( wfTimestamp( TS_MW ) . ' ' . wfWikiID() . ': ' . $this->getName() . " tripped $key at $count $summary\n", 3, $wgRateLimitLog );
1073 }
1074 $triggered = true;
1075 } else {
1076 wfDebug( __METHOD__.": ok. $key at $count $summary\n" );
1077 }
1078 } else {
1079 wfDebug( __METHOD__.": adding record for $key $summary\n" );
1080 $wgMemc->add( $key, 1, intval( $period ) );
1081 }
1082 $wgMemc->incr( $key );
1083 }
1085 wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
1086 return $triggered;
1087 }
1089 /**
1090 * Check if user is blocked
1091 * @return bool True if blocked, false otherwise
1092 */
1093 function isBlocked( $bFromSlave = true ) { // hacked from false due to horrible probs on site
1094 wfDebug( "User::isBlocked: enter\n" );
1095 $this->getBlockedStatus( $bFromSlave );
1096 return $this->mBlockedby !== 0;
1097 }
1099 /**
1100 * Check if user is blocked from editing a particular article
1101 */
1102 function isBlockedFrom( $title, $bFromSlave = false ) {
1103 global $wgBlockAllowsUTEdit;
1104 wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
1105 wfDebug( __METHOD__.": enter\n" );
1107 wfDebug( __METHOD__.": asking isBlocked()\n" );
1108 $blocked = $this->isBlocked( $bFromSlave );
1109 # If a user's name is suppressed, they cannot make edits anywhere
1110 if ( !$this->mHideName && $wgBlockAllowsUTEdit && $title->getText() === $this->getName() &&
1111 $title->getNamespace() == NS_USER_TALK ) {
1112 $blocked = false;
1113 wfDebug( __METHOD__.": self-talk page, ignoring any blocks\n" );
1114 }
1115 wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
1116 return $blocked;
1117 }
1119 /**
1120 * Get name of blocker
1121 * @return string name of blocker
1122 */
1123 function blockedBy() {
1124 $this->getBlockedStatus();
1125 return $this->mBlockedby;
1126 }
1128 /**
1129 * Get blocking reason
1130 * @return string Blocking reason
1131 */
1132 function blockedFor() {
1133 $this->getBlockedStatus();
1134 return $this->mBlockreason;
1135 }
1137 /**
1138 * Get the user ID. Returns 0 if the user is anonymous or nonexistent.
1139 */
1140 function getID() {
1141 if( $this->mId === null and $this->mName !== null
1142 and User::isIP( $this->mName ) ) {
1143 // Special case, we know the user is anonymous
1144 return 0;
1145 } elseif( $this->mId === null ) {
1146 // Don't load if this was initialized from an ID
1147 $this->load();
1148 }
1149 return $this->mId;
1150 }
1152 /**
1153 * Set the user and reload all fields according to that ID
1154 * @deprecated use User::newFromId()
1155 */
1156 function setID( $v ) {
1157 $this->mId = $v;
1158 $this->clearInstanceCache( 'id' );
1159 }
1161 /**
1162 * Get the user name, or the IP for anons
1163 */
1164 function getName() {
1165 if ( !$this->mDataLoaded && $this->mFrom == 'name' ) {
1166 # Special case optimisation
1167 return $this->mName;
1168 } else {
1169 $this->load();
1170 if ( $this->mName === false ) {
1171 # Clean up IPs
1172 $this->mName = IP::sanitizeIP( wfGetIP() );
1173 }
1174 return $this->mName;
1175 }
1176 }
1178 /**
1179 * Set the user name.
1180 *
1181 * This does not reload fields from the database according to the given
1182 * name. Rather, it is used to create a temporary "nonexistent user" for
1183 * later addition to the database. It can also be used to set the IP
1184 * address for an anonymous user to something other than the current
1185 * remote IP.
1186 *
1187 * User::newFromName() has rougly the same function, when the named user
1188 * does not exist.
1189 */
1190 function setName( $str ) {
1191 $this->load();
1192 $this->mName = $str;
1193 }
1195 /**
1196 * Return the title dbkey form of the name, for eg user pages.
1197 * @return string
1198 * @public
1199 */
1200 function getTitleKey() {
1201 return str_replace( ' ', '_', $this->getName() );
1202 }
1204 function getNewtalk() {
1205 $this->load();
1207 # Load the newtalk status if it is unloaded (mNewtalk=-1)
1208 if( $this->mNewtalk === -1 ) {
1209 $this->mNewtalk = false; # reset talk page status
1211 # Check memcached separately for anons, who have no
1212 # entire User object stored in there.
1213 if( !$this->mId ) {
1214 global $wgMemc;
1215 $key = wfMemcKey( 'newtalk', 'ip', $this->getName() );
1216 $newtalk = $wgMemc->get( $key );
1217 if( strval( $newtalk ) !== '' ) {
1218 $this->mNewtalk = (bool)$newtalk;
1219 } else {
1220 // Since we are caching this, make sure it is up to date by getting it
1221 // from the master
1222 $this->mNewtalk = $this->checkNewtalk( 'user_ip', $this->getName(), true );
1223 $wgMemc->set( $key, (int)$this->mNewtalk, 1800 );
1224 }
1225 } else {
1226 $this->mNewtalk = $this->checkNewtalk( 'user_id', $this->mId );
1227 }
1228 }
1230 return (bool)$this->mNewtalk;
1231 }
1233 /**
1234 * Return the talk page(s) this user has new messages on.
1235 */
1236 function getNewMessageLinks() {
1237 $talks = array();
1238 if (!wfRunHooks('UserRetrieveNewTalks', array(&$this, &$talks)))
1239 return $talks;
1241 if (!$this->getNewtalk())
1242 return array();
1243 $up = $this->getUserPage();
1244 $utp = $up->getTalkPage();
1245 return array(array("wiki" => wfWikiID(), "link" => $utp->getLocalURL()));
1246 }
1249 /**
1250 * Perform a user_newtalk check, uncached.
1251 * Use getNewtalk for a cached check.
