* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU General Public License * @maintainers fdcn , shinjiman */ class LanguageConverter { var $mPreferredVariant=''; var $mMainLanguageCode; var $mVariants, $mVariantFallbacks, $mVariantNames; var $mTablesLoaded = false; var $mTables; var $mTitleDisplay=''; var $mDoTitleConvert=true, $mDoContentConvert=true; var $mManualLevel; // 'bidirectional' 'unidirectional' 'disable' for each variants var $mManualCodeError='code error!'; var $mTitleFromFlag = false; var $mCacheKey; var $mLangObj; var $mMarkup; var $mFlags; var $mUcfirst = false; const CACHE_VERSION_KEY = 'VERSION 6'; /** * Constructor * * @param string $maincode the main language code of this language * @param array $variants the supported variants of this language * @param array $variantfallback the fallback language of each variant * @param array $markup array defining the markup used for manual conversion * @param array $flags array defining the custom strings that maps to the flags * @access public */ function __construct($langobj, $maincode, $variants=array(), $variantfallbacks=array(), $markup=array(), $flags = array(), $manualLevel = array() ) { $this->mLangObj = $langobj; $this->mMainLanguageCode = $maincode; $this->mVariants = $variants; $this->mVariantFallbacks = $variantfallbacks; global $wgLanguageNames; $this->mVariantNames = $wgLanguageNames; $this->mCacheKey = wfMemcKey( 'conversiontables', $maincode ); $m = array( 'begin'=>'-{', 'flagsep'=>'|', 'unidsep'=>'=>', //for unidirectional conversion 'codesep'=>':', 'varsep'=>';', 'end'=>'}-' ); $this->mMarkup = array_merge($m, $markup); $f = array( // 'S' show converted text // '+' add rules for alltext // 'E' the gave flags is error // these flags above are reserved for program 'A'=>'A', // add rule for convert code (all text convert) 'T'=>'T', // title convert 'R'=>'R', // raw content 'D'=>'D', // convert description (subclass implement) '-'=>'-', // remove convert (not implement) 'H'=>'H', // add rule for convert code (but no display in placed code ) 'N'=>'N' // current variant name ); $this->mFlags = array_merge($f, $flags); foreach( $this->mVariants as $v) $this->mManualLevel[$v]=array_key_exists($v,$manualLevel) ?$manualLevel[$v] :'bidirectional'; } /** * @access public */ function getVariants() { return $this->mVariants; } /** * in case some variant is not defined in the markup, we need * to have some fallback. for example, in zh, normally people * will define zh-hans and zh-hant, but less so for zh-sg or zh-hk. * when zh-sg is preferred but not defined, we will pick zh-hans * in this case. right now this is only used by zh. * * @param string $v the language code of the variant * @return string array the code of the fallback language or false if there is no fallback * @private */ function getVariantFallbacks($v) { if( isset( $this->mVariantFallbacks[$v] ) ) { return $this->mVariantFallbacks[$v]; } return $this->mMainLanguageCode; } /** * check if variants array in convert array * * @param string $variant Variant language code * @param array $carray convert array * @param string $text Text to convert * @return string Translated text * @private */ function getTextInCArray($variants,$carray){ if(is_string($variants)){ $variants=array($variants); } if(!is_array($variants)) return false; foreach ($variants as $variant){ if(array_key_exists($variant, $carray)){ return $carray[$variant]; } } return false; } /** * get preferred language variants. * @param boolean $fromUser Get it from $wgUser's preferences * @return string the preferred language code * @access public */ function getPreferredVariant( $fromUser = true ) { global $wgUser, $wgRequest, $wgVariantArticlePath, $wgDefaultLanguageVariant; if($this->mPreferredVariant) return $this->mPreferredVariant; // see if the preference is set in the request $req = $wgRequest->getText( 'variant' ); if( in_array( $req, $this->mVariants ) ) { $this->mPreferredVariant = $req; return $req; } // check the syntax /code/ArticleTitle if($wgVariantArticlePath!