== MediaWiki PHPUnit Tests == The unit tests for MediaWiki are implemented using the PHPUnit testing framework and require PHPUnit to run. === WARNING === Some of the unit tests are DESTRUCTIVE and WILL ALTER YOUR WIKI'S CONTENTS. DO NOT RUN THESE TESTS ON A PRODUCTION SYSTEM OR ON ANY SYSTEM WHERE YOU NEED TO RETAIN YOUR DATA. == Installation == If PHPUnit is not installed, follow the installation instructions in the PHPUnit Manual at: http://www.phpunit.de/manual/current/en/installation.html - or - On Unix-like operating systems, run: make install == Running tests == The tests are run from your operating system's command line. Ensure that you are in the tests/phpunit directory of your MediaWiki installation. On Unix-like operating systems, the tests runs are controlled with a makefile. Run command: make help for a full list of options for running tests. On Windows-family operating systems, run the 'run-tests.bat' batch file. === Writing tests === A guide to writing unit tests for MediaWiki can be found at: http://mediawiki.org/wiki/wiki/Unit_Testing