1252 *
1253 * @param string $field
1254 * @param mixed $id
1255 * @param bool $fromMaster True to fetch from the master, false for a slave
1256 * @return bool
1257 * @private
1258 */
1259 function checkNewtalk( $field, $id, $fromMaster = false ) {
1260 if ( $fromMaster ) {
1261 $db = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
1262 } else {
1263 $db = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
1264 }
1265 $ok = $db->selectField( 'user_newtalk', $field,
1266 array( $field => $id ), __METHOD__ );
1267 return $ok !== false;
1268 }
1270 /**
1271 * Add or update the
1272 * @param string $field
1273 * @param mixed $id
1274 * @private
1275 */
1276 function updateNewtalk( $field, $id ) {
1277 $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
1278 $dbw->insert( 'user_newtalk',
1279 array( $field => $id ),
1280 __METHOD__,
1281 'IGNORE' );
1282 if ( $dbw->affectedRows() ) {
1283 wfDebug( __METHOD__.": set on ($field, $id)\n" );
1284 return true;
1285 } else {
1286 wfDebug( __METHOD__." already set ($field, $id)\n" );
1287 return false;
1288 }
1289 }
1291 /**
1292 * Clear the new messages flag for the given user
1293 * @param string $field
1294 * @param mixed $id
1295 * @private
1296 */
1297 function deleteNewtalk( $field, $id ) {
1298 $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
1299 $dbw->delete( 'user_newtalk',
1300 array( $field => $id ),
1301 __METHOD__ );
1302 if ( $dbw->affectedRows() ) {
1303 wfDebug( __METHOD__.": killed on ($field, $id)\n" );
1304 return true;
1305 } else {
1306 wfDebug( __METHOD__.": already gone ($field, $id)\n" );
1307 return false;
1308 }
1309 }
1311 /**
1312 * Update the 'You have new messages!' status.
1313 * @param bool $val
1314 */
1315 function setNewtalk( $val ) {
1316 if( wfReadOnly() ) {
1317 return;
1318 }
1320 $this->load();
1321 $this->mNewtalk = $val;
1323 if( $this->isAnon() ) {
1324 $field = 'user_ip';
1325 $id = $this->getName();
1326 } else {
1327 $field = 'user_id';
1328 $id = $this->getId();
1329 }
1330 global $wgMemc;
1332 if( $val ) {
1333 $changed = $this->updateNewtalk( $field, $id );
1334 } else {
1335 $changed = $this->deleteNewtalk( $field, $id );
1336 }
1338 if( $this->isAnon() ) {
1339 // Anons have a separate memcached space, since
1340 // user records aren't kept for them.
1341 $key = wfMemcKey( 'newtalk', 'ip', $id );
1342 $wgMemc->set( $key, $val ? 1 : 0, 1800 );
1343 }
1344 if ( $changed ) {
1345 $this->invalidateCache();
1346 }
1347 }
1349 /**
1350 * Generate a current or new-future timestamp to be stored in the
1351 * user_touched field when we update things.
1352 */
1353 private static function newTouchedTimestamp() {
1354 global $wgClockSkewFudge;
1355 return wfTimestamp( TS_MW, time() + $wgClockSkewFudge );
1356 }
1358 /**
1359 * Clear user data from memcached.
1360 * Use after applying fun updates to the database; caller's
1361 * responsibility to update user_touched if appropriate.
1362 *
1363 * Called implicitly from invalidateCache() and saveSettings().
1364 */
1365 private function clearSharedCache() {
1366 if( $this->mId ) {
1367 global $wgMemc;
1368 $wgMemc->delete( wfMemcKey( 'user', 'id', $this->mId ) );
1369 }
1370 }
1372 /**
1373 * Immediately touch the user data cache for this account.
1374 * Updates user_touched field, and removes account data from memcached
1375 * for reload on the next hit.
1376 */
1377 function invalidateCache() {
1378 $this->load();
1379 if( $this->mId ) {
1380 $this->mTouched = self::newTouchedTimestamp();
1382 $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
1383 $dbw->update( 'user',
1384 array( 'user_touched' => $dbw->timestamp( $this->mTouched ) ),
1385 array( 'user_id' => $this->mId ),
1386 __METHOD__ );
1388 $this->clearSharedCache();
1389 }
1390 }
1392 function validateCache( $timestamp ) {
1393 $this->load();
1394 return ($timestamp >= $this->mTouched);
1395 }
1397 /**
1398 * Encrypt a password.
1399 * It can eventually salt a password.
1400 * @see User::addSalt()
1401 * @param string $p clear Password.
1402 * @return string Encrypted password.
1403 */
1404 function encryptPassword( $p ) {
1405 $this->load();
1406 return wfEncryptPassword( $this->mId, $p );
1407 }
1409 /**
1410 * Set the password and reset the random token
1411 * Calls through to authentication plugin if necessary;
1412 * will have no effect if the auth plugin refuses to
1413 * pass the change through or if the legal password
1414 * checks fail.
1415 *
1416 * As a special case, setting the password to null
1417 * wipes it, so the account cannot be logged in until
1418 * a new password is set, for instance via e-mail.
1419 *
1420 * @param string $str
1421 * @throws PasswordError on failure
1422 */
1423 function setPassword( $str ) {
1424 global $wgAuth;
1426 if( $str !== null ) {
1427 if( !$wgAuth->allowPasswordChange() ) {
1428 throw new PasswordError( wfMsg( 'password-change-forbidden' ) );
1429 }
1431 if( !$this->isValidPassword( $str ) ) {
1432 global $wgMinimalPasswordLength;
1433 throw new PasswordError( wfMsg( 'passwordtooshort',
1434 $wgMinimalPasswordLength ) );
1435 }
1436 }
1438 if( !$wgAuth->setPassword( $this, $str ) ) {
1439 throw new PasswordError( wfMsg( 'externaldberror' ) );
1440 }
1442 $this->setInternalPassword( $str );
1444 return true;
1445 }
1447 /**
1448 * Set the password and reset the random token no matter
1449 * what.
1450 *
1451 * @param string $str
1452 */
1453 function setInternalPassword( $str ) {
1454 $this->load();
1455 $this->setToken();
1457 if( $str === null ) {
1458 // Save an invalid hash...
1459 $this->mPassword = '';
1460 } else {
1461 $this->mPassword = $this->encryptPassword( $str );
1462 }
1463 $this->mNewpassword = '';
1464 $this->mNewpassTime = null;
1465 }
1466 /**
1467 * Set the random token (used for persistent authentication)
1468 * Called from loadDefaults() among other places.