=false && isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])){ // Note: SCRIPT_NAME probably won't hold the correct value if PHP is run as CGI // (it will hold path to php.cgi binary), and might not exist on some very old PHP installations $scriptBase = basename( $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] ); if(in_array($scriptBase,$this->mVariants)){ $this->mPreferredVariant = $scriptBase; return $this->mPreferredVariant; } } // get language variant preference from logged in users // Don't call this on stub objects because that causes infinite // recursion during initialisation if( $fromUser && $wgUser->isLoggedIn() ) { $this->mPreferredVariant = $wgUser->getOption('variant'); return $this->mPreferredVariant; } // see if default variant is globaly set if($wgDefaultLanguageVariant != false && in_array( $wgDefaultLanguageVariant, $this->mVariants )){ $this->mPreferredVariant = $wgDefaultLanguageVariant; return $this->mPreferredVariant; } # FIXME rewrite code for parsing http header. The current code # is written specific for detecting zh- variants if( !$this->mPreferredVariant ) { // see if some supported language variant is set in the // http header, but we don't set the mPreferredVariant // variable in case this is called before the user's // preference is loaded $pv=$this->mMainLanguageCode; if(array_key_exists('HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE', $_SERVER)) { $header = str_replace( '_', '-', strtolower($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"])); $zh = strstr($header, $pv.'-'); if($zh) { $pv = substr($zh,0,5); } } // don't try to return bad variant if(in_array( $pv, $this->mVariants )) return $pv; } return $this->mMainLanguageCode; } /** * dictionary-based conversion * * @param string $text the text to be converted * @param string $toVariant the target language code * @return string the converted text * @private */ function autoConvert($text, $toVariant=false) { $fname="LanguageConverter::autoConvert"; wfProfileIn( $fname ); if(!$this->mTablesLoaded) $this->loadTables(); if(!$toVariant) $toVariant = $this->getPreferredVariant(); if(!in_array($toVariant, $this->mVariants)) return $text; /* we convert everything except: 1. html markups (anything between < and >) 2. html entities 3. place holders created by the parser */ global $wgParser; if (isset($wgParser) && $wgParser->UniqPrefix()!=''){ $marker = '|' . $wgParser->UniqPrefix() . '[\-a-zA-Z0-9]+'; } else $marker = ""; // this one is needed when the text is inside an html markup $htmlfix = '|<[^>]+$|^[^<>]*>'; // disable convert to variants between tags $codefix = '.+?<\/code>|'; // disable convertsion of $scriptfix = '.*?<\/script>|'; // disable conversion of
$prefix = '.*?<\/pre>|'; $reg = '/'.$codefix . $scriptfix . $prefix . '<[^>]+>|&[a-zA-Z#][a-z0-9]+;' . $marker . $htmlfix . '/s'; $matches = preg_split($reg, $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_OFFSET_CAPTURE); $m = array_shift($matches); $ret = $this->translate($m[0], $toVariant); $mstart = $m[1]+strlen($m[0]); foreach($matches as $m) { $ret .= substr($text, $mstart, $m[1]-$mstart); $ret .= $this->translate($m[0], $toVariant); $mstart = $m[1] + strlen($m[0]); } wfProfileOut( $fname ); return $ret; } /** * Translate a string to a variant * Doesn't process markup or do any of that other stuff, for that use convert() * * @param string $text Text to convert * @param string $variant Variant language code * @return string Translated text * @private */ function translate( $text, $variant ) { wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ ); if( !$this->mTablesLoaded ) $this->loadTables(); $text = $this->mTables[$variant]->replace( $text ); wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ ); return $text; } /** * convert text to all supported variants * * @param string $text the text to be converted * @return array of string * @public */ function autoConvertToAllVariants($text) { $fname="LanguageConverter::autoConvertToAllVariants"; wfProfileIn( $fname ); if( !$this->mTablesLoaded ) $this->loadTables(); $ret = array(); foreach($this->mVariants as $variant) { $ret[$variant] = $this->translate($text, $variant); } wfProfileOut( $fname ); return $ret; } /** * convert link text to all supported variants * * @param string $text the text to be converted * @return array of string * @public */ function convertLinkToAllVariants($text) { if( !