[SPIP][PLUGINS] v3.0-->v3.2
[lhc/web/www.git] / www / plugins-dist / medias / lib / getid3 / module.audio.dsf.php
1 <?php
2 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3 /// getID3() by James Heinrich <info@getid3.org> //
4 // available at http://getid3.sourceforge.net //
5 // or http://www.getid3.org //
6 // also https://github.com/JamesHeinrich/getID3 //
7 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8 // See readme.txt for more details //
9 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10 // //
11 // module.audio.dsf.php //
12 // module for analyzing dsf/DSF Audio files //
13 // dependencies: module.tag.id3v2.php //
14 // ///
15 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
17 getid3_lib::IncludeDependency(GETID3_INCLUDEPATH.'module.tag.id3v2.php', __FILE__, true);
19 class getid3_dsf extends getid3_handler
20 {
22 public function Analyze() {
23 $info = &$this->getid3->info;
25 $info['fileformat'] = 'dsf';
26 $info['audio']['dataformat'] = 'dsf';
27 $info['audio']['lossless'] = true;
28 $info['audio']['bitrate_mode'] = 'cbr';
30 $this->fseek($info['avdataoffset']);
31 $dsfheader = $this->fread(28 + 12);
33 $headeroffset = 0;
34 $info['dsf']['dsd']['magic'] = substr($dsfheader, $headeroffset, 4);
35 $headeroffset += 4;
36 $magic = 'DSD ';
37 if ($info['dsf']['dsd']['magic'] != $magic) {
38 $this->error('Expecting "'.getid3_lib::PrintHexBytes($magic).'" at offset '.$info['avdataoffset'].', found "'.getid3_lib::PrintHexBytes($info['dsf']['dsd']['magic']).'"');
39 unset($info['fileformat']);
40 unset($info['audio']);
41 unset($info['dsf']);
42 return false;
43 }
44 $info['dsf']['dsd']['dsd_chunk_size'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($dsfheader, $headeroffset, 8)); // should be 28
45 $headeroffset += 8;
46 $info['dsf']['dsd']['dsf_file_size'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($dsfheader, $headeroffset, 8));
47 $headeroffset += 8;
48 $info['dsf']['dsd']['meta_chunk_offset'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($dsfheader, $headeroffset, 8));
49 $headeroffset += 8;
52 $info['dsf']['fmt']['magic'] = substr($dsfheader, $headeroffset, 4);
53 $headeroffset += 4;
54 $magic = 'fmt ';
55 if ($info['dsf']['fmt']['magic'] != $magic) {
56 $this->error('Expecting "'.getid3_lib::PrintHexBytes($magic).'" at offset '.$headeroffset.', found "'.getid3_lib::PrintHexBytes($info['dsf']['fmt']['magic']).'"');
57 return false;
58 }
59 $info['dsf']['fmt']['fmt_chunk_size'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($dsfheader, $headeroffset, 8)); // usually 52 bytes
60 $headeroffset += 8;
61 $dsfheader .= $this->fread($info['dsf']['fmt']['fmt_chunk_size'] - 12 + 12); // we have already read the entire DSD chunk, plus 12 bytes of FMT. We now want to read the size of FMT, plus 12 bytes into the next chunk to get magic and size.