1469 * @private
1470 */
1471 function setToken( $token = false ) {
1472 global $wgSecretKey, $wgProxyKey;
1473 $this->load();
1474 if ( !$token ) {
1475 if ( $wgSecretKey ) {
1476 $key = $wgSecretKey;
1477 } elseif ( $wgProxyKey ) {
1478 $key = $wgProxyKey;
1479 } else {
1480 $key = microtime();
1481 }
1482 $this->mToken = md5( $key . mt_rand( 0, 0x7fffffff ) . wfWikiID() . $this->mId );
1483 } else {
1484 $this->mToken = $token;
1485 }
1486 }
1488 function setCookiePassword( $str ) {
1489 $this->load();
1490 $this->mCookiePassword = md5( $str );
1491 }
1493 /**
1494 * Set the password for a password reminder or new account email
1495 * Sets the user_newpass_time field if $throttle is true
1496 */
1497 function setNewpassword( $str, $throttle = true ) {
1498 $this->load();
1499 $this->mNewpassword = $this->encryptPassword( $str );
1500 if ( $throttle ) {
1501 $this->mNewpassTime = wfTimestampNow();
1502 }
1503 }
1505 /**
1506 * Returns true if a password reminder email has already been sent within
1507 * the last $wgPasswordReminderResendTime hours
1508 */
1509 function isPasswordReminderThrottled() {
1510 global $wgPasswordReminderResendTime;
1511 $this->load();
1512 if ( !$this->mNewpassTime || !$wgPasswordReminderResendTime ) {
1513 return false;
1514 }
1515 $expiry = wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, $this->mNewpassTime ) + $wgPasswordReminderResendTime * 3600;
1516 return time() < $expiry;
1517 }
1519 function getEmail() {
1520 $this->load();
1521 return $this->mEmail;
1522 }
1524 function getEmailAuthenticationTimestamp() {
1525 $this->load();
1526 return $this->mEmailAuthenticated;
1527 }
1529 function setEmail( $str ) {
1530 $this->load();
1531 $this->mEmail = $str;
1532 }
1534 function getRealName() {
1535 $this->load();
1536 return $this->mRealName;
1537 }
1539 function setRealName( $str ) {
1540 $this->load();
1541 $this->mRealName = $str;
1542 }
1544 /**
1545 * @param string $oname The option to check
1546 * @param string $defaultOverride A default value returned if the option does not exist
1547 * @return string
1548 */
1549 function getOption( $oname, $defaultOverride = '' ) {
1550 $this->load();
1552 if ( is_null( $this->mOptions ) ) {
1553 if($defaultOverride != '') {
1554 return $defaultOverride;
1555 }
1556 $this->mOptions = User::getDefaultOptions();
1557 }
1559 if ( array_key_exists( $oname, $this->mOptions ) ) {
1560 return trim( $this->mOptions[$oname] );
1561 } else {
1562 return $defaultOverride;
1563 }
1564 }
1566 /**
1567 * Get the user's date preference, including some important migration for
1568 * old user rows.
1569 */
1570 function getDatePreference() {
1571 if ( is_null( $this->mDatePreference ) ) {
1572 global $wgLang;
1573 $value = $this->getOption( 'date' );
1574 $map = $wgLang->getDatePreferenceMigrationMap();
1575 if ( isset( $map[$value] ) ) {
1576 $value = $map[$value];
1577 }
1578 $this->mDatePreference = $value;
1579 }
1580 return $this->mDatePreference;
1581 }
1583 /**
1584 * @param string $oname The option to check
1585 * @return bool False if the option is not selected, true if it is
1586 */
1587 function getBoolOption( $oname ) {
1588 return (bool)$this->getOption( $oname );
1589 }
1591 /**
1592 * Get an option as an integer value from the source string.
1593 * @param string $oname The option to check
1594 * @param int $default Optional value to return if option is unset/blank.
1595 * @return int
1596 */
1597 function getIntOption( $oname, $default=0 ) {
1598 $val = $this->getOption( $oname );
1599 if( $val == '' ) {
1600 $val = $default;
1601 }
1602 return intval( $val );
1603 }
1605 function setOption( $oname, $val ) {
1606 $this->load();
1607 if ( is_null( $this->mOptions ) ) {
1608 $this->mOptions = User::getDefaultOptions();
1609 }
1610 if ( $oname == 'skin' ) {
1611 # Clear cached skin, so the new one displays immediately in Special:Preferences
1612 unset( $this->mSkin );
1613 }
1614 // Filter out any newlines that may have passed through input validation.
1615 // Newlines are used to separate items in the options blob.
1616 $val = str_replace( "\r\n", "\n", $val );
1617 $val = str_replace( "\r", "\n", $val );
1618 $val = str_replace( "\n", " ", $val );
1619 $this->mOptions[$oname] = $val;
1620 }
1622 function getRights() {
1623 if ( is_null( $this->mRights ) ) {
1624 $this->mRights = self::getGroupPermissions( $this->getEffectiveGroups() );
1625 wfRunHooks( 'UserGetRights', array( $this, &$this->mRights ) );
1626 }
1627 return $this->mRights;
1628 }
1630 /**
1631 * Get the list of explicit group memberships this user has.
1632 * The implicit * and user groups are not included.
1633 * @return array of strings
1634 */
1635 function getGroups() {
1636 $this->load();
1637 return $this->mGroups;
1638 }
1640 /**
1641 * Get the list of implicit group memberships this user has.
1642 * This includes all explicit groups, plus 'user' if logged in
1643 * and '*' for all accounts.
1644 * @param boolean $recache Don't use the cache
1645 * @return array of strings
1646 */
1647 function getEffectiveGroups( $recache = false ) {
1648 if ( $recache || is_null( $this->mEffectiveGroups ) ) {
1649 $this->load();
1650 $this->mEffectiveGroups = $this->mGroups;
1651 $this->mEffectiveGroups[] = '*';
1652 if( $this->mId ) {
1653 $this->mEffectiveGroups[] = 'user';
1655 $this->mEffectiveGroups = array_unique( array_merge(
1656 $this->mEffectiveGroups,
1657 Autopromote::getAutopromoteGroups( $this )
1658 ) );
1660 # Hook for additional groups
1661 wfRunHooks( 'UserEffectiveGroups', array( &$this, &$this->mEffectiveGroups ) );
1662 }
1663 }
1664 return $this->mEffectiveGroups;
1665 }
1667 /* Return the edit count for the user. This is where User::edits should have been */
1668 function getEditCount() {
1669 if ($this->mId) {
1670 if ( !isset( $this->mEditCount ) ) {
1671 /* Populate the count, if it has not been populated yet */
1672 $this->mEditCount = User::edits($this->mId);
1673 }
1674 return $this->mEditCount;
1675 } else {
1676 /* nil */
1677 return null;
1678 }
1679 }
1681 /**
1682 * Add the user to the given group.
1683 * This takes immediate effect.
1684 * @param string $group
1685 */
1686 function addGroup( $group ) {
1687 $this->load();
1688 $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
1689 if( $this->getId() ) {
1690 $dbw->insert( 'user_groups',
1691 array(
1692 'ug_user' => $this->getID(),
1693 'ug_group' => $group,
1694 ),
1695 'User::addGroup',
1696 array( 'IGNORE' ) );
1697 }
1699 $this->mGroups[] = $group;
1700 $this->mRights = User::getGroupPermissions( $this->getEffectiveGroups( true ) );
1702 $this->invalidateCache();
1703 }
1705 /**
1706 * Remove the user from the given group.