$this->mTablesLoaded ) $this->loadTables(); $ret = array(); $tarray = explode($this->mMarkup['begin'], $text); $tfirst = array_shift($tarray); foreach($this->mVariants as $variant) $ret[$variant] = $this->translate($tfirst,$variant); foreach($tarray as $txt) { $marked = explode($this->mMarkup['end'], $txt, 2); foreach($this->mVariants as $variant){ $ret[$variant] .= $this->mMarkup['begin'].$marked[0].$this->mMarkup['end']; if(array_key_exists(1, $marked)) $ret[$variant] .= $this->translate($marked[1],$variant); } } return $ret; } /** * Convert text using a parser object for context * @public */ function parserConvert( $text, &$parser ) { global $wgDisableLangConversion; /* don't do anything if this is the conversion table */ if ( $parser->getTitle()->getNamespace() == NS_MEDIAWIKI && strpos($parser->mTitle->getText(), "Conversiontable") !== false ) { return $text; } if($wgDisableLangConversion) return $text; $text = $this->convert( $text ); $parser->mOutput->setTitleText( $this->mTitleDisplay ); return $text; } /** * Parse flags with syntax -{FLAG| ... }- * @private */ function parseFlags($marked){ $flags = array(); // for multi-FLAGs if(strlen($marked) < 2 ) return array($marked,array('R')); $tt = explode($this->mMarkup['flagsep'], $marked, 2); if(count($tt) == 2) { $f = explode($this->mMarkup['varsep'], $tt[0]); foreach($f as $ff) { $ff = trim($ff); if(array_key_exists($ff, $this->mFlags) && !in_array($this->mFlags[$ff], $flags)) $flags[] = $this->mFlags[$ff]; } $rules = $tt[1]; } else { $rules = $marked; } if( !in_array('R',$flags) ){ //FIXME: may cause trouble here... //strip   since it interferes with the parsing, plus, //all spaces should be stripped in this tag anyway. $rules = str_replace(' ', '', $rules); $rules = str_replace('=>','=>',$rules); } //check flags if( in_array('R',$flags) ){ $flags = array('R');// remove other flags } elseif ( in_array('N',$flags) ){ $flags = array('N');// remove other flags } elseif ( in_array('-',$flags) ){ $flags = array('-');// remove other flags } elseif (count($flags)==1 && $flags[0]=='T'){ $flags[]='H'; } elseif ( in_array('H',$flags) ){ // replace A flag, and remove other flags except T $temp=array('+','H'); if(in_array('T',$flags)) $temp[] = 'T'; if(in_array('D',$flags)) $temp[] = 'D'; $flags = $temp; } else { if ( in_array('A',$flags)) { $flags[]='+'; $flags[]='S'; } if ( in_array('D',$flags) ) $flags=array_diff($flags,array('S')); } if ( count($flags)==0 ) $flags = array('S'); return array($rules,$flags); } /** * @private */ function getRulesDesc($bidtable,$unidtable){ $text=''; foreach($bidtable as $k => $v) $text .= $this->mVariantNames[$k].':'.$v.';'; foreach($unidtable as $k => $a) foreach($a as $from=>$to) $text.=$from.'⇒'.$this->mVariantNames[$k].':'.$to.';'; return $text; } /** * parse the manually marked conversion rule * @param string $rule the text of the rule * @return array of the translation in each variant * @private */ function getConvTableFromRules($rules,$flags=array()) { $bidtable = array(); $unidtable = array(); $choice = explode($this->mMarkup['varsep'], $rules ); foreach($choice as $c) { $v = explode($this->mMarkup['codesep'], $c); if(count($v) != 2) continue;// syntax error, skip $to=trim($v[1]); $v=trim($v[0]); $u = explode($this->mMarkup['unidsep'], $v); if(count($u) == 1) { $bidtable[$v] = $to; } else if(count($u) == 2){ $from=trim($u[0]);$v=trim($u[1]); if( array_key_exists($v,$unidtable) && !is_array($unidtable[$v]) ) $unidtable[$v]=array($from=>$to); else $unidtable[$v][$from]=$to; } // syntax error, pass } return array($bidtable,$unidtable); } /** * get display text on markup -{...}- * @param string $rules the original code * @param array $flags FLAGs * @param array $bidtable bidirectional convert table * @param string $unidtable unidirectional convert table * @param string $variant the current variant * @param bool $$doConvert if do convert * @private */ function getRulesDisplay($rules,$flags, $bidtable,$unidtable, $variant=false,$doConvert=true){ if(!