assertEquals( $expected, !(bool)$checker->checkArray( [ 'FakeExtension' => [ 'MediaWiki' => $constraint, ], ] ) ); } public static function provideMediaWikiCheck() { return [ // [ $wgVersion, constraint, expected ] [ '1.25alpha', '>= 1.26', false ], [ '1.25.0', '>= 1.26', false ], [ '1.26alpha', '>= 1.26', true ], [ '1.26alpha', '>= 1.26.0', true ], [ '1.26alpha', '>= 1.26.0-stable', false ], [ '1.26.0', '>= 1.26.0-stable', true ], [ '1.26.1', '>= 1.26.0-stable', true ], [ '1.27.1', '>= 1.26.0-stable', true ], [ '1.26alpha', '>= 1.26.1', false ], [ '1.26alpha', '>= 1.26alpha', true ], [ '1.26alpha', '>= 1.25', true ], [ '1.26.0-alpha.14', '>= 1.26.0-alpha.15', false ], [ '1.26.0-alpha.14', '>= 1.26.0-alpha.10', true ], [ '1.26.1', '>= 1.26.2, <=1.26.0', false ], [ '1.26.1', '^1.26.2', false ], // Accept anything for un-parsable version strings [ '1.26mwf14', '== 1.25alpha', true ], [ 'totallyinvalid', '== 1.0', true ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider providePhpValidCheck */ public function testPhpValidCheck( $phpVersion, $constraint, $expected ) { $checker = new VersionChecker( '1.0.0', $phpVersion ); $this->assertEquals( $expected, !(bool)$checker->checkArray( [ 'FakeExtension' => [ 'platform' => [ 'php' => $constraint, ], ], ] ) ); } public static function providePhpValidCheck() { return [ // [ phpVersion, constraint, expected ] [ '7.0.23', '>= 7.0.0', true ], [ '7.0.23', '^7.1.0', false ], [ '7.0.23', '7.0.23', true ], ]; } /** * @expectedException UnexpectedValueException */ public function testPhpInvalidConstraint() { $checker = new VersionChecker( '1.0.0', '7.0.0' ); $checker->checkArray( [ 'FakeExtension' => [ 'platform' => [ 'php' => 'totallyinvalid', ], ], ] ); } /** * @dataProvider providePhpInvalidVersion * @expectedException UnexpectedValueException */ public function testPhpInvalidVersion( $phpVersion ) { $checker = new VersionChecker( '1.0.0', $phpVersion ); } public static function providePhpInvalidVersion() { return [ // [ phpVersion ] [ '' ], [ '5.a.x' ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideType */ public function testType( $given, $expected ) { $checker = new VersionChecker( '1.0.0', '7.0.0' ); $checker->setLoadedExtensionsAndSkins( [ 'FakeDependency' => [ 'version' => '1.0.0', ], 'NoVersionGiven' => [], ] ); $this->assertEquals( $expected, $checker->checkArray( [ 'FakeExtension' => $given, ] ) ); } public static function provideType() { return [ // valid type [ [ 'extensions' => [ 'FakeDependency' => '1.0.0', ], ], [], ], [ [ 'MediaWiki' => '1.0.0', ], [], ], [ [ 'extensions' => [ 'NoVersionGiven' => '*', ], ], [], ], [ [ 'extensions' => [ 'NoVersionGiven' => '1.0', ], ], [ [ 'incompatible' => 'FakeExtension', 'type' => 'incompatible-extensions', 'msg' => 'NoVersionGiven does not expose its version, but FakeExtension requires: 1.0.', ], ], ], [ [ 'extensions' => [ 'Missing' => '*', ], ], [ [ 'missing' => 'Missing', 'type' => 'missing-extensions', 'msg' => 'FakeExtension requires Missing to be installed.', ], ], ], [ [ 'extensions' => [ 'FakeDependency' => '2.0.0', ], ], [ [ 'incompatible' => 'FakeExtension', 'type' => 'incompatible-extensions', // phpcs:ignore Generic.Files.LineLength.TooLong 'msg' => 'FakeExtension is not compatible with the current installed version of FakeDependency (1.0.0), it requires: 2.0.0.', ], ], ], [ [ 'skins' => [ 'FakeSkin' => '*', ], ], [ [ 'missing' => 'FakeSkin', 'type' => 'missing-skins', 'msg' => 'FakeExtension requires FakeSkin to be installed.', ], ], ], ]; } /** * Check, if a non-parsable version constraint does not throw an exception or * returns any error message. */ public function testInvalidConstraint() { $checker = new VersionChecker( '1.0.0', '7.0.0' ); $checker->setLoadedExtensionsAndSkins( [ 'FakeDependency' => [ 'version' => 'not really valid', ], ] ); $this->assertEquals( [ [ 'type' => 'invalid-version', 'msg' => "FakeDependency does not have a valid version string.", ], ], $checker->checkArray( [ 'FakeExtension' => [ 'extensions' => [ 'FakeDependency' => '1.24.3', ], ], ] ) ); $checker = new VersionChecker( '1.0.0', '7.0.0' ); $checker->setLoadedExtensionsAndSkins( [ 'FakeDependency' => [ 'version' => '1.24.3', ], ] ); $this->setExpectedException( UnexpectedValueException::class ); $checker->checkArray( [ 'FakeExtension' => [ 'FakeDependency' => 'not really valid', ], ] ); } public function provideInvalidDependency() { return [ [ [ 'FakeExtension' => [ 'platform' => [ 'undefinedPlatformDependency' => '*', ], ], ], 'undefinedPlatformDependency', ], [ [ 'FakeExtension' => [ 'undefinedDependencyType' => '*', ], ], 'undefinedDependencyType', ], // T197478 [ [ 'FakeExtension' => [ 'skin' => [ 'FakeSkin' => '*', ], ], ], 'skin', ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideInvalidDependency */ public function testInvalidDependency( $depencency, $type ) { $checker = new VersionChecker( '1.0.0', '7.0.0' ); $this->setExpectedException( UnexpectedValueException::class, "Dependency type $type unknown in FakeExtension" ); $checker->checkArray( $depencency ); } }