1707 * This takes immediate effect.
1708 * @param string $group
1709 */
1710 function removeGroup( $group ) {
1711 $this->load();
1712 $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
1713 $dbw->delete( 'user_groups',
1714 array(
1715 'ug_user' => $this->getID(),
1716 'ug_group' => $group,
1717 ),
1718 'User::removeGroup' );
1720 $this->mGroups = array_diff( $this->mGroups, array( $group ) );
1721 $this->mRights = User::getGroupPermissions( $this->getEffectiveGroups( true ) );
1723 $this->invalidateCache();
1724 }
1727 /**
1728 * A more legible check for non-anonymousness.
1729 * Returns true if the user is not an anonymous visitor.
1730 *
1731 * @return bool
1732 * @fixme "special-case optimization" may fail for an object referring to a user that doesn't exist in the system.
1733 */
1734 function isLoggedIn() {
1735 if( $this->mId === null and $this->mName !== null ) {
1736 // Special-case optimization
1737 return !self::isIP( $this->mName );
1738 }
1739 return $this->getID() != 0;
1740 }
1742 /**
1743 * A more legible check for anonymousness.
1744 * Returns true if the user is an anonymous visitor.
1745 *
1746 * @return bool
1747 */
1748 function isAnon() {
1749 return !$this->isLoggedIn();
1750 }
1752 /**
1753 * Whether the user is a bot
1754 * @deprecated
1755 */
1756 function isBot() {
1757 return $this->isAllowed( 'bot' );
1758 }
1760 /**
1761 * Check if user is allowed to access a feature / make an action
1762 * @param string $action Action to be checked
1763 * @return boolean True: action is allowed, False: action should not be allowed
1764 */
1765 function isAllowed($action='') {
1766 if ( $action === '' )
1767 // In the spirit of DWIM
1768 return true;
1770 return in_array( $action, $this->getRights() );
1771 }
1773 /**
1774 * Load a skin if it doesn't exist or return it
1775 * @todo FIXME : need to check the old failback system [AV]
1776 */
1777 function &getSkin() {
1778 global $wgRequest;
1779 if ( ! isset( $this->mSkin ) ) {
1780 wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
1782 # get the user skin
1783 $userSkin = $this->getOption( 'skin' );
1784 $userSkin = $wgRequest->getVal('useskin', $userSkin);
1786 $this->mSkin =& Skin::newFromKey( $userSkin );
1787 wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
1788 }
1789 return $this->mSkin;
1790 }
1792 /**#@+
1793 * @param string $title Article title to look at
1794 */
1796 /**
1797 * Check watched status of an article
1798 * @return bool True if article is watched
1799 */
1800 function isWatched( $title ) {
1801 $wl = WatchedItem::fromUserTitle( $this, $title );
1802 return $wl->isWatched();
1803 }
1805 /**
1806 * Watch an article
1807 */
1808 function addWatch( $title ) {
1809 $wl = WatchedItem::fromUserTitle( $this, $title );
1810 $wl->addWatch();
1811 $this->invalidateCache();
1812 }
1814 /**
1815 * Stop watching an article
1816 */
1817 function removeWatch( $title ) {
1818 $wl = WatchedItem::fromUserTitle( $this, $title );
1819 $wl->removeWatch();
1820 $this->invalidateCache();
1821 }
1823 /**
1824 * Clear the user's notification timestamp for the given title.
1825 * If e-notif e-mails are on, they will receive notification mails on
1826 * the next change of the page if it's watched etc.
1827 */
1828 function clearNotification( &$title ) {
1829 global $wgUser, $wgUseEnotif;
1831 # Do nothing if the database is locked to writes
1832 if( wfReadOnly() ) {
1833 return;
1834 }
1836 if ($title->getNamespace() == NS_USER_TALK &&
1837 $title->getText() == $this->getName() ) {
1838 if (!wfRunHooks('UserClearNewTalkNotification', array(&$this)))
1839 return;
1840 $this->setNewtalk( false );
1841 }
1843 if( !$wgUseEnotif ) {
1844 return;
1845 }
1847 if( $this->isAnon() ) {
1848 // Nothing else to do...
1849 return;
1850 }
1852 // Only update the timestamp if the page is being watched.
1853 // The query to find out if it is watched is cached both in memcached and per-invocation,
1854 // and when it does have to be executed, it can be on a slave
1855 // If this is the user's newtalk page, we always update the timestamp
1856 if ($title->getNamespace() == NS_USER_TALK &&
1857 $title->getText() == $wgUser->getName())
1858 {
1859 $watched = true;
1860 } elseif ( $this->getID() == $wgUser->getID() ) {
1861 $watched = $title->userIsWatching();
1862 } else {
1863 $watched = true;
1864 }
1866 // If the page is watched by the user (or may be watched), update the timestamp on any
1867 // any matching rows
1868 if ( $watched ) {
1869 $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
1870 $dbw->update( 'watchlist',
1871 array( /* SET */
1872 'wl_notificationtimestamp' => NULL
1873 ), array( /* WHERE */
1874 'wl_title' => $title->getDBkey(),
1875 'wl_namespace' => $title->getNamespace(),
1876 'wl_user' => $this->getID()
1877 ), 'User::clearLastVisited'
1878 );
1879 }
1880 }
1882 /**#@-*/
1884 /**
1885 * Resets all of the given user's page-change notification timestamps.
1886 * If e-notif e-mails are on, they will receive notification mails on
1887 * the next change of any watched page.