$variant) $variant = $this->getPreferredVariant(); $is_mc_disable = $this->mManualLevel[$variant]=='disable'; if( in_array('R',$flags) ) { // if we don't do content convert, still strip the -{}- tags $disp = $rules; } elseif ( in_array('N',$flags) ){ // proces N flag: output current variant name $disp = $this->mVariantNames[trim($rules)]; } elseif ( in_array('D',$flags) ){ // proces D flag: output rules description $disp = $this->getRulesDesc($bidtable,$unidtable); } elseif ( in_array('H',$flags) || in_array('-',$flags) ) { // proces H,- flag or T only: output nothing $disp = ''; } elseif ( in_array('S',$flags) ){ if( count($bidtable) + count($unidtable) == 0 ){ $disp = $rules; } elseif ($doConvert){// the text converted // display current variant in bidirectional array $disp = $this->getTextInCArray($variant,$bidtable); // or display current variant in fallbacks if(!$disp) $disp = $this->getTextInCArray($this->getVariantFallbacks($variant),$bidtable); // or display current variant in unidirectional array if(!$disp && array_key_exists($variant,$unidtable)){ $disp = array_values($unidtable[$variant]); $disp = $disp[0]; } // or display frist text under disable manual convert if(!$disp && $is_mc_disable) { if(count($bidtable)>0){ $disp = array_values($bidtable); $disp = $disp[0]; } else { $disp = array_values($unidtable); $disp = array_values($disp[0]); $disp = $disp[0]; } } } else {// no convert $disp = $rules; } } elseif ( in_array('T',$flags) ) { // proces T flag : output nothing $disp = ''; } else $disp= $this->mManualCodeError; return $disp; } /** * @access private */ function applyManualFlag($rules,$flags,$bidtable,$unidtable,$variant=false){ if(!$variant) $variant = $this->getPreferredVariant(); $is_title_flag = in_array('T', $flags); // use syntax -{T|zh:TitleZh;zh-tw:TitleTw}- for custom conversion in title if($is_title_flag){ $this->mTitleFromFlag = true; $this->mTitleDisplay = $this->getRulesDisplay($rules,array('S'), $bidtable,$unidtable, $variant, $this->mDoTitleConvert); } if($this->mManualLevel[$variant]=='disable') return; $is_remove_flag = !$is_title_flag && in_array('-', $flags); $is_add_flag = !$is_remove_flag && in_array('+', $flags); $is_bidMC = $this->mManualLevel[$variant]=='bidirectional'; $is_unidMC = $this->mManualLevel[$variant]=='unidirectional'; $vmarked=array(); foreach($this->mVariants as $v) { /* for bidirectional array fill in the missing variants, if any, with fallbacks */ if($is_bidMC && !array_key_exists($v, $bidtable)) { $vf = $this->getTextInCArray($this->getVariantFallbacks($v),$bidtable); if($vf) $bidtable[$v] = $vf; } if($is_bidMC && array_key_exists($v,$bidtable)){ foreach($vmarked as $vo){ // use syntax: // -{A|zh:WordZh;zh-tw:WordTw}- or -{+|zh:WordZh;zh-tw:WordTw}- // to introduce a custom mapping between // words WordZh and WordTw in the whole text if($is_add_flag){ $this->mTables[$v]->setPair($bidtable[$vo], $bidtable[$v]); $this->mTables[$vo]->setPair($bidtable[$v], $bidtable[$vo]); } // use syntax -{-|zh:WordZh;zh-tw:WordTw}- to remove a conversion // words WordZh and WordTw in the whole text if($is_remove_flag){ $this->mTables[$v]->removePair($bidtable[$vo]); $this->mTables[$vo]->removePair($bidtable[$v]); } } $vmarked[]=$v; } /*for unidirectional array fill to convert tables */ if($is_unidMC && array_key_exists($v,$unidtable)){ if($is_add_flag)$this->mTables[$v]->mergeArray($unidtable[$v]); if($is_remove_flag)$this->mTables[$v]->removeArray($unidtable[$v]); } } } /** * Parse rules and flags * @private */ function parseRules($rules,$flags,$variant=false){ if(!$variant) $variant = $this->getPreferredVariant(); list($bidtable,$unidtable) = $this->getConvTableFromRules($rules, $flags); if(count($bidtable)==0 && count($unidtable)==0 && !in_array('N',$flags) && !in_array('T',$flags) ) $flags = array('R'); $disp = $this->getRulesDisplay($rules,$flags, $bidtable,$unidtable, $variant, $this->mDoContentConvert); $this->applyManualFlag($rules,$flags,$bidtable,$unidtable); return $disp; } /** * convert title * @private */ function convertTitle($text){ // check for __NOTC__ tag if( !