2017-12-19 Ludovic CHEVALIER[DATA] -automatically add group stock user for point... 7.0
2016-11-08 Ludovic CHEVALIER[SECURITY] +states and countries lists can't be modifie...
2016-09-21 Ludovic CHEVALIER[SECURITY] -pos box cash in pos box cash out access...
2016-07-05 Ludovic CHEVALIER[MODULE] -noupdate email import
2016-02-01 Ludovic CHEVALIER[DATA] +import members email master
2016-02-01 Ludovic CHEVALIER[DATA] -import of associate members ok now
2016-02-01 Ludovic CHEVALIER[DATA] +import associate members
2016-01-07 Ludovic CHEVALIER[DATA] -no need to import some datas now
2016-01-07 Ludovic CHEVALIER[DATA] +members and their volunteer activities and...
2016-01-04 Ludovic CHEVALIER[DATA] +custom chart of account, products and their...
2016-01-04 Ludovic CHEVALIER[DATA] ~override some bikecoop partner themes
2016-01-04 Ludovic CHEVALIER[DATA] -custom root user
2016-01-04 Ludovic CHEVALIER[DATA] ~maj bikecoop partner themes
2016-01-04 Ludovic CHEVALIER[MODULE] 7.0.1-->7.0.2
2016-01-04 Ludovic CHEVALIER[MODULE] +logo 7.0.1
2016-01-04 Ludovic CHEVALIER[MODULE] ~maj licence
2015-12-15 Ludovic CHEVALIER[VIEW] +order 'NAME Firstname' in pos order view
2015-12-15 Ludovic CHEVALIER[ADDON] +sec directory
2015-10-02 Ludovic CHEVALIER[VIEW] ~name placeholder in NAME Firstname order
2015-10-02 Ludovic CHEVALIER[DATA] -update res_partner
2015-10-02 Ludovic CHEVALIER[DATA] +secure res_partner
2014-01-14 Ludovic CHEVALIER[DATA] +SIRET et APE field for company
2014-01-14 Ludovic CHEVALIER[DATA] Initial partners import with birthdate_date...
2014-01-14 Ludovic CHEVALIER[Partner] +birthdate_date field to fix birthdade confli...
2014-01-14 Ludovic CHEVALIER[VIEW] +join membership special button in bikecoop...
2013-12-20 Ludovic CHEVALIER[MODULE] ~description
2013-12-20 Ludovic CHEVALIER[DATA] Initial partners and membership import
2013-12-19 Ludovic CHEVALIER[GROUP] +special group to control membership state
2013-12-13 Ludovic CHEVALIER[view] birthdate is a real date for associates members too
2013-09-12 Ludovic CHEVALIER[view] +en-tête xml
2013-09-06 Ludovic CHEVALIER[module] +icon
2013-09-05 Ludovic CHEVALIER[Partner] ~import partners
2013-03-27 Ludovic CHEVALIER[user] +courriel du collectif pour admin
2013-03-26 Ludovic CHEVALIER[datas] Preparation avant lancement: no update ou c...
2013-03-26 Ludovic CHEVALIER[Partner] ~import partners
2013-03-21 Ludovic CHEVALIER[Partner+Membership] Test all partners
2013-03-21 Ludovic CHEVALIER[Partner+Membership] Test 60 partners
2013-03-21 Ludovic CHEVALIER[Partner+Membership] Test 50 partners
2013-03-12 Ludovic CHEVALIER[Partner] +real date type for birthdate field and add...
2013-02-14 Ludovic CHEVALIER[Module] ~copyright
2013-02-08 Ludovic CHEVALIER[data] +products
2013-02-08 Ludovic CHEVALIER[trans] ~maj fr
2013-02-08 Ludovic CHEVALIER[members] maj
2013-02-08 Ludovic CHEVALIER[module] +products
2013-02-08 Ludovic CHEVALIER[company] ~address moutier-->moustier
2013-01-07 Ludovic CHEVALIER[Company] +coord cvv
2012-12-12 Ludovic CHEVALIER[members] first step
2012-12-11 Ludovic CHEVALIER[volunteer] +some activities + translation
2012-12-07 Ludovic CHEVALIERInitial commit