1888 *
1889 * @param int $currentUser user ID number
1890 * @public
1891 */
1892 function clearAllNotifications( $currentUser ) {
1893 global $wgUseEnotif;
1894 if ( !$wgUseEnotif ) {
1895 $this->setNewtalk( false );
1896 return;
1897 }
1898 if( $currentUser != 0 ) {
1900 $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
1901 $dbw->update( 'watchlist',
1902 array( /* SET */
1903 'wl_notificationtimestamp' => NULL
1904 ), array( /* WHERE */
1905 'wl_user' => $currentUser
1906 ), __METHOD__
1907 );
1909 # we also need to clear here the "you have new message" notification for the own user_talk page
1910 # This is cleared one page view later in Article::viewUpdates();
1911 }
1912 }
1914 /**
1915 * @private
1916 * @return string Encoding options
1917 */
1918 function encodeOptions() {
1919 $this->load();
1920 if ( is_null( $this->mOptions ) ) {
1921 $this->mOptions = User::getDefaultOptions();
1922 }
1923 $a = array();
1924 foreach ( $this->mOptions as $oname => $oval ) {
1925 array_push( $a, $oname.'='.$oval );
1926 }
1927 $s = implode( "\n", $a );
1928 return $s;
1929 }
1931 /**
1932 * @private
1933 */
1934 function decodeOptions( $str ) {
1935 $this->mOptions = array();
1936 $a = explode( "\n", $str );
1937 foreach ( $a as $s ) {
1938 $m = array();
1939 if ( preg_match( "/^(.[^=]*)=(.*)$/", $s, $m ) ) {
1940 $this->mOptions[$m[1]] = $m[2];
1941 }
1942 }
1943 }
1945 function setCookies() {
1946 global $wgCookieExpiration, $wgCookiePath, $wgCookieDomain, $wgCookieSecure, $wgCookiePrefix;
1947 $this->load();
1948 if ( 0 == $this->mId ) return;
1949 $exp = time() + $wgCookieExpiration;
1951 $_SESSION['wsUserID'] = $this->mId;
1952 setcookie( $wgCookiePrefix.'UserID', $this->mId, $exp, $wgCookiePath, $wgCookieDomain, $wgCookieSecure );
1954 $_SESSION['wsUserName'] = $this->getName();
1955 setcookie( $wgCookiePrefix.'UserName', $this->getName(), $exp, $wgCookiePath, $wgCookieDomain, $wgCookieSecure );
1957 $_SESSION['wsToken'] = $this->mToken;
1958 if ( 1 == $this->getOption( 'rememberpassword' ) ) {
1959 setcookie( $wgCookiePrefix.'Token', $this->mToken, $exp, $wgCookiePath, $wgCookieDomain, $wgCookieSecure );
1960 } else {
1961 setcookie( $wgCookiePrefix.'Token', '', time() - 3600 );
1962 }
1963 }
1965 /**
1966 * Logout user
1967 * Clears the cookies and session, resets the instance cache
1968 */
1969 function logout() {
1970 global $wgCookiePath, $wgCookieDomain, $wgCookieSecure, $wgCookiePrefix;
1971 $this->clearInstanceCache( 'defaults' );
1973 $_SESSION['wsUserID'] = 0;
1975 setcookie( $wgCookiePrefix.'UserID', '', time() - 3600, $wgCookiePath, $wgCookieDomain, $wgCookieSecure );
1976 setcookie( $wgCookiePrefix.'Token', '', time() - 3600, $wgCookiePath, $wgCookieDomain, $wgCookieSecure );
1978 # Remember when user logged out, to prevent seeing cached pages
1979 setcookie( $wgCookiePrefix.'LoggedOut', wfTimestampNow(), time() + 86400, $wgCookiePath, $wgCookieDomain, $wgCookieSecure );
1980 }
1982 /**
1983 * Save object settings into database
1984 * @todo Only rarely do all these fields need to be set!
1985 */
1986 function saveSettings() {
1987 $this->load();
1988 if ( wfReadOnly() ) { return; }
1989 if ( 0 == $this->mId ) { return; }
1991 $this->mTouched = self::newTouchedTimestamp();
1993 $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
1994 $dbw->update( 'user',
1995 array( /* SET */
1996 'user_name' => $this->mName,
1997 'user_password' => $this->mPassword,
1998 'user_newpassword' => $this->mNewpassword,
1999 'user_newpass_time' => $dbw->timestampOrNull( $this->mNewpassTime ),
2000 'user_real_name' => $this->mRealName,
2001 'user_email' => $this->mEmail,
2002 'user_email_authenticated' => $dbw->timestampOrNull( $this->mEmailAuthenticated ),
2003 'user_options' => $this->encodeOptions(),
2004 'user_touched' => $dbw->timestamp($this->mTouched),
2005 'user_token' => $this->mToken
2006 ), array( /* WHERE */
2007 'user_id' => $this->mId
2008 ), __METHOD__
2009 );
2010 $this->clearSharedCache();
2011 }
2014 /**
2015 * Checks if a user with the given name exists, returns the ID
2016 */
2017 function idForName() {
2018 $s = trim( $this->getName() );
2019 if ( 0 == strcmp( '', $s ) ) return 0;
2021 $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
2022 $id = $dbr->selectField( 'user', 'user_id', array( 'user_name' => $s ), __METHOD__ );
2023 if ( $id === false ) {
2024 $id = 0;
2025 }
2026 return $id;
2027 }
2029 /**
2030 * Add a user to the database, return the user object
2031 *
2032 * @param string $name The user's name
2033 * @param array $params Associative array of non-default parameters to save to the database:
2034 * password The user's password. Password logins will be disabled if this is omitted.
2035 * newpassword A temporary password mailed to the user
2036 * email The user's email address
2037 * email_authenticated The email authentication timestamp
2038 * real_name The user's real name
2039 * options An associative array of non-default options
2040 * token Random authentication token. Do not set.
2041 * registration Registration timestamp. Do not set.
2042 *
2043 * @return User object, or null if the username already exists
2044 */
2045 static function createNew( $name, $params = array() ) {
2046 $user = new User;
2047 $user->load();
2048 if ( isset( $params['options'] ) ) {
2049 $user->mOptions = $params['options'] + $user->mOptions;
2050 unset( $params['options'] );
2051 }
2052 $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
2053 $seqVal = $dbw->nextSequenceValue( 'user_user_id_seq' );
2054 $fields = array(
2055 'user_id' => $seqVal,
2056 'user_name' => $name,
2057 'user_password' => $user->mPassword,
2058 'user_newpassword' => $user->mNewpassword,
2059 'user_newpass_time' => $dbw->timestamp( $user->mNewpassTime ),
2060 'user_email' => $user->mEmail,
2061 'user_email_authenticated' => $dbw->timestampOrNull( $user->mEmailAuthenticated ),
2062 'user_real_name' => $user->mRealName,
2063 'user_options' => $user->encodeOptions(),
2064 'user_token' => $user->mToken,
2065 'user_registration' => $dbw->timestamp( $user->mRegistration ),
2066 'user_editcount' => 0,
2067 );
2068 foreach ( $params as $name => $value ) {
2069 $fields["user_$name"] = $value;
2070 }
2071 $dbw->insert( 'user', $fields, __METHOD__, array( 'IGNORE' ) );
2072 if ( $dbw->affectedRows() ) {
2073 $newUser = User::newFromId( $dbw->insertId() );
2074 } else {
2075 $newUser = null;
2076 }
2077 return $newUser;
2078 }
2080 /**
2081 * Add an existing user object to the database
2082 */
2083 function addToDatabase() {
2084 $this->load();
2085 $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
2086 $seqVal = $dbw->nextSequenceValue( 'user_user_id_seq' );
2087 $dbw->insert( 'user',
2088 array(
2089 'user_id' => $seqVal,
2090 'user_name' => $this->mName,
2091 'user_password' => $this->mPassword,
2092 'user_newpassword' => $this->mNewpassword,
2093 'user_newpass_time' => $dbw->timestamp( $this->mNewpassTime ),
2094 'user_email' => $this->mEmail,
2095 'user_email_authenticated' => $dbw->timestampOrNull( $this->mEmailAuthenticated ),
2096 'user_real_name' => $this->mRealName,
2097 'user_options' => $this->encodeOptions(),
2098 'user_token' => $this->mToken,
2099 'user_registration' => $dbw->timestamp( $this->mRegistration ),
2100 'user_editcount' => 0,
2101 ), __METHOD__
2102 );
2103 $this->mId = $dbw->insertId();
2105 # Clear instance cache other than user table data, which is already accurate
2106 $this->clearInstanceCache();
2107 }
2109 /**
2110 * If the (non-anonymous) user is blocked, this function will block any IP address
2111 * that they successfully log on from.
