[PLUGINS] +acces restreint
[ptitvelo/web/www.git] / www / plugins / accesrestreint_3_5 / lang / accesrestreint_en.php
1 <?php
2 // This is a SPIP language file -- Ceci est un fichier langue de SPIP
3 // extrait automatiquement de http://trad.spip.net/tradlang_module/accesrestreint?lang_cible=en
4 // ** ne pas modifier le fichier **
6 if (!defined('_ECRIRE_INC_VERSION')) return;
8 $GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['idx_lang']] = array(
10 // A
11 'ajouter_droits_auteur' => 'Give me access to this area',
12 'aucune_zone' => 'No zones',
13 'auteurs' => 'authors',
15 // B
16 'bouton_configurer_acces' => 'Configuring .htaccess access',
17 'bouton_creer_la_zone' => 'Create new area',
19 // C
20 'colonne_id' => '#',
21 'confirmer_ajouter_auteurs' => 'Are you sure you want to add this author to the area?',
22 'confirmer_retirer_auteur_zone' => 'Are you sure you wish to remove this author from this area?',
23 'confirmer_retirer_auteurs' => 'Are you sure you wish to remove all authors from this area?',
24 'confirmer_retirer_rubrique_zone' => 'Are you sure you want to remove this section of this zone?',
25 'confirmer_supprimer_zone' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this area?',
26 'creer_zone' => 'Create a new area',
28 // D
29 'descriptif' => 'Description',
31 // E
32 'explication_creer_htaccess' => 'This option prevents reading the attached documents if the text to which they relate is not published',
34 // I
35 'icone_menu_config' => 'Restricted access',
36 'icone_supprimer_zone' => 'Delete this area',
37 'info_1_zone' => '1 zone',
38 'info_acces_restreint' => 'Access to this page is restricted. Please log in to continue',
39 'info_ajouter_auteur' => 'Add this author',
40 'info_ajouter_auteurs' => 'Add all authors',
41 'info_ajouter_zones' => 'Add all areas',
42 'info_aucun_acces' => 'No access allowed',
43 'info_aucun_auteur' => 'No authors in the area',
44 'info_aucune_zone' => 'No areas',
45 'info_auteurs_lies_zone' => 'Authors with access to this area',
46 'info_lien_action_proteger' => 'Restrict access to this section',
47 'info_nb_zones' => '@nb@ zones',
48 'info_page' => 'This page allows you to create restricted areas in your site',
49 'info_retirer_auteurs' => 'Remove all authors',
50 'info_retirer_zone' => 'Remove from area',
51 'info_retirer_zones' => 'Remove from all areas',
52 'info_rubrique_dans_zone' => 'This section is in area:',
53 'info_rubrique_dans_zones' => 'This section is in areas:',
55 // L
56 'label_creer_htaccess' => 'Access to the attached document by their URL',
57 'label_creer_htaccess_non' => 'allow read',
58 'label_creer_htaccess_oui' => 'forbid the reading',
60 // M
61 'modifier_zone' => 'Edit the area',
63 // P
64 'page_zones_acces' => 'Restricted Access',
65 'par_titre' => 'By title',
66 'privee' => 'Private',
67 'publique' => 'Public',
69 // R
70 'rubriques' => 'sections',
71 'rubriques_zones_acces' => 'Sections in this area',
73 // S
74 'selectionner_une_zone' => 'Select a restricted area',
76 // T
77 'texte_ajouter_zone' => 'Add a zone',
78 'texte_creer_associer_zone' => 'Create and assign a zone',
79 'titre' => 'Title',
80 'titre_ajouter_zone' => 'Add to a restricted area',
81 'titre_boite_protegee_non' => 'Unrestricted access',
82 'titre_boite_protegee_oui' => 'Restricted access',
83 'titre_cadre_modifier_zone' => 'Edit an area',
84 'titre_page_config' => 'Configure access rights',
85 'titre_table' => 'All restricted areas',
86 'titre_zone_acces' => 'Restricted access zone',
87 'titre_zones_acces' => 'Restricted areas',
88 'toutes' => 'All',
90 // V
91 'voir_toutes' => 'Show all areas',
93 // Z
94 'zone_numero' => 'AREA NUMBER:',
95 'zone_restreinte_espace_prive' => 'Restrict access to this area in the private area',
96 'zone_restreinte_publique' => 'Restrict access to this area in the public site'
97 );
99 ?>