62 if (strlen($dsfheader) != ($info['dsf']['dsd']['dsd_chunk_size'] + $info['dsf']['fmt']['fmt_chunk_size'] + 12)) {
63 $this->error('Expecting '.($info['dsf']['dsd']['dsd_chunk_size'] + $info['dsf']['fmt']['fmt_chunk_size']).' bytes header, found '.strlen($dsfheader).' bytes');
64 return false;
65 }
66 $info['dsf']['fmt']['format_version'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($dsfheader, $headeroffset, 4)); // usually "1"
67 $headeroffset += 4;
68 $info['dsf']['fmt']['format_id'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($dsfheader, $headeroffset, 4)); // usually "0" = "DSD Raw"
69 $headeroffset += 4;
70 $info['dsf']['fmt']['channel_type_id'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($dsfheader, $headeroffset, 4));
71 $headeroffset += 4;
72 $info['dsf']['fmt']['channels'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($dsfheader, $headeroffset, 4));
73 $headeroffset += 4;
74 $info['dsf']['fmt']['sample_rate'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($dsfheader, $headeroffset, 4));
75 $headeroffset += 4;
76 $info['dsf']['fmt']['bits_per_sample'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($dsfheader, $headeroffset, 4));
77 $headeroffset += 4;
78 $info['dsf']['fmt']['sample_count'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($dsfheader, $headeroffset, 8));
79 $headeroffset += 8;
80 $info['dsf']['fmt']['channel_block_size'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($dsfheader, $headeroffset, 4));
81 $headeroffset += 4;
82 $info['dsf']['fmt']['reserved'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($dsfheader, $headeroffset, 4)); // zero-filled
83 $headeroffset += 4;
86 $info['dsf']['data']['magic'] = substr($dsfheader, $headeroffset, 4);
87 $headeroffset += 4;
88 $magic = 'data';
89 if ($info['dsf']['data']['magic'] != $magic) {
90 $this->error('Expecting "'.getid3_lib::PrintHexBytes($magic).'" at offset '.$headeroffset.', found "'.getid3_lib::PrintHexBytes($info['dsf']['data']['magic']).'"');
91 return false;
92 }
93 $info['dsf']['data']['data_chunk_size'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($dsfheader, $headeroffset, 8));
94 $headeroffset += 8;
95 $info['avdataoffset'] = $headeroffset;
96 $info['avdataend'] = $info['avdataoffset'] + $info['dsf']['data']['data_chunk_size'];
99 if ($info['dsf']['dsd']['meta_chunk_offset'] > 0) {
100 $getid3_id3v2 = new getid3_id3v2($this->getid3);
101 $getid3_id3v2->StartingOffset = $info['dsf']['dsd']['meta_chunk_offset'];
102 $getid3_id3v2->Analyze();
103 unset($getid3_id3v2);
104 }
107 $info['dsf']['fmt']['channel_type'] = $this->DSFchannelTypeLookup($info['dsf']['fmt']['channel_type_id']);
108 $info['audio']['channelmode'] = $info['dsf']['fmt']['channel_type'];
109 $info['audio']['bits_per_sample'] = $info['dsf']['fmt']['bits_per_sample'];
110 $info['audio']['sample_rate'] = $info['dsf']['fmt']['sample_rate'];
111 $info['audio']['channels'] = $info['dsf']['fmt']['channels'];
112 $info['audio']['bitrate'] = $info['audio']['bits_per_sample'] * $info['audio']['sample_rate'] * $info['audio']['channels'];
113 $info['playtime_seconds'] = ($info['dsf']['data']['data_chunk_size'] * 8) / $info['audio']['bitrate'];
115 return true;
116 }
119 public static function DSFchannelTypeLookup($channel_type_id) {
120 static $DSFchannelTypeLookup = array(
121 // interleaving order:
122 1 => 'mono', // 1: Mono
123 2 => 'stereo', // 1: Front-Left; 2: Front-Right
124 3 => '3-channel', // 1: Front-Left; 2: Front-Right; 3: Center
125 4 => 'quad', // 1: Front-Left; 2: Front-Right; 3: Back-Left; 4: Back-Right
126 5 => '4-channel', // 1: Front-Left; 2: Front-Right; 3: Center; 4: Low-Frequency
127 6 => '5-channel', // 1: Front-Left; 2: Front-Right; 3: Center; 4: Back-Left 5: Back-Right
128 7 => '5.1', // 1: Front-Left; 2: Front-Right; 3: Center; 4: Low-Frequency; 5: Back-Left; 6: Back-Right
129 );
130 return (isset($DSFchannelTypeLookup[$channel_type_id]) ? $DSFchannelTypeLookup[$channel_type_id] : '');
131 }
133 }