2112 */
2113 function spreadBlock() {
2114 wfDebug( __METHOD__."()\n" );
2115 $this->load();
2116 if ( $this->mId == 0 ) {
2117 return;
2118 }
2120 $userblock = Block::newFromDB( '', $this->mId );
2121 if ( !$userblock ) {
2122 return;
2123 }
2125 $userblock->doAutoblock( wfGetIp() );
2127 }
2129 /**
2130 * Generate a string which will be different for any combination of
2131 * user options which would produce different parser output.
2132 * This will be used as part of the hash key for the parser cache,
2133 * so users will the same options can share the same cached data
2134 * safely.
2135 *
2136 * Extensions which require it should install 'PageRenderingHash' hook,
2137 * which will give them a chance to modify this key based on their own
2138 * settings.
2139 *
2140 * @return string
2141 */
2142 function getPageRenderingHash() {
2143 global $wgContLang, $wgUseDynamicDates, $wgLang;
2144 if( $this->mHash ){
2145 return $this->mHash;
2146 }
2148 // stubthreshold is only included below for completeness,
2149 // it will always be 0 when this function is called by parsercache.
2151 $confstr = $this->getOption( 'math' );
2152 $confstr .= '!' . $this->getOption( 'stubthreshold' );
2153 if ( $wgUseDynamicDates ) {
2154 $confstr .= '!' . $this->getDatePreference();
2155 }
2156 $confstr .= '!' . ($this->getOption( 'numberheadings' ) ? '1' : '');
2157 $confstr .= '!' . $wgLang->getCode();
2158 $confstr .= '!' . $this->getOption( 'thumbsize' );
2159 // add in language specific options, if any
2160 $extra = $wgContLang->getExtraHashOptions();
2161 $confstr .= $extra;
2163 // Give a chance for extensions to modify the hash, if they have
2164 // extra options or other effects on the parser cache.
2165 wfRunHooks( 'PageRenderingHash', array( &$confstr ) );
2167 // Make it a valid memcached key fragment
2168 $confstr = str_replace( ' ', '_', $confstr );
2169 $this->mHash = $confstr;
2170 return $confstr;
2171 }
2173 function isBlockedFromCreateAccount() {
2174 $this->getBlockedStatus();
2175 return $this->mBlock && $this->mBlock->mCreateAccount;
2176 }
2178 /**
2179 * Determine if the user is blocked from using Special:Emailuser.
2180 *
2181 * @public
2182 * @return boolean
2183 */
2184 function isBlockedFromEmailuser() {
2185 $this->getBlockedStatus();
2186 return $this->mBlock && $this->mBlock->mBlockEmail;
2187 }
2189 function isAllowedToCreateAccount() {
2190 return $this->isAllowed( 'createaccount' ) && !$this->isBlockedFromCreateAccount();
2191 }
2193 /**
2194 * @deprecated
2195 */
2196 function setLoaded( $loaded ) {}
2198 /**
2199 * Get this user's personal page title.
2200 *
2201 * @return Title
2202 * @public
2203 */
2204 function getUserPage() {
2205 return Title::makeTitle( NS_USER, $this->getName() );
2206 }
2208 /**
2209 * Get this user's talk page title.
2210 *
2211 * @return Title
2212 * @public
2213 */
2214 function getTalkPage() {
2215 $title = $this->getUserPage();
2216 return $title->getTalkPage();
2217 }
2219 /**
2220 * @static
2221 */
2222 function getMaxID() {
2223 static $res; // cache
2225 if ( isset( $res ) )
2226 return $res;
2227 else {
2228 $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
2229 return $res = $dbr->selectField( 'user', 'max(user_id)', false, 'User::getMaxID' );
2230 }
2231 }
2233 /**
2234 * Determine whether the user is a newbie. Newbies are either
2235 * anonymous IPs, or the most recently created accounts.
2236 * @return bool True if it is a newbie.
2237 */
2238 function isNewbie() {
2239 return !$this->isAllowed( 'autoconfirmed' );
2240 }
2242 /**
2243 * Check to see if the given clear-text password is one of the accepted passwords
2244 * @param string $password User password.
2245 * @return bool True if the given password is correct otherwise False.
2246 */
2247 function checkPassword( $password ) {
2248 global $wgAuth;
2249 $this->load();
2251 // Even though we stop people from creating passwords that
2252 // are shorter than this, doesn't mean people wont be able
2253 // to. Certain authentication plugins do NOT want to save
2254 // domain passwords in a mysql database, so we should
2255 // check this (incase $wgAuth->strict() is false).
2256 if( !$this->isValidPassword( $password ) ) {
2257 return false;
2258 }
2260 if( $wgAuth->authenticate( $this->getName(), $password ) ) {
2261 return true;
2262 } elseif( $wgAuth->strict() ) {
2263 /* Auth plugin doesn't allow local authentication */
2264 return false;
2265 } elseif( $wgAuth->strictUserAuth( $this->getName() ) ) {
2266 /* Auth plugin doesn't allow local authentication for this user name */
2267 return false;
2268 }
2269 $ep = $this->encryptPassword( $password );
2270 if ( 0 == strcmp( $ep, $this->mPassword ) ) {
2271 return true;
2272 } elseif ( function_exists( 'iconv' ) ) {
2273 # Some wikis were converted from ISO 8859-1 to UTF-8, the passwords can't be converted
2274 # Check for this with iconv
2275 $cp1252hash = $this->encryptPassword( iconv( 'UTF-8', 'WINDOWS-1252//TRANSLIT', $password ) );
2276 if ( 0 == strcmp( $cp1252hash, $this->mPassword ) ) {
2277 return true;
2278 }
2279 }
2280 return false;
2281 }
2283 /**
2284 * Check if the given clear-text password matches the temporary password
2285 * sent by e-mail for password reset operations.
