# http://www.mediawiki.org/ # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html /** * @todo Make this more independent of the configuration (and if possible the database) * @todo document * @package MediaWiki * @subpackage Maintenance */ /** */ require_once( 'commandLine.inc' ); include_once( 'InitialiseMessages.inc' ); $wgTitle = Title::newFromText( 'Parser test script' ); class ParserTest { function ParserTest() { if( isset( $_SERVER['argv'] ) && in_array( '--color', $_SERVER['argv'] ) ) { $this->color = true; } elseif( isset( $_SERVER['argv'] ) && in_array( '--color=yes', $_SERVER['argv'] ) ) { $this->color = true; } elseif( isset( $_SERVER['argv'] ) && in_array( '--color=no', $_SERVER['argv'] ) ) { $this->color = false; } elseif( wfIsWindows() ) { $this->color = false; } else { $this->color = true; } if( isset( $_SERVER['argv'] ) && in_array( '--quick', $_SERVER['argv'] ) ) { $this->showDiffs = false; } else { $this->showDiffs = true; } } function runTestsFromFile( $filename ) { $infile = fopen( $filename, 'rt' ); if( !$infile ) { die( "Couldn't open parserTests.txt\n" ); } $data = array(); $section = null; $success = 0; $total = 0; $n = 0; while( false !== ($line = fgets( $infile ) ) ) { $n++; if( preg_match( '/^!!\s*(\w+)/', $line, $matches ) ) { $section = strtolower( $matches[1] ); if( $section == 'end' ) { if (isset ($data['disabled'])) { # disabled test $data = array(); $section = null; continue; } if( !isset( $data['test'] ) ) { die( "'end' without 'test' at line $n\n" ); } if( !isset( $data['input'] ) ) { die( "'end' without 'input' at line $n\n" ); } if( !isset( $data['result'] ) ) { die( "'end' without 'result' at line $n\n" ); } if( $this->runTest( rtrim( $data['test'] ), rtrim( $data['input'] ), rtrim( $data['result'] ) ) ) { $success++; } $total++; $data = array(); $section = null; continue; } $data[$section] = ''; continue; } if( $section ) { $data[$section] .= $line; } } if( $total > 0 ) { $ratio = IntVal( 100.0 * $success / $total ); print "\nPassed $success of $total tests ($ratio%)\n"; return ($success == $total); } else { die( "No tests found.\n" ); } } /** * @param string $input Wikitext to try rendering * @param string $result Result to output * @return bool */ function runTest( $desc, $input, $result ) { print "Running test $desc... "; $this->setupGlobals(); $user =& new User(); $options =& ParserOptions::newFromUser( $user ); $parser =& new Parser(); $title =& Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Parser_test' ); $output =& $parser->parse( $input, $title, $options ); $html = $output->getText(); # $languageLinks = $output->getLanguageLinks(); # $categoryLinks = $output->getCategoryLinks(); $op = new OutputPage(); $op->replaceLinkHolders($html); global $wgUseTidy; if ($wgUseTidy) { # Using Parser here is probably theoretically # wrong, because we shouldn't use Parser to # validate itself, but this should be safe # in practice. $result = Parser::tidy($result); } $this->teardownGlobals(); if( rtrim($result) === rtrim($html) ) { return $this->showSuccess( $desc ); } else { return $this->showFailure( $desc, $result, $html ); } } function setupGlobals() { $settings = array( 'wgServer' => 'http://localhost', 'wgScript' => '/index.php', 'wgScriptPath' => '/', 'wgArticlePath' => '/wiki/$1', 'wgSitename' => 'MediaWiki', 'wgLanguageCode' => 'en', 'wgLang' => new LanguageUtf8(), ); $this->savedGlobals = array(); foreach( $settings as $var => $val ) { $this->savedGlobals[$var] = $GLOBALS[$var]; $GLOBALS[$var] = $val; } } function teardownGlobals() { foreach( $this->savedGlobals as $var => $val ) { $GLOBALS[$var] = $val; } } function showSuccess( $desc ) { print $this->termColor( '1;32' ) . 'PASSED' . $this->termReset() . "\n"; return true; } function showFailure( $desc, $result, $html ) { print $this->termColor( '1;31' ) . 'FAILED!' . $this->termReset() . "\n"; if( $this->showDiffs ) { print $this->quickDiff( $result, $html ); } return false; } function quickDiff( $input, $output ) { $prefix = "/tmp/mwParser-" . mt_rand(); $infile = "$prefix-in"; $this->dumpToFile( $input, $infile ); $outfile = "$prefix-out"; $this->dumpToFile( $output, $outfile ); $diff = `diff -u $infile $outfile`; unlink( $infile ); unlink( $outfile ); return $this->colorDiff( $diff ); } function dumpToFile( $data, $filename ) { $file = fopen( $filename, "wt" ); fwrite( $file, rtrim( $data ) . "\n" ); fclose( $file ); } function termColor( $color ) { return $this->color ? "\x1b[{$color}m" : ''; } function termReset() { return $this->color ? "\x1b[0m" : ''; } function colorDiff( $text ) { return preg_replace( array( '/^(-.*)$/m', '/^(\+.*)$/m' ), array( $this->termColor( 34 ) . '$1' . $this->termReset(), $this->termColor( 31 ) . '$1' . $this->termReset() ), $text ); } } $tester =& new ParserTest(); # Note: the command line setup changes the current working directory # to the parent, which is why we have to put the subdir here: $ok = $tester->runTestsFromFile( 'maintenance/parserTests.txt' ); exit ($ok ? 0 : -1); ?>