"; ?> texvc " ?>
"; } function texvc_cgi_renderMath( $tex ) { global $wgMathDirectory, $wgTmpDirectory, $wgInputEncoding; $dbr =& wfGetDB( DB_READ ); $mf = wfMsg( "math_failure" ); $munk = wfMsg( "math_unknown_error" ); $image = ""; $outhtml = ""; $outtex = ""; $fname = "texvc_cgi_renderMath"; $md5 = md5($tex); $md5_sql = pack("H32", $md5); $mathTable = $dbr->tableName( 'math' ); $rpage = $dbr->getArray( 'math', array('math_outputhash','math_html_conservativeness','math_html','math_mathml'), array( 'math_inputhash' => $md5_sql ) ); if ( $rpage === false ) { $cmd = "./math/texvc ".wfEscapeShellArg($wgTmpDirectory)." ". wfEscapeShellArg($wgMathDirectory)." ".wfEscapeShellArg($tex)." ".wfEscapeShellArg($wgInputEncoding); $contents = `$cmd`; if (strlen($contents) == 0) return "

".$mf." (".$munk."): ".wfEscapeHTML($tex)."

"; $retval = substr ($contents, 0, 1); if (($retval == "C") || ($retval == "M") || ($retval == "L")) { if ($retval == "C") $conservativeness = 2; else if ($retval == "M") $conservativeness = 1; else $conservativeness = 0; $outdata = substr ($contents, 33); $i = strpos($outdata, "\000"); $outhtml = substr($outdata, 0, $i); $mathml = substr($outdata, $i+1); #$sql_html = "'".mysql_escape_string($outhtml)."'"; #$sql_mathml = "'".mysql_escape_string($mathml)."'"; } else if (($retval == "c") || ($retval == "m") || ($retval == "l")) { $outhtml = substr ($contents, 33); if ($retval == "c") $conservativeness = 2; else if ($retval == "m") $conservativeness = 1; else $conservativeness = 0; #$sql_html = "'".mysql_escape_string($outhtml)."'"; $mathml = NULL; #$sql_mathml = 'NULL'; } else if ($retval == "X") { $outhtml = NULL; $mathml = substr ($contents, 33); #$sql_html = 'NULL'; #$sql_mathml = "'".mysql_escape_string($mathml)."'"; $conservativeness = 0; } else if ($retval == "+") { $outhtml = NULL; $mathml = NULL; #$sql_html = 'NULL'; #$sql_mathml = 'NULL'; $conservativeness = 0; } else { if ($retval == "E") $errmsg = wfMsg( "math_lexing_error" ); else if ($retval == "S") $errmsg = wfMsg( "math_syntax_error" ); else if ($retval == "F") $errmsg = wfMsg( "math_unknown_function" ); else $errmsg = $munk; return "

".$mf." (".$errmsg.substr($contents, 1)."): ".wfEscapeHTML($tex)."

"; } $outmd5 = substr ($contents, 1, 32); if (!preg_match("/^[a-f0-9]{32}$/", $outmd5)) return "

".$mf." (".$munk."): ".wfEscapeHTML($tex)."

"; $outmd5_sql = pack("H32", $outmd5); # Someone may have inserted the same hash since the SELECT, but that's no big deal, just ignore errors $dbw =& wfGetDB( DB_WRITE ); $dbw->insertArray( 'math', array( 'math_inputhash' => $md5_sql, 'math_outputhash' => $outmd5_sql, 'math_html_conservativeness' => $conservativeness, 'math_html' => $outhtml, 'math_mathml' => $mathml, ), $fname, array( 'IGNORE' ) ); // we don't really care if it fails } else { $rpage = $dbr->fetchObject ( $res ); $outmd5 = unpack ("H32md5", $rpage->math_outputhash); $outmd5 = $outmd5 ['md5']; $outhtml = $rpage->math_html; $conservativeness = $rpage->math_html_conservativeness; $mathml = $rpage->math_mathml; } if ( is_null( $mathml ) || $mathml === '' ) $mathml = "

Failed to generate MathML

"; else $mathml = "


$mathml"; $image = "


" . xlinkToMathImage ( $tex, $outmd5 ); $cmd = "./math/texvc_tex ".escapeshellarg($tex)." ".escapeshellarg($wgInputEncoding); $outtex = `$cmd`; if ( is_null( $outhtml ) || $outhtml === '' ) $outhtml = "

Failed to generate HTML

"; else if ( $conservativeness == 2) $outhtml = "

HTML (conservative)

" . $outhtml; else if ( $conservativeness == 1) $outhtml = "

HTML (moderate)

" . $outhtml; else $outhtml = "

HTML (liberal)

" . $outhtml; if ( $outtex == '' ) $outtex = "

Failed to generate TeX

"; else $outtex = "


" . wfEscapeHTML($outtex); return $outtex . $outhtml . $mathml . $image; } global $math; if ($math != '') print texvc_cgi_renderMath($math); ?>