2286 * @return bool
2287 */
2288 function checkTemporaryPassword( $plaintext ) {
2289 $hash = $this->encryptPassword( $plaintext );
2290 return $hash === $this->mNewpassword;
2291 }
2293 /**
2294 * Initialize (if necessary) and return a session token value
2295 * which can be used in edit forms to show that the user's
2296 * login credentials aren't being hijacked with a foreign form
2297 * submission.
2298 *
2299 * @param mixed $salt - Optional function-specific data for hash.
2300 * Use a string or an array of strings.
2301 * @return string
2302 * @public
2303 */
2304 function editToken( $salt = '' ) {
2305 if ( $this->isAnon() ) {
2306 return EDIT_TOKEN_SUFFIX;
2307 } else {
2308 if( !isset( $_SESSION['wsEditToken'] ) ) {
2309 $token = $this->generateToken();
2310 $_SESSION['wsEditToken'] = $token;
2311 } else {
2312 $token = $_SESSION['wsEditToken'];
2313 }
2314 if( is_array( $salt ) ) {
2315 $salt = implode( '|', $salt );
2316 }
2317 return md5( $token . $salt ) . EDIT_TOKEN_SUFFIX;
2318 }
2319 }
2321 /**
2322 * Generate a hex-y looking random token for various uses.
2323 * Could be made more cryptographically sure if someone cares.
2324 * @return string
2325 */
2326 function generateToken( $salt = '' ) {
2327 $token = dechex( mt_rand() ) . dechex( mt_rand() );
2328 return md5( $token . $salt );
2329 }
2331 /**
2332 * Check given value against the token value stored in the session.
2333 * A match should confirm that the form was submitted from the
2334 * user's own login session, not a form submission from a third-party
2335 * site.
2336 *
2337 * @param string $val - the input value to compare
2338 * @param string $salt - Optional function-specific data for hash
2339 * @return bool
2340 * @public
2341 */
2342 function matchEditToken( $val, $salt = '' ) {
2343 $sessionToken = $this->editToken( $salt );
2344 if ( $val != $sessionToken ) {
2345 wfDebug( "User::matchEditToken: broken session data\n" );
2346 }
2347 return $val == $sessionToken;
2348 }
2350 /**
2351 * Check whether the edit token is fine except for the suffix
2352 */
2353 function matchEditTokenNoSuffix( $val, $salt = '' ) {
2354 $sessionToken = $this->editToken( $salt );
2355 return substr( $sessionToken, 0, 32 ) == substr( $val, 0, 32 );
2356 }
2358 /**
2359 * Generate a new e-mail confirmation token and send a confirmation
2360 * mail to the user's given address.
2361 *
2362 * @return mixed True on success, a WikiError object on failure.
2363 */
2364 function sendConfirmationMail() {
2365 global $wgContLang;
2366 $expiration = null; // gets passed-by-ref and defined in next line.
2367 $url = $this->confirmationTokenUrl( $expiration );
2368 return $this->sendMail( wfMsg( 'confirmemail_subject' ),
2369 wfMsg( 'confirmemail_body',
2370 wfGetIP(),
2371 $this->getName(),
2372 $url,
2373 $wgContLang->timeanddate( $expiration, false ) ) );
2374 }
2376 /**
2377 * Send an e-mail to this user's account. Does not check for
2378 * confirmed status or validity.
2379 *
2380 * @param string $subject
2381 * @param string $body
2382 * @param strong $from Optional from address; default $wgPasswordSender will be used otherwise.
2383 * @return mixed True on success, a WikiError object on failure.
2384 */
2385 function sendMail( $subject, $body, $from = null ) {
2386 if( is_null( $from ) ) {
2387 global $wgPasswordSender;
2388 $from = $wgPasswordSender;
2389 }
2391 $to = new MailAddress( $this );
2392 $sender = new MailAddress( $from );
2393 $error = UserMailer::send( $to, $sender, $subject, $body );
2395 if( $error == '' ) {
2396 return true;
2397 } else {
2398 return new WikiError( $error );
2399 }
2400 }
2402 /**
2403 * Generate, store, and return a new e-mail confirmation code.
2404 * A hash (unsalted since it's used as a key) is stored.
2405 * @param &$expiration mixed output: accepts the expiration time
2406 * @return string
2407 * @private
2408 */
2409 function confirmationToken( &$expiration ) {
2410 $now = time();
2411 $expires = $now + 7 * 24 * 60 * 60;
2412 $expiration = wfTimestamp( TS_MW, $expires );
2414 $token = $this->generateToken( $this->mId . $this->mEmail . $expires );
2415 $hash = md5( $token );
2417 $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
2418 $dbw->update( 'user',
2419 array( 'user_email_token' => $hash,
2420 'user_email_token_expires' => $dbw->timestamp( $expires ) ),
2421 array( 'user_id' => $this->mId ),
2422 __METHOD__ );
2424 return $token;
2425 }
2427 /**
2428 * Generate and store a new e-mail confirmation token, and return
2429 * the URL the user can use to confirm.
2430 * @param &$expiration mixed output: accepts the expiration time
2431 * @return string
2432 * @private
2433 */
2434 function confirmationTokenUrl( &$expiration ) {
2435 $token = $this->confirmationToken( $expiration );
2436 $title = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Confirmemail', $token );
2437 return $title->getFullUrl();
2438 }
2440 /**
2441 * Mark the e-mail address confirmed and save.
2442 */
2443 function confirmEmail() {
2444 $this->load();
2445 $this->mEmailAuthenticated = wfTimestampNow();
2446 $this->saveSettings();
2447 return true;
2448 }
2450 /**
2451 * Is this user allowed to send e-mails within limits of current
2452 * site configuration?
2453 * @return bool
2454 */
2455 function canSendEmail() {
2456 return $this->isEmailConfirmed();
2457 }
2459 /**
2460 * Is this user allowed to receive e-mails within limits of current
2461 * site configuration?
2462 * @return bool
2463 */
2464 function canReceiveEmail() {
2465 return $this->canSendEmail() && !$this->getOption( 'disablemail' );
2466 }
2468 /**
2469 * Is this user's e-mail address valid-looking and confirmed within
2470 * limits of the current site configuration?
2471 *
2472 * If $wgEmailAuthentication is on, this may require the user to have
2473 * confirmed their address by returning a code or using a password
2474 * sent to the address from the wiki.
