#!/usr/bin/env php false, 'use-filebackend' => false, 'use-bagostuff' => false, 'use-jobqueue' => false, 'use-normal-tables' => false, 'mwdebug' => false, 'reuse-db' => false, 'wiki' => false, 'profiler' => false, ]; public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->setAllowUnregisteredOptions( true ); $this->addOption( 'with-phpunitclass', 'Class name of the PHPUnit entry point to use', false, true ); $this->addOption( 'debug-tests', 'Log testing activity to the PHPUnitCommand log channel.', false, # not required false # no arg needed ); $this->addOption( 'file', 'File describing parser tests.', false, true ); $this->addOption( 'use-filebackend', 'Use filebackend', false, true ); $this->addOption( 'use-bagostuff', 'Use bagostuff', false, true ); $this->addOption( 'use-jobqueue', 'Use jobqueue', false, true ); $this->addOption( 'use-normal-tables', 'Use normal DB tables.', false, false ); $this->addOption( 'reuse-db', 'Init DB only if tables are missing and keep after finish.', false, false ); } public function finalSetup() { parent::finalSetup(); // Inject test autoloader self::requireTestsAutoloader(); TestSetup::applyInitialConfig(); } public function execute() { global $IP; // Deregister handler from MWExceptionHandler::installHandle so that PHPUnit's own handler // stays in tact. // Has to in execute() instead of finalSetup(), because finalSetup() runs before // doMaintenance.php includes Setup.php, which calls MWExceptionHandler::installHandle(). restore_error_handler(); $this->forceFormatServerArgv(); # Make sure we have --configuration or PHPUnit might complain if ( !in_array( '--configuration', $_SERVER['argv'] ) ) { // Hack to eliminate the need to use the Makefile (which sucks ATM) array_splice( $_SERVER['argv'], 1, 0, [ '--configuration', $IP . '/tests/phpunit/suite.xml' ] ); } $phpUnitClass = PHPUnit_TextUI_Command::class; if ( $this->hasOption( 'with-phpunitclass' ) ) { $phpUnitClass = $this->getOption( 'with-phpunitclass' ); # Cleanup $args array so the option and its value do not # pollute PHPUnit $key = array_search( '--with-phpunitclass', $_SERVER['argv'] ); unset( $_SERVER['argv'][$key] ); // the option unset( $_SERVER['argv'][$key + 1] ); // its value $_SERVER['argv'] = array_values( $_SERVER['argv'] ); } $key = array_search( '--debug-tests', $_SERVER['argv'] ); if ( $key !== false && array_search( '--printer', $_SERVER['argv'] ) === false ) { unset( $_SERVER['argv'][$key] ); array_splice( $_SERVER['argv'], 1, 0, 'MediaWikiPHPUnitTestListener' ); array_splice( $_SERVER['argv'], 1, 0, '--printer' ); } foreach ( self::$additionalOptions as $option => $default ) { $key = array_search( '--' . $option, $_SERVER['argv'] ); if ( $key !== false ) { unset( $_SERVER['argv'][$key] ); if ( $this->mParams[$option]['withArg'] ) { self::$additionalOptions[$option] = $_SERVER['argv'][$key + 1]; unset( $_SERVER['argv'][$key + 1] ); } else { self::$additionalOptions[$option] = true; } } } if ( !class_exists( 'PHPUnit\\Framework\\TestCase' ) ) { echo "PHPUnit not found. Please install it and other dev dependencies by running `composer install` in MediaWiki root directory.\n"; exit( 1 ); } if ( !class_exists( $phpUnitClass ) ) { echo "PHPUnit entry point '" . $phpUnitClass . "' not found. Please make sure you installed the containing component and check the spelling of the class name.\n"; exit( 1 ); } echo defined( 'HHVM_VERSION' ) ? 'Using HHVM ' . HHVM_VERSION . ' (' . PHP_VERSION . ")\n" : 'Using PHP ' . PHP_VERSION . "\n"; // Prepare global services for unit tests. MediaWikiTestCase::prepareServices( new GlobalVarConfig() ); $phpUnitClass::main(); } public function getDbType() { return Maintenance::DB_ADMIN; } protected function addOption( $name, $description, $required = false, $withArg = false, $shortName = false, $multiOccurrence = false ) { // ignore --quiet which does not really make sense for unit tests if ( $name !== 'quiet' ) { parent::addOption( $name, $description, $required, $withArg, $shortName, $multiOccurrence ); } } /** * Force the format of elements in $_SERVER['argv'] * - Split args such as "wiki=enwiki" into two separate arg elements "wiki" and "enwiki" */ private function forceFormatServerArgv() { $argv = []; foreach ( $_SERVER['argv'] as $key => $arg ) { if ( $key === 0 ) { $argv[0] = $arg; } elseif ( strstr( $arg, '=' ) ) { foreach ( explode( '=', $arg, 2 ) as $argPart ) { $argv[] = $argPart; } } else { $argv[] = $arg; } } $_SERVER['argv'] = $argv; } } $maintClass = 'PHPUnitMaintClass'; require RUN_MAINTENANCE_IF_MAIN;