setMwGlobals( array( 'wgLang' => $wgLang, 'wgFullyInitialised' => $wgFullyInitialised, 'wgOut' => $wgOut, ) ); $e = new MWException(); $this->assertEquals( $expected, $e->useOutputPage() ); } public function provideTextUseOutputPage() { return array( // expected, wgLang, wgFullyInitialised, wgOut array( false, null, null, null ), array( false, $this->getMockLanguage(), null, null ), array( false, $this->getMockLanguage(), true, null ), array( false, null, true, null ), array( false, null, null, true ), array( true, $this->getMockLanguage(), true, true ), ); } private function getMockLanguage() { return $this->getMockBuilder( 'Language' ) ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->getMock(); } /** * @dataProvider provideUseMessageCache * @covers MWException::useMessageCache */ public function testUseMessageCache( $expected, $wgLang ) { $this->setMwGlobals( array( 'wgLang' => $wgLang, ) ); $e = new MWException(); $this->assertEquals( $expected, $e->useMessageCache() ); } public function provideUseMessageCache() { return array( array( false, null ), array( true, $this->getMockLanguage() ), ); } /** * @covers MWException::isLoggable */ public function testIsLogable() { $e = new MWException(); $this->assertTrue( $e->isLoggable() ); } /** * @dataProvider provideRunHooks * @covers MWException::runHooks */ public function testRunHooks( $wgExceptionHooks, $name, $args, $expectedReturn ) { $this->setMwGlobals( array( 'wgExceptionHooks' => $wgExceptionHooks, ) ); $e = new MWException(); $this->assertEquals( $expectedReturn, $e->runHooks( $name, $args ) ); } public function provideRunHooks() { return array( array( null, null, null, null ), array( array(), 'name', array(), null ), array( array( 'name' => false ), 'name', array(), null ), array( array( 'mockHook' => array( 'MWExceptionTest::mockHook' ) ), 'mockHook', array(), 'YAY.[]' ), array( array( 'mockHook' => array( 'MWExceptionTest::mockHook' ) ), 'mockHook', array( 'a' ), 'YAY.{"1":"a"}' ), array( array( 'mockHook' => array( 'MWExceptionTest::mockHook' ) ), 'mockHook', array( null ), null ), ); } /** * Used in conjunction with provideRunHooks and testRunHooks as a mock callback for a hook */ public static function mockHook() { $args = func_get_args(); if( !$args[0] instanceof MWException ) { return '$caller not instance of MWException'; } unset( $args[0] ); if( array_key_exists( 1, $args ) && $args[1] === null ) { return null; } return 'YAY.' . json_encode( $args ); } /** * @dataProvider provideIsCommandLine * @covers MWException::isCommandLine */ public function testisCommandLine( $expected, $wgCommandLineMode ) { $this->setMwGlobals( array( 'wgCommandLineMode' => $wgCommandLineMode, ) ); $e = new MWException(); $this->assertEquals( $expected, $e->isCommandLine() ); } public function provideIsCommandLine() { return array( array( false, null ), array( true, true ), ); } /** * Verify the exception classes are JSON serializabe. * * @covers MWExceptionHandler::jsonSerializeException * @dataProvider provideExceptionClasses */ public function testJsonSerializeExceptions( $exception_class ) { $json = MWExceptionHandler::jsonSerializeException( new $exception_class() ); $this->assertNotEquals( false, $json, "The $exception_class exception should be JSON serializable, got false." ); } public function provideExceptionClasses() { return array( array( 'Exception' ), array( 'MWException' ), ); } /** * Lame JSON schema validation. * * @covers MWExceptionHandler::jsonSerializeException * * @param $expectedKeyType String Type expected as returned by gettype() * @param $exClass String An exception class (ie: Exception, MWException) * @param $key String Name of the key to validate in the serialized JSON * @dataProvider provideJsonSerializedKeys */ public function testJsonserializeexceptionKeys( $expectedKeyType, $exClass, $key ) { # Make sure we log a backtrace: $this->setMwGlobals( array( 'wgLogExceptionBacktrace' => true ) ); $json = json_decode( MWExceptionHandler::jsonSerializeException( new $exClass()) ); $this->assertObjectHasAttribute( $key, $json, "JSON serialized exception is missing key '$key'" ); $this->assertInternalType( $expectedKeyType, $json->$key, "JSON serialized key '$key' has type " . gettype( $json->$key ) . " (expected: $expectedKeyType)." ); } /** * Returns test cases: exception class, key name, gettype() */ public function provideJsonSerializedKeys() { $testCases = array(); foreach ( array( 'Exception', 'MWException' ) as $exClass ) { $exTests = array( array( 'string', $exClass, 'id' ), array( 'string', $exClass, 'file' ), array( 'integer', $exClass, 'line' ), array( 'string', $exClass, 'message' ), array( 'null', $exClass, 'url' ), # Backtrace only enabled with wgLogExceptionBacktrace = true array( 'array', $exClass, 'backtrace' ), ); $testCases = array_merge( $testCases, $exTests ); } return $testCases; } /** * Given wgLogExceptionBacktrace is true * then serialized exception SHOULD have a backtrace * * @covers MWExceptionHandler::jsonSerializeException */ public function testJsonserializeexceptionBacktracingEnabled() { $this->setMwGlobals( array( 'wgLogExceptionBacktrace' => true ) ); $json = json_decode( MWExceptionHandler::jsonSerializeException( new Exception() ) ); $this->assertObjectHasAttribute( 'backtrace', $json ); } /** * Given wgLogExceptionBacktrace is false * then serialized exception SHOULD NOT have a backtrace * * @covers MWExceptionHandler::jsonSerializeException */ public function testJsonserializeexceptionBacktracingDisabled() { $this->setMwGlobals( array( 'wgLogExceptionBacktrace' => false ) ); $json = json_decode( MWExceptionHandler::jsonSerializeException( new Exception() ) ); $this->assertObjectNotHasAttribute( 'backtrace', $json ); } }