2475 *
2476 * @return bool
2477 */
2478 function isEmailConfirmed() {
2479 global $wgEmailAuthentication;
2480 $this->load();
2481 $confirmed = true;
2482 if( wfRunHooks( 'EmailConfirmed', array( &$this, &$confirmed ) ) ) {
2483 if( $this->isAnon() )
2484 return false;
2485 if( !self::isValidEmailAddr( $this->mEmail ) )
2486 return false;
2487 if( $wgEmailAuthentication && !$this->getEmailAuthenticationTimestamp() )
2488 return false;
2489 return true;
2490 } else {
2491 return $confirmed;
2492 }
2493 }
2495 /**
2496 * Return true if there is an outstanding request for e-mail confirmation.
2497 * @return bool
2498 */
2499 function isEmailConfirmationPending() {
2500 global $wgEmailAuthentication;
2501 return $wgEmailAuthentication &&
2502 !$this->isEmailConfirmed() &&
2503 $this->mEmailToken &&
2504 $this->mEmailTokenExpires > wfTimestamp();
2505 }
2507 /**
2508 * Get the timestamp of account creation, or false for
2509 * non-existent/anonymous user accounts
2510 *
2511 * @return mixed
2512 */
2513 public function getRegistration() {
2514 return $this->mId > 0
2515 ? $this->mRegistration
2516 : false;
2517 }
2519 /**
2520 * @param array $groups list of groups
2521 * @return array list of permission key names for given groups combined
2522 * @static
2523 */
2524 static function getGroupPermissions( $groups ) {
2525 global $wgGroupPermissions;
2526 $rights = array();
2527 foreach( $groups as $group ) {
2528 if( isset( $wgGroupPermissions[$group] ) ) {
2529 $rights = array_merge( $rights,
2530 array_keys( array_filter( $wgGroupPermissions[$group] ) ) );
2531 }
2532 }
2533 return $rights;
2534 }
2536 /**
2537 * @param string $group key name
2538 * @return string localized descriptive name for group, if provided
2539 * @static
2540 */
2541 static function getGroupName( $group ) {
2542 global $wgMessageCache;
2543 $wgMessageCache->loadAllMessages();
2544 $key = "group-$group";
2545 $name = wfMsg( $key );
2546 return $name == '' || wfEmptyMsg( $key, $name )
2547 ? $group
2548 : $name;
2549 }
2551 /**
2552 * @param string $group key name
2553 * @return string localized descriptive name for member of a group, if provided
2554 * @static
2555 */
2556 static function getGroupMember( $group ) {
2557 global $wgMessageCache;
2558 $wgMessageCache->loadAllMessages();
2559 $key = "group-$group-member";
2560 $name = wfMsg( $key );
2561 return $name == '' || wfEmptyMsg( $key, $name )
2562 ? $group
2563 : $name;
2564 }
2566 /**
2567 * Return the set of defined explicit groups.
2568 * The *, 'user', 'autoconfirmed' and 'emailconfirmed'
2569 * groups are not included, as they are defined
2570 * automatically, not in the database.
2571 * @return array
2572 * @static
2573 */
2574 static function getAllGroups() {
2575 global $wgGroupPermissions;
2576 return array_diff(
2577 array_keys( $wgGroupPermissions ),
2578 self::getImplicitGroups()
2579 );
2580 }
2582 /**
2583 * Get a list of implicit groups
2584 *
2585 * @return array
2586 */
2587 public static function getImplicitGroups() {
2588 global $wgImplicitGroups;
2589 $groups = $wgImplicitGroups;
2590 wfRunHooks( 'UserGetImplicitGroups', array( &$groups ) ); #deprecated, use $wgImplictGroups instead
2591 return $groups;
2592 }
2594 /**
2595 * Get the title of a page describing a particular group
2596 *
2597 * @param $group Name of the group
2598 * @return mixed
2599 */
2600 static function getGroupPage( $group ) {
2601 global $wgMessageCache;
2602 $wgMessageCache->loadAllMessages();
2603 $page = wfMsgForContent( 'grouppage-' . $group );
2604 if( !wfEmptyMsg( 'grouppage-' . $group, $page ) ) {
2605 $title = Title::newFromText( $page );
2606 if( is_object( $title ) )
2607 return $title;
2608 }
2609 return false;
2610 }
2612 /**
2613 * Create a link to the group in HTML, if available
2614 *
2615 * @param $group Name of the group
2616 * @param $text The text of the link
2617 * @return mixed
2618 */
2619 static function makeGroupLinkHTML( $group, $text = '' ) {
2620 if( $text == '' ) {
2621 $text = self::getGroupName( $group );
2622 }
2623 $title = self::getGroupPage( $group );
2624 if( $title ) {
2625 global $wgUser;
2626 $sk = $wgUser->getSkin();
2627 return $sk->makeLinkObj( $title, htmlspecialchars( $text ) );
2628 } else {
2629 return $text;
2630 }
2631 }
2633 /**
2634 * Create a link to the group in Wikitext, if available
2635 *
2636 * @param $group Name of the group
2637 * @param $text The text of the link (by default, the name of the group)
2638 * @return mixed
2639 */
2640 static function makeGroupLinkWiki( $group, $text = '' ) {
2641 if( $text == '' ) {
2642 $text = self::getGroupName( $group );
2643 }
2644 $title = self::getGroupPage( $group );
2645 if( $title ) {
2646 $page = $title->getPrefixedText();
2647 return "[[$page|$text]]";
2648 } else {
2649 return $text;
2650 }
2651 }
2653 /**
2654 * Increment the user's edit-count field.
2655 * Will have no effect for anonymous users.
2656 */
2657 function incEditCount() {
2658 if( !$this->isAnon() ) {
2659 $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
2660 $dbw->update( 'user',
2661 array( 'user_editcount=user_editcount+1' ),
2662 array( 'user_id' => $this->getId() ),
2663 __METHOD__ );
2665 // Lazy initialization check...
2666 if( $dbw->affectedRows() == 0 ) {
2667 // Pull from a slave to be less cruel to servers
2668 // Accuracy isn't the point anyway here
2669 $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
2670 $count = $dbr->selectField( 'revision',
2671 'COUNT(rev_user)',
2672 array( 'rev_user' => $this->getId() ),
2673 __METHOD__ );
2675 // Now here's a goddamn hack...
2676 if( $dbr !== $dbw ) {
2677 // If we actually have a slave server, the count is
2678 // at least one behind because the current transaction
2679 // has not been committed and replicated.
2680 $count++;
2681 } else {
2682 // But if DB_SLAVE is selecting the master, then the
2683 // count we just read includes the revision that was
2684 // just added in the working transaction.
2685 }
2687 $dbw->update( 'user',
2688 array( 'user_editcount' => $count ),
2689 array( 'user_id' => $this->getId() ),
2690 __METHOD__ );
2691 }
2692 }
2693 // edit count in user cache too
2694 $this->invalidateCache();
2695 }
2696 }