tmpPrefix = wfTempDir() . '/migratefilelayout-test-' . time() . '-' . mt_rand(); $backend = new FSFileBackend( array( 'name' => 'local-migratefilerepolayouttest', 'wikiId' => wfWikiID(), 'containerPaths' => array( 'migratefilerepolayouttest-original' => "{$this->tmpPrefix}-original", 'migratefilerepolayouttest-public' => "{$this->tmpPrefix}-public", 'migratefilerepolayouttest-thumb' => "{$this->tmpPrefix}-thumb", 'migratefilerepolayouttest-temp' => "{$this->tmpPrefix}-temp", 'migratefilerepolayouttest-deleted' => "{$this->tmpPrefix}-deleted", ) ) ); $dbMock = $this->getMockBuilder( 'DatabaseMysql' ) ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->getMock(); $imageRow = new stdClass; $imageRow->img_name = $filename; $imageRow->img_sha1 = sha1( $this->text ); $dbMock->expects( $this->any() ) ->method( 'select' ) ->will( $this->onConsecutiveCalls( new FakeResultWrapper( array( $imageRow ) ), // image new FakeResultWrapper( array() ), // image new FakeResultWrapper( array() ) // filearchive ) ); $repoMock = $this->getMock( 'LocalRepo', array( 'getMasterDB' ), array( array( 'name' => 'migratefilerepolayouttest', 'backend' => $backend ) ) ); $repoMock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getMasterDB' )->will( $this->returnValue( $dbMock ) ); $this->migratorMock = $this->getMock( 'MigrateFileRepoLayout', array( 'getRepo' ) ); $this->migratorMock->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getRepo' )->will( $this->returnValue( $repoMock ) ); $this->tmpFilepath = TempFSFile::factory( 'migratefilelayout-test-', 'png' )->getPath(); file_put_contents( $this->tmpFilepath, $this->text ); $hashPath = $repoMock->getHashPath( $filename ); $status = $repoMock->store( $this->tmpFilepath, 'public', $hashPath . $filename, FileRepo::OVERWRITE ); } protected function deleteFilesRecursively( $directory ) { foreach ( glob( $directory . '/*' ) as $file ) { if ( is_dir( $file ) ) { $this->deleteFilesRecursively( $file ); } else { unlink( $file ); } } rmdir( $directory ); } protected function tearDown() { foreach ( glob( $this->tmpPrefix . '*' ) as $directory ) { $this->deleteFilesRecursively( $directory ); } unlink( $this->tmpFilepath ); parent::tearDown(); } public function testMigration() { $this->migratorMock->loadParamsAndArgs( null, array( 'oldlayout' => 'name', 'newlayout' => 'sha1' ) ); ob_start(); $this->migratorMock->execute(); ob_end_clean(); $sha1 = sha1( $this->text ); $expectedOriginalFilepath = $this->tmpPrefix . '-original/' . substr( $sha1, 0, 1 ) . '/' . substr( $sha1, 1, 1 ) . '/' . substr( $sha1, 2, 1 ) . '/' . $sha1; $this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( $expectedOriginalFilepath ), $this->text, 'New sha1 file should be exist and have the right contents' ); $expectedPublicFilepath = $this->tmpPrefix . '-public/f/f8/Foo.png'; $this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( $expectedPublicFilepath ), $this->text, 'Existing name file should still and have the right contents' ); } }