$this->mDoTitleConvert ) { $this->mTitleDisplay = $text; return $text; } // use the title from the T flag if any if($this->mTitleFromFlag){ $this->mTitleFromFlag = false; return $this->mTitleDisplay; } global $wgRequest; $isredir = $wgRequest->getText( 'redirect', 'yes' ); $action = $wgRequest->getText( 'action' ); if ( $isredir == 'no' || $action == 'edit' ) { return $text; } else { $this->mTitleDisplay = $this->convert($text); return $this->mTitleDisplay; } } /** * convert text to different variants of a language. the automatic * conversion is done in autoConvert(). here we parse the text * marked with -{}-, which specifies special conversions of the * text that can not be accomplished in autoConvert() * * syntax of the markup: * -{code1:text1;code2:text2;...}- or * -{flags|code1:text1;code2:text2;...}- or * -{text}- in which case no conversion should take place for text * * @param string $text text to be converted * @param bool $isTitle whether this conversion is for the article title * @return string converted text * @access public */ function convert( $text , $isTitle=false) { $mw =& MagicWord::get( 'notitleconvert' ); if( $mw->matchAndRemove( $text ) ) $this->mDoTitleConvert = false; $mw =& MagicWord::get( 'nocontentconvert' ); if( $mw->matchAndRemove( $text ) ) { $this->mDoContentConvert = false; } // no conversion if redirecting $mw =& MagicWord::get( 'redirect' ); if( $mw->matchStart( $text )) return $text; // for title convertion if ($isTitle) return $this->convertTitle($text); $plang = $this->getPreferredVariant(); $tarray = explode($this->mMarkup['begin'], $text); $tfirst = array_shift($tarray); if($this->mDoContentConvert) $text = $this->autoConvert($tfirst,$plang); else $text = $tfirst; foreach($tarray as $txt) { $marked = explode($this->mMarkup['end'], $txt, 2); // strip the flags from syntax like -{T| ... }- list($rules,$flags) = $this->parseFlags($marked[0]); $text .= $this->parseRules($rules,$flags,$plang); if(array_key_exists(1, $marked)){ if( $this->mDoContentConvert ) $text .= $this->autoConvert($marked[1],$plang); else $text .= $marked[1]; } } return $text; } /** * if a language supports multiple variants, it is * possible that non-existing link in one variant * actually exists in another variant. this function * tries to find it. See e.g. LanguageZh.php * * @param string $link the name of the link * @param mixed $nt the title object of the link * @return null the input parameters may be modified upon return * @access public */ function findVariantLink( &$link, &$nt ) { global $wgDisableLangConversion; $linkBatch = new LinkBatch(); $ns=NS_MAIN; if(is_object($nt)) $ns = $nt->getNamespace(); $variants = $this->autoConvertToAllVariants($link); if($variants == false) //give up return; $titles = array(); foreach( $variants as $v ) { if($v != $link){ $varnt = Title::newFromText( $v, $ns ); if(!is_null($varnt)){ $linkBatch->addObj($varnt); $titles[]=$varnt; } } } // fetch all variants in single query $linkBatch->execute(); foreach( $titles as $varnt ) { if( $varnt->getArticleID() > 0 ) { $nt = $varnt; if( !$wgDisableLangConversion ) $link = $v; break; } } } /** * returns language specific hash options * * @access public */ function getExtraHashOptions() { $variant = $this->getPreferredVariant(); return '!' . $variant ; } /** * get title text as defined in the body of the article text * * @access public */ function getParsedTitle() { return $this->mTitleDisplay; } /** * a write lock to the cache * * @private */ function lockCache() { global $wgMemc; $success = false; for($i=0; $i<30; $i++) { if($success = $wgMemc->add($this->mCacheKey . "lock", 1, 10)) break; sleep(1); } return $success; } /** * unlock cache * * @private */ function unlockCache() { global $wgMemc; $wgMemc->delete($this->mCacheKey . "lock"); } /** * Load default conversion tables * This method must be implemented in derived class * * @private */ function loadDefaultTables() { $name = get_class($this); wfDie("Must implement loadDefaultTables() method in class $name"); } /** * load conversion tables either from the cache or the disk * @private */ function loadTables($fromcache=true) { global $wgMemc; if( $this->mTablesLoaded ) return; wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ ); $this->mTablesLoaded = true; $this->mTables = false; if($fromcache) { wfProfileIn( __METHOD__.'-cache' ); $this->mTables = $wgMemc->get( $this->mCacheKey ); wfProfileOut( __METHOD__.'-cache' ); } if ( !$this->mTables || !isset( $this->mTables[self::CACHE_VERSION_KEY] ) ) { wfProfileIn( __METHOD__.'