* @author Mij */ /** * Search a directory for files with one of a set of extensions * * @param $dir Path to directory to search * @param $exts Array of extensions to search for * @return mixed Array of filenames on success, or false on failure */ function findFiles( $dir, $exts ) { if( is_dir( $dir ) ) { if( $dhl = opendir( $dir ) ) { $files = array(); while( ( $file = readdir( $dhl ) ) !== false ) { if( is_file( $dir . '/' . $file ) ) { list( /* $name */, $ext ) = splitFilename( $dir . '/' . $file ); if( array_search( strtolower( $ext ), $exts ) !== false ) $files[] = $dir . '/' . $file; } } return $files; } else { return array(); } } else { return array(); } } /** * Split a filename into filename and extension * * @param $filename Filename * @return array */ function splitFilename( $filename ) { $parts = explode( '.', $filename ); $ext = $parts[ count( $parts ) - 1 ]; unset( $parts[ count( $parts ) - 1 ] ); $fname = implode( '.', $parts ); return array( $fname, $ext ); } /** * Find an auxilliary file with the given extension, matching * the give base file path. $maxStrip determines how many extensions * may be stripped from the original file name before appending the * new extension. For example, with $maxStrip = 1 (the default), * file files acme.foo.bar.txt and acme.foo.txt would be auxilliary * files for acme.foo.bar and the extension ".txt". With $maxStrip = 2, * acme.txt would also be acceptable. * * @param $file base path * @param $auxExtension the extension to be appended to the base path * @param $maxStrip the maximum number of extensions to strip from the base path (default: 1) * @return string or false */ function findAuxFile( $file, $auxExtension, $maxStrip = 1 ) { if ( strpos( $auxExtension, '.' ) !== 0 ) { $auxExtension = '.' . $auxExtension; } $d = dirname( $file ); $n = basename( $file ); while ( $maxStrip >= 0 ) { $f = $d . '/' . $n . $auxExtension; if ( file_exists( $f ) ) { return $f; } $idx = strrpos( $n, '.' ); if ( !$idx ) break; $n = substr( $n, 0, $idx ); $maxStrip -= 1; } return false; } # FIXME: Access the api in a saner way and performing just one query (preferably batching files too). function getFileCommentFromSourceWiki($wiki_host, $file) { $url = $wiki_host . '/api.php?action=query&format=xml&titles=File:' . $file . '&prop=imageinfo&&iiprop=comment'; $body = file_get_contents($url); if (preg_match('##', $body, $matches) == 0) { return false; } return $matches[1]; } function getFileUserFromSourceWiki($wiki_host, $file) { $url = $wiki_host . '/api.php?action=query&format=xml&titles=File:' . $file . '&prop=imageinfo&&iiprop=user'; $body = file_get_contents($url); if (preg_match('##', $body, $matches) == 0) { return false; } return $matches[1]; }