-recache' ); // not in cache, or we need a fresh reload. // we will first load the default tables // then update them using things in MediaWiki:Zhconversiontable/* $this->loadDefaultTables(); foreach($this->mVariants as $var) { $cached = $this->parseCachedTable($var); $this->mTables[$var]->mergeArray($cached); } $this->postLoadTables(); $this->mTables[self::CACHE_VERSION_KEY] = true; if($this->lockCache()) { $wgMemc->set($this->mCacheKey, $this->mTables, 43200); $this->unlockCache(); } wfProfileOut( __METHOD__.'-recache' ); } wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ ); } /** * Hook for post processig after conversion tables are loaded * */ function postLoadTables() {} /** * Reload the conversion tables * * @private */ function reloadTables() { if($this->mTables) unset($this->mTables); $this->mTablesLoaded = false; $this->loadTables(false); } /** * parse the conversion table stored in the cache * * the tables should be in blocks of the following form: * -{ * word => word ; * word => word ; * ... * }- * * to make the tables more manageable, subpages are allowed * and will be parsed recursively if $recursive=true * */ function parseCachedTable($code, $subpage='', $recursive=true) { global $wgMessageCache; static $parsed = array(); if(!is_object($wgMessageCache)) return array(); $key = 'Conversiontable/'.$code; if($subpage) $key .= '/' . $subpage; if(array_key_exists($key, $parsed)) return array(); $txt = $wgMessageCache->get( $key, true, true, true ); // get all subpage links of the form // [[MediaWiki:conversiontable/zh-xx/...|...]] $linkhead = $this->mLangObj->getNsText(NS_MEDIAWIKI) . ':Conversiontable'; $subs = explode('[[', $txt); $sublinks = array(); foreach( $subs as $sub ) { $link = explode(']]', $sub, 2); if(count($link) != 2) continue; $b = explode('|', $link[0]); $b = explode('/', trim($b[0]), 3); if(count($b)==3) $sublink = $b[2]; else $sublink = ''; if($b[0] == $linkhead && $b[1] == $code) { $sublinks[] = $sublink; } } // parse the mappings in this page $blocks = explode($this->mMarkup['begin'], $txt); array_shift($blocks); $ret = array(); foreach($blocks as $block) { $mappings = explode($this->mMarkup['end'], $block, 2); $stripped = str_replace(array("'", '"', '*','#'), '', $mappings[0]); $table = explode( ';', $stripped ); foreach( $table as $t ) { $m = explode( '=>', $t ); if( count( $m ) != 2) continue; // trim any trailling comments starting with '//' $tt = explode('//', $m[1], 2); $ret[trim($m[0])] = trim($tt[0]); } } $parsed[$key] = true; // recursively parse the subpages if($recursive) { foreach($sublinks as $link) { $s = $this->parseCachedTable($code, $link, $recursive); $ret = array_merge($ret, $s); } } if ($this->mUcfirst) { foreach ($ret as $k => $v) { $ret[Language::ucfirst($k)] = Language::ucfirst($v); } } return $ret; } /** * Enclose a string with the "no conversion" tag. This is used by * various functions in the Parser * * @param string $text text to be tagged for no conversion * @return string the tagged text * @public */ function markNoConversion($text, $noParse=false) { # don't mark if already marked if(strpos($text, $this->mMarkup['begin']) || strpos($text, $this->mMarkup['end'])) return $text; $ret = $this->mMarkup['begin'] .'R|'. $text . $this->mMarkup['end']; return $ret; } /** * convert the sorting key for category links. this should make different * keys that are variants of each other map to the same key */ function convertCategoryKey( $key ) { return $key; } /** * hook to refresh the cache of conversion tables when * MediaWiki:conversiontable* is updated * @private */ function OnArticleSaveComplete($article, $user, $text, $summary, $isminor, $iswatch, $section, $flags, $revision) { $titleobj = $article->getTitle(); if($titleobj->getNamespace() == NS_MEDIAWIKI) { $title = $titleobj->getDBkey(); $t = explode('/', $title, 3); $c = count($t); if( $c > 1 && $t[0] == 'Conversiontable' ) { if(in_array($t[1], $this->mVariants)) { $this->reloadTables(); } } } return true; } /** * Armour rendered math against conversion * Wrap math into rawoutput -{R| math }- syntax * @public */ function armourMath($text){ $ret = $this->mMarkup['begin'] . 'R|' . $text . $this->mMarkup['end